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The Villain Changed the Ending Chapter 47

047 I’m afraid of dukes

****[Marquis Hoven, maternal grandfather] ****

I had met a swarm of locusts a long time ago.

This was when the Marquis Hoven was still a boy.

Individual individuals pose no great threat, but the situation changes when there are hundreds or thousands of them.

It took them less than a day to devour a village and leave.

The flying and crawling knights and soldiers fought bravely and were eventually eaten by the locusts that attacked them all at once.

They don’t even leave bones.

I literally ate the whole thing.

That’s what they attacked.

I was determined that it would not end easily.

Even if you can kill some of them, in the end, the situation will end only when they are satisfied with enough to eat.

It will only end after they leave this place.

The royal capital will be in a miserable state.

The Marquis Hoven turned to the guards next to him while issuing orders one after another.

The gray-bearded guardsman had once been on the battlefield with him for many years.

always been by his side


The old guard bowed his head slightly, gripping the sword in a sinewy hand.

“Yes, Marquis.”

“I have a request for you.”


“I have to protect this place. I have to protect my family, servants, and them.”


The guards watch him silently.

It was a face asking what he wanted to say.

The Marquis of Hoven wrinkled his old brow.

“My grandson is in the royal capital.”

“I know. You’re the Duke of Weiss.”

As he answered, the guards seemed to have already guessed the next words.

eyebrows furrowed

“You go to the child.”

The guard’s face hardened.


Humans get tired as the fight continues and their limbs become slower and slower, but the locust swarm is not like that.

The only soldiers here were the guards of the mansion and those who accompanied them as escorts when going back and forth between the territory and the capital.

There were not many.

No matter how many ships there are, it would be difficult to deal with the locust beast, but there are too few.

Perhaps the Marquis of Hoven and many of his soldiers will die.

Even the guards know that.

Perhaps he wanted to spend the last day of his life with the Marquis of Hoven.


That heart, I know enough.

Because that is also the case.

Despite their different identities, I thought of them as friends.

What would be lacking if I could fight the final battle with that friend?

An armed man dies on the battlefield, not in bed.

The Marquis of Hoven put his hand on the guard’s shoulder.

“There must be many good soldiers for that child, but there might not be anyone who knows about the locust witch. You protect that child instead of me.”

“It’s too much, Marquis. You said you’d be together when you die.”

The guard looked at him resentfully.

The Marquis of Hoven tightened his grip on the guard’s shoulder.

“He’s Annette’s child. He’s the one and only precious son. I want to return him safely to the estate.”

Annette was a cute girl even to this guard.

The guard nodded helplessly.

“Once you’ve made that decision, you’ll have to act quickly. Please…”

The guards swallowed their words and bowed their heads.

The word safe doesn’t fit in this situation.

an honorable death.

The Marquis Hoven thought so and let go of the escort.

The escort rushes out.

Glancing at that figure, Marquis Hoven looked around.

“Hurry up! Hurry up! My ass is on fire, but I’m walking, so I’m writing it!”

The Marquis Hoven ran around the inside of the mansion, spurring the people running around.

Elderly soldiers and the captain of the guard evacuate the people.

Women, children, and unarmed servants were all forced into rooms with shutters, especially those with fewer windows.

Unlike a large hall, such a place is narrow.

Due to the large number of people, people had to be divided into several rooms.

“This way! There aren’t enough soldiers in this room!”

The captain of the guard shouted loudly and called several soldiers into a room.

The best way to deal with the locust beast is to enter a small space with a doorway or window and catch those who enter one by one.

Anyway, I needed a space to avoid those who attacked me from the air.

The wife enters the confined room with the children of the servants living in the mansion and underage women.

With the most skilled soldiers with you, you will be safe.

Marquis Hoven looked around the room and shouted loudly to the soldiers.

“Block the door with big furniture!

Moments later, an old guard who must have been running towards the duke ran into the building.


“Why did you come back?”

I was sent to protect my grandson, but why did you come back?

The locust demon has already entered the walls.

I thought so.

I came back because I couldn’t go because the road was blocked.

“Damn it!”

The evacuation is not over yet.

The Marquis Hoven shouted a harsh word and turned to the people running down the hallway.

“Come on! It doesn’t matter anywhere! Now just go into any room! Soldier! Neither do you guys. Hurry up! Go in and block the doors and windows!”

The old guard shook his head in bewilderment.

It seems that he quickly realized what the Marquis Hoven was thinking.

“That’s not it, Marquis! The duchy sent a soldier. It’s an archer. I met them on my way out.”


“They say the Duke sent them to help us.”

The escort continued with a very nervous expression.

“I heard that the duke has gone out. Out of the castle to deal with the locust beast…”

It was only now that I could see that the guardsman’s face had turned white.

Perhaps the face of the Marquis Hoven has become like that now.

It felt like the blood was rushing out in an instant.

“What? What a fool!”

The Marquis of Hoven panicked and started running outside.

“Bring the horses! Some follow me!”

It should dry.

Oscar, who is still young, doesn’t know how terrifying the locust witch is.

Of course, Oscar is a smart and strong kid.

He learns the fighting methods of the grassland tribes to raise magic bottles, trains soldiers through hunting, and Oscar himself shoots a bow very well.

It was true that both Oscar and the soldiers of the duchy were strong enough to be confident.

However, the guys who attacked this time are different from other monsters and people.

They weren’t easy enough to commit to fighting with their youthful spirit.

How much more so outside the castle, fighting in a place where there is nowhere to escape?

‘My God, Oscar…’

Even if I sacrifice my old body, can I bring that child back to life?

It became dark before my eyes.

At this age standing on the threshold of death, the fear that the grandson I could barely reach would die, my heart raced.

As he rushed out of the mansion, he saw about twenty archers from the dukedom.

The archers were walking around the mansion discussing something.

“Is this dangerous?”

“Really. I don’t think you should ever shoot an arrow this way.”

“It looks ridiculously expensive.”

“Hmm, what should we do? If it’s destroyed, will we ask for it from our side?”

“It’s an emergency, so won’t it be okay?”

What the hell are you talking about in this emergency? Are all young soldiers these days like this? I don’t know what kids say these days.

The Marquis Hoven jumped up on a horse pulled by a soldier.

“Let’s go to the duke! You can’t greet the grasshopper beast in the clearing. We must hurry up and inform the duke.”

However, the soldiers of the duchy looked up at him with bewildered faces.

Since they are young soldiers, it seems that even these guys don’t know how afraid the locust swarm is.

“What are you doing! Get on the horse! Your master will need at least one more soldier!”

After shouting at the soldiers of the Duchy, the Marquis of Hoven swung at his own soldiers who ran to his side.

About 30 people gathered in that short time.

The Marquis of Hoven looked at some of the eldest among them.

“Others stay, only you come. We have to protect this place.”

At the words of the Marquis Hoven, the nominated person mounted the horse.

There are too few of them, but it can’t be helped.

Anyone who leaves this mansion now is likely to die.

no, i want to die

‘are you okay.’

The Marquis of Hoven has a great successor to follow.

The son had already served as the lord’s deputy, and was doing an excellent job in the manor.

Besides that, there are several grown-up sons, so there is no need to worry about the future.

everyone will do well

My wife too… She is a strong and wise person. yes, you’ll be fine

The Marquis Hoven looked in the direction where his wife was supposed to be and then turned his head.

But the moment I was about to leave, I saw a grasshopper in the distance.


I can only see one, but it will take an instant for the others to come rushing in.

They have already entered the castle.

can’t save grandchildren

My heart felt like it fell to the floor with a thud.

That was the moment.

The soldiers of the dukedom, who had only rolled their eyes, pulled out their bows.

One took a few steps forward and lightly touched the arrowhead with his hand.

And draw a big bow

The grasshopper demon was very far away, but the arrow flew like a shot and landed on the grasshopper’s head.

And after a while, with a tremendous sound, the locust’s body was shattered and spread in all directions.

The horse is startled and backs away.

The Marquis of Hoven panicked and pulled the reins to calm the horse, but his eyes were still fixed on the place where the cricket had just been.

“What… what… just…”

I don’t know what happened.

The dukedom soldier who had just fired an arrow looked at him with a slightly frightened expression.

“I’m sorry. The… tree…”

After hearing the soldier’s words, he looked again and saw that the place where the locust had died was on fire.

The bewildered butler ran to the spot with the soldiers.

yes. It’s a big deal if you do it wrong and the fire spreads.

If you do wrong, you will burn to death before being killed by the locusts.

The soldiers of the duchy made eye contact with each other as if they were troubled and whispered.

“What? Should I just fire normal arrows?”

“Wouldn’t that be better?”

“Because there will be fewer people entering the castle anyway.”

“That would be nice.”

Fortunately, the fire caught only a small amount of dry branches and grass.

The Marquis Hoven turned his head after watching the butler turn off the lights.

“That thing… what was that?”

“It’s a magic bomb.”

The dukedom soldier answered.

magic bomb?

It’s the first time you hear it.

The Marquis Hoven swallowed.

“That arrow… Do you have it too?”

“Yes, Marquis.”

“And the other soldiers?”


At the Marquis’ question, the soldier from the duchy smiled brightly and nodded.

and proudly say

“The Duke shoots a bow much better than us. The explosive power is also very large.”


is it.

The Marquis Hoven returned his gaze to the place where the grasshopper died.

I thought they would come in droves soon, but the locusts were nowhere to be seen.

“one animal.”

After muttering that, I suddenly looked at the distant sky.

Also no locusts to be seen.

I couldn’t even hear the flapping of my wings that I thought I would hear before I saw them.


Unknowingly, the sound of laughter leaks out.

The Marquis of Hoven rocked on top of his horse and laughed out loud.

oh my god!

I was worried about my grandson, but it seems that I should be worried about myself.

The grandson became strong enough to send soldiers out of concern for himself.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha.”

The laughter doesn’t stop.

The Marquis Hoven laughed until his stomach hurt.

My God, my grandson.

In the mind of the Marquis Hoven, the face of the former duke, whom he had long hated and regarded as a rival, appeared.

‘Your son was a stupid fool, but my grandson is a much stronger person than me, even more than you.’

You, who died without seeing that grandson, lost.

I won.

The more I thought about it, the more I enjoyed it.

really can’t stop laughing

After that, a few more locust demons appeared, but they died in an instant.

The mansion doesn’t seem to have to worry anymore.

The Marquis of Hoven led his soldiers to the streets of Wangdo, but the locusts were nowhere to be seen.

The occasional locust or two were dealt with by the royal capital’s guards, and the streets were very calm despite the chaos.

As we ran towards the direction the locusts had attacked, the situation was a little more difficult on this side.

You can see grasshoppers climbing up the walls here and there.

But the number of locusts was not so great that they could not handle it.

The soldiers, each holding swords and spears, attacked the locust master.

At this level, there is no need to hide somewhere.

The Marquis Hoven drew his sword and rode off.

He thrusts his knife at the flying grasshopper.

The grasshopper fell while making a strange sound.

After again swinging the knife at him and killing him, Marquis Hoven looked around.

No one seems to need help.

The Marquis of Hoven went up the ramparts.

Although it is an old body, the legs that run up the stairs are as light as when they were young.

Prince Emil was already at the top of the castle wall.

Prince Emile, the son of the 2nd queen, is the older brother of Princess Louise, who married into the grassland tribe.

“The Marquis of Hoven.”

As the Marquis Hoven lowered his head, Prince Emile opened his mouth with a pale face.

“You were the maternal grandfather of the Duke of Weiss.”

The prince was about to say something but shut his mouth.

I quietly turn my gaze and look outside the castle.

The Marquis Hoven also turned his head to where his gaze was directed.


The Marquis Hoven’s eyes widened to the size of a lamp.

I knew that my grandson would be great and ran, but this is beyond my imagination.

Carcasses of locusts, or pieces of them, were strewn across the fields and grounds.

There are still swarms of locusts, but their numbers are terribly small.

And whenever Oscar ran, locusts fell around him.

I didn’t do anything, but it just seems to fall off and die.

It was as if there were invisible wind blades around it.

Every time Oscar and the soldiers’ arrows hit the locusts, they were torn apart with a loud sound.

“It’s spectacular.”

The Marquis of Hoven inadvertently muttered that.

Prince Emile doesn’t say anything.

But his face tells you what he’s thinking.

well. I’m afraid of dukes.

Prince Emile’s expression undoubtedly said that.

The Villain Changed the Ending

The Villain Changed the Ending

빌런이 엔딩을 바꿈
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The story of how I become happy and the unfaithful wife becomes unhappy


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not work with dark mode