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The Villain Changed the Ending Chapter 34

034 The novel has begun

****[René, novel heroine] ****

Dang dang dang, the bell announcing the new year rings in the distance.

At the beginning of the new year, commoners all turn one year older.

All nobles remember the day they were born, but few commoners even knew exactly what month and day it was.

If you go to the temple, it tells you the exact day, but not knowing that doesn’t affect the lives of commoners.

Even if you don’t know the exact day, there is no difference in the life of common people, and if you work by simply measuring the season you know, you will be satisfied with that.

There are many commoners who can’t even count numbers properly, and in severe cases, they don’t even know how old they are.

Maybe that’s why, unlike nobles, commoners age this way.


Children’s voices were heard everywhere.

In a more or less wealthy commoner’s family, they would have made at least one set of clothes for their children today.

Various voices ran all over the alleyway, from a child boasting of his clothes, to a jubilant young voice boasting of a new pair of shoes, to an exclamation that seemed weak and envy.


Renee glanced at the back of the children and lowered her head.

She has never tried on new clothes.

All the money that should have been spent for her originally went to her mother’s lover and adoptive father.

‘Bad b*tch.’

A mother is worse than a foster father.

No, not even my mother.

Five years ago, she visited Baron Mayer’s house because she couldn’t stand this life.

I thought that if I went into that house at the age of 16 anyway, I would be able to do it a little sooner.

However, as soon as the guards guarding the mansion saw her, they beat her up and kicked her out.

When he revealed that he was the blood of the baron, he distorted his face and got angry.

If you say that, even if I kill you, I won’t have anything to say.


I wiped my face in my own way, but commoners can’t even dream of taking a bath.

In most cases, they didn’t even brush their teeth properly, let alone wash their face.

Renee also did not easily get rid of the accumulated dirt every day, and her face was stained with dirty water here and there, and her skin was rough.

To the guards, he would have looked like a dirty tramp.

When I came close to this mansion again, I was kicked and told that I would be killed at that time, and crawled into a corner where the guards could not see.

It was when the gorgeous carriage came out of the mansion that it had been lying on its stomach for several hours, unable to move due to broken ribs.

Renee suddenly saw the face of the person riding in it.

A girl of about ten was riding.

No, he must have been eleven.

‘Because I’m eleven.’

It was the same face.

Light brown hair that looks like blonde in the sunlight, a high nose, and pouty lips.

Inside the carriage was Renée, beautifully dressed.

I realized in that moment.

that you are twins

And the fact that it was abandoned.

My mother sometimes brought in money that did not match her income.

At that time, I wondered if he had sold his body or sacrificed it for himself and his adoptive father, but now I know where the money came from.

And I also knew the reason why I didn’t sell myself even in the hard life.

He was not a child to his mother, but a source of income.

simple money line.

He was a child kept alive in his arms just for that.

Renée accelerated her steps to avoid the loud laughter of the children.

‘I hate to hear it.’

Even in this dirty gutter reality, there are parents who save enough money to dress their children for New Year’s Day.

Every year, on this day, you know that even if you don’t like it.


Even in my previous life, I didn’t like children.

Men and women both look at me strangely when I say such things, so I haven’t revealed it, but the child is dirty and noisy and doesn’t listen to me, and I don’t like it anyway.

And now I hate it even more.

‘But that’s over now. at las.’

She turned 16 this year.

This is when the novel begins.

I can barely get out of this boring life.

‘But why is that woman dying?’

There is no sign that the mother is sick or that there is something strange.

Maybe even get into an accident.

As I walked for a while while thinking about that, I saw the street where she lived in the distance.

Her house is farthest from the center of the capital, on the outskirts of the city.

It was a street where the lowest of the common people lived, with cheap prostitutes and slums a short distance away.

Bed bugs, fleas, cockroaches, rats, and countless other things live alongside people.

‘I’m disgusted.’

Renee sighed after adjusting the basket on her back.

The basket was full of scraps of fabric that needed to be sewn.

You have to earn money from it so that you can barely eat less food the next day.

A few days ago, the adoptive father suggested a second wife to a merchant in his forties, saying that he could eat his fill and afford luxury.

‘Do not be ridiculous.’

Renee kicked the floor violently and moved on again.

Even if she wants to run away, she holds back and lives in that house because she knows that the baron’s family is coming to pick her up this year.

If he leaves his mother, even the baron family won’t know where Renee is.

If it wasn’t for that, I’d run away right away.

As I entered the street where the house was, shouts were heard from everywhere.

Somebody’s alcohol is also mixed in.

Perhaps there is also the voice of the adoptive father in it.

‘It’s really boring.’

I walked, holding my skirt with one hand and being careful not to smear the filth on the floor, but as I got closer to the house, I saw several people gathered.

What’s going on.

As I hurried my steps, a woman with a familiar face spotted Renee.

“Renee! It’s in trouble. Your mother!”


As Renee ran, the woman hurriedly grabbed her hand.

“Oh, what about it, your mother. I feel sorry for her.”

My heart beats, my heart beats.

“… what’s going on?”

At Renee’s question, the woman burst into tears.

“Well, there was an accident. Well, that, oh my god. How did this happen?”

The woman is speechless and holds Renée’s hand tightly.

The man standing at the entrance of the house came closer.

He is the owner of the building where Rene’s family lives.

Living on the first floor of a small three-story building, he rented a snot-only house to another family and received rent.

said the owner of the house.

“I think I fell down the stairs and broke my neck. I think I had a fight with your adoptive father and he was stabbed inside the house. I’m sorry. What can I do! The stairs are stained with filth from dying and blood in the house… Oh, damn it!”

The landlord sighed and looked at Renee after losing his temper.

“It’s useless to talk to you, but I’m sorry. Anyway, since the situation has turned out like this, if I don’t think I can pay the rent, I’ll have to move out next month.”

Things aren’t going well for you either, but since we also have to make a living, blah blah blah.

Listening to the muttering of the landlord, Renee walked with a dazed expression.

“Maybe good. Oops.”

Behind her, a woman clicks her tongue in pity.

Renee held her heart that was about to explode with one hand.

Swallowing my breath, I head towards the dark stairs going up to the house.

Mother was lying upside down at the end of the stairs.

His neck and legs were bent in a strange position.


Are you a real person

For some reason, I feel like I’m not looking at a real person, but a prop used in a movie.

Renee stood there as if frozen, facing her mother’s corpse.

On the stairs in the dark hallway, only the pale mother’s face and the exposed skin on her limbs caught my eye strangely.

mother died

The adoptive father also died.

Time passed, which seemed to have stopped for a while, and it suddenly became real.

‘The novel started.’

at las.

****[Oscar, the main character] ****

Only the crunching sound of the pen moving resonates in the office.

Everyone was clinging to their desks, staring at the papers with their eyes closed.

so busy

After silently looking at the payment documents, I signed and pressed the seal.

Again, I grabbed the documents piled up next to me, read them, signed them, pressed the seal, and occasionally, when I saw a questionable document, put it in a small box next to it.

For the documents I put in the box after delaying the payment, the aide examines them and calls the person in charge to explain or add data.

How many hours have you been doing this?

Suddenly thirsty, I opened my mouth without even raising my head.


Oh, oh my, as I shut my mouth, the butler of the royal capital mansion who was waiting nearby quietly approached me.

Pouring the fruit water into a glass as if it were flowing and placing it in front of me, the butler took a step back.

“thank you.”

“you’re welcome.”

I took a bite of fruit water and smiled bitterly.

Every winter, before the snow comes, I leave the duchy and head for the royal capital.

Because it’s socialite season.

I met people in the capital, exchanged information, and spread information that seemed good to our duchy.

Until now, Benno had always accompanied me and stood by my side.

However, in this world, turning 15 is considered an adult.

Since I became an adult last year, Benno decided not to accompany me to the royal road this year and to remain in the dukedom.

It was because it bothered me that my mother was left alone in the duchy during the long socialite season, and I hoped that the relationship between the two of them would progress at least a little.

But Benno continued to worry until the day I left.

‘I’ve already been an adult for a long time, and in fact, I’m an adult now at this age…’

Thinking of Benno, who had a worried expression until the moment he left the last duchy, I shrank and smiled.

Now my height is on par with Benno.

Benno is also quite large, but that’s right.

It will grow a little more in the future, and maybe it will be bigger than Benno when I go back to the dukedom this time.

Now I’m good at swordsmanship, riding horses, and wielding magical powers.

There is nowhere to worry, but Benno still feels like a five-year-old child.

But I also think the situation without Benno is quite awkward.

Unknowingly, I inadvertently call Benno.

From the age of five until now, we’ve been stuck together almost without leaving each other for an hour.

It seems that it is not only Benno who has to stand alone, but also me.

‘Benno, I want you to show me something in action this time.’

I let out a small sigh, worried that if I did something wrong, my father would cling to my mother again.

The relationship between his father and his lover, Bianca, seems to be getting worse as the days go by.

Finally, in the summer of last year, a letter arrived from his father saying that he wanted to come to his parents’ house.

I want to leave Bianca and come alone.

There was no mention of her mother in the letter, but for some reason there was a hint that the couple would maintain a good relationship from now on.

That kind of feeling that it’s a good thing for you as a son.

That was the reason why he had left Benno in the dukedom this year.

‘Though my mother seems to have completely lost affection for my father.’

Officially, though, he is still my husband.

If the father wishes or tries to do something, the mother may not be able to refuse.

In that respect, if it were Benno, it was the order of the head of the family, so he would definitely refuse and would not let his mother come close to him.

‘He really is a shameless person.’

As I erased my father’s face from my mind, a young butler entered the office.

“Duke, I have a letter from Lady Catherine of the Marquis of Petrie.”

“Oh, here.”

Catherine’s letters reach me every year, almost every month.

It’s not an urgent letter, so I don’t look at it often while working, but the first letter I receive in the new year is special.

After turning 10, her first letter in the new year always starts with a marriage proposal.

How to say, it seems very sincere and cute, and it doesn’t feel like the new year has begun unless you receive that letter.

The butler held out the letter on a silver tray.

“Hmm? The scent is a bit different.”

I muttered and took the letter in my hand.

Aristocratic women mix and use their own special fragrance, but Catherine’s scent seems to have changed.

Until last year, it had a fresh and refreshing feeling, but for some reason, the scent on the first letter of this year felt a bit sweet.

“Perhaps the young lady is appealing that she has become an adult.”

The butler chuckled.

“Well, maybe not. I’m still fourteen.”

At my words, the butler lowered his eyebrows and smiled.

“Master, you don’t know the heart of a woman. It’s a time when you want to grow even more right before that than when you became a real adult. Besides, women are naturally more mature than men.”


“My master continues to treat me like a child, but Miss Catherine is a fine lady.”

No, no, you’re fourteen, right?

No matter how many adults in this world are 15 years old, that’s just the meaning of getting out of being a child in the future.

From nob le mt l dot com

Just because you’ve reached that age doesn’t mean you’ll suddenly get married or be kicked out to live alone.

Even in this world, the time when a woman actually gets married is around eighteen to twenty seconds, and it was around that time that she was treated as an adult in a real sense.

That’s right.

I’m fourteen and fifteen, and I’m just a real kid.

Proposing to me now is just a continuation of the habit of being a three-year-old chick.

An adult, the child who proposed to the pony?

Thinking so, I recalled Benno’s worried face and smiled.

Even in the eyes of Benno and the butler, I would see myself that way.

“What kind of marriage proposal are you going to make this year?”

I opened the letter with a bit of anticipation while muttering.


“Master, why is that?”

As I was staring at the letter, the butler asked.

“Well, I didn’t get a proposal this year…”


Not only the butler, but also the civil servants who were buried in paperwork raised their heads in surprise.

“Doesn’t something happen to the Marquis of Petrie?”

“It’s possible that the lady of the Marquis Petrie was injured somewhere.”

Each one says one word.

But that doesn’t seem to be the problem.

Instead of a marriage proposal, the letter said that Catherine would like to attend the banquet as my partner this year.

And what followed after that was, like, a blueprint for life.

This year, she attended social events as a partner to officially inform people of her engagement, and next year, when she becomes an adult, she will hold a formal wedding ceremony, and the following year, she wants to give birth to a son…

‘What kind of education is Marquis Petri teaching her daughter?’

I really don’t know.

Anyway, this is a denial.

It is too early for Catherine, a child, to attend banquets and evenings where adults gather.

“Reply notepad.”

After I said that, the butler took out a piece of paper and an envelope with a beautiful pattern and placed it on the desk.

I immediately wrote a reply to the effect of refusal and handed it to the butler.

The Villain Changed the Ending

The Villain Changed the Ending

빌런이 엔딩을 바꿈
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The story of how I become happy and the unfaithful wife becomes unhappy


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not work with dark mode