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The Villain Changed the Ending Chapter 173

173 Dread Steppes

***[Crown Prince Robert]***

It’s not yet within reach of the arrow.

The human figure was still far away.

Even so, the arrow flew with the sound of the wind and was stuck right in front of my nose.

People seem to stiffen when they are too surprised.

For a while I couldn’t do anything.

In a daze, he watched the mercenaries fall to the ground with arrows.

If someone hadn’t come by and pulled the horse, he too would have been hit by the next arrow and died.

“I’ll run. Please hold on tight.”

The horse started to run along with the voice.

Before he knew it, several escorts surrounded him.

As the horses move, the scenery changes.

The flying arrows disappeared and the soldiers and mercenaries running away screaming, or rather, the people running towards the barbarians came into sight.

When he turned his head back, he saw a mercenary fighting against barbarians.

A half-naked barbarian charged in front of the mercenary wielding a huge sword.

The appearance of barbarians riding on short horses is somewhat comical.

The ax in the hand of the savage also looked shabby compared to that of the mercenary.

It is truly a battle between adults and children.

However, when the savages flung their axes into the air, the savage mercenary fell to the ground with absurd ease.

The mercenary’s face was crushed in that brief moment.

A deep ax mark is carved in the center of the face…

‘oh my god.’

My God, my God, my God.

“Don’t look! For now, just think about running away.”

The escort shouted loudly as if scolding.

“Turn your head. Look ahead!”

At those words, he just turned his head forward.

As the scene reflected in his eyes changed, the image he saw earlier began to seep into his heart.

I saw people dying while hunting monsters.

But that was when he was standing in a safe place.

As a crown prince, he has never faced a situation where he almost died.

‘But now…’

The shock becomes true fear, permeating your head and heart.

My hands were shaking and it was difficult to hold the reins properly.

Then a thump was heard from behind.

When he turned his head, one of the escorts following him was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground.

The escort right next to him hit Robert’s horse in the rump with a whip.

As the horse’s legs became faster, the figures of people passed by in an instant.

“Follow Your Highness the Crown Prince!”

When someone shouted during the escort, the nobles and soldiers who were confused began to gather around.

“Lower yourself, Your Highness. Get close to the horse’s back.”

An anxious escort’s voice could be heard right next to him.

Oh, I see.

I told you to follow the crown prince to hide yourself from people.

A large tortoise that had once been dedicated to the royal family came to mind.

It was a truly bizarre creature with its head inside a hard shell.

Like the tortoise back then, Robert ducked his neck and fell on the horse’s back.

It’s ugly to see, but it can’t be helped.

Right now, the fear of dying was stronger than the fear of losing face.

“Whoa… whoop… whoop…”

shortness of breath

The smell of the beast filled his body as he buried his face in the horse’s mane.

I feel like throwing up.

Could it be because the nobleman and the soldier on horseback covered Robert’s appearance a little?

It felt like the arrow that had narrowly missed him had moved a little farther away.

The screams that erupted around him faded a little before he knew it.

“They stopped!”

“I’m not chasing you. I can’t see them!”

I heard someone shouting.

‘Is it real…’

No, no, not like that. It makes no sense.

If they pursued with that momentum, the barbarians could annihilate the kingdom army.

The arrows of the savages hit people’s heads accurately, even from a long distance, to the extent that I thought it would be possible.

Plus, they’re incredibly strong, even in close combat.

A person’s head is smashed with a single gesture, against a mercenary who has gone through all sorts of battles.

‘There’s no way those guys would let us go!’

I will definitely follow you to the end and kill you.

Come to think of it, they were the ones who raided deep into the kingdom and killed all children, even children, because some of them were kidnapped.

‘Yeah, it was. They were like that.’

I’m crazy, why did I come to a place like this while knowing exactly what happened? Isn’t it like stepping into the witch’s nest on its own?

The face of the mercenary who had just been destroyed by an ax came to mind.

With just one bouncing ax, a mercenary with a better weapon than him was beaten to death absurdly.

My head was filled with fear.

Robert lowered himself even further.

Fear strains your shoulders.

Even the hand holding the reins was so strong that it hurt.

“Your Highness! Your Highness Robert!”

Suddenly, a cry of escort rang in my mind, which had hardened with fear.

It seems that I have been shouting at him since before.

Thinking that Robert understood, the escort spoke as they rode alongside.

“They’ve stopped chasing them. They’re not chasing you anymore. You can stop talking.”

After hearing that, the strange noises of the savages were no longer heard.

It is quiet everywhere.

‘I can’t believe… they’re not really chasing me.’

As Robert’s horse slowly slowed down, the escort pressed close to his side.

“Excuse me, please take off your helmet.”


No, what if I take off my helmet in this dangerous place?

Seeing the escort in dismay, Robert looked around and continued.

“That helmet is too conspicuous. The reason they first targeted the mercenary leader was because he was the most conspicuous. Your Highness, in order to survive, we must throw away anything that stands out to them.”

These helmets and armor are passed down from generation to generation of royalty.

It was a valuable item that my father gave me on purpose.


But not as precious as life.

Robert immediately took off his helmet and threw it to the ground.

In the meantime, another escort started shouting.

“Come this way! Gather around Your Highness!”

After the guards shouted a few times, the nearby nobles also shouted and began to gather their soldiers.

“Hurry up before they chase you! Organize your ranks!”

“Where are the supplies!”

“This way!”

“Gather around His Highness!”

“Protect Your Highness.”

The shouts of mercenaries and nobles exploded in all directions.

Belatedly, the voice to protect Robert also rang intermittently.

come now

People got off their horses to check things, and each started shouting someone’s name or looking for it.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness, but please exchange the cloak with me.”

The escort hurriedly took off his cloak and said.

The tracking stopped for a while, but I don’t know what will happen in the future.

I don’t know why the savages didn’t pursue it, and maybe this place is too dangerous because of the demons.

Anyway, we must hurry before they show up.

There is no time.


Even Robert knew how urgent the situation was.

But I can’t get myself up.

It was as if wax had been poured and hardened as it was lying on the back of a horse.

I don’t know if it’s because I gave too much strength when running, or if it’s because I’m still afraid.

When he didn’t move, the escort asked in bewilderment.

“Are you hurt? Somewhere hurts…”

The bewildered escort reached for the armor.

It looks like it’s about to peel off.

But now I’m in trouble.

I realized it belatedly, but I urinated while running.

“… It’s okay, it’s okay.”

As Robert said, shaking his head slightly, the escort seemed to be aware of his situation.

He seemed relieved, or maybe he was pathetic, but his expression relaxed.

With the help of another soldier, they exchange cloaks while sitting on a horse.

“The future is difficult. Due to the raid just before, the mercenaries…”

It was the moment the escort said so.

An arrowhead protruded from the guard’s mouth.


The half-severed tongue droops under the lips.

The mouth wasn’t open, it was open underneath.

“It’s an assault!”

“They’re different!”

“Barbarians attacked!”

Screams erupt from all directions, and arrows fly.

In the distance, in a cloud of dust, barbarians were running.

“… neither… nor…”

With the arrow in his face, the escort muttered something.

I don’t know if I’m asking for help or running away.

The pronunciation was inaccurate, so I couldn’t understand it.

When the escort fell off the horse with his arms flailing, Robert grabbed the reins without even screaming.

The horse started to run, but this time no one followed.

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Did the escorts all die, or did all but a few loyal ones try to run away, or else…

I don’t know.

Robert ran frantically.

Suddenly, I couldn’t hear anything, so when I looked up, there was nothing around.

Soldiers and barbarians.

There was only barren land, devoid of anything living.

***[Goruka, Red Hawk Chief]***

Steppe tribes only hunt in their own territory.

Hunting on other tribal lands was forbidden.

The exception is when the prey escapes to a buffer zone that is no one’s land.

However, it is forbidden to start hunting even in the buffer zone, and you must use it only to the extent that you end the hunting that started in your own territory.

It seems that the guide of the kingdom army walked only in a limited area, stepping on the buffer zone.

In addition, the guide led the kingdom army only near the red hawk tribe land close to the kingdom.

It must have been to prevent a big problem if they invaded the area.

That was clever.

If they had continued, no one would have touched them.

The guide’s mistake was that he did not know that the Red Hawk tribe had moved their territory some time ago.

As the red hawk moved its territories, other tribes incorporated parts of the land into their own territories.

Part of the large territory belonged to the Blackrock tribe, another area belonged to the dragonfly, and next to it belonged to the Iron Fist.


The news of the meadow moves through those who know it.

The movement of territory, the trend of hostile tribes, areas where food conditions or monsters appear, and areas where water is dry and abundant.

To the grassland tribes, who wander along grass and water without a fixed border or place of residence like a kingdom, such information was precious without being discarded, and obtaining or not obtaining it was a matter directly related to survival.

That’s why every tribe is trying to establish a blood relationship with a little more tribes and make friends.

However, there was only old information for the guide who did not have a proper rope in the meadow.

No matter how smart you act, it’s no use.

To move without information, was a fool risking his life.

Goruka offered a drink to another tribal warrior who passed on the information.

The warrior who drank alcohol without a word continued.

“The first was our Blackrock tribe. They killed about half of the kingdom’s army.”

It seems that the Blackrock Tribe faithfully followed the rules of the territory even against the kingdom army.

They traced it to the buffer zone, but it is said that they turned away regretfully beyond that.

But there are other tribes beside them.

The story of steppe people being kidnapped and enslaved by the kingdom spread to almost all tribes, and everyone was in a state of rage.

It is said that the kingdom army that set foot in their territory was slowly driven away by playing with it like a cat catching a mouse.

“Are they pitiful?”

A warrior who knows that Goruka is close to the kingdom asked.

“at all.”

As Goruka shook his head with a wry smile, the warrior himself poured the drink into his mouth.

Wiping the alcohol from his mouth with the back of his hand, he opened his mouth.

“The Silver Moon wants to gather all the chiefs of the tribe to discuss this matter. The place will be arranged by our tribe. We have a kinship relationship with both the Silver Moon and this side, so we decided that we were the most suitable for that role.”


“If you believe in our people, I believe you will come too.”

He is of the Blackrock tribe.

Women are not the only ones married into the tribe.

When there was a shortage of men in their tribe, men from the Red Hawk tribe were hired as sons-in-law, and they have a strong friendship.

The disposition of their tribe is also on the upright side, and there is no need to suspect that the silver moon is selling traps.

Goruka nodded heavily.

“Then see you in ten days.”

The Blackrock Warrior rose from his seat.

After seeing him off outside the tent, I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was tilting toward the ground before I knew it.

‘It’s ten days now.’

You can already predict to some extent what will be said that day.

Oscar knew.

Goruka moved to his father’s tent.

Suddenly, a group of women caught my eye.

The first wife, Princess Louise, and the subsequent wives were sitting in a circle and making preserved food.

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Dry the meat, fat, and grain powder and form a square ball.

Around the women, young girls were clumsily helping with the work.

Realizing what Goruka was looking at, Princess Louise turned her head.

When our eyes meet, we smile softly.

After it was discovered that the kingdom kidnapped and enslaved steppe tribes, Princess Louise continued to feel depressed.

There were days when I couldn’t straighten my shoulders and couldn’t smile.

It was useless even if the other wives and the people of the tribe said it was okay.

I bowed my head every time I ran into someone saying I was sorry.

The only time she could barely laugh was when it became known that Oscar had sided with her after the raid on the kingdom.

‘But now all the other women are in the same situation.’

It’s as heavy as a stone on your chest.

Goruka smiled at the women and moved on again.

The father was telling old stories to the boys in the tent.

It was the story of the time when the child of the moon led all the tribes in the meadow.

But when Goruka entered, the conversation stopped and the children were all sent out.

In the midst of silence, my father spoke first.

“What’s going on?”

“It is said that there is a meeting of chieftains in the Blackrock tribe.”


“In ten days.”

“I get it.

My father, who was holding a pipe, placed a long wooden stick around the fire.

I quietly look into his eyes.

“Don’t worry. The preparations are almost done, and the location has already been confirmed. Oscar has sent several fast-footed horses, so everyone has more than enough horses to go around.”


“There are only a few warriors, but if you use the magic bomb Oscar sent, even pre-adult children can do their part. Even though I’m old, I’m still active. It’s not difficult to protect my tribe, so don’t worry.”

If the red hawk tribe declares that it will join the kingdom, it will become everyone’s enemy.

Even if the red hawk took the side of the kingdom, it would be fortunate if the other tribes recognized the territory, but it was more likely not to.

The Blackrock Tribe said they would come up with an agreement banning armed conflict for a certain period of time, so it should be safe for the time being.

But after that period, it is dangerous.

Moreover, the Red Hawk Warriors were scheduled to leave for the kingdom after the meeting ten days later.

Then there can be tribes that prey on unaccompanied women and children and trigger actions.

Before that could happen, the women and children decided to leave and hide where no one would find them.

For the time being, it will hide its traces and wander so that other steppe tribes do not find it.

Oscar tells everyone to come to his territory in case of danger, but the steppe people cannot live without leaving the steppe.

You will no longer be a steppe tribe.

No matter how much Oscar encouraged him, he couldn’t do that.


However, the proud Red Hawk tribe is hiding from the eyes of others.

‘Because of my decision.’

His head fell down by itself.

“Father, I’m sorry.”


The father bent over and took Goruka’s hand.

“Why do you speak so weakly?”


Goruka, believe in yourself. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

My father looked at him with strong eyes.

“It is the duty of the steppe tribes to follow the moon child, just as our distant ancestors did. The life given by the moon child is only to be returned to him. This is not a betrayal. If you have such a guilty conscience, step back. Mara. I’ll go to the kingdom instead.”


My father got up as if he was going to run at any moment.

“Father, I was wrong.”

My father held his hand once and smiled.

“Don’t worry about anything. You can leave the women and children with us.”


My father recommended a pipe.

After taking a few sips and giving it back, my father muttered with the pipe in his mouth.

“… It’s still a little awkward to see you smoking. You’ll need more practice.”


I think I’ve been able to raise my acting to a certain extent, but do I still have to work harder?

Thinking so, I suddenly burst into laughter.

Concerning the appearance of biting a cigarette when something serious is ahead, I feel like an idiot.

When he looked up, his father was smiling at him.

It must have been a joke to lighten Goruka’s heart.

‘I’m still far from needing parental care.’

Even if you are 40 or over 50, you may still be a child in front of your father.

Thinking that way made me feel at ease.

it’s okay, you can do it

I felt that my father’s eyes and words made me very strong.

The Villain Changed the Ending

The Villain Changed the Ending

빌런이 엔딩을 바꿈
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The story of how I become happy and the unfaithful wife becomes unhappy


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