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The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me Chapter 97

97 – The Last Tale Festival (3)

The blast didn’t reach Serena.

The flames that were shot down were stopped by a translucent wall and just disappeared.

For a moment, Serena couldn’t comprehend what had happened.

But instinctively, she barely realized she had almost died.

“Heh… heh…”

With a harsh breath, Serena stood up in the theater building. The red dragon was still in the sky.

She probably wouldn’t survive the next one.

With trembling legs, she slowly walked out of the building.

There were people there.

People who were almost dead like her.

But they were just looking up at the sky in a daze.

They should run away right now.

“Is this also a surprise party prepared by the Empire?”

“Wow, it’s dazzling.”

They can’t even grasp the situation.

Serena shouted.

“We must run! Everyone! Avoid Bress!”

The people were just looking at Serena blankly. They didn’t even think about running away.

The Empire had been too peaceful until now.

Even when a dragon appeared over their heads, they just thought it was a simple show.

“Oh, is another dragon showing up?”


By the side of the red dragon preparing to unleash its breath once again, a dragon with gray scales appeared.

The two dragons glared at each other, then spewed their breath simultaneously. As their breath intertwined, it created a fascinating spectacle. Lightning flashed in the sky and the color of the clouds turned into a rainbow.

“How romantic…” A passerby named Yeong-ae exclaimed in admiration.

For Serena, it was a maddening and frantic scene. Everyone should be fleeing as the two dragons battled, but it seemed no one had any thoughts of doing so.

‘I have to run away even if I’m alone.’

What if she revealed she was a princess here, and let them know it was a real crisis?

It would cause an enormous chaos.

Unfortunately, the street wasn’t wide. A crowd of this size starting to flee suddenly would lead to a stampede, with herself possibly getting trampled in the crowd.

‘You tried, Serena.’

Of course, she couldn’t put her life on the line like an average citizen.

Serena began to sneakily edge away.


“Ah, if it isn’t Miss Seri? Wow, it’s quite a surprise to see you here. I’ve been going to the theatre every day to see you! You’re my idol!”

Serena bit her lip. She had intended to ignore the person and keep going, but somehow…

“Really? Which role did you like the most?”

“The Night Princess! She’s brash and cynical, so a lot of people dislike her, but I really like her.”


“You work harder than anyone. You always do your best.”

Even so, those watching could see that she was sincere.

She acted well.

Serena pulled out a small mask from her bosom.

With the mask on, Serena cleared her throat and began her act.

“So the evil dragon has invaded the empire after all!”

A loud, clear voice that was hard to miss.

People started to look at Serena.

“Oh, isn’t that Serena Ravioli? I heard she retired, why is she here?”

“Could this also be part of the play? What a scale!”

Dragons were still fighting in the sky. But gradually, the grey-scaled dragon was pushed back.

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Serena hid her anxiety with an arrogant smile.

“But don’t worry, citizens. Night will come soon. You all want to see our Knights of the Night defeat the evil dragon, don’t you?”

“Of course!”

“Take me with you, princess of the night!”

Serena spoke to the followers behind her.

“Everyone, follow me. I will guide you to the VIP seats.”

In an orderly fashion, people began to follow Serena, getting away from the dangerous places.

From afar, the flag of the empire began to be seen.

At least for now, it was safe.

‘I did well, didn’t I, darling?’

There was no one here to praise her.

Serena thought:

If she had stayed at the theater until the very end, would Ascal really have come to save her?


Serena decided not to draw a conclusion.

For her, it was the most fearful thing to imagine.

“Fly faster, Fer!”

Ascal urged.

To his surprise, the dragon awoke much earlier than expected.

He planned to initiate a dragon raid as soon as the festival ended, but who knew that they would be attacked at this moment.

His foresight in pouring his extra mana stones into the Bernstein and setting up a magical shield was a stroke of luck.

If not, the empire would have already been engulfed in flames.

“Please, let her be safe…”

Upon spotting the dragon from the sky, Ascal instantly thought of Serena.

Those words she said: that she would be waiting where they first met, which happened to be right under the dragon.

Ignoring the cries of the people being torn apart, Ascal rode on Fer. Only Ascal on Fer could move the fastest.

“It’s been a while, Karnax! You’re still nasty!”

“Kid, didn’t your parents teach you? Be polite to your elders.”

“Once you reach a thousand years old, everyone becomes peers. Where’s the seniority?”

Nearby, the cloud dragon desperately held off the Great Dragon.

Even at full strength, they’re at a disadvantage, and the cloud dragon is still not at full power. It looks increasingly worn down.

“Here. Let’s go down, Fer.”

Ascal arrived at the abandoned theater.

He descended through the large hole in the ceiling, then leapt down into the theater.

“Serena! Are you here?!”

It was dark.

Askal pulled out the Lightvein.

The building was immediately bathed in light.

‘Embers well stoked?’

Askal found the embers. Evidence that someone had been inside.

‘Purple hair. So, Serena was here.’

Since becoming a swordmaster, Askal’s sight had greatly improved. Every naturally fallen strand of hair could be seen with enough focus.

‘I can see footprints.’

Footprints heading out the building.

They were indicative of a woman’s size.

“Good, she managed to escape safely.”

And now.

‘Planning to go straight into a face-off mode, master?’

“No, we should evacuate the people first.”

The festival was over.

They had safely evaded the first disaster, but it looked like the second disaster had arrived and was of a much larger scale.

“If this continues, the cloud dragon will be in danger. I must dish out a hit. Prepare, Lightvein.”

‘We are entering face-off mode.’

In an instant, Lightvein shot out light.

‘Nice to see you again, user. Your physical abilities have significantly improved. Your current physical ranking is…’

“There’s no time. Can you deal a blow to the cloud dragon? You have to be careful to aim so the cloud does not get hit.”

“It is possible. If you defeat the ancient dragon, your ranking will increase by one tier. That would make you first place. Would you like to proceed?”

The personality of this Lightvein seemed excessively obsessed with rankings.

“Fire, Lightvein!”

Ascal swung his sword with all his might.

But nothing happened.


“Last time was just a temporary test, but for this official operation you need a proper activation phrase. The power can vary depending on the name you choose, so please choose carefully.”

Seriously, during this time?

Names flickered quickly in Ascal’s mind.

Excalibur, Dragon Slayer, Final Spark.

‘No, something stronger…’

In no time, Ascal gripped his sword tightly and took a deep breath.




It was impressively effective.

A huge burst of light engulfed the dragon.

The ancient dragon had sensed the imminent danger and deployed its protection magic, but it was too late.

The area effect was much wider than expected.

The celestial dragon screamed in perceived indignity.


‘I’m sorry, celestial dragon. Your sacrifice will be remembered.’

Ascal closed his eyes against the radiating light.

“This is the best fireworks show of my life.”

“It’s so breathtakingly beautiful…”

“This year’s fairy tale festival is really the best.”

People gazed and admired the spectacle before them.

“Eh? The dragons are falling.”

Red and gray dragons were falling from the sky.

Suddenly, a white dragon appeared to catch the gray one, stopping its fall.

“There are three dragons!”

“A truly amazing illusion magic.”

“I wonder if they were booked?”

People hadn’t yet grasped the situation.

“The festival is over! This is an emergency situation. Everyone, please follow the soldiers and evacuate!”

Even as the soldiers shepherded them, they continued to stare, stupefied, at the sky.

“Did I nail it?”

The strategy of dealing a killing blow from the start had worked.

Ascal flew on Fer towards the spot where the dragon had fallen.

He felt drained after using Lightvein but he could still manage.

And he arrived at the scene.

-The cloud dragon was injured but not fatally. I stopped it.

“Thank you, white dragon.”

-But the earth dragon escaped. I couldn’t chase it as I was busy helping the cloud dragon.

“Where did it escape to?”

-Windmoon Plain.

“Oh no, it’s going to be trouble if it regains its power.”

Ascal hurriedly mounted Fer.

They needed to chase the dragon before it recovered fully.

-You’re in bad shape. You can’t do this alone.

“But it’ll be too late if we wait for others.”


Cloppity, cloppity.

The sound of many hooves echoed.

“I really didn’t expect the dragon to show up and attack the capital.”

Appearing were Prince Kain and his personal guard.

Following them…

“This is a golden opportunity to become a swordmaster.”

The empire’s special task force, and its leader, Aser Devere.

Trot, Trot.

This time, it was the sounds of people bustling about.

Their speed was not in any way slower than that of a galloping horse.


Even reaching a point where horns were being sounded while running.


Really, really imposing.

But at times like this, they’re reassuring.

Ascal glanced at the incoming Lion tribe, making eye contact with Aileen.

Aileen averted her gaze, her face turning red in embarrassment.

Because she was riding on a makeshift human carriage made up of four members of the Lion tribe.

“This was, well, an emergency. I had to insist several times.”

President Vadim smiled.

“Lead us, Mazar.”

The convergence was not over.

“We’re here, Uncle Cal!”

“Everyone else, except for Sirius, should go back.”

“No, we won’t!”

It was the elites of Haven Academy, led by Sirius ― with only a few exceptions, the rest were eventually sent home ― that appeared.


“My friend, Ascal. I came to help you.”

“You look like you’re in bad shape. I can massage your shoulder.”

The giant half-breed security guard, Zerop.

The mysterious tribe masseuse, Raika.

“You did not have to come.”

“We heard that Cain and Devan are missing! How can we just stay put!”

“…I see.”

Familiar faces were seen in the back.

“I can help too! I can use the holy power or something!”

“Honestly, you should just go back, Sushia.”

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“I don’t want to!”

Sushia resisted.

Although being told to go back repeatedly, she was stubborn.

Ascal let out a sigh, seeming to have no other choice. There was no time to hold them back, anyway.

“There’s still no one here.”

Ascal waited for a moment.

‘Surely, she’ll come. If it’s her.’

Suddenly, he felt a poke on his cheek, and Ascal turned around.


“Yes. Your adoring girlfriend.”


The averted gazes of the crowd were now on them.

With a confident smile, Yulia said, “I think it’s time to reveal this. Ascal Elrindale is my lover.”

Then she crossed her arms.

“Ah, and Leah Sinas was my other identity. Sorry for fooling you all this time.”

“So, you knew all along.”

“Me too!”

“…how so?”

The truth was hard to ignore.

Yulia, the third princess, being actually Ascal’s secretary, was a public secret within the evaluation department.

“Eh, really?”

Eileen was the only one shocked.

The crown prince stepped forward.

“There must be many things you’re curious about, but right now, pursuing the dragon that invaded our empire is a priority.”

Everyone agreed.

Time was pressing.

“We need to get to the Windmoor Plains quickly. But moving all these people will be challenging…”

“Ah, don’t worry about that. Hmm. Look at the sky.”

Only then did they notice the noise that had been present for awhile.

Ascal looked up at the sky.

A huge airship was there.

…Burnstein could be seen in the cockpit, driving with a look of total despair.

Just as expected, Burnstein.

“I knew I could trust you.”

Windmoor Plains, the hidden Dragon Lair.

“I’ve won this round.”

“Damn… give me one more chance.”

“The world of the game is cruel.”

Cain and Devon passed the time collecting small stones.

It was an unexpected event.

After struggling with each day’s intense activities, one could hardly anticipate having this relaxed a moment.

And that too, while being kidnapped by a dragon.

“Did you think of the next story? They said they’ll eat us if we run out of stories.”

“How could that happen.”

Devon’s voice was anxious.

Cain scratched his head.

“We still have a hundred stories from our Director.“

“That’s true.”

“Place your stone again. You go first this time.”

“Oh my.”

The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me

The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me

폭군이 날 너무 좋아한다,the tyrant loves me so much
Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
The emperess will not approve my resignation.


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not work with dark mode