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The Sub-Protagonist Is Retiring Chapter 210

210 – 201.The Other World is Spicy-4

I succeeded in putting all the guards to sleep with poison.

I immediately straightened them upright and fixed them with magic.

The atmosphere was quiet until the coin was tossed, so I wouldn’t think it was strange even if it was quiet.

I felt even more relieved that there were no guards talking or snoring in their sleep.

[You didn’t kill it to use it like a scarecrow.]

‘There’s a reason for that, and even if I get caught, it’s also to be seen as a mere thief rather than a brutal assassin.’

[To beg for mercy later?]

‘No, in the Mage’s Tower, if you are caught, regardless of whether you are a thief or a murderer, you will be executed instantly with magic. Especially since you’re not robbing someone else’s house, you’re robbing the treasury of the Magic Tower, so the punishment must be even more severe.’

Because it is a place full of legacy left by previous Mage Tower owners, it is actually more like a grave robber than a thief.

And I know that the punishment for grave robbers is severe no matter where they are.

Even begging for mercy would be futile.

Besides, I would have died if I had been killed by the clowns of the Mage Tower, so I don’t want to beg for mercy.

[Then would you like to tell me what your true intentions are?]

‘I’ll let you know when that happens. It’s because I’m thinking of taking out the artifacts without being caught by anyone if possible.’


Just in time, I finished the interpretation of the magic spell guarding the treasure chest and unlocked it.

The warning magic visible upon entry was also lightly neutralized because it had already been analyzed.

Also, since I manipulated the area around me with hallucination magic, even if I had surveillance magic, they wouldn’t be able to recognize me.

“As expected, it was a multiple structure.”

I successfully unlocked the door, but there was an empty space inside the treasure chest.

And beyond my line of sight was another door.

The reason why the treasury was intact even while the magic tower was destroyed by the devil is simple.

Because the security was more thorough than the private room of the owner of the mage tower.

If you respond by raising your mana slightly, traps will be laid everywhere.

The attributes of the traps were also diverse, so it was perfectly prepared for the intruder to have resistance of a specific element.

[It will take quite a while to unlock them one by one.]

“Then I can’t help it.”

I closed the door I came in and put on a protective shield that absorbs shock.

I don’t want the sound from inside the treasury to leak out, even just a little bit.

I turned around and took a step.

When the blood wasn’t dry in my head, I accidentally remembered a line from a martial arts novel I enjoyed reading.

‘I don’t know, whether you use a sword or a fist, put a lot of energy into each move.’

It was the advice of the king who was training the protagonist who was growing up in confrontation with the Heavenly Demon.

It’s funny to think of martial arts novels in a fantasy world, but I don’t think there’s any reason to ignore them.

Because there were definitely things to learn from magazines.

“I didn’t learn how to walk like the main character, but I think I can get a similar feeling.”

The dragon heart that had been sleeping near the heart beat.

The mana that was starting to fill up in an instant was fully contained in the legs.

I stepped on the advance with only pure mana without any element floating on it.



It’s just one step.

The entire space was shaken by taking a step forward.

The boiling mana spread all over the place, leaving all the platforms floating in the air.

Numerous magic circles engraved under the scaffolding.

The trap triggers that floated in the air lost their light as they were eroded by my magical power.

As the vibrations died down, the footrests overturned, leaving only soil exposed on the floor.

[To neutralize all traps this way…….]

‘It was possible because of the overwhelming amount of mana. The Gwangryong mother and daughter who handed over the dragon heart to me are more amazing than me.’

[Even so, it is certain that the contractor’s mana management is excellent. Except for the first demon king, you will be the only one who handles mana so meticulously.]

‘Is that so?’

[If the other wizards followed the contractor, it would have caused the magic circles to run wild, causing countless spells to be scattered everywhere. And yet, you neatly neutralized it without causing anything to malfunction. In the eyes of others, I swear that it must have been an act close to miraculous.]

I was embarrassed to hear a compliment after a long time.

After accurately grasping the location of the magic circle, I just aimed at the center and penetrated my magic power.

I never thought that would be such a big deal.

“Hmmm! Thank you for the compliment, but we’re running out of time, so let’s move on to the next one.”

[Hmm? Are you embarrassed?]

“It’s not like that.”

[Your ears are red for a person who denies it.]


I hurriedly touched the ear.

I felt the same body temperature as usual, so I heard Prach’s laughter.

[Ahahahaha! You’ve been caught in this body bluffing! It must have been quite embarrassing to be caught in the trap of this body while destroying the trap of the magic tower.]

“… ….”

[You, who always had the upper hand, don’t you think you have a pretty cute side! More often… hehehehe?!]

Returning Prach to sword form, she ran her fingers through the area between her hilt and cross guard.

In terms of the human body, it must be the armpit.

In other words, I stimulated Frach’s armpit.

“It’s finally quieted down a bit.”

[A sneaky attack on the sensitive part of this body…… !]

“The problem is that your entire body is an erogenous zone.”


I opened the gateway to the next one while making Prach’s mouth shut.

Since Jin-gak dispelled magic in the surrounding area, he didn’t have to worry about the warning magic attached to the door.

“Fortunately, this seems to be all about security.”

I was wondering if there was a trap waiting for me next time.

Splendid treasures greeted us as if it was my reason.

However, just like at the academy, I don’t pay attention unless it’s necessary for me.

Except for the artifact of the first Mage Tower Master, the rest is unnecessary.

It’s not bad to steal treasures to give a big taffy to the magic tower.

But I didn’t want to be tracked to the end of hell just by messing with it, so I decided to get only the artifact for the purpose.

“It wasn’t that the magic tower collapsed, it was messy, it was messy from the beginning.”

The Mage Tower did not organize the treasures separately, but piled them up like a mountain.

Inevitably, I had to dig into the piles of treasure and rummage for artifacts.

After a while, I found a sphere that looked similar to the artifact described in the novel.

A soft green sphere the size of a soccer ball.

It became even more clear when I removed the treasures that were attached to it.

“This is it!”

‘Eye of Predation.’

Obtained the artifact of the first Mage Tower master to destroy the Mage Tower.

Surely, the right corner of his mouth went up and a smile was drawn.

It’s not long before the magic tower collapses.

I opened the subspace and tossed it inside, shaking my hands.

It will be a waste if it is damaged during transportation, so it is safe to store it in a sub-space.

From noble mtl dot com

The moment when I was about to go outside feeling relieved after finishing all the theft work.

A strong presence was felt beyond the door.

“It must have been stepped on by its tail.”

Kwaching-! Awesome… !

The door opened slowly as the protective shield he had put on to prepare for the impact was broken.

A single person proudly walks in through the crack in the door.

I still can’t forget the size of the big body, the stout body, and the fierce eyes.

It was Frieden, who was in charge of a legal agency and a security guard at the same time.

“…… Kim Jun-hyeok, why are you here?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t pretend. In Pale, there is only Kim Jun-hyeok who has a special muscle like you.”

“People are judged by their musculature……. Why did you say he was big for a wizard, but he was a muscle-crazy guy.”

“Is it okay to judge that you are right?”

“Tsk! I got caught right away, so there’s no need to hide it anymore.”

I threw off the mask that was covering my head.

As I revealed my true self to Frieden, I smiled lowly.

However, his expression was quite calm, as if he knew my true self from the beginning.

“As expected, the appearance you showed at the meeting was also a lie.”

“Can it be concluded so easily? Could this be a disguise too?”

“No, I felt that my muscles and bones were strangely twisted at that time. But now it’s absurdly natural.”

“It really varies.”

I shook my head as if I was fed up.

He wasn’t even a power wizard, he was seeing through the muscles and bones of others.

I was worried that he would say it was magic while swinging his fist.

“I don’t know why you broke into the Mage Tower’s treasure chest, but I will arrest you right here.”

“Before that, let me ask you one thing. How did you know I broke into the vault?”

“…… I heard breathing.”

“Breathing sound?”

“The breathing of the guards guarding the treasure chest is bound to be irregular. But at some point, everyone took a regular break. It’s like everyone’s asleep.”

“When did you hear that?”

“I heard it while walking in the hallway on the other side of the treasure house.”

He was more insane than I could have imagined.

It is a 5-minute walk from the entrance of the treasure house to the corridor opposite.

It is said that the breathing sound of the guards was detected at such a distance.

Unlike a wizard, he was a guy with extraordinary physical abilities.

“I would like to say thank you for letting me know.”

“There is no need for thank you from criminals. I don’t know if I’m caught innocently.”

“I’m sorry about that, but I don’t intend to get caught easily. And… ….”

I passed Frieden in one month.

It was only then that his pupils widened when he showed unresponsive speed.


“It is too late. I wonder if it was in the past, but now you are not my opponent.”

Frieden didn’t even notice the speed at which I was pulling out the prach, let alone the way I passed.

The cost was his gouged out heart.

I was going to get over it without killing him, but since my identity was discovered, I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut.

Now, when the news of the death of some of the Arch Mages spreads, there will be an uproar.

But it’s okay.

“From now on, I will make you undead.”

The dead cannot say anything without my permission.

The Sub-Protagonist Is Retiring

The Sub-Protagonist Is Retiring

서브 주인공, 은퇴합니다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Possessed by the sub-protagonist of the academy that ends with the Pong Pong Nam ending. Yes, I’m dropping out!


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not work with dark mode