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The Milk Hunter Couldn’t Stand It 283

Chapter 283 – Milking Paradise

Snowflakes were falling softly, reflecting the starlight in the dark night sky.
Snow that embraces the earth softly and warmly.
They do not crush each other with destruction, but simply melt in harmony to form a gentle river.
While contemplating the surrealistically beautiful world created by milking, I slowly raised my head and saw the archangel.

Two angels shining golden were touching each other and milking each other.
One archangel, one my shadow.
However, both were like archangels.
Both are lucky too.

The god of milking became perish and milked the god of perdition.
Destruction milks destruction.
At least it will stop here while it is being milked.
Enjoying the moment of milking forever, destruction was not to envision a tomorrow.
You can’t stop perishing.
So I decided to keep her sealed by milking her.

I hope their milking doesn’t break.
I saw archangels sitting peacefully on their knees suckling each other’s milk.
The surrounding environment was adjusted so that the balance was maintained and this peace was not disturbed.
Makes no one touch the milking.

How should the archangels be sealed?
How can we maintain the situation where destruction and milking are mixed without distinction?

He took out the Infinity Hammer from his bosom.
Archangels were born with special items.
Seal her with these items imbued with her divine power.

With the essence of life, he coordinated the power of destruction and the energy of milking.
By exerting a strong will, all forces were mixed together so that they did not cause dissonance.

He built a new Altar of Milking with the Infinity Hammer, and added strength with the Powerful Gloves.
The magic barrier was completed with the dragon’s heart, the sea king’s armor was applied for strong defense, and the spirit sword of mind was used to prevent other evils from permeating.
The forbidden magic book was placed next to the archangel to make the shadow last forever.

The palace high in the sky was reborn as an altar for milking.

Faced with fluttering milk eyes, I focused on all the work.
I prayed to heaven that eternal peace would continue only here.
Day and night, the Archangel’s milking will continue without end.
The destruction to come tomorrow was repeating today, content with milking.

Completed the seal and hid the Palace in the Sky and the Altar of Milking.
The space was blocked off so that no one could discover it.

Before leaving the altar, I looked back at the archangel one last time.

[Milk is peaceful.]

Looking at the archangel who stopped peacefully in the cycle of life, I remembered the characteristics I received the moment I first became a milking hunter.

[Milk is great.]
[Milk is benevolent.]

Everything was real.
Fully understand the meaning contained in short phrases.
I grew up through milking and became a great milking god.
Milked the world and saved it from destruction.
Milking was a warm mercy that wrapped around everything.
Realizing the affection and love contained within, he did not fall through any trials.

Lastly, [Dislike of non-milking subjects]

He hated beings who could not be milked.
I hated and hated it, so I found the ultimate solution.
All non-milking subjects need to be reformed and changed.
I milked it to the end of everything, to destruction, and even eliminated the last non-milking target in this world.

Traits that were once considered absurd.
Without these, I wouldn’t have become a milking god.
I am proud of the talents I have blossomed.

She turned her head to stare at the calm, snowy world.
I closed my eyes comfortably like that moment when I fell asleep after milking all day to make the party members a national treasure.

The world that had been covered in destruction was gradually being dyed with breast milk and being healed.


I returned to the paradise castle.
A corner of the quiet and desolate treatment room.
I approached the hero who was sitting on the edge of the bed and staring blankly into the air.

“Are you sane now?”

Sihoo Lee, still in the form of a woman.
Since the power of destruction had not been completely healed, there were times when he was sane and times when he was not.
She came to talk to her, so she first asked if she was conscious.

“Luck? Did you come back? How did the fight go? Did you win?”

She widens her eyes and reacts bewildered.
It was me who had been fighting the archangel for over a week after moving the paradise castle to the system world.
Suddenly appearing in front of her, I can’t seem to get a sense of whether it’s real or imaginary.

“Yes, the fight was won. You have succeeded in sealing the Archangel. The destruction will not go any further.”
“Oh… ? But why is the expression like that? Shouldn’t you be overjoyed if you saved the world? I thought you failed.”

Sihu Lee tilted her head.
The long-awaited me appears, but standing in front of her with a calm face makes me nervous that something is wrong.

“While sealing the archangel, the power of destruction transferred to me as well. I am in a very confused state right now.”

I told her honestly.
Archangels were unkillable.
It is true that the seal was successful and blocked, but in the process, even I was assimilated into destruction.
Old despair was seething inside me.
These are the negative emotions that come from destruction.

“Okay? Are you okay then? Aren’t you in need of treatment? How should I treat it?”

Sihu Lee got up from her seat and put his hand on my forehead.
Skinship with Chunwoon is natural.
It is probably a habit acquired through being healed through shadow heaven and milking.

I looked down at her.
Long hair that reached her shoulders. A look that can be called cute.
He’s not the ordinary hero I remember.

“It’s okay. Like the archangel, if I forget about tomorrow and start milking, these feelings will disappear.”
“Qigong therapy? I’m glad if you can recover. Then you should get treatment first. He seems to be very tired from fighting the Archangel. You worked hard, Cheonwoon.”

Sihoo Lee patted me on the back.
She becomes a woman and her small hands are light and weak.
I calmly accepted her encouragement.

“Yes, from now on, I will focus on recovery. I’ll think about the next thing after recovering. Before that, I want to bring you back to normal.”
“How long can I not be a woman? I can change you into a man now, so I will change you now.”

Being a milking god, I could milk either a man or a woman.
Even the archangel had been milked, and now that [Non-milking subjects] Were gone, it was easy to change Sihoo Lee into a man.
No matter what state it was, it was the same milking target for me.

“Really? Can I finally go back to being a man?”

Her eyes twinkled as she looked up at me.
I nodded her head.
Sihoo Lee asked me to become a man, and reversed the [Rehabilitation of non-milking subjects] To restore the warrior to its original state.

“Thank you, luck. Thank you. You have been forgotten to you for a lifetime. “

The warrior, who turned into a strong man, bowed to me and greeted me.

It became Ishihoo I knew.
I smiled comfortably while raising my mouth.
Now he will be able to return to his old relationship with her.

“Senior, but there is something to ask. What would you like to remember when you were a woman? “

Lee Sihoo’s expression was hardened.
He did a lot of work when he was a woman.
He attacked the saint, and she had a shadow luck and a very embarrassing life.
Bend the eyebrows slightly to see if the memories of that time are in your head.

“That’s inevitable. It was a state of state, not sane, and I had to stick to your shadow to get treatment. “

Lee Sihoo sighed deep.
He had a lot of things that had a lot of things, but there was a situation to consider.
From now on, you will have to try to appease the collapse of the mental collapse and return to the old.

“Seniors. What would you do if you have a way to clear that memory? What if there is a way to fix the shameful past and start a new start. “

In my question, Ishihu still came out and faced his eyes.
It was a look at whether there was such a way.

I pulled out the seeds of regeneration from my arms.

It is a miracle that can go back to the past.
He had the power of regression.
If this is, it is possible to select the point of view and fix it in the perfect past.

“Cheonwoon, have you come to me to ask it?”

He revealed why he first found a warrior in the paradise.
I wanted to seek advice from him who had a embarrassing past like me.

“The power of regression. If you write it, you start anew from the past. “
“Is there no side effects? Suddenly, what’s going to go wrong in the process of returning to the past. “
“It won’t happen.”

If I set up the seeds of regeneration, I was able to return to the past neatly and live a perfect life with my memories.
If you want, you can erase the current memory.

“It’s a difficult decision. It’s a matter of spending some time. Going back to the past. “
“Is that so?”
“Cheonwoon, you get drunk first. My mind and body will be tired, so it’s not too late to judge that after being fine. “

I nodded at the end of the calm warrior.
It’s the seed of playback and I think about it.
The side effects of fighting the archangel are also difficult, so you should enjoy milk in the paradise castle.



I returned to my bedroom and called the party members by sharing my thoughts.
The reason why they could come to me can come to me, so the reason was the first ride on the crack.

As soon as I confirmed that I was fine, I was in my arms.
The other party members who soon appeared are also hugged with me.

I looked back at them in front of me.
I have a hard time waiting for me to wait.
Like a lover who has met again for a long time, he has a smile and a quiet smile.

“Is it all over? Did you win the archangel? “

Hongwol Young asked her with her arms folded with her slightly nervous eyes.
In a simple indoor uniform, she made her makeup thicker without me.
You’ve been waiting for you to be sensitive.
She was the one who always became stiff and upright when uncomfortable.

“Yes, the battle is over.”

I let them know the progress of the fight and reassured them.
There is no possibility of the sealed Archangel moving again.
Because I was completely locked up in milking.

“But the power of destruction itself will not go away. It was a concept that could not be eliminated in the first place.”

Sealing the archangel does not mean that the power of destruction that has spread throughout the world will disappear all at once.
It only prevented the rapid spread, but destruction is a risk that can come back at any time.
Like the power of destruction mixed in my body.

“Okay, then are you okay?”
“I think I need to get some rest. The aftereffects are quite severe, so it will take time to heal.”
“Oh, lucky you are sick. Then I will help you, tell me if you need anything.”

Hong Wol-young smiled warmly.
As soon as she heard that she was sick, Shin Na-yeon was beside her, giving her various healing treatments and helping her as much as she could.

Estrote ordered her men to search for healthy elixirs all over the world.

“Unah. Drink this and cheer up. It’s a potion that works well for you.”

Lee Yu-na held out the pre-squeezed milk bottle while I was fighting the archangel.
She shyly puts her arm together and hands her bottle of breast milk into my hand.

The best medicine for milking hunters was breast milk.
Especially breast milk directly expressed from them.

“Thank you.”

I smiled brightly as I drank from the bottle.
The energy of milk permeates the body and quenches old thirst.
Don’t let the other party members lose to Lee Yu-na. She held out the bottle of breast milk she had saved up until now, and they became the strength to wake me up again.

For the time being, focus on treatment.
I should fill my heart with breast milk while milking to my heart’s content in the milking paradise I built.

The Milk Hunter Couldn’t Stand It

The Milk Hunter Couldn’t Stand It

착유헌터는 참을 수 없었다
Score 7.3
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
[You are a ‘milking hunter’.] The growth period of a milking hunter.


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not work with dark mode