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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 272

Chapter 272: Nostetta

The Nostetta, a magical beast.

It is a matured magical beast that once appeared in the suburbs of Evermill City and was defeated by my grandmother Kasia. Its threat level is the third rank, which is also adopted as the local standard of the Quardenze family. To the third rank is born, it is called a Nostetta-class demonic beast.

……Why is there suddenly talk of Nostetta, the demonic beast?”

The voice of her was more nuanced in its dispersion than in its questioning her.

I don't know the details, but it seems that my grandmother died of a debilitating disease that was spread by Nostetta, a magical beast that corrodes the mind. For my father and grandfather, it must have been an unpleasant past to recall.

I had a conversation with Lord McInnis on the battlefield, though only for a short time.

I wrote a report about that battle and submitted it to my father. I'm sure it was raised not only by me but also by the soldiers who were around me.

I'm checking the report on that,” He said. I believe it said that the last words were inaudible.

My father asks if I made a false report.

I added some elaboration to the wording because I knew that if I gave an open and honest account of my reasons for wanting to engage in dialogue, people would think I was questioning the Quardenzes, and by extension, my father and grandfather, but I did not report a lie.

'I didn't know what he was talking about because it was so disconnected.

'Well, then.

'It just occurred to me as I was talking to my father and grandfather like this tonight. I thought that he might have been talking about the magical beast Nostetta.

There was no proof McInnis 'own voice was also quiet, and the cheers of the people around him crushed his last words his so that they were barely audible All that remained in my head was the intensity and rhythm of his voice .

I have been pondering “What was he talking about?” Since then, but I could not come up with a satisfactory answer, but the piece “Nostetta, the magical beast” That suddenly came to mind seemed to fit perfectly.

So, what do you want to ask me?”

It was quite unusual to see my father not even trying to hide his moody airhis.

It is true that it is not very pleasant to be asked about one's mother's death, but that was more than 20 years ago. Dislike of the subject even now.

I'll leave that to my father. I haven't had a chance to learn much about the magical beast Nostetta.

He implicitly tells us that he does not know the details. And I dare to entrust the ball to my father. I felt that this was the most appropriate way to get him to talk about something he didn't want to talk about.

My father remained silent, but I kept my mouth shut and waited for his next words his.

I waited for his next words his: “I don't care,…… Luke.”

It was my grandfather who answered on our behalf.

He was lying on his face his right fist his clenched tightly His left hand his was clenched in a tight fist as if he was holding back something inside his heart his.


I'm sure he was planning to tell Wilk everything sooner or later.

Then there is no need to be concerned, my grandfather said.

My father pondered for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth.

Wilke never had any doubts about Nostetta, the …… Magical beast?

'That's, well, sort of.

I guess I didn't dig deep enough, but there are some things I wonder about.

Such as?”

'…… I'm not sure why your grandmother was alone in the battle to take down the beast, even though it appeared in Evermill City. I would have thought that your father and grandfather could have gone off to battle together,……”

This is a question that in some ways could be blamed on my father and grandfather.

The main reason for this is that the main ancestors are not the same as the ancestors of the beast.

At the time the Nostetta appeared, preparations for leaving the empire were being made behind the scenes. Father was in the imperial capital and I was working to coordinate with the Silopea and Evenapis families.

At that time, my uncle Gardacre had already passed away, and the Quardenze family was at the point of deciding to go to war with the Spierzeig family. It was not until my father's generation that they actually left the empire, but preparations had been underway behind the scenes since my grandmother was head of the family.

My father heard the news of the appearance of the magical beast Nostetta while he was visiting the territory of Evenapis as the next head of the family.

So that's why my grandmother, who remained in New Nelly as the head of the family, went into battle.

'That's what I meant. I think that's why my grandmother, who remained in New Nellie as head of the family, went to war……. Well, my mother would have gone first anyway. Were making progress in entering the kingdom.

I did not immediately understand what he meant, but my father quickly added, “There is the matter of the unification of the five kingdoms.

There is the matter of the unification of the five kingdoms. We can't afford to have any visible loss in the area of ​​defeating the demonic beasts.”

In the eyes of the Aterahan family, my grandmother, who dared to carry out the great purge of her collateral relatives, is a quite dangerous person.Or, to be more precise, from the perspective of the kinship members of the Aterahan family .

The family has not been able to achieve centralization because they have fully utilized the power of their relatives in unifying and governing the Aterahan region.

If he is going to become a royal nobleman, he needs to make a good impression on the Aterahan family. The grandmother was on the front line of defeating demonic beasts in order to eliminate the chance of being ridiculed for being able to kill relatives but not demonic beasts.

Did my father remain in the Evenapis territory?

The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how to do it.

I decided to return as soon as I heard the news.I heard that your mother went off with her trusty main ancestor soldiers, but the more men we have, the better.”

Father let out a loud sigh there.

'…… That was just past the city of Gatoren, wasn't it? We received instructions from Mother, who was fighting in Evermill. She told us to stay in New Nellie and never to go into battle …….”

The air became heavier, as if this was the point of the story.

You remember the Hexenbiest riot in King's Landing, don't you? Perhaps, but the Nostetta was a mature hexenbiest with the same characteristics as that one.

'…… A mature hexenbiest that possesses magical power?

Yes, it is. And the total amount of magical power is estimated to be equivalent to the third largest.

No one had ever heard of a mature demonic beast that possessed magical power.

During the battle to defeat ………… The beast, Mother was attacked by a Nostetta.

It was……

Depending on the fighting type, mature demonic beasts of the third rank of the threat class often have enough fighting ability to go toe-to-toe with the main ancestor.

Kasia feared more than anything that she would lose even Lukuse.

As the head of the Quardenze family and as a mother, she could not afford to lose her second son, Luke, following her first son, Gardacre.

However, my father still regretted not being able to fight alongside my grandmother.

I had heard that she died from a strange disease caused by a demonic beast, but the truth is that it was caused by an injury sustained during the battle to take down the beast.”

My father's expression becomes the sternest of the day.

'…………Yes, that's right.

'Lukse,' my grandfather's voice echoed.

My father, perhaps feeling some kind of break with that, fixed me with a strong gaze.

He looked at me with a strong gaze, “… Mother has deeply imprinted a magical residue in her body.”

I nodded my head in agreement, and my father shook his head.

Wilk doesn't know the horror of the magical residue. The body of the main ancestor is extremely strong, but even the spirit is not the same. How cruel that would be.

The ancestor will not die unless there is something wrong with him. No matter how serious the magic residue is, it is not and cannot die by itself. Never heal. Until the day I reach the end of my life.

My father tells me in a hushed voice how much my grandmother suffered from the magical residue.

It was the end of our ancestor who was afraid to speak of it. I was immensely moved by the reality of how never-ending pain can change a person, how it can break a heart.

'….Father, I understand now.'

I already know where this story is going to end. It is clear from the expressions on my father's and grandfather's faces now that it has come to a painful end.

The story is not over yet.

Wilk must hear the truth.”

The weight of the air almost crushes me, but I don't look away and wait for the rest of the story.

Although severely imprinted with magical residue, my grandmother was still alive after the defeat.

In other words, the direct cause of my grandmother's death was not caused by the magical beast Nostetta.

…… I took care of Kasia.

Was it my grandfather who had a hand in it?

The father nodded quietly in response to the grandfather's confession and told him that he was the one who had given the permission.

Wilk, my father is.”

His tone he was somewhat fearful, so I interrupted my father's words by turning my hand palm up.

I wonder how much sorrow and suffering they have gone through to save their beloved wife and beloved mother from suffering……. How much sorrow and suffering did they have to go through?

I have no change in my respect for your father and grandfather.

There was no way they could be disillusioned. I am in awe of the magnitude of my father and grandfather, who faced despair and never ran away from it.

……This is not the kind of story that should be told to a pre-adult child,” My father says to himself.

I'm only thirteen, in case you were wondering.

I wonder if I would normally be able to tell such a story to a child at such an impressionable age.He might take it in a strange way and hurl terrible words at my father and grandfather.It's a pinch of family breakdown.

Maybe, as for my father, he was going to tell the truth much later …… After my grandfather passed away due to life expectancy. It is safer not to mention this truth while my grandfather is still alive.

Still, even though today is the day of celebration for bringing the Spierzeik family to their knees, the air in the room is completely wakeful. It's completely my own fault, but I can't help but feel sorry for myself.

When I heard that the second magical beast, the magical beast Kramitis, was a magical power-possessing type, I thought my heart would stop. I couldn't help but remember the end of my mother's life.”

It was only after my speech that the Levios family gave me the information on the hexenbiest.The father was wondering if there was any way he could reason with them and stop them from leaving.I'm really sorry about that.

My father seems to think that the hexenbiest Nostetta, the hexenbiest Kramitis, and the hexenbiest Gurnalin are mature hexenbiests with the same characteristics.

Hmmm. There has never been a hexenbiest with magical powers.

Any other evidence?

The Levios family has yet to report the discovery of any pearls from either of the two hexenbiests.

“I remember my father showing me the treasure of the hexenbiest Nostetta before …….

That was a fake. The treasure is a fake. People from Silopea and Evenapis came to my mother's funeral, and it wouldn't have looked good without it.

There are a number of pearls stored in the treasure house of the Kuordenze family. The only second rank treasure is that of the magical beast Kaliestebe, but there are several third rank pearls that are not open to the general public. My father selected a suitable one from among them and decided to call it the treasure of the magical beast Nostetta. Well, there is no name plate on it, so he can cheat as much as he wants.

Then, will the Levios family also find an appropriate pearl and release it to the public in the future?

Perhaps they will. However, it is not possible to tell whether the revealed beads are real or fake. Considering the fact that no treasure beads of both demonic beasts have been discovered at this time, I think it is highly likely that they are fake. ……”

We can confirm that the treasure beads are real, but we cannot determine which demonic beast they belong to. Obviously, if the size of the treasure beads were different, it would create room for a lucky guess, but it was unlikely that the Levios family would make such a trivial mistake.

If the undisclosed treasure beads did not exist, no fakes could be prepared, but it is estimated that the magical beast Kramitis is equivalent to the fourth rank, and the magical beast Ghannarin is equivalent to the fifth rank of mature magical beasts. That level of treasure, there should be a lot of them lying around in the Levios family's warehouse.

Do you think that the appearance of the magic-possessing mature hexenbiests is artificial, Father?”

…… It's quite possible. The Sibelkroga, the magical beast that attacked New Nellie last year, was created by priestly forces. The same priestly forces are responsible for the attack on King's Landing.

It has not been confirmed that the mastermind, the high-ranking priest Efial, created the magical beast Kramitis and the magical beast Ghannarin. But it is clear that they are related in some way. It is hard to believe that they are completely unrelated.

The reason my father was strangely concerned about the Kramitis and Ghanaian treasures was probably because of my grandmother's case.

But that makes me wonder why the Sibelkroga, a magical beast, was an ordinary mature magical beast.

'I'm not sure about that part. If we were serious about attacking Quordenze, I think it should have been a magic possession type,…… No, you mean you can't easily adjust the fighting type,. …..?”

…… So, what does McInnis' last days have to do with the Nostetta?

I don't know.”

Romilie knows, Nostetta the Hexenbiest.

Perhaps this is what McInnis meant when he said it.

'You mean that the Spierzeig family created the magic-possessing Nostetta, the magical beast, and that it harmed my mother?'

The cold voice of my father, whose emotions are completely unreadable, is frightening.

But it is also true that we can only make this worst guess based on the information we have at this point.

No,……, I don't think we have enough information to make such a premature assumption,……”

Then you should do the appropriate research.

Yes, I do. I will confirm the truth with Lord Romilier.

In the middle of my speech, my father pointed his palm at me.

'I'll check out Othellia first. Wilk must not move yet.

There is a good chance that Romilier is not aware of the dialogue between me and McInnis. My father said that it would be terrible if the evidence was destroyed after a poor attempt to find out what happened.

He had originally planned to fish for as much of the Spierzeig family's secrets as he could when he arrived in Othellia, but he will make the investigation of Nostetta, the magical beast, a top priority task.

Depending on the situation, we will consider appropriate measures.

Be prepared,” He said.

Tonight I learned about the darkness that my father and grandfather were facing. If the Spierzeiks were involved in my grandmother's murder, they would never forgive the Spierzeiks. If that happens, there will be no time to talk about sowing seeds in Romilie.

This is what I call poking a snake out of the bushes.

I had no choice but not to poke them.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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not work with dark mode