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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 260

Chapter 260: Previous

Thick clouds piled up in the sky.

The hot summer sun was blocked out and the sky was comfortable, but the future of the sky looked uncertain.

The castle of Raishleif can be seen in the distance. If we were to ride our horses, we could reach the castle in a matter of seconds, but of course we can't do that now.

But of course, we can't do that right now, because the enemy army is welcoming us with open arms.

Spierzeig's second army and Kindlore's army.

According to the estimates of the military officers, their number of soldiers is 90,000.

Three times as many as we have.

“More than that, if you take into account the internal situation.

The number of soldiers in the Maxillary Army, which I am currently leading, is approximately 30,000. But most of them are local Spiaseik residents.

The largest number of soldiers are from Dornia City. Dornia is a city that can be categorized in the northern part of the Voigtland Plain, but many soldiers were left behind to suppress the aristocratic families based in the mountainous western region.

It appears that the Leithleif offensive is still going on.

The voice was a mixture of relief and concern.

The military officers concluded that the number of Spierzeig soldiers to be mobilized for the operation to retake Raishleif would be around 150,000. This figure was based on their experience as well as classified information recovered in the city of Værdberg, so it was probably reliable at first .

If Kindlore's army came here at 90,000, McInnis's army remained there at 60,000.

The battle has not yet fallen. That's good news.

Tension was rising as the battle drew near. I couldn't hold out much longer if I didn't have a conversation with him.

……The siege is still going on at this stage.

I wonder if McInnis and Kindlore have any thoughts of lynching me. ……Well, if both armies actually come out, I'll switch to a hit-and-away strategy and run around in all directions, saving Laishleif Castle and stalling the invasion of northern Wojstra by reinforcements.

It would be emotionally difficult for them to ease off the attack with the recapture of Laishleif Castle in sight. Vojstra's great shield is an exceptional asset for the Spierzeiges.

I am sure it is the same for Quardenze.

Perhaps sensing my nervousness, the second-in-command continued as if to review the situation.

If we back out now, the noble families under our control who are watching us will suddenly start to make a lot of noise.

If we fail to recapture Reischlieff, there will be those who will give up on the Spierzeig family as if they are unworthy. Considering the foreign relations, the decision to give priority to Laishlieh may be unavoidable.

It's hard to keep up appearances, isn't it? Have you been driven into a corner by the eyes of those around you?”

Perhaps because I said it as if it were someone else's problem, the deputy looked a little troubled and then laughed lightly.

He then laughed lightly. I'm sure he must have gotten the word about one of the Meijiohde's cases.

'Well, I doubt it.

As far as the second-in-command is concerned, it seems that the Spierzeig family would have given priority to the castle of Reischlieff even if I had done nothing.

The main objective is something else. Even if it had the effect of pushing them over the edge, it would only be a side effect. It's just an added bonus.”

Even as I said this, I was relieved that we were only able to pull out the Kindoroa forces. I didn't want to deal with two dangerous people like the main ancestor at the same time.

The Shangjaw and Kindoroa armies gradually drew closer and closer, and their figures became clearer and clearer.

The soldiers, soldiers, soldiers, soldiers, soldiers,……, A tremendous number of people are crowded together, but I was able to identify where the enemy's main army was located with detection magic. Feel a little strange.

It's strange. It feels as if the main body of Kindoroa is nearby.

“Is it Operation Fang? The main army of the main ancestor was not among the forces attacking the city of Nambonan at that time, and it was positioned in the rear. Compared to that, it's natural to feel closer to the main army.

Well, the most memorable battle for me was certainly the defeat of Spiasek's army in Nambonan City.

Unlike Verret's main army, Kindroer's main army seems to be inside the army.

In a decisive battle between the two main ancestral armies, that arrangement is the safest.

It is a matter of course, but it is more effective to invoke the body enhancement magic from within the army than to invoke it from a distance.

This was understood not only theoretically but also physically. The reason is that it was I myself who led the Voestra Plain City Continuous Fall Tour by making full use of the body enhancement magic.

I knew that it would not be as easy to break through as it looked.

“Ha. The soldiers of the main ancestral army will be hard and difficult to cut down. And in this case, the enemy can replenish its troops from the immediate rear. The army of Kindoroa can always maintain 90,000 soldiers.

The adjutant said that if they defeated 1,000 Kindlore soldiers, McInnis's army would send 1,000 replenishers. 90,000 soldiers would ensure that the assault by Quardenze Wilk would be met with a margin of safety, and McInnis and Kindlore seemed to have decided that way.

Conversely, Kindroer's army did not need more men.

It's a tricky story.

Kindroa's army was like a boss character with a very high defense and an automatic recovery effect.

With the enemy having the number of troops, a breakthrough cannot be achieved. No matter how many soldiers you have, you will always be stopped in your tracks. As expected, the wall of 9,000 is too thick.”

This reminded me of the battle in Nambonan City. The assault of the main army is powerful, but it is possible to obstruct the progress of the army by the proper judgment of the military officers and the accurate management of the soldiers. , The enemy side also has the Lord's strengthening magic.

The second-in-command assured me that even with the amount of magic power I have, I would never be able to surpass it.

'…… Too thick, huh?

I can see that you are extremely wary of the young master. Frankly, we have more than enough men.

The second lieutenant said, “I can see that you are very wary of the young man. If we had not met him, he might have been able to catch us off guard. It is too late to do anything about it now, though.

The number of soldiers will increase as time goes by, but compared to theirs, it will be a small amount. We can never win in an endurance battle. We will be cut down to dust first.

At this very moment, Quardenze soldiers must be pouring in from the interior, but it will take a lot of time for them to reach the front line at Reischlieff. To begin with, we have ordered the invading troops to give priority to the invasion and control of the northern region.

McInnis' forces are in our way.

If there were only Kindlore's army, he could replenish the Quordentse troops as much as he wanted via the outer regions.

……, But there was no point in moping about.”

We succeeded in luring the Kindoroa army. Then, we should just open up and try to do as much as we can. There is no way to recover in case of failure.

We will defeat Speerzeich Kindlore. That's all I can think about right now.

If we can do that, Operation Snake Jaw will end in great success. McInnis's army alone would not be able to sustain the recapture of Raishleif Castle. McInnis would be forced to retreat once Kindlore's army was defeated.

The ambush force is already prepared.

It is clear that it is impossible to capture the castle by a straightforward attack.

The maxillary forces are currently advancing stretched longitudinally, and I was in the center of it. If I were to compare it to an airplane, I would say that I am in the seat where the main wings are attached.

And at the point where the wings of this imaginary plane were extended much longer, they had sent a number of military officers who were to serve as ambush troops. Maxillary forces, they would be recognized by the Kindoroa forces as scouts.

The ambushers also do reconnaissance, but that is only a sub-mission. Their real role is to surprise the Kindoroa army. They are carrying manaral crystals filled with my magic power and are waiting for the moment to attack.

This is a reuse of the manaral crystals used in the Arkunoa Pollution Zone. Village, I made sure to retrieve them.

I didn't use them in the duel in Nambonan City. You wouldn't expect me to have such a means of attack.”

I do something similar when I'm in single combat with Spierzeig Verret. I entrusted the manaral crystal to the knight Gatoren, asking him to help me if I was about to lose.

In the end, we were able to win without using it that time, so the Spierzeig forces were unaware of its existence.

Pull the Kindlore army in well.”

If the Shangjaw and Kindoroa forces were to clash head-on at this point, we would almost certainly be pushed back.

I leave the decision to retreat to you.”

That is why the retreat of the maxillary forces will be natural. No one would doubt that move. They are simply retreating where they should be retreating.

And if the Kindoroa forces see that they have the upper hand, they will come forward to strike the maxillary forces. What will happen if the ambush soldiers deployed on both sides continue to stay where they are without moving? Their position would change from right beside the maxillary forces to right beside the advancing Kindoroa forces. If they could pull them back enough, they might be able to get behind them instead of right beside them.

Pull them back to the throat.”

Of course, the Kindoroa army would be wary of the fact that there were still follower soldiers on both sides who were supposed to be scouts.

The warped, poisonous fangs will pierce the enemy.

With good timing, the ambush soldiers on the left and right unleash their main ancestor-class attack magic against the Kindoroa forces.

“Finally, I will take Kindoroa's head with the elite 3,000. It will be a very short battle. Once things get underway, don't let up for even a second.

I'm going to stab him with my fangs, and when he panics from the pain, I'm going to swallow him up in one gulp.

However, I don't think everything will go so well. I have a reasonable chance of winning, but I don't think things will go according to my calculations on the battlefield.

If a breakthrough is impossible, advise them immediately. At that point, I will retreat without hesitation.

I will not say that I will destroy the Spierzeig family even if I have to stab them in the back.

I will fight for my own survival.

“Ha. I will surely do so.

It will be difficult to tell, but I trust in your wisdom and experience.

So don't decide to retreat too soon, don't give up until you're on the edge of your limits …… I tell you implicitly. It's a check that overprotection will not be tolerated. -Command nodded in a mysterious manner.

It's finally time.

The Kindroa army in front of us is gradually slowing down. The enemy, like us, had been vertical while moving, but soon spread out horizontally.

The two armies have now identified the site of the meeting.

The battle was about to begin.

Thinking of this, even the noise made by the soldiers did not bother them. The blood, a mixture of tension and excitement, rushes through my body, making my heart race. My own heart is beating the loudest in the place.

I wondered what the others were thinking about as they went into battle.I looked at my adjutant, who was standing next to me, and he was peering at the enemy with a curious look on his face.

He said, “……, What's going on?”

The enemy soldiers are upset.”

It is said that the soldiers of Kindoroa are rustling when they see our troops. The general soldiers seem to be somewhat dismayed when you put it that way.

The Spearceik military officers, who are in a position to obtain information, but the ordinary soldiers probably never thought that they would be the ones being targeted by the attackers.

It's not going well.

The adjutant continued in a derisive tone.

It seems that the morale of the general population is not very high,” The adjutant continued in a derisive tone. After attacking Raishreef day after day, night after night, it is only natural that they would be discouraged by the intercepting battle.

I believe that the attack on Raishleif was done in shifts, but after days and days of continuous attacks, the soldiers' motivation would be exhausted.

In that sense, the maxillary army is similar, but the Dornian city militia we recovered along the way are relatively healthy, and the morale of the elite 3,000-odd is still high.

…… No, that's not all.”

The people of Spierzeig are already exhausted.

Is this going to be an easy breakthrough?

The first clash may be a good contest, but it is unlikely that we will be able to push through.

The adjutant admonished me, saying that it was a mistake to expect the low morale of the enemy soldiers.

'To be able to handle low morale soldiers, even weak soldiers, without any problem,…… That was the skill of a military officer, wasn't it?'

Ha, that's right.”

Then the second-in-command laughed gruffly.

Of course, we have no intention of losing.

It is said that one can learn from another's example. The problem of weak troops may be more serious on our side. I am leading a hastily created, hodgepodge unit, at any rate.

For the time being, they are working fine, but it is conceivable that something minor could trigger a collapse in morale.

I trust you guys. I think it is my role to turn a weak army into a strong one.

It would be one of the general's jobs to raise the morale of the troops.

'The young master's name is widely known in this region. It will be a great support for the soldiers here. I think it is enough for him to stand tall.

The adjutant said, “You don't have to be too self-conscious.

The first thing to do is to make sure that the soldiers are not too preoccupied with the morale of the soldiers, and that it will affect their original job of intimidating and enforcing magic.

He says, “We're just going to give them a little boost before the war starts. When the time is right, give me a signal.

Timing is important, even when making oral statements. After making sure my second-in-command nods, I start thinking of inspirational lines.

The two armies were about to face each other and begin a standoff. It was a situation where a battle could erupt at any moment.

Despite the presence of so many people, their attention was focused on one place. Everyone was staring at the void, so much so that they felt the illusion that “The moment when the war opens” Existed and was floating somewhere on this battlefield.. …..

The second-in-command quietly announced.

…… Young sir, please speak bravely.”

This place is a stage prepared for me and Kindlore.

The Quardenze soldiers, the Spierzeig soldiers, the Quardenzeig military officers, the Spierzeig military officers, they are all performers and spectators.

Kindlore will not be given the leading role. I will show all of them who is the protagonist by enlivening the scene.

I ordered my second-in-command.

“Have the men raise the flag.


The Wilk forces move in.

Every Spiaseik officer in Kindoroa's army was watching his every move his.

…… Is it to inspire his own army his?

One of the Spearzeig officers let out a voice. He judged this to be the case when he saw the Wilk forces raise their flags in unison.

The Wilk forces were a hodgepodge. It was appropriate to raise the flag of their own army to raise the war spirits of the soldiers.

The military officers immediately understood the intent.

That military flag is……!”

The flag was also flying at the castle of Raishleif, which they had been attacking day after day.

“Snakes and splashes entwined in crossed spears……!”

There was not a single person here who did not know that emblem.

It was the Quardenze army!

Why is there a main army of Quordenze over here?

It's a hell of a big army!

I thought we were attacking!

The general idea of ​​military officers is that it is enough for ordinary soldiers to give orders and move around. Many military officers are unwilling to teach unnecessary things to the soldiers and allow them to move on their own. Was going to attack was hardly conveyed to the soldiers in Kindoroa.

However, now that the military flag has been raised, all the soldiers know the identity of the opposing army. 30,000 against 90,000 is a small number, but that is only the sense of the military officers. Is 30,000, and nothing more than a large army.

The shock and confusion was transmitted from the front to the rear in waves.

Calm down!

Of course, that level of upheaval was expected by the Spierzeig armies.

No sooner had the flustered Kindlore soldiers calmed down than the next move was made: “I am Quardenze!

I am Quardenze Wilk!

Wilk's clear voice echoed high above the thick clouds.The loudspeaker magic roars his name across the entire battlefield.

After a moment of silence, the confusion disappeared from the Kindlore soldiers.

“Great shield-splitting!

It's the Blue Demon of Nambonan! The Blue Demon has struck again with a surprise attack!

The grandson of General Gulfis!

“Here, here, here, we're going to be killed!”

The grandson of Gulfis, the young nobleman “Quardenze Wilk” Who had shattered Vojstra's great shield, was well known even to the soldiers at the end of the line. Moreover, some of the Kindoroa soldiers had engaged the Wilk-led forces in Nambonan City and had been taken prisoner.

As if to ridicule the chaos, Wilke continued his words with his enthusiasm: “All the northern part of Vojstra has been taken.

All of northern Vojstra has fallen to Quardenze! Behold! The results of my war!!!!”

As if to match his lines, Wilk's army lowers the flag of Kuordenze and raises an entirely different flag.There was not one type of flag, but several.

Few Kindoroan soldiers knew all of the emblems on those flags.

The flag of the city of Værdberg!

There's also the city of Barlaika!

That's the city of Meijode! Even the city of Fanes?

Oh, no! The city of Torsa is……!

The majority of the soldiers who participated in the operation to recapture Laishleif were territorial citizens recruited from the northern regions of the Voistula Plain.

The city Wilk captured was their hometown, or the nearest city to their hometown village, a place they would have heard of at least once if they were still alive. Many Kindoroa soldiers recognized the city emblem on the flag.

Hey! Really? The flags of the cities of Barlaika and Juanes are there?

Some of the Kindoroa soldiers were brought in from other regions. That soldier, who had entered the war from the central part of the Vojstra Plain, was not too sure about the flags being raised by the Wilk forces. Standing right next to him, kept mentioning the names of key cities in the northern part of the country.

Barlaica is my birthplace! There's no way I could have made a mistake!

The soldier from the central region was astonished at the words of his colleague, who looked as if he was about to break down in tears.He knew a little more about geography than the others,so ​​he understood the danger of the fall of those cities.

All of northern Vojstra had fallen to Quordenze!

To add to the confusion, Wilk repeated the same declaration.

At the same time, the flags of the cities were lowered and the military flag of the Kuordenze crest was raised again.

In fact, this was only hidden by Wilk before he realized that only the flags of the seven key cities were present. North was under the control of the Quordenze.

Don't listen to his lies Quiet Don't waste your breath on each other!

Spierzeig's military officer restrained the soldiers with a strong tone. However, there was no one who did not feel uneasy when they heard that their homeland had been taken away from them. They were restlessly looking around them.

Why did the Quordenze attack, why did the city that was supposed to be in the rear fall, and why did the situation suddenly come to this?

'Attention all those who have fallen into the trap of my grandfather Gulfis!

It was a way of speaking that put great emphasis on the “Trap” Part.

'Regret that you have been lured by Reisleif! All this is a trap to make this ambush a success! All is a ploy to free Vojstra!'

Kindlore looks as if he's biting a bitter bug at Wilke's bold and daring falsehoods.

“Nonsense blah blah blah…… Blah!”

Of course, the upper echelons of Spierzeig understood why Wilk had made up such a story and what its main purpose was.

The main purpose, after all, was to conceal the magical failure.

The second-in-command, standing by Kindlore's side his continued his words in an indifferent manner.

Even if they succeeded in defending Raishleif Castle, it would still be a sign of Quardenze's downfall.

The Spierzeig family had already assumed that Wilk would come to the rescue of Raishleif Castle via the city of Nambonan, and it was a move that posed no particular problem. Failure, had abandoned the front line and remained miserably holed up in the castle until his grandson came to his rescue.

If the Spierzeig forces pushed the Quardenze forces back to the Reischlieb, the surrounding noble families would be convinced that Gulfis had developed magical insufficiency. If this were to happen, there would be a drastic review of their policy toward the Quordentze family. Aristocratic diplomacy should have turned.

Gulfis' army withdrew under the pretense of magical failure, drawing Spierzeig's army to the Reischliefe. Meanwhile, Wilk's army would break through the old American Highway and take control of the deserted northern part of the Voistula Plain. The Quardenze. I thought you were trying to obscure the status of General Garfis by claiming …… That.”

Wilk chose to cross the Amelia Arknoa. What would happen if Spierzeig's army failed to capture Laishleif at this point and the northern part of the Voistra Plain was taken? At that time, the only result would be that “Spiaseik fell for Quordenze's plot.

There have been reports of similar claims in the cities of Dornia and Meijode. The target would be the west.”

After all, people from other houses can only judge the situation based on the final outcome of the war. If the Quardenze forces are carrying out their operations and getting the results they deserve, they will give weight to that side's claims.

Wilk thought there was room to plant doubts there. As long as the operation was successful, he thought, the truth could be veiled. In most aristocratic families, “I don't think the Quardenzes, who would have had the upper hand, would have decided to go ahead with a one-or-eighth maneuver. Perhaps, as the Spierzeig family claims, Gulfis has developed magical insufficiency,” They would think. But we cannot be sure of that. Because the Quardenze family has achieved great success in the war.The only way to resolve the doubt that “Garfis may be alive and well” Is to confront him in person.But the Quardenze family will not allow it.The truth is always in the dark.

The illusion of Garfis is a strong deterrent. No noble family would think of easily antagonizing the Quardenzes.

“A foolish thing to do…….

A young nobleman who decides to take the heroic step of crossing over Amelia Arcunoa should have felt the green enthusiasm and spirit of Gulfis to surpass the warrior. What Kindoroa felt, however, was the grandson's mean-spirited persistence in using his grandfather's military fame to the very end.

…… But McInnis would understand the boy's purpose.

That is why Spierzeig's army must take back Raishleif Castle. The battle result of “Successful recapture of Raishleif Castle,” Which could be seen from the outside, was required. If they withdrew, Wilke's lie that it was a trap would become true.

Kindlore and Spierzeig were right. Wilk's objective was to create the illusion of Gulfis.

However, their considerations he were a little lacking.The people to whom Wilk was trying to convey his wordshe were not only the “Nobles” Of the Zinkaen Empire and the Kingdom of Levioth.

And its effects were now becoming apparent on the ground.

I knew it! I knew that red devil wouldn't back down!

We've been set up!

The lamentations of the Kindoroa soldiers echoed across the battlefield.

Even after witnessing the retreat of the front line and the siege of Reischlieff, there were still many soldiers who wondered why Gulfis was not doing well. It was hard to believe that a general who had won many battles in his career would end up like this For this reason, the lie told by Wilk was deeply felt in their hearts.

The morale of the Kindoroa soldiers, the Spiaseik militia, was not high to begin with. The despair that “Gulfis may be alive and well” Quickly ate away at their hearts.

The Spiaseik military officer on the scene, who feels this change firsthand, shows a bit of impatience.

The soldiers are looking pretty shaken up.”

They won't be overtaken, but they're not in very good shape.”

Kindlore begins to argue with Wilk using loudspeaker magic.But it turns out to be nothing more than a watercooler.Wilk insists that it was an operation, and Kindlore insists that it was Gulfis's magical insufficiency of his.

It was an eternal parallel. The winner's argument would be the correct one. The moment when lines cross is the moment of battle.

At that moment, an intense diffusion of magical power filled with murderous intent swept through both armies almost simultaneously.


The exchange of threats that had finally begun made the Speargeyk military officer involuntarily brace himself.

The vicious pressure, which seemed to crush their souls, made their hearts go cold at once.

Hee, hee!

The Kindoroa soldiers were no longer confused, but simply trembled with fear. They were confronted with a life-threatening situation by a direct threat of malice.

To resist the threat of the Lord Ancestor, they needed either a strong will or an ally Lord Ancestor. Man to support them.

Do not falter!”

Spierzeig's military officer did not miss that wavering.

Do not be cowed!

The troops began to inspire here and there.

Do not be afraid!

There is a reason for these words.

“Blessed is he who stands!!!!”

The general of Kindoroa's army is Spiaseik Kindoroa, the power of the Lord Ancestor.

To escape the unbearable pressure unleashed by the enemy, they have no choice but to rely on Kindoroa. There is no other way but to cling to it. There is no other way but to be …… Enslaved.

Do not be discouraged!

Do not be cowed!

Do not be afraid!

To receive the protection of the Lord's Ancestors, we must stand up to them.

Blessings are for those who stand! ! ! ! “

The Kindoroa soldiers grasped their weapons, their faces contorted in pain.

The Spiaseik military officer was relieved that he had secured a minimum morale.

'…… Was close, but you've picked it up.

But they are still a weak army.

The morale was much lower than the military commanders had expected, and it took them a long time to recover.

Are the enemy forces in good shape?

As far as they could see, the morale of Wilk's army was high.

So what happened next was unexpected.

It was……”

A small group emerged from the back of Wilk's army.

When the group emerged from the front line of the Wilk forces, it advanced a little and then stood still. Wilk's figure could easily be seen by Kindroa's army.

What are you going to do,……?”

Is he planning to force his way through with a simultaneous assault, or is he going to seek reconciliation through talks? These were the Spierzeig military officers, who had been swept away by Wilk's eccentricities.

“Oh, hey, ……! Something's coming out!

The Kindlore soldiers also noticed Wilk's group.

At first the soldiers peeked noisily at each other, but gradually the murmurs became small. They were pressured by the nervousness of their superiors and by the appearance of the enemy general, who reigned with dignity without showing any movement.


It was a bizarre sight.

The place where a total of 120,000 troops of both armies were facing each other was quiet with bewilderment.

As if he had been waiting for that silence, Wilk silently drew the sword at his waist.It was the treasured sword of the water snake.

Gripping the treasured sword in one hand, Wilk thrusts its tip toward the distant sky in a leisurely motion. His silver binoculars were also looking far into the distance.


That posture was nothing but a warning that they would “Advance beyond the army of Kindoroa. At the same time, it was a provocation to Spierzeig's army.

We are the Liberation Army!

Wilke's voice roared across the battlefield.

We are the liberators of Vojstra!

Wilke continued, as if to exhort all the soldiers, friend and foe alike.

The soldiers of Wilk's army shouted a battle cry in response.

We are the liberators of the oppressed!

Wilk's inspirational call was unlike anything ever heard before.

We are the liberators of the oppressed!

These are not words to force a battle.

People who are wounded by war!

These are not words that bring soldiers to their knees.

“O people who endure tyranny!”

These are not words to enslave the weak.

“Your homeland is now! “Your homeland is now liberated by our hand!”

They are words that speak to the people.

Your homeland is now! “Your homeland is now liberated from the tyranny that will never end!”

These were the words to the people of Spierzeig.

We are the Liberation Army!

Wilke repeated the same line.

Wilke repeats the same line, a simplified version that stirs a faint hope in the hearts of the Kindroer soldiers.

We are the liberators of Vojstra!

The city of Nambonan, which defied the Quordenze family, is alive and well and its citizens still live in peace …… Many Kindoroa soldiers have heard such rumors. Many have actually witnessed its prosperity as prisoners of war.

And Wilk says that he has conquered and liberated all the northern cities of Vojstra.

We are the liberators of a people oppressed by an oppressive regime!”

Perhaps my homeland can escape the ravages of war as well as the city of Nambonan,…… One of the Kindoroa soldiers suddenly thought.

Their hometowns are now! It has been liberated by our hands!

Perhaps the families and loved ones they left behind will be able to live in peace……. One of the Kindoroa soldiers suddenly thought.

Their homeland is now! Liberated from the tyranny that will never end!

Perhaps, if the Quardensee win, they will be liberated from this impoverished life……. One of the Kindoroa soldiers suddenly thought.

We are the Liberation Army!

It was a speech to raise the morale of the Nambonan soldiers, to encourage the locally procured local militia, and to make them feel a sense of ownership.

They had not originally wanted to fight.

They were only slaves because they were ordered to do so by their lords and by the powerful.

Kindoroa began to intervene in Wilk's speech. The shouts of rage from the loudspeaker magic reflected in the heavens and echoed through the earth. It was like a reprimand to the soldiers who held out faint hope.

However, Wilke does not take the slightest notice of it.

We are the liberators of Vojstra!

The general of his own army looks only at Quardenze Wilk.

The general of the enemy army sees the people who live in the land of Vojstra.

The Kindlore soldiers sensed the difference.

Just as the master does not have expectations of the slave ancestors, the slave ancestors do not have expectations of the master.

We are the ones who liberate our people from oppression!

But now, the Kindoroa soldiers have got their hopes up. They have seen the light in front of the Lord Ancestor, who speaks to the slave ancestors.

……, Please ……!”

The Kindoroa soldiers' mouths overflowed with a thought akin to a prayer.

They looked at Wilk as if they were devouring him. It was because they felt that Wilk was “Expecting” Something from them, just as they were “Expecting” Something from Wilk.

If we meet their expectations, will they meet ours?

'These guys!

The soldiers of their own army were looking at the enemy side with envy.

'People of Vojstra!

Wilk's speech entered its final stage.

O people oppressed by evil lords!

At this point, Spierzeig finally realized that the target of his speech included the Kindroer soldiers.

It would be a bit excessive for a nobleman to make a speech with the aim of demoralization, but not for a nobleman to make a speech with the aim of nostalgia. It is against their common sense for the strong to rely on the weak.

'Retreat! I will absolve you of your wrongdoing!

The hearts of the Kindoroa soldiers suddenly burst into flames.

Retreat! I absolve you of your sins!

It is not a treason, but an invitation to flee.

“Retreat! Forgive his life his!”

It is not a fight, only flight.

“Come, answer my voice!”

And Wilke said.

“O new people of Quordenze, !!!!.”

That final call was the prelude to the collapse.

……I don't want to fight!

One Kindlorean soldier throws down his weapon and tries to break away from his unit. Naturally, Spierzeig's military officer would not have missed it.

What are you doing?

The fugitive soldier was cut off without a second thought.

This was not an uncommon punishment in the military.

But this time, the situation was completely different.

I can't take this! I can't take this!

Everyone get out of here!

We're citizens of Quardenze now! We won't fight! We're not going to fight!

Help us! Help us!

It was the moment when the Spierzeig military officer moved to restrain the panicked soldiers.

The Wilk forces launched a simultaneous assault.


The Kindoroa army is shaking.

I had intended to lower the morale of the enemy army while raising the morale of my own army, but the effect was far greater than I had imagined.

In any case, there was no way to pass up this opportunity.

I invoked my body enhancement magic on the entire army and ordered them to charge.

“Let's conquer! Voestra, liberate!

The distance between the two armies was not far. Once they start marching, it won't take long. Kindlore's army was already close at hand.

The initial plan was to attack strongly and then retreat backward, but for now, we had no choice but to advance as far as we could.

Justice is ours! Defeat the evil lords!”

Ooooohhhhh! ! ! ! “

The leading group of the reinforced maxillary forces finally collided with the Kindoroa army.

The roar created by the sound of the collision between the two armies and the shouts of the soldiers echoed around the area.

“Pierce the enemy!!!!”

Did they really jump into the enemy army? It was so easy to go on and on.

The soldiers of Kindoroa are melting, such is the illusion.


Hmph! Don't lick me!”

A violent metallic sound, as if piercing the eardrums, rings out everywhere. It is the sound of an engagement with the follower soldiers hidden within the Kindoroa army. The Quordenze squire warriors are holding back those who are trying to obstruct the advance of the Shangjaw army.

While they were fighting to the death, I kept going. Aiming for the main body of Kindoroa, I moved forward.

Too many soldiers is a bad thing!

I couldn't help but laugh, perhaps from the excitement of the battle.

Earlier, my adjutant had called 90,000 men too thick, and I had called them more than enough.

The Kindoroa army was overstretched. It was probably also a warning against me.

Contain them one against many! Kill them without fail!

Without being told by their second-in-command, our followers jumped on the lone Spierzeig follower lurking in the perimeter, displaying the violence of numbers.

“Damn you…… You…… Guh!”

Blood sprays dance across the battlefield.

Do not deal with them alone! Gather your allies and don't lick them!

Two Quardenze squires attacked a knight-like figure diagonally in front of them. While looking sideways, one more jumped on him. They would be able to defeat him unilaterally in a three-on-one fight.

This is the weak point of the Kindoroa army.

Because there are too many soldiers, the follower soldiers are widely deployed throughout the army, resulting in a low follower density. Fragility is highlighted.

Of course, under normal circumstances, it would have had enough defenses to absorb my assault. Instead, it could have been a trap to lure them deeper in and crush them to death. But now that the Kindoroa soldiers were disintegrating, they were nothing but butter.

'The next enemy! Finish them off immediately!

Our military officers are quickly responding to the Speerzeich followers that appear one after another.

According to detection magic, the enemy followers seem to be rushing to the main body of Kindoroa in a great hurry. And some of them are heading straight for us to stop the maxillary forces. The timing of the arrival of the follower soldiers who are rushing directly toward us is not uniform, resulting in a sequential injection of forces.


I hear the screams of the Kindoroa soldiers. I used my loud-speaking magic to incite them to flee before the enemy, further inspiring the jawbreakers. At the same time I took a breath, my second-in-command shouted loudly, “Young Master!

Young master! It's the main body of Kindoroa!

They are close.

The troops are on the verge of destruction!

Normally, there should be some “Useful soldiers” Near the main army.

I took a large number of Spierzeig's army engineers as prisoners of war during Operation Serpent's Fang, and then employed them without returning them. ” To begin with.


I said as I increased my speed toward the front of the unit.


I strengthened the physical strengthening magic I was giving to the soldiers.


The soldiers advance.


I shout to inspire myself.


The soldiers' voices continue. A loud sound like a roar roars across the land.

'Forward! ! ! ! '

Kindroa was right in front of me. I was able to catch sight of it, not by magic detection, but by visual observation.

Deploy the forbidden device!

It was a signal.

I narrowed down the target for the activation of the body enhancement magic. The target was the elite 3,000 soldiers who had followed me from New Nellie City. I'll leave the strengthening of the other soldiers to my follower military officers.

In order to fully utilize the physical enhancement magic of the ancestors, they must have a strong will and high morale.

Ooooo! ! ! ! ! ! “

The greatest physical reinforcement envelops them.

Overcoming the leading soldiers, the elite 3,000 led by me went out to the front line together. I raise my voice.

We are the liberators of a people oppressed by tyranny. ! ! !


“We are the liberators of Voestra.!!!!


“We are the Liberation Army:!!!!”


“You son of a bitch! You damned little bastard!

They close in on Kindroa, who rides a horse and holds a weapon.


The voice of the second-in-command echoes. The Nambonan soldiers, in their maximum reinforced state, readied their forbidden weapons in unison.

“Get back!

Kindroa's intense killing intent was diffused along with his magical powerhis.

The threat at close range caused some of the rear jaws to faint and fall.

We are the Liberation Army! ! ! !

That was the call of the Nambonan soldiers.

Their will to fight was unwavering. Their will did not break even in the face of the Lord's will to kill.

With their forbidden weapons at the ready, the Nambonan soldiers simply waited for me.

I am Quardenze Wilk! ! ! ! .”

A hot feeling welled up from deep within my chest.

I gripped the weapon of the Lord's ancestor tightly. The spear, shaped like a giant cleaver blade, is a type of forbidden weapon.

Young master!

A moment later, I felt a noise mixed in with the fluctuation of the magic power that covered Kindoroa's body of her.

Using the forbidden weapons held by the Nambonan soldiers as a medium, the follower warrior launched a magical jamming.

In perfect formation, a minimal crushing formation was formed.

Now, even if I got close, I would not be hit by a counter magic.

I advance.

To decide everything with this one blow.


Make my way!


Strengthening my whole body, I swung my spear.

It is heavy. The blade seems to bounce back against the still hardness of the ancestor's flesh.

But I have experienced this horrifying sensation before. With the intention of chewing up every last bit of discomfort, I swung the spear all the way through.


A flash from the left shoulder to the right side of the body.

“Oh oh oh!

You can hear your own heartbeat.The eerie feeling of having ripped off the ancestor continues to linger in his hand.


Everything appears in slow motion. The body of Kindoroa, split in half, fell off the horse and rolled on the earth.

'The young master has won. ! ! ! Raise the battle cry!

The voice of the second-in-command is faintly audible.

A sense of accomplishment and excitement are mixed in my mind, and my thoughts are not working properly.

I abandon my thoughts and raise my spear high in the air.

The coating on the blade was completely burned off. As I gazed at it blankly, a red liquid dripped from it, following gravity.

It is the blood of Kindroa.

The slippery sensation on my hand makes me cringe. But this is the result of the battle I have won. I will not turn away.

Defeating the bloodline that supports Spierzeig.

Now I have accomplished it.


“Grand Master, he's been killed…….!

The McInnis forces attacking Raishleif Castle soon learned of his death.

The battlefields of the Wilk and Kindlore armies were far enough away that the McInnis army could see them from a distance.

The military officer reporting the situation continued his report to McInnis with a grim expression on his face.

The Wilk forces are closing in on us! The number of troops has been reduced to about 10,000, but …… They are moving at a tremendous speed!

After defeating Kindlore, Wilk had regrouped his troops at a rapid pace and was aiming for Raishleif Castle.

There remained 90,000 Kindlore soldiers around who had lost their way, but they were completely abandoned.

We will not give the McInnis forces time to think. They chose to proceed with only the minimum number of soldiers necessary, with that as their first priority.

…….. Got it.”

McInnis looked up at the sky.

The clouds were much thicker and darker than before.

We're retreating,” He said.

There was no longer any point in sticking to the castle of Reishlieff. On the contrary, McInnis decided that the Spierzeig family would find it difficult to maintain the whole of the Voistra Plain.

As the head of the House of Spierzeik, this was an unacceptable situation.

We are retreating to Othellia via western Vojstra. The enemy's pursuit will be fierce. Our losses must be kept to a minimum.”

Wilk's army would aim for the backs of McInnis' retreating forces. In anticipation of a decisive battle in Othelloria, they would try to cut off as many Spiaseik officers as possible.

It would be fatal to have even the small number of follower soldiers reduced any further. In some cases, the city of Othellia may fall without even being able to fight.

The future defense strategy would depend on how many troops could be maintained at the time of the retreat. McInnis's mind was beginning to formulate a plan for the defense of Othellia.

The number of Wilk's army was small. They decided that the best course of action would be to engage the enemy in a large scale collision, cut off the enemy troops, and then retreat.

The enemy's ability to break through beyond 9,000 is dangerous. Thicken up the front.”


The siege of Raishleif is halted and McInnis's army begins to regroup; it takes a little longer to rearrange the 60,000 men, but they are in place faster than Wilk's army can reach them.


It was then that McInnis's detection magic was used.

McInnis's detection magic detected the magic approaching from the rear.

Oh no…….!

McInnis was in shock from the loss of his fatherhis, or perhaps it was pessimism about Spierzeig's bleak futurehis, which was becoming more and more realistic.McInnis had left the crumbling castle of Reishleif completely out of his consciousness, if only for a little while.

'Sir! …… Turn the troops to the rear!'

There was a troop approaching the rear of McInnis's army, which was heading toward Wilk's army.

It was a force of less than 100 cavalrymen. However, all of the Quardenze followers who remained at Castle Reischlieff belonged to it.

Garfis is coming out!

Running at the head of the troop was the red devil, Quardenze Gulfis, who was showing signs of rage.

Whether stimulated by his grandson's heroic figure or awakened by the combat instincts of the opportunity before him, his body was now reviving with magical power.

The ultra-numbered elite unit's maneuvering was faster than the deployment of McInnis's soldiers.

Know our grudge! McInnis!

In the next instant, super-powerful attack magic exploded again and again under the castle of Raishleif.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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not work with dark mode