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The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story 128

Chapter 128: The Perverted House

I pulled my dick out of Tico, the girl who was shaking blindfolded.

It was a grotesque sight, covered with blood from a broken melon.

I felt that my ejaculation had made my wilted cock even more wilted.

“Uu…… Gusu…… Ki, anes, uu…….”

Tico still thinks she was raped by her brother.

I covered her entire body with a blanket to wrap her up.

I wipe my penis, wet with semen, love juice, and blood, with a cloth similar to a handkerchief.

I have had several virgins in my life, but I had never seen so much blood.

The lump of blanket that was shaking in little wobbly wobbles was becoming quite lovely.

I put my clothes back on and decided to leave the room.

This is the mansion of the perverted merchant who was engaged to Kohliy, the perverted mansion.

This afternoon, the perverted merchant, who came to the mansion under the guise of apology, brought an enormous amount of Kiris gold coins as a bribe.

It was more than enough to apologize for wooing Kohliy, or to sell his face to the mayor as a merchant, or to flatter him, or something like that.

According to the civilian officials, the perverted merchant likely found out somewhere that the city was under suspicion of tax evasion.

I thought for a moment that if they had found out, why not just run away, but if they made such a move, the civilian officials would lead the army with a big smile on their faces and launch an assault.

The perverted merchant, in a desperate situation, decided to take the gamble of a lifetime by bribing me, the ruler, to let him get away with tax evasion.

Unfortunately for the perverted merchant, I was not hurting for money.

Besides, considering that I would eventually become the head of the Quardenze family, it would be more beneficial in the long run to confiscate some of their property for tax evasion than to accept a bribe from me, the non-head of the family.

There is enough hidden wealth to bribe a large amount of Cirith gold coins.

The perverted merchant was visibly dismayed that I would not accept the bribe.

If I couldn't convince him, there was no way out, and the pervert merchant was desperate.

That's where the secret club came in.

The perverted merchant said that he had created a members-only club and was holding erotic and erotic fun parties for the influential people behind the scenes in Nambonan City.

He said that the club attracts beautiful women, and members can indulge their sexual tastes to their heart's content, or watch a show that seems to embody sexual promiscuity.

Rich, secret erotic clubs, and women at will.

These keywords were so exciting to me that I decided to accept the invitation to the secret club.

I had no intention of allowing tax evasion, so I visited the perverted mansion with a few civil servants and a roomon.

Roomon was a friend of the pervert merchant and he knew the ins and outs of the pervert mansion, so he was forced to participate.

When we arrived, the main show of the night was about to begin.

Before the show began, I asked the pervert merchant what the show was about, and he explained that the purpose of the show was to force a sister and brother to have sex, and everyone masturbates at the sight of it.

I have no idea why the show ends with masturbation when there are so many cute girls in it.

I'm sure you've heard that the show is about “Normal sex,” But I'm sure you've also heard that the show is about “Protecting your sister. The brother, who tries to protect his sister, is defeated by unreasonable violence and rapes the sister he is supposed to protect. The brother, who is trying to protect his sister, loses out to an unreasonably violent assault and rapes her. ……Gf……Gfh! Isn't it really, really a wonderful sight? It's much more exciting than doing it yourself, isn't it? Children. Hmph.” …… Is the word of a perverted merchant.

He was indeed a pervert merchant.

I couldn't sympathize with him, but it would be a shame to come all the way to a pervert's mansion and end up not even observing the show.

After the show, I was going to move my army to take control of the mansion, seize evidence of tax evasion, and confiscate the hidden property.

What I hadn't calculated was that the star of the show, Tico, was the type of girl that would make my crotch tingle.

As I watched her shudder at the sight of my brother's cunnilingus, my cock her grew stiff with the need for sex.

I instructed the civil servant to blindfold Tiko.

Then I further removed all the other guests from the kinky room to enjoy my sister who thought she was being raped by her brother her.

Tico seemed to think I was his brother until the end of her.

She had probably never been in a normal position with her brother much less given him a blowjob, so she was probably unaware of it.

Above all, the atmosphere in that room must have robbed Tico of his ability to make normal judgments.

Deprived of his vision in such a situation, there was no way he could judge his brother by his touch alone.

I thought the same thing when I crawled on Kohliy at night, but having sex while being mistaken for someone else is immoral and very exciting.

It is very exciting and immoral.

“Young Master, we have taken control of the situation. We are now looking for evidence of tax evasion.

Thank you.

The civil official, who was waiting just outside the pervert room, straightened his posture when he saw me and then said, “I'm very happy to see you, young man.

The pervert merchant who is the master of this place, as well as the servants of the mansion, and even the unlucky ones who happened to be guests, all seem to be restrained for the time being.

I have a report for you. It seems that the women being held here are not slaves, but commoners who were forcibly brought here by kidnappers.


There are slaves on the continent of Eluo. The women who are being held here are not slaves, but commoners who have been kidnapped and forced to come here.

Slaves like Eve are the exception of the exception.

Many territories forbid the kidnapping of innocent commoners living in the same territory and selling them into slavery.

The territory of Kuordenze is no different from other territories in that it does not allow someone with force to forcibly capture its citizens and sell them into slavery.

Moreover, if such a thing were allowed to happen, the security of the territory would be in serious jeopardy.

From the ruler's point of view, the commoners and the fiefdoms living in his territory he is like a kind of property.

They cultivate farmland to produce grain, engage in economic activities to pay taxes, produce goods necessary for daily life, and can even be drafted into military service in times of war.

A lord's protection of his subjects is synonymous with the protection of his own property of him.

A lord without power who cannot even protect his own property will eventually be abandoned by his subjects his.

It is only natural to prohibit the sale of slaves to those who have been captured by unjust violence.

Then, how do slavers obtain slaves?

There are two major ways, except for illegal ones: either they buy from the lords or by peddling.

In the case of purchasing from the lords, a simple example can be found in the Quardenze territory.

Since my grandfather waged wars of aggression against the imperial nobility, he had many opportunities to acquire prisoners of war.

There are no specific rules regarding the treatment of commoner prisoners of war, and it is left to the discretion of each individual.

This is why slavers who have connections with their grandfathers, fathers, or participating knight families are able to purchase slaves in large quantities.

They protect the people of the Quardenze territory, but they do not care what happens to the people of the enemy's territory.

The slavers in New Nellie City have been booming for the past few years because my grandfather regularly wholesales captives to slavers.

With a steady supply of slaves in their hands, the slavers of New Nellie City would not be able to sleep at their grandfather's feet.

If this were another territory that was not at war, the supply would be small and unstable because only a small portion of the criminal population could be sold off to the slavers.

Another major source of supply is the peddling of commoners.

Commoners who are economically impoverished come to sell themselves or their pre-adult children in order to give money to their families.

These are slaves, but they are released after a certain number of years of work, so to speak, under a kind of forced labor contract.

Many fiefdoms have the privilege of this system.

The lords sell the “Right to purchase commoners” To slave traders as a privilege.

The role of the slave trader is more as a mediator of labor than as a seller of slaves like livestock.

The slave distribution system is like this in most territories.

Basically, merchants who focus on the former often travel in search of war-torn lands, while those who focus on the latter are often those of locally rooted merchant associations.

In principle, it is not the case that a good lord is suddenly kidnapped one day and sold off to a local slave trader.

In fact, some bandits and thieves purchase the abducted fiefdoms and distribute them as slaves, and some merchants accept peddlers even though they have not earned the right to do so.

Naturally, such people are dealt with harshly.

Most of them seem to be from the former Vojstra and Evenapis territories, but there were some from the Kuordentse territory.

Hm. The merchant said that all the women in the mansion were slaves, but it seems he was lying.

If you follow the proper procedures, you are allowed to purchase slaves and force the slaves you purchase to engage in perverted play.

Even if they were not slaves, there was still room for excuse if they had merely kidnapped a citizen of the former Voestra, a hostile territory. However, if the people of Evenapis and Quordentse were included in the mix, they were completely out of the picture.

I understand. All the women should be protected for the time being. Make sure the soldiers don't try anything rough.


Since Tiko was pretty, there was a possibility that the other women would be pretty too.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get into bed with them later if I raise my stock by making them deal with me in a gentlemanly manner.

'Room on, you've got nothing more to do if you stay behind. Go back to the mayor's mansion and get ready to receive the women you've protected.'

The soldiers have already surrounded the perverted mansion and have begun a manhunt.

The civilian officers belonging to the Quardenze military are busy giving instructions to the soldiers, but Roomon, who is only a city official, can only watch.

Roomon, who has just about finished explaining the perverted mansion, stands uncomfortably in the corridor, as he has no authority to give instructions to the soldiers.

'Yes, sir. What about the girl in the room?

I'll take her.You take the other girls and Tico's brother her.

When Tycho was blindfolded, Kianes was blindfolded as well.

The officer had told him that blindfolds made people stop shouting unnecessarily.

Kianeth was then escorted out of the room by the servants working in the perverted mansion, followed by the other guests, the perverted merchant, the civil servant, and the roomon.

Where Kianes was now, I did not know, nor did I care.

Let the roomon take care of the man,” He said.

I understand, and I will take him with the other women.

Roomon thanked me briskly and disappeared across the corridor at a trot.

I entered the perverted room again with the civil servant.

Tycho had already recovered from his state of lethargy and was sitting on the sofa in a daze.

Her face was already free of the blindfold, and her wisteria-colored eyes were exposed.

I had n't noticed them when I held her earlier, but her large, bright eyes her were adorable.

I was so surprised to see her eyes her Who……?

From his reaction, I judge that he did n't know that I had stuck my dick in him just a moment ago.

The civil servant answered Tico's questions while explaining that he had come to rescue the women who had been captured.

'Ah ……. Soldiers of the knight-sama, is it?”

Since nobles rarely govern rural villages, commoners who do not live in cities first think of knights when they think of great men.

Fool! This gentleman is from the Quardenze family……”

I stopped the civil servant who was about to scold Tico and opened my mouth to Tico, who shrank back at the sound of my yell.

I'm not a knight, but I'm from the lord's side, there's no need to worry. Come on.

I gave her a fresh smile, but she didn't get up.

He may be wary of the kidnappers because they have already caught him once.

I think that he will not be mistaken for a pervert because his face in this life is more manly than in the previous one.

'…… Um, what about my brother? Is it only women who are protected? I have a younger brother,……”

Apparently, she was worried about how her brother would be treated.

He said, “I'm going to protect all those who were captured. If Tico has a brother, he can see him if he follows us.

I'm glad to hear that.

After exhaling a sigh of relief, Tico tried to get up.

In the spur of the moment, the blanket almost fell off, and her small breasts she glanced through the cloth.

I was very careful not to make an erotic face as I pulled the blanket back over Tico.

'You must be cold, take this blanket with you. It's been…… Hard for you. It's all right now.

Oh, ……. Yes, ……!

I was the one who gave Tico a hard time tonight, but I didn't show any concern about it.

The next morning, I went to the mayor's office and asked him for a nightcap.

The next morning, I received a report from the civil servants who had been up all night in the mayor's office.

I went to the mayor's office the next morning and received a report from the all-night civil servants at …… Regarding the tax evasion.

After I returned to the mayor's mansion with Tico, the civil servants continued to investigate the perverted mansion throughout the night.

After I returned to the mayor's mansion with Tico, the civil servants continued to investigate the perverted mansion throughout the night.

They were all very busy,” Said the mayor. It seems you have accumulated a lot.

The civil servants had compiled a list of his hidden assets.It was clear that he had amassed a considerable amount of money.

It seems that he had been evading taxes long before the annexation of Kuordenze.

And here are the birthplaces of the women who were being held captive.

The document he gave us listed the names of the abducted women and the territories from which they had come.

It seems that they were intensively hunting refugees from the former Vojstra and Evenapis territories who were trying to settle in the city of Nambonan.

There were only a few Quardenze territory residents.

'I heard that women who had had enough of playing with them were killed and washed down the river.

They are unbelievable people.”

Yes, absolutely. …… Will prepare a list as soon as the interrogation is over.”

The list that the civil official refers to is the list of executions.

The execution of the perverted merchants was inevitable, but they were big merchants with a good name in the city of Nambonan.

In order to avoid any trouble later, it is necessary for a person in a responsible position, such as a noble or a knight, to make sure that the execution is carried out after a thorough confirmation.

May I have your permission, Mr. Mayor?”

Then, a roomon, who was taking over with the civil official in the corner of the room, raised his hand.

I silently moved my hand and allowed him to speak.

'I think we should make a big announcement in the city about this matter.

According to Roomon, there is no small amount of unrest among the citizens over the military's attack on the merchants in the city.

What the hell happened that the military suddenly attacked the merchants? There is a vague feeling of uneasiness among the public.

Let's bring the fact that they abducted innocent people, treated them like slaves, and even killed more than 10 of them to the ears of the citizens. As for tax evasion, that can wait until after that.

The allegations of tax evasion are the beginning of the story, remember?”

The civil official interrupted Roomon's suggestion.

The important thing is the impression the citizens have of you. The aristocrats who ran the army without tolerating …… Tax evasion and the aristocrats who ran the army without tolerating unethical behavior. Leaves them uneasy, while the latter brings relief.”

What do you mean?”

The civilian officer didn't seem to understand what roomon was trying to say.

But I thought I understood somehow.

If the government announces that they are going to execute a person for tax evasion, the commoners will not be able to take it personally since they are the ones who have to pay taxes.

It is as if they are saying, “If you evade taxes, this will happen to you too! The amount of tax is not a matter of the ruler after all.

The amount of tax is, after all, at the mercy of the rulers.

Then, what would happen if they announced that they were going to execute an innocent person for kidnapping and murdering him or her?

For commoners, the possibility of becoming a victim of a heinous crime such as abduction and murder is much higher than being a perpetrator.

Since they were protected from the possibility of becoming a victim, I think the contents of this article can be accepted favorably.

It is gratifying to a good citizen to see a big businessman, who might have evaded detection by bribing people, punished in the name of justice.

All of the women who were actually victimized were beautiful looking girls, and the evil deeds of the perverted merchants would be well conveyed.

…… And that's about it?”

I told him what I was thinking, and he rolled his eyes and nodded.

'Ha, yes. You know …… Well about civic sentiment.

In my previous life, I was a commoner, so it can't be helped.

Roomon took a deep breath and continued with the story that had broken his back.

'For the reasons mentioned by the mayor of ……, It would be better to announce that we have defeated and brought to justice those who are against the ways of man. In the process of bringing them to justice.”

The perverted merchants had a bad reputation in the city to begin with, so there was not a great deal of sympathy for them.

However, Roomon says he is afraid that only a part of the fact that the aristocrats suddenly hung the citizens' side may walk alone.

There is no possibility, he says, that the truth, like a small snowball, will roll around the city, take in the snow of vague anxiety, grow into a big snowball, and eventually become distorted into a story that the nobles moved the army because the commoners would not pay up.

The citizens need a conclusion that is plain and simple,” He said, “And that is that the commoners are not paying up. Once that composition is established, it cannot be overturned. And it will allay the fears of the citizens.”

He says it is a good idea to first determine the gist of the case by taking a major look at the abduction and murder.

That way, there will be no room for gossip to arise that the perverted merchants were unjustly attacked.

Because this case is about striking down an unethical merchant, and tax evasion is a bonus.

Someone said, “That was a conspiracy by the nobility! The real goal was to steal their property!” But if someone claims that it was a conspiracy by the nobility, they will be laughed out of the room.

“…… Room-on, you're pretty much that …… Thing, aren't you?”

'That merchant was after your sister, wasn't he? A little personal vendetta in there, don't you think?”

The civilian officials were a bit taken back by Roomon's mannerisms, which not only emphasized the citizens' feelings, but also considered manipulating them.

For nobles, knights, and those on the ruling side, popularity among the commoners is not that important.

It is just unforgivable that the great merchants of the city of Nambonan were committing such vile and treacherous crimes.” If …… It is a personal grudge, consider it that of all good Nambonan citizens.”

It's unconscionable,” Roomon let out a sigh.

It was that kind of room-on, but there was no compassion in his treatment of the perverted merchant, and he seemed to be dealing with the situation rationally, with only efficiency in mind.

The “Show in which my precious sister was raped” At the pervert's mansion may have stimulated Roomon's trauma.

Perhaps he saw himself in Kianes and Tico in Kohliy.

It could serve as a warning to merchants trying to do something backward,” He said. If we can gain the support of the citizens, it will make it easier for the city government to proceed in the future. There is no harm in doing it Mr. Mayor, please give it some thought.

I agree with Roomon's opinion that we should make the most of this incident for the future.

Besides, I would rather be popular with the public than unpopular.

It's interesting……. Okay, then, roomon, I'll leave it to you, the originator of the idea. I'll give you a few people and you can do whatever you want. Want, and I won't have to pay you back.


The civil servants were the first to speak out in response to my words.

Roomon is highly regarded by the civilian staff.

The reason for this is that they are highly skilled, accurate and quick in their work, and they are familiar with the city of Nambonan and the thoughts of its merchants.

Recently, he seems to be interacting not only with civilian officials but also with military officers, and perhaps he is thinking of learning about the military.

Although he is such a room-on, he is just an ordinary employee at the city hall.

He may work under the direction or with the permission of a civilian officer, but he does not have the authority to act as his own leader.

Because the city of Nambonan has been against the Kuordentse family until recently, there is an atmosphere that it is better not to give authority to city officials who are from the city.

The civil servants also did not see city officials from the city as rivals for promotion.

I think this is one of the reasons why ROOM ON was so popular among civil servants. No matter how much credit you get, you don't get promoted.

'Ah …… Thank you! I will certainly do my best to satisfy the mayor!”

Roomon thanked me, almost falling to his knees on the spot.

Simply put, I gave Roomon a chance to move up in the world. If I successfully bring the project to a successful conclusion, I can make the attached personnel my subordinates.

All the civilian officials in the room tightened their faces, as they did not expect that someone from the city would be promoted.

My father also told me that I could rule as I pleased, so I decided to do as I pleased.

The only reason why people from the city don't get promoted is that there is such an atmosphere, but there is no other reason.

As far as I'm concerned, I want people who are competent and reliable to be in a place where they can play an active role commensurate with their abilities.

It would be easier for me and the city of Nambonan would grow.

Besides, if Roomon, who has been working so hard, remains in a flat position, he said it is likely to lower the motivation of other employees.

If you have any problems, you should consult with the civilian officials.

I am not familiar with the military.

I would make sure that the civilian officers would not start squabbling over petty rivalries.

If I say this, civil servants from knightly families will never interfere with each other.

The knightly family must never do anything that goes against their lord, the noble family.

You guys, I'm counting on you.


I turned my gaze to the civilian officials and received a very good reply.

After all, people from knight families are easy to understand.

If the non-military staff members know that they have opportunities for advancement, the people around them will become more energetic, and it will be a good stimulus for the civilian staff members as well.

Civilian officials from knight families are excellent, but they have a strong tendency to see things from the perspective of the rulers.

I was hoping that this incident would lead to an increase in the number of civil servants who learn about the citizens.

I don't mean that they should listen to the people, but I want them to grow up to be civil officers who can grasp the people's opinions.

He said, “Young master, what should we do with the property of the mansion? There are many assets that cannot be easily disposed of.

It is important to dispose of that merchant, but we must also think about the rest of the estate.

The civil servants were all clamoring to be the first to speak.

They were eager to not let the rest of the work go to waste.

Oh, by the way, there is a lot of artwork in that mansion.

I have a collection room at New Nellie Castle.

I collect everything from paintings and sculptures to jewelry, precious books, tapestries, carpets, ceramics, and more.The addition of a silver coin commemorating the founding of the Zinkaen Empire to his collection is still fresh in his memory.

When I think about my former life in Japan, I tend to collect them all because they all look like masterpieces that could be displayed in a museum or art gallery.

Even if I don't actively work for the collection, merchants here and there who want to do business with the pioneer association leave their masterpieces and curios here and there, saying, “Just as a greeting,” And so on.

Since the servants would take care of the cleaning and maintenance, no matter how much the number of items increased, it would not be a hardship for me, which would spur me to collect more.

He would say, “Young Master, I have an idea who is skilled in handling art works. If there is a need, I would be happy to take care of it for you.


If it is to be transported to New Nellie City, it must be done with care.

Certainly, if we were going to transport a large quantity of artwork, we would want professional supervision.

I was already ready to send a letter to my father saying, “Give me the confiscated art! I was already ready to send a letter to my father saying, “Give me the confiscated art!

All right, when your father gives me the go-ahead, I'll leave it to you.


It's good to have more people willing to take action.

I'll just be careful that the word “Overwork” Doesn't get imported from the earth.

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2016 Native Language: Japanese
A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.


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