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The Main Character Competes With Quantity Chapter 87

087. Lost Temple (4)

As the flames dyed the horizon red and the disgusting stench of brimstone wafted through the air, everyone on the frozen world frowned.

“ah… … I hate this smell.”

The woman who had had a wild sparring with a puppy that had climbed up from hell the other day shook her head with an expression as if she was about to vomit.

“Hey, hit the shield harder.”


As the magician exerted all his strength, the half-circle shield protecting our party began to radiate a brighter light than before.

Thanks to this, the disgusting stench that plagued our sense of smell went away to some extent, and after a while, the man who had been chewing a large amount of chocolate with his arms crossed looked at me and said,

“that… … Bastards sent by the Lord of Doom.”

I nodded my head in affirmation.

“Looks like that damn rock didn’t lie.”

With those under the Lord of Destruction appearing here, it became very clear that the very important items of ‘temple’ and ‘divine relic’ that the Crystal of Prophecy showed existed.

“Jiu, those guys must be… … .”

“Seeing that they are dragging dogs around, they seem to have a terrible smell.”

One of the pieces of information obtained based on the future facts seen through the prophecy correction is that they are very typical demon bastards who feed on the fear and despair felt by creatures with intelligence and civilization.

However, this frozen world was inhabited only by native creatures adapted to the extreme environment, and there was no civilization at all that would make the Lord of Ruin’s mouth water.

They have only one reason to appear here.

“I guess there really is such a thing?”

“Besides, these bastards… … I knew the location of the divine object.”

The fact that the Lord of Destruction sent his troops directly to the seemingly worthless ice moon means that he intends to preoccupy or destroy the ‘sacred thing’ that will surely harm him.

“By the way… … It seems they don’t know the exact location either?”

I hurriedly borrowed the sight of the Legion troops high in the sky through the Hive consciousness, and I could see that the demons were setting fire everywhere and melting the ground, unaware that the Legion was watching.

“If you know exactly, there’s no reason to shovel like that.”

This satellite has a severe cold environment in which quite actively frozen gases fall as snow, and it accumulates thickly to form huge glaciers.

So, as I expected from the beginning of mining using spiders, it was clear that the temple was buried in a frozen state so deep underground that even they could not easily find it.

‘How deep is it?’

Unless someone has been working on snow removal every day since the distant past, maybe the temple is hundreds of kilometers underground.

“… … What are you going to do now?”

“Well… … .”

Looking around for a while, the black flames of the demons struggling against the bitter cold were gradually fading.

Even the magic flame, which was said to burn everything in the world once it touched it, could not last long in the face of the relentless cold that froze the air.

“The magic flame is weakening. We need to raise the shield more.”

“… … After, fuck.”

“… … .”


Thanks to this, the wizard started to write evil words that he was really dying.

The protective shield he was creating was not just an ordinary protective shield, but a protective shield that primarily blocked the lethal cold of Mother Nature with even the slightest exposure.

“you’ve worked hard.”

His hard work gave me a little more time to think.

“Senior, I can’t lose my taste to those bastards.”

“… … Are you going to fight them head-on? That doesn’t sound like much. Our situation is not good.”

The manager glanced at the human wizard, who was sweating profusely while drinking a potion filled with divine power even in this cold environment and creating a wide-area shield, and said.

“You can’t create a battlefield for a fight by relying on that guy’s shield alone. Even if you take medicine like that, it’s really long at most, 10 minutes. Hey, even if it’s just me, if I lose my strength just a little bit, I think my toes will get frostbite right away.”

Of course, in a situation where I couldn’t even get help from the legionnaires, I had no intention of directly confronting those demons.

Even wearing a reinforced suit, they couldn’t hold out for less than an hour, and in addition, it was doubtful whether Horus’ army, the main force, could function properly, so the fight was definitely impossible.

“Oh, I know. I have no intention of fighting right now.”

We didn’t have much time like this, but fortunately the enemy would also need quite a bit of time to find the location of the temple.

“They can’t find the temple right away either. Looks like we still have quite a bit of time.”

Even while I was talking with my companions, I borrowed Leviathan’s eyesight to observe their situation, but it seemed unreasonable for even those who had climbed up from Hell to continue shoveling in this environment.

Just as the flames of the high-ranking demons on our side can’t stand the cold and are pushed away, the hellfire they are pouring in burns the ice vigorously, and at some point the burning flame itself freezes and stops.

It’s really cold, it’s filthy cold.

This is a place where you shouldn’t stay for very long.

“For now, grab one mammoth and withdraw quickly.”

“… … huh? Leave them digging the ground?”

At my opinion of completing the existing operation and then withdrawing, the manager put on a slightly distraught expression.

“Are you going to fight?”

“… … no, that’s not it Well, why don’t you just interrupt a little bit?”

The manager was of the opinion that even if it wasn’t a head-to-head confrontation, at least using a short time to sabotage their work by mobilizing a method like a surprise attack.

However, I don’t think it’s necessary to lose strength in this situation.

“Leave it for now. Those friends dig the ground instead, how good is it?”

“… … If I catch that mammoth, how can I use it?”

I have culture fluid and primitive larvae from the pond of the beginning, so if I had enough research time, I had enough ability to clone those monster elephants and incorporate them into my corps.

“Yes, of course.”

Rather than immediately attacking in an unfavorable environment just because an enemy appeared, it is a more efficient choice to obtain the essence needed for the corps and secure the power to freely operate in this area.

“Jiu, you really endured a lot this time.”

“… … .”

As the manager said, in fact, as for me, I also wanted to lead the army of holy objects and run right into them. But right now, the corps can’t be mobilized, so there’s no choice.

“Now, there is not much time, so hurry up and bring the mammoth. The elderly know that they will not die even if they go outside.”

“… … Hey.”

“Come on quickly. Kids are having a hard time.”

“… … .”

It was at the moment when the manager coaxed the whining, “I don’t want to die, but I hate the cold,” and was about to start the operation.

The Lord of Guardians, who had been silently listening until now, finally broke his silence and expressed his opinion.

“Ah, there… … .”

“Yes? Miyoung, please tell me.”

“That mammoth… … I’ll try to catch it.”

“… … Well? Is it very cold outside? It is over 200 degrees below zero.”

“Well… … .”

Soon after, she walked to the edge of the protective shield with short steps, and showed a very shocking act of sneaking out her hand outside the bitter cold.

What is even more shocking here is that the woman did not wear any frostbite even after doing such crazy things.

“Maybe something good… … I guess?”

Everyone in the party, including me, had no choice but to put on a bewildered look at her sudden action.

“… … no, how?”

“I said… … Should I say Bingryong? Well, it’s because those bloodlines are mixed… … . This is pretty cool, isn’t it?”

“… … .”

I had nothing to say.

Moments later, a dragon of truly gigantic size appeared from the sky of the frozen world, opened its terrifying fangs, and snapped a mammoth, before ascending high into the sky.

“… … What is he?”

After observing this absurdity, I realized that I was wrong in the first place.

“Fuck… … If I had taken that woman’s genes long ago, I wouldn’t have had to go through such hardships… … .”

Before I can finish my words, it seems that something similar to the eyes of the young demons is pouring down on me like a shower, but I should probably think that it is an illusion.


Oh, it’s too cold even inside the shield.

* * *

While the ruler of the legion was working on obtaining the essence through the portal, a goat-headed demon with huge wings was leading the beasts of hell and fighting the bitter cold.

“Hmm… … The beasts tire too quickly.”

The devil shook his head as he looked at the land of frigid cold visible through the cracked space.

“It is not an easy task.”

The Lord of Ruin ordered him to find and completely destroy the temple on this moon.

“The temple doesn’t even exude any perceptible aura.”

The only way to find the hidden temple was to melt all the glaciers around it, but it wasn’t easy because it was an environment that even demons couldn’t withstand.

“Guys. Break is over.”

The dogs of hell, who said they would eat a civilization if even one fell, and the hideous flame beasts resembling lizards trembled when they heard the announcement that their break time was over.


The beasts begged their masters to take a little more strength in the warm fires of hell, but the demons thought they should not delay the task the Lord of Ruin had commanded them to do themselves.


Soon, the beast legion was pushed out of the portal, and once again the feast of flames caused by the hellfire unfolded.

The air around it overcame the cold and soared to thousands of degrees in an instant, filled with a white vaporous haze and mixed with the disgusting smell of sulfur, and it was like the second coming of hell.

“Burn it. Burn them all without leaving a single one!!!”

The beasts of Hell, who had fully recovered their strength, thawed the frozen earth with all their might this time to find the clue to the temple.

It was at that time that they burned the earth for a long time and shoveled it.


I heard the sudden sound of Cerberus being beaten.

“… … Well?”

The demon, who had been hiding in the portal to avoid the cold, showed a very annoyed expression at the sudden scream of the dog, and walked out slowly to the frigid land and exclaimed enthusiastically.

“Who is it? Who hit our Cerberus?”

At that very moment, a huge mammoth burst out through the flames and rammed the demon straight into it.


“… … !!!”

The devil, who was thrown out of the sudden hit-and-run attack, realized the absurd fact that the native creatures of the satellite that had attacked him had penetrated the hellfire.

“What, what—!!!”

“Puuu!!!” from all sides. The mammoth’s majestic cry began to be heard.

The Main Character Competes With Quantity

The Main Character Competes With Quantity

주인공이 물량으로 승부함
Score 8.0
Status: Completed Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
“Please let me be born into a very strong race.” – The wish has come true.


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not work with dark mode