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The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All Chapter 83

We took turns setting the watch, but fortunately nothing happened until dawn.

There were only a few occasions when I suddenly woke up to the sound of a thumping sound accompanied by a terrifying scream of someone from afar.

In the morning, when we arrived at the meeting point that the professor had informed us in advance, there were a lot of students who looked more messy or tired than we were.

The middle-aged professor, who watched the scene slowly, muttered without hiding a hint of disappointment.

“How do you know that there are only three groups that have successfully repelled the attack, and less than half of those that have counterattacked… ?”

The professor, who muttered like that, called the three Joes who had repelled the attack one after another in succession.

In that order, it was Ahn Do-hoon’s group, us, and Choi Hyun-woo’s group.

He said Ahn Do-hoon’s group suffered no damage, we lost a tent and some luggage, and Choi’s group said two tents were broken.

In other words, the rest of the group had lost their tents, and most of them were homeless or not eating properly.

“Can you all guess how catastrophic it would have been if this had happened?”

He looked at the depressed students and said.

“As promised, today’s class was just a taste, so it won’t be reflected in your grades. However, let’s all keep in mind that the survival test to prepare for an unexpected attack by camping with each other like this is also included in the evaluation test, and then we will be doing it under harsher conditions.”

And he added with a small sigh.

“And you can think of this as just a nag of a kkondae and pass it on, but if a hero or a hunter goes on an expedition to a place such as a dungeon or tower, camping is almost essential and can be seen as a daily routine. And if you go there and can’t even do your part, it will be difficult not only for you, but also for your team members.”

He paused for a moment, then said as if not to forget.

“I hope you guys think deeply about why people who say they are so strong belong to a guild and work as a team.”

Saying so, he murmured, staring at some of the students.

“Especially, everyone must keep in mind the fact that abandoning a team member and running away from it is absolutely unacceptable.”

With those words, today’s class was over.

We headed to the warp gate to go back to the academy, but most of the students were drooping like scumbags, so it felt like we were losing strength even when we were just by our side.

“We were on the better side. Just by looking at the faces of the children, you can get a rough idea of how yesterday was.”

Lee Hyun-seong, who was waiting for my turn next to me, whispered quietly.

I nodded my head and matched his words moderately.

“I know. It looks like you haven’t eaten properly.”

“I’m going to get some restaurant sales today.”

Mumbling like that, he was also unconsciously clutching his stomach, feeling quite hungry.

Actually, two fish are not good enough to fill your stomach, but they are not good enough to fill your stomach.

While he was thinking about it, he made an ah, and pulled out his cell phone.

“what are you doing?”

“Ah, a popular game these days.”

He skillfully touched the phone and said.

“It was recommended by Yoohyeon, uh… … A game like chess where you draw cards and fight? That’s it. It’s popular these days, so I installed it recently.”

“But why are you doing it now?”

“I have to get a login bonus. There is a time limit for receiving. I almost forgot about it.”

After that, I glanced around and saw a few other students with cell phones out there.

When I glanced at it from the side, a screen with a fairly familiar interface appeared.

I frowned without realizing it.

Because that kind of drawing game was the kind of game I hated the most.

And above all, the game that was the sequel to Clouds on the Horizon was also a lottery game, so it was even more so.


The memories of that time seemed to come back to life, so I took a step back without realizing it.

As a child, I couldn’t live a very leisurely life, so the game of drawing games was literally like the rice cakes of a painting.

In addition to that, it was also a game that broke my child’s heart in many ways for me, who played the original game several times.

Did I mention that if you own the original game, Clouds of the Horizon, you can get the original character card as a perk?

At that point, I installed the game right away and was able to see the characters I loved again, so I forgot how old I was at that time and I don’t know how much I liked it.

After a few days, all those thoughts were shattered.

I felt a lot of things as I watched the characters I worked hard to grow helplessly into one character that I could draw for a fee.

There was some kind of corrupted Han Soo-young, Lee Ye-eun who awakened as an ancient shaman, or Choi Hyun-woo who became a villain… … .

In the end, the game was erased due to the fact that both women and men were aiming openly, and half of them were stripped, and all the settings and elements of the original were ignored.

It’s something I can just ignore now, but I don’t know how much of a shock it was back then.

Maybe it was because it was the only game I played like hanging on to.


Just thinking about it made me feel dirty.

But once the thought came to me, I never thought it would go away.

I was still waiting for the order to the Warp Gate with thoughts about the sequel.


Suddenly, I remembered something I had forgotten.

I knew very little about the sequel, but at least I remembered the episodes and stories of the beginning.

The first begins with the story of the expedition in the hidden dungeon.

And the story progressed as the main characters who had grown up after the original work ended and headed there after receiving a rescue request from the expedition team.

And in that dungeon, obviously… … .

“Come on, next!”

“Oh, yes.”

When I came to my senses, it was my turn to use the warp gate.

As I passed through there, I tried to bring back memories of that time.

And I could recall the fact that it was a place where at least four people had to go.

four people

In the past, I might have asked Myung-Jun Lee to get there quickly and safely.

But in my head, the conversation I had with Han Soo-young a few days ago came to mind.

“… … .”


Hyunwoo Choi.

Han Soo-young.

and Jin Ye-seul.

It would be enough for four people to go like this.

With that conclusion, I took a step towards the warp gate.

* * *

“So, can you spare some time this weekend?”

While we were having a meal together, Han Soo-young and Choi Hyun-woo stared at me when I talked about it.

It was when Choi Hyun-woo, who had swallowed all the food in his mouth, quickly nodded his head to answer something.

“Yeah, of course… … .”

“for a moment.”

Restraining Choi Hyun-woo, Han Soo-young carefully put down the sandwich he was holding in his hand and stared at him.

“What is your request?”

“I found a dungeon, but I thought it would be difficult to attack by myself.”

“Can you explain a little more?”

“So, I mean, I think we need more people, so if it’s okay with you guys… … .”


Han Soo-young tilted her head as if she didn’t really know.

“You, who are you talking about? If you don’t tell me properly, I don’t know.”

“… … .”

Here I thought I had a rough idea of what she was trying to do.

At this time, Hyeonu Choi, who was quick-witted, was silently looking at me, and Sooyoung Han was looking at me with his chin clenched with a subtle smile.

I can’t get rid of the awkward feeling when I say something suddenly.

After a moment’s hesitation, I mumbled in a low voice.

“… I want Sooyoung to help me with you and Hyunwoo.”



Han Soo-young nodded her head slightly as if she was satisfied with it.

Choi Hyun-woo also murmured as if it was too long and shook his head.

“Then, I need some help. Our Jihyuk is the first to ask us for help.”

“then. Sure. I even told you my name, that’s all.”

Han Soo-young and Choi Hyeon-woo looked at each other with smiles, giving and receiving.

At this time, the two of them got along really well.

“So when? Oh, did I say this weekend?”

“But it’s really sudden. What is the size of the dungeon?”

He answered Choi Hyun-woo’s question while recalling his memory.

“It is small enough to attack 4 people, so it must be small.”

“Then we can go right away for a day trip.”

Han Soo-young said so and stretched out as if tired.

As I turned my eyes naturally, she looked at me and giggled.

“Oh really. … Nice.”

“Sleep, what?”

“Yeah, nothing. If there are more than 4 people, who is the other person? Jin Ye-seul?”

“uh… … Well, that’s what I’m thinking.”


Han Soo-young showed a subtle reaction.

In response to that reaction, I was able to get out the words I had been trying to ask before with difficulty.

“Did something happen to you two?”

“Why do you think so?”

“No, what. It’s because the atmosphere is a little strange when you look at it from the side.”

“It’s nothing.”

She shrugged and fell down on the table, drowsy and droopy.

Then he moved his head and looked at me.

“I was just being grumpy.”



She nodded.

When he nodded his head on the table, his reddish hair scattered, and Choi Hyun-woo, who saw it, gathered his hair together with his hands as if he was familiar with it.

“Are you very uncomfortable?”

Han Soo-young who asked that question immediately muttered.

“No, it must have been inconvenient. but… … .”

And she slowly got up.

It made a clear sound as the earring moved and squeaked.

“Then I’ll be more careful in the future. There will be no inconvenience to you.”

“If you do, it’s me, thank you… … It’s really nothing, isn’t it?”

“yes. We were just arguing for a while without you.”

Han Soo-young said so and got up from her seat.

“Then I will go first. I want to go and get some rest.”

“Uh, yes. Good bye.”

So when Han Soo-young left, Choi Hyeon-woo ate the leftover food mechanically.

Then, after confirming that I too had emptied everything, I got up from my seat and said,

“I’m going to go to the dagger like this, but Jihyuk, what are you going to do?”

“What. I should go and talk to Jin Ye-seul.”

“… That’s what she calls it.”


“No, this is the story.”

Choi Hyun-woo, who made a strangely remorseful expression, shrugged his shoulders.

“These days, Ahn Do-hoon keeps asking for a match. The two have to go to get together informally.”

“Ahn Do-hoon? I’m fighting with that guy… … Are you okay?”

He nodded slightly at my question.

“What… … I know what you’re worried about, but he’s changed a lot these days.”

Choi Hyun-woo said that and walked away waving to me.

“Then see you tomorrow. Don’t worry, we’ll prepare everything for the weekend.”


After breaking up with them, I immediately called Jin Ye-seul.

I was going to ask her to go with me this weekend, but when she heard my story, she replied in a voice that seemed to be sorry and not sure what to do.

– Oh, what about it? I have to go down to my parents’ house this weekend… … .

“Oh yeah?”

― Yes, it has been decided for a long time, and since it is a very important matter, it is impossible to leave it out. sorry… !

“What are you sorry for? It’s my fault for suddenly asking.”

― But, Jihyuk asked you to… !

“don’t worry.”

Jin Ye-seul hesitated for a moment on the other side of the phone when he added that he was sorry for speaking out for nothing.

– Hey, Jihyuk.


– Disappointed with me… … isn’t it?

I asked what she was talking about in response to her absurd question.

“What are you talking about? Why are you disappointed with just this?

– right… ? yes… … Jihyuk is you… … Unlike those people… … .

Jin Ye-seul, who had been muttering to herself like that, still spoke to me in a voice that seemed to be sorry.

– I’m really sorry… … .

“Because it’s okay. Then I just quit.”

―Oh, wait!

She cut me off as if screaming, then asked with hesitation.

-me… … It’s helpful to you, right?

She immediately answered her question, which seemed to be desperate for something.

“uh. Few people help me as much as you.”

-right… … yes… … .

Mumbling as if satisfied with that, Jin Ye-seul hung up the phone saying that she would see her later.

With the phone in my hand that had been disconnected from the phone, I walked away in trouble.

‘Then who should I take?’

You can’t take a mean person.

At first, I vaguely thought of Lee Myung-jun, but seriously, there was no way I could take him.

However, I can’t take Kim Yoo-hyun or Lee Hyun-seong.

Lee Ye-eun or Cass Lyle did not have a good relationship yet.

Ahn Do-hoon was an exception from the beginning.

“What… … .”

He was walking while muttering like that.

“Please, please, extend the deadline. Up to this point, I have been paying interest well… … .”

Someone was begging earnestly with a trembling voice.

Noticing that it was Lee Yu-na’s voice, I was listening to it involuntarily.

“No, I… … president. To be honest, if you suddenly shorten the deadline like this… … no! It’s not that I feel bad, I just want you to consider my position… … .”

Lee Yu-na was bending over and answering the phone with both hands.

Still, she was particularly small in stature, so that kind of figure was more conspicuous.

“How do you make 200 million won in one month, your boss? … .”

Lee Yu-na was almost half crying now.

It was the car he was contemplating on what to do as he had unintentionally overheard her.

“yes? that, like that… ! Sah, boss! Hang on, no, I can pay you back, sleep… !”

Lee Yu-na, startled by a loud noise over the phone, tried to say something urgently, but the phone was already disconnected.

She stared blankly at her phone for a while, then pressed it to her forehead.

“ah… … What do you really do… … .”

After muttering like that, she suddenly turned her head toward this side.

The moment our eyes met with half tears, I couldn’t help but be startled and startled.

She looked at me and asked in a low voice.

“… did you hear me?”

“Uh, what. unintentionally.”

“I heard you.”

Mumbling like that, Lee Yu-na quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

Then he glanced at me and mumbled.

“Hey, this… … Aren’t you going to tell the kids?”

“No way. I am not that thoughtless.”

“okay, thanks.”

Nodding her head, Lee Yu-na approached me with a quick pace as if she was about to pass me by.

And as Lee Yu-na passed me by, reflexively grabbed her arm.


He looked at her with a slight frown on the corners of his eyes as if asking what he was doing, and reflexively exhaled.

“Aren’t you planning on doing a part-time job?”

The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All

The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All

Academy's Stagnant Water Ate It All, ADAA, 아카데미 고인물이 다 해먹음
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
The Academys Deceased Ate It All novel mtl If I were to fall into a game, I wish I would fall when I was young.


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not work with dark mode