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The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All Chapter 326

[The situation is not as complicated as I thought, so there is no need to worry too much, dear.]

Minerva’s voice, much more relaxed than usual, could be heard in my bewildered ears.

Soon after, she advised me not to panic, but gave me advice.

[But, in case you don’t know, it would be better to ask the real woman of the past. If you ask me… .]

“… You can’t go back to being human at all? Can you properly explain what happened?”

Minerva responded with a blink of an eye at my words.

[Umm. It seems to be the same case as when the real woman took on a human form, and even if she yearned to return to her original form, she could not do so. In addition, from the beginning, I didn’t know why or how she took on a human form… .]


[I think I know.]

Then the original Minerva let out a small sigh.

[This is going to be a bit of a shameful story, but if you don’t say it, it will be difficult to explain, so there’s nothing you can do about it.]

[My dear, you must be well aware of the fact that this world is the past that the original woman remembers and yet it is a different world. Just as the horn of a woman who had never been hurt before, what happens in this world affects us over time.]

Around this time, I noticed one thing, that she wasn’t relaxed at all now.

Minerva was now calming herself by deliberately slowing down her speech and deliberately holding her breath. As if trying to calm the excitement.

[And it seems that it was not only the horns of the mother who had an impact.]

When asked what that meant, she answered.

[I feel that the gaze of the original woman looking at you has changed significantly from the past. More than ever before… What should I say… Yes, it would be better to say that I have become more blatant and honest with my instincts.]

She continued to speak in a muffled voice.

[Perhaps the original woman of the past came to love you at an earlier point than the original. That’s why I’m having such an impact on my wife.]


[Your mother’s emotions are out of control.]

Feelings are out of control

She burst out laughing at me, startled and surprised.

[Don’t worry too much. Because the original woman is a different being from a human being, controlling her emotions and controlling her mind is not a problem. I don’t think it’s necessary, so it’s rare I’ve ever really done it, but it’s a different story if it seriously affects how you think and act. it doesn’t take long … So there is no need to worry too much.]

“No, now what… .”

[Huh? What do you mean? Did you say that to the real woman?]

Minerva from the past reacted sensitively to the words that I uttered without realizing it.

[…] You’re not saying you won’t believe what your mother said, are you? Is this Minerva telling lies to mere humans, is she saying that now?]

I’ll be thrilled, really.

The first thing was to calm her down.

“No, it’s not like that. Minerva It’s not that you lied, it’s that it was completely unexpected, so I was thinking about what to do next.”

Then the low growling sound immediately subsided.

She swallowed the sound from her throat and shook her head.

[Um, what. That’s right. What is embarrassing is that the original woman is the same, so you must be embarrassed too.]

“… Yes, thank you for understanding.”

Fortunately, she seemed to be somewhat genuine in my excuses.

To be honest, after hearing the story a while ago, I thought it might have been that I had deliberately pushed him to keep his mouth shut, but that wasn’t the important thing now.

‘Minerva, are you really okay?’

[Yeah, when did your girlfriend ever tell you a lie?]

As she answered, her voice still had a smile on her face. At her consideration to reassure this side, I just nodded my head as if to understand.

[okay. Then let’s start the story again. How far have you been talking? uh… .]

‘I told you in the past that you are faster than the original you.’

[Um, yes. right. I’ve been talking there Let’s continue the story. There may be several reasons why the original woman from the past fell in love with you more quickly.]

[Something like the fact that you are not strong enough to compete for life and death with your real woman.]

[Something like being cared for when you lost your strength while turning into a human.]

[Something like holding hands and fighting together against Venus and Juno.]

[…] And I saw you turned into a dragon.]

‘Have you turned into a dragon? That’s why.’

The previous reasons were somewhat understandable, but the last sentence did not make sense.

It was simply a matter of ignoring it, but it was because she was interested in how strangely it was.


She paused for a moment, and then let out a small cough.

[Don’t get me wrong, listen. I don’t know if the original woman has talked about it before, but… From the point of view of the original woman, the appearance you have changed can be said to be a very green young dragon.]

He nodded at her explanation.

It was because I remembered at first glance what I had told him before that I had changed from Hatchling to Jackie Chan.

[And you may not know, but your appearance is very, very attractive.]

She emphasized once again.


“uh… … .”

I had no choice but to nod my head shyly.

Then Sbangali, who had been quiet for a while, joked.

[Then why don’t you try to seduce him by using a beauty system?]

Just as I was about to rebuke him for not saying anything useless, Minerva said in a serious voice.

[If you do, you will have a really big problem, so please stop.]

Rarely, Sbengali immediately shut her mouth as if in bewilderment.

Minerva immediately continued.

[Anyway, looking at it now, it is clear that the real woman of the past is making shallow plans. I was thinking that I could stay with you for a long time, but didn’t I suddenly say that you can arrange everything in less than a week? That’s why I said something like that in an unanswered way.]

She smiled a little as if it was cute like that.

[There is no need to hang out. A child who is inherently stubborn needs a stick and a carrot.]

“… Then, Minerva, let’s do this.”

I was skeptical, but for now I followed what she whispered.

“The nearest place is where Venus is. It takes three days to get ready to get there if you hurry, and a week if you take it easy. First of all, if Suyeong and I are the same, we need a lot of small things, starting with food. There, it is very hot and humid in that area, so you have to buy clothes separately.”

[Well, I guess. The human body she experienced was really sensitive to changes in temperature.]

… Can I really say this?

After hesitating, I finally opened my mouth to Minerva’s confident answer.

“So if you can’t turn into a human within that week, Minerva… At that time, I’ll let Sooyoung and I go to catch Venus first.”

[…] what?]

For a moment, Minerva turned and looked at me, as if he had heard something wrong.

The bright crimson eyes flashed crimson for a moment.

[Now, are you saying that I will leave my real woman and go away?]

“Don’t get me wrong, Minerva. It’s never because you’re bothered or anything like that.”

The giant dragon looked at me without saying a word, as if to explain.

The small sound of her breathing could be heard very clearly.

“When you think about it, you must have suffered really badly when you became a human, didn’t you? Any other guarantees that if I ever go back to being human again, the same thing won’t happen to me? And if that’s really the case, I won’t be able to see you or me or Sooyoung.”

[It is, but… .]

“It’s not that you’re bothered or anything like that. But like you said before, I thought it would be difficult for you if I asked you to accompany me for nothing. As well as issues related to humans. There… Come to think of it, because of me, Minerva, you seem to be suffering because you keep getting involved. It must have been the thing you hated the most. Getting involved in other people’s affairs.”

[…] … .]

“First of all, Suyeong and I will work hard for a week. Last time I went back after 10 days, so I don’t know if I can find a way faster this time.”

Minerva didn’t say anything.

She looked at me like that for a while, then slowly lowered her head and crouched down.

[…] Do whatever you want.]

She muttered helplessly, growling a little.

[I’m going to sleep for a while, so don’t wake me up. never.]

No matter how much I looked at her, it was clear that she was suffocating, and I had a bitter smile on my face.

In the shadows, Minerva just clicked his tongue as if it were plastic.

[You are narrower than the Wyvern. The name of the worst seven evil bells will cry.]

She, who had been muttering so much lamentably, said as if it was over.

[Anyway, since I said that, I will turn into a human to follow. The reason she was transformed into a human in the first place and was unable to return was all because of her own mindset, so there is no need to worry anymore. Maybe it will change soon.]

I nodded and walked away.

Because it was not a lie that preparation was necessary to set out on a long road.

Because of the last battle between Venus and Juno, the nearby town was in a mess, so I had to go a much longer distance.

“ah. But Minerva.”

After some distance, I suddenly remembered and asked her.

“You said you were controlling your emotions and controlling your mind. Don’t worry, I’ll be back to normal in a little while.”

[Yeah, I definitely said that.]

“Can I ask what kind of heart you were in control?”

She answered my question as if it was nothing.

[When I see you, I have many desires, but the greatest desires are two.]

“Is it two?”


To be honest, there were cases like Yeseul, so I was ready to accept whatever she said.

Yes, it certainly was.

[I want to mate with you first.]


In an instant, Sareh was heard at the absurdly direct words.

Even before she was able to get out of the shock, she still exhaled with an indifferent attitude.

[And seeing you makes me hungry like crazy.]

“… … .”

She whispered once more to me, lost for words.

[Yes, I am very hungry. Even though it shouldn’t have happened.]

“… that controls the mind. Please finish it properly.”

I had no choice but to ask with sincerity.

* * *

“Lord, lord… Master… .”

Randsch looked at the child in his arms, tears of blood flowing from his eyes.

After being swept away by the breath that erupted from the mouths of the two abominable dragons, he frantically searched for them for several days and finally found the owner.

The little boy, whose face had only a hole in his face instead of a feature, groaned and uttered his voice with difficulty.

“Damn, eat… those… I’ll kill you all… … .”

“Yes, of course it is. I will slay all those who have dared to make my master into such a disgraceful person.”

Having said that, Randsch cautiously stood up, holding Milited in his arms.

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On one side, the heart of the sacrifices his master would use to restore his vigor were piled up like a mountain.

“First of all, please rule the prison body first. You are my master.”

Milited didn’t even respond, and flew to the mountain of heart that was piled up haphazardly.

A sound like an insect gnawing on a tree resounded, and after a while, Milited, whose body was stained with blood and filth, was barely able to regain his true form.

“Ugh, the others… How have you been?”

He took only the form in a hurry, biting his heart and squealing incessantly.

Randsch, squatting to the ground, in a polite manner listed the losses suffered by Minerva.

“The rip-and-kill b*tch has been very ruthless. A year that doesn’t even look like she’s possessed by a human.”

Milited spit out the chunks of meat he had been chewing on, and muttered in a savage voice.

In his mind, he was constantly thinking about what kind of pain he should inflict on Minerva, Yoo Ji-hyuk, and Han Soo-young.

“First, we must gather Venus and Juno. And find him too. He said that if you do, you might die too, and if you coax him, he will come out quickly.”


“Sbengali… Did I say it was sealed? Then I’ll have to wake him up soon.”

Having recovered his strength to some extent, he chuckled and smiled a little.

“The cheeky ones, no matter how hard they are, what can they do against the five Seven Evils… ? let it go Those kites will both cut off their limbs and put them in a pigsty. And later, I’ll stuff it up and make it a point of ridicule over and over again… Minerva, that b*tch’s skull hung in the banquet hall… ?”

Milited vomited something mixed with the chunks of meat he had been chewing on without speaking.

“Um, that’s not a good thing.”

“This… !?”

As soon as he saw the arm protruding out of his stomach, Milited immediately turned around, but was caught by the hand that gripped his mouth and was lifted straight into the air.

“Ugh, Randsch… ! What are you doing!”

As he struggled, he groaned, but the only thing that came back was silence.

Arriman was staring at him in the form of Landsh before he knew it.

“Such behavior is unacceptable, Milited. Gather Margo and wake up Svengali… That would not be possible.”

“Okay, ah… !!!”

Milited, who had not yet fully regained his strength, began to beg and scream in pain.

“Ah Okay! Yes, I will do what you say! So stop… Put me down!”

But Ariman did not respond at all to Milited’s plea.

He just started moving the hand that had been stuck in his stomach like a whirlwind.

“you you… !”

“To be honest, I was just getting tired of arranging my tangled and twisted time and balance.”

Ariman sighed and said in a melancholy voice.

He was still taking the form of a man, Milited’s henchman.

“But if you even commit such a thing, it becomes really difficult to fix it. Milted.”

“Ahh… !”

“The time has come to sort things out. Milted. It will be soon.”

Ariman slowly began to pull his hand out of his stomach.

A part of Milited was in his hand.

It was enough to give Yoo Ji-hyeok and Han Soo-young back to their original times, and to give Yoo Ji-hyuk the power of Milited.

“You, maybe… !”

“I can’t let you go wrong, Milited. Now is the time.”

“No, I can’t… !”

Milited shuddered at the ominous premonition, and Ariman just mumbled quietly.

His voice was still gloomy.

“It is also time for one of the Seven Evil sects that roam around in this age to decrease, comrades.”

The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All

The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All

Academy's Stagnant Water Ate It All, ADAA, 아카데미 고인물이 다 해먹음
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
The Academys Deceased Ate It All novel mtl If I were to fall into a game, I wish I would fall when I was young.


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not work with dark mode