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The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All Chapter 299

(+ Minerva illustrations in high definition)

In the end, I accepted Milited’s offer and decided to stay in his territory for a while.

Perhaps it was because of the fact that Han Soo-young was still unconscious, and that he could get into trouble if he moved without knowing anything about the place.

To me, Milited said that he would be away for about a week because he had work to do, and also told his subordinates to treat me and Han Soo-young as equals to him, so if you need anything, feel free to tell me anything left with

While staying warmly received by Milited’s subordinates, I moved Henir’s shadow and the branches of the World Tree to collect information about the surroundings.

Eventually, I came to the conclusion that this was really the world 300 years ago.

However, unlike the world I used to live in, even if it was 300 years ago, the overall level of civilization did not seem to be much different from that of modern times. The other thing was that the power of monsters, including Milited, was very strong, and it was a dark time for humans in many ways. In addition, the stories of other Seven Evil species such as Margo and Minerva were also sporadically heard.

“What should I do?”

Mumbling like that, I stabbed the body of the guy sitting on my shoulder with my finger.

“But how did you get to this point?”

“… … !”


As if she was dissatisfied with my question, Laune slapped me lightly and slapped me on the cheek.

He looked dissatisfied inwardly, as if he had suffered a wound in his heart.

I must have left it in my dorm room before the fight with Milited, but I don’t know where the hell it was, but it seems to have been attached to me.

‘No, more than that… .’

Surely you didn’t say that you lent the ring to Belluna-san… ?

Then how the hell did this guy get in there?

“Laune, since when have you been attached to me?”

At my question, the guy shook his head as if he didn’t hear me on purpose, whether he thought I was interrogating him.

I didn’t mean to get angry with such a guy, I just asked as if I was passing by, saying I was just curious.

“By the way, can’t you see the ring and necklace? Have you ever lost it?”

“… ?!”

Then, as if there was no way he could do that, he giggled, opened his mouth, and put both hands inside. As I watched the ring come out of my mouth, I raised my hand as if it was okay.

“No, it’s okay. You can’t take it out.”

Then he well again and put the ring and scales in his mouth.

Then it was returned to Belluna right away.

With that in mind, it was time to ask him again.

“Ugh… .”

With the sound of rustling and tossing, Han Soo-young finally came to her senses.

I told Laune to talk to her later and went straight to her side.

No matter how many times I checked her, I couldn’t find anything wrong with her, but it was because the worry and anxiety that she might not have left her mind.


“Yes… ?”

As I got closer and softly called her name, Han Soo-young looked at me blankly with a voice characteristic of a person waking up from a long sleep. Her eyes, which closed and opened slowly and horribly, were still hazy as if they were asleep.

As if trying to figure out whether what was in front of her was her enemy, he or she, she looked at me with a frown on her eyes for a long time. Thanks to her, I didn’t know she was smiling all the time, but I came to realize again that it was a sharp impression rather than a soft one.

Then, at one point, she, who was in love, relaxed her impression as if she had been like that, and let out a bashful and sullen laugh.

“What… .”

She mumbled and reached out towards me and wiggled.

It was clumsy and pointed in the wrong place, so there was no way she could touch me, but she muttered that it was. It was as if he was thinking that the current situation was a dream.

“Sleepy… .”

“Wake up, Sooyoung. sleep later, huh? Because I have a lot to tell you.”

Saying so, he grabbed her by the shoulders and gently rocked her back and forth.

Then, her body, which had been rubbing her cheeks in the comforting blanket, trembled and trembled slightly. Her fluttering and trembling eyes regained their light in an instant, and immediately began to scan everywhere.

“… uh?”

She mumbled blankly and slowly turned her head to look at me.


“Did you sleep well?”

As I spoke with a smirk and a smirk, she let out a shrill scream and moved away from me.

She floundered on her ignorantly large and soft bed, lost in control.

“What, what? Ji, Jihyuk?! Why are you next to me… No, where are you? uh? bed? No, huh?!”

“Okay, so calm down. I will answer everything.”

Han Soo-young calmed her startled heart and quickly looked around.

Then he nodded his head calmly, as if he understood.

“Yeah, obviously I was caught up in a strange light at that time… .”


“Yeah, I remember everything Jihyuk took off the pendant from your body.”

As she said that, she had a calm expression on her face as if she was genuine.

“I see… So I lost my mind But are the others okay? Jihyuk, are you all better already? This is how you come to the hospital.”

“Um, that’s it. swimming. in fact… .”

That was then.

A smart, knocking on the door was heard.

“Ah yes. You are welcome to come in!”

Han Soo-young, who answered that way, opened the door and looked at the people who came in, opened her eyes wide and half-opened her mouth, not saying anything.

“You guys have finally woken up. I will reduce it, my lord.”

The giant man came in with the door open and bowed his head politely towards me.

The woman next to him also looked down at Han Soo-young and asked politely.

“Is there anything else you need? If you wish, we will prepare you for a bath right away. Oh, don’t you need a change of clothes or a quick bite to eat?”

“uh. uh… ?”

They were Randsch and Natalia Milited respectively.

Just like me a few days ago, I answered instead of Han Soo-young, who was a little surprised.

“I’ll call you back later, so leave for now. Because the two of you have a story to share.”

The two of them bowed their heads deeply as if they didn’t care about my natural subordinates at all. And watching the two of them walk backwards and close the door, Han Soo-young looked at me with eyes asking for an explanation without a word.

“I don’t know where to begin, but I’ll tell you everything I know first.”

With those words, he snapped his fingers.

Then, the shadow of Henir and the branches of the World Tree, which had been spread out here and there in the hope of collecting information, rapidly decreased and returned to my body.

“But don’t be too surprised.”

… In fact, I thought it would be an unreasonable request even as I said it.

* * *

“… So this is the world from 300 years ago?”

As if in disbelief, he nodded his head without saying a word to her who asked again.

She sat on the bed with an indescribable expression on her face.

“And you decided to work with Milited? So, not the Milited of our world, but the Milited of this world?”

“For now, I think so. To use the pendant, you need the Core of the Seven Evil Bells. But it’s not easy to get something like that. More than anything… .”

It was a time when I was struggling with how to explain.

“Jihyuk knows what you’re trying to say.”

Han Soo-young said so with a confident attitude.

“You mean we have to go back as soon as possible? It’s difficult to attack other Seven Evil species because you shouldn’t have any frivolous incidents there. The death of the Seven Evil Bells is an event that will cause a huge ripple, so it is impossible to predict what will happen as a result.”

Han Soo-young said so and nodded her head.

Then he smiled brightly at me, who looked at me as if surprised.

“Even if it looks like this, I am a space-related talent. I know everything about parallel worlds and such theories.”

“Yeah, it was.”

It was around the time I thought that it was fortunate that she accepted it more bluntly than I had expected.

by chance.

All of a sudden I could see the teacup she was holding in both hands trembling.

“… … .”

… Yes, there was no reason not to be afraid.

Come to think of it, it was the second time, not the first, so it was relatively less, but for her this was the first time. It was said that it was not strange to fall into a panic by being surprised right away.

But she didn’t want me to worry for nothing, so she pretended to be okay.

Pretending not to notice her consideration, I glanced at her and smiled.

“It’s okay, Sooyoung.”

“yes… ?”

“everything will be alright.”

like it has been so far.

At those words, Han Soo-young’s lips parted slightly, and then she smiled faintly. Then he nodded slowly with a complexion much brighter than before.

“Yeah, I’ll trust you again.”

“Well, it should be.”

Somehow embarrassed by her reaction, I coughed a few times.

“… Okay, then I’ll tell you what to do next. First of all, as I said earlier, we will continue to work with Milited.”

“Yeah, I think that would be the best.”

“But Sooyoung left just before you woke up saying that he has urgent business to deal with. Did I say it would take a week? I’d rather be good In the meantime, let Sooyoung restore your strength. I’ll try to gather more information about this world somehow.”

Han Soo-young nodded as if he knew.

Then, he tilted his head as he saw the small crystal beads lying randomly on the table.

“But what is that? I can feel Jihyuk’s magic and energy.”

“Oh, this?”

I picked up a crystal ball the size of an apple.

Just before falling into this world, it was an object she had acquired as a reward through Yuuna’s awakening.

[You have achieved the awakening condition of Yu-na!]

[Awakening Conditions- Inducing Lee Yu-na to realize the truth by listening to the voice of nature.]

[All three awakening conditions have been satisfied.]

[Acquire legendary items as a reward.]

[Guide’s Crystal (Legendary, Unique)]

― It is a tool that goes out of causality by peeking into the future of the owner and changing its color to warn you when danger or a big event approaches. At first, it only foresees the future just before it strikes, but if you become proficient in using it, you may be able to glimpse fragments of the distant or desired future. It only foretells the future of its owner, and the possessor’s magical power and mana recovery are significantly increased.

“It’s just a divination tool. How did I get it… .”

“uh? did the color change? It’s strange, it looks like they’ve just released lye.”

“… … .”

At her words, I looked at the crystal in my hand.

The crystal ball, which had been transparent until just a moment ago, was really cloudy as she said.

And according to the explanation of this, it said that the color changes when danger or a big event strikes me.

It is also about the danger or event that is right in front of you.

It was when I put it in my pocket out of some reluctance.

“My lord, excuse me for a moment!”

The door swung open with a loud bang.

With a rare bewildered expression, he hurriedly knelt and bowed his head as if he had been rude to me.

“I apologize for being rude. However, as the time is right, please forgive my rudeness, my lord!”

“What’s going on?”

“That, that… .”

Randsch gulped and swallowed, carefully looking into my eyes.

“Mi, Minerva is heading straight here.”

“… what?”


For a moment, Minerva in my body also let out a startled sound, as if it were meant to be.

[What nonsense is that? Why is your girlfriend? Did you mean that the real woman flew to Milited’s stronghold for what?]

“And according to those who looked at the situation… Lord, it is said that you are being captured by Minerva and being dragged away.”

“… … .”

“Aside from the fact that she burned the city under our control a few days ago, it seems that there is a clear hostile intention here… .”

I managed to organize my thoughts and nodded.

“What is it, you mean let’s run away quickly, right?”

There was no need to fight Minerva for nothing.

Above all, Minervarani in his prime, at the time he regained all his powers.

No joke, it could cost you your life if you did it wrong.

No, she was literally a disaster, or a natural disaster.

It was the wisest choice to avoid when approaching.

“… … .”

But Randsch said nothing.

The guy was just bowing his head in the momentum to dig into the ground.

In an instant, an indescribably eerie energy passed through my mind.

no way.

“That is… .”

Randsch opened his mouth slowly.

“Gwi, you said you told me to bring you in front of me.”

For a moment, I doubted my ears.


“There, if you don’t listen to him, I will burn your master’s life and everyone in this place… .”

He simply looked at Randsch, who murmured with his head lowered even more as if he had no face. I could hear Han Soo-young swallowing her breath right next to me, and I could feel Laune’s trembling and trembling.

[…] It’s been great ever since.]

Sbengali just mumbled quietly.

It was a voice that sounded like it was hitting someone.

[four, three… .]

[In any case, I was really full of energy 300 years ago, so please don’t say things like that when I was young.]

Interrupting Minerva’s words in a trembling voice, Svengali spoke in a very dry voice.

[I give serious advice to you, but if you say things like that, you will only feel more embarrassed.]

[…] … .]

Minerva didn’t say anything.

It looked like he had been stabbed in the corner.

In the midst of that, there was a roaring voice that sounded like it would tear your ears.

[How long are you going to make this body wait!!!]

A voice that is terrifying, sharp, and shudders.

But a familiar, beautiful voice like a song.

It was none other than Minerva’s voice.

300 years ago, she was calling me.

and… .

[Ah, ah… !]

After 300 years of this era, Minerva groaned in embarrassment and let out a groan of pain.

[Daddy, why are you doing that? .]

It was as if he could not understand the English language, and it was a voice that seemed to be truly unfair.

* * *

There was no other option from the beginning.

I slowly walked out of the huge mansion.

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Originally, it was broad daylight, so the surroundings that should have been bright were just dark.

It was because something huge, like a mountain, was blocking the sky.

“… Minerva.”

Mumbling helplessly, I looked up at the sky.

No one would have known that I would meet her twice like this.

In front of her was a woman who was not ashamed to even call her the strongest Seven Evils.

The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All

The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All

Academy's Stagnant Water Ate It All, ADAA, 아카데미 고인물이 다 해먹음
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
The Academys Deceased Ate It All novel mtl If I were to fall into a game, I wish I would fall when I was young.


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not work with dark mode