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Self-Employed With Instant Death Chapter 54

54 – school violence (2)

‘I’ll get scolded a lot.’

Chaewon opened the classroom door nervously.

It wasn’t the first time I hit someone, but I wasn’t used to it.

– Dripping.

“Are you here? sit down.”

Sebring, the professor in charge, pointed to a soft-looking sofa. There was no emotion in her voice.

Chaewon awkwardly sat down and glanced at her.

‘Are you mad?’

She was usually restrained, but once she got angry, she knew that she was a really scary person.

I was a little afraid of this situation.


Sebring called in a low, subdued voice.


As if understanding, she gently stroked Chaewon’s hair.

“… ?”

Chaewon didn’t understand.

I thought I was going to get scolded, but suddenly you stroked my hair?

“I know why you are. Is it local?”

“… … .”

Chaewon nodded.

Most of what happens inside the class is sebring.

However, academy life is a microcosm of hunter society, and everything that happens among the cadets is a training exercise.

That is, she cannot intervene directly.

“Teacher, I think Chaewon is really mature. Know how to be patient with the injustice that happens to you. A person who can actively step out when others need help.”

Sebring gave a soft smile.

“There aren’t many people like that.”

Chaewon was very nervous, but seemed surprised by Sebring’s unexpected reaction.


It was a different voice from before, without any tone.

“Violence cannot be justified for any reason.”

“… sorry.”

“Because we must follow the academy rules. Bring your parents to school.”

Chaewon lowered her head.

“I don’t have parents… .”

“… yes?”

Sebring put on an unusually flustered expression.

It was she who unintentionally cast Tallulah.

Fortunately, as an elite, she remembered that Chaewon had a real brother during the last observation class.

“Then bring your brother.”


I touched my hair while looking at the smartphone screen.

‘It’s f*cking cool.’

I always wore only a sloppy kitchen outfit, but after a long time, I put on a suit, and the gods were clear.

“Because today is a good day.”

Chaewon’s first accident at the academy.

If it was another parent, I would have scolded them if they were angry.

But I’m different.

‘Finally, my sister did something.’

Chaewon was basically too kind.

To the extent that it is difficult to survive in this harsh society.

Maybe that’s why, when Chaewon had an accident, I thought it was a stepping stone for growth.

‘Well, I’m not a kid who would beat people for no reason.’

I must have hit it because it was definitely worth it.

good job good job!

Humming a song, he opened the door to the professor’s office.

– Dripping!

let’s open the door,

Chaewon and Professor Sebring sat facing each other.

“hello. Long time no see.”

“I should have met you with good news, but here I am. Would you like to sit over here?”

Sebring pointed to the sofa in an elegant voice.

I sat on the sofa and looked at her.

“As Seonghoon-ssi knows, there was an unfortunate accident this time. I was told to come for a consultation.”

“Ah, yes I know. Our Chaewon is not like that.”

It was an unfamiliar sound.

Still, the dignity of parents must be maintained.

“… Mr. Seonghoon?”


“Why are you smiling?”


The thought that Chaewon has grown made me laugh without knowing it.

He quickly erased his smile and straightened up.

“… Anyway, Chaewon isn’t really this kind of cadet, weren’t you surprised?”

“of course. I was very surprised. Our Chaewon, what kind of cadet is, made her face half. I just can’t stand it.”

He raised his accent as if he was angry.

The important thing here is to say that our child is not at fault.

Most women with loud voices do this.

And those people can’t win.

“me… It’s because I’m on a diet.”

Chaewon said in a whisper.

“That… Chaewon wasn’t hurt. One student was seriously injured.”


I looked at Chaewon with a puzzled expression.

Chaewon lowered her head, probably embarrassed.

‘Still, at least one should be hit.’

This makes bilateral processing easy.

I guess, later, I should also let you know that I need to get hit by one.

“Because Hanbyeol and my mother decided to come soon. Could you please wait a bit?”



Soon after, two people came in.

One was a student with swollen eyes, and the other was a woman.

As soon as she came in, she showed off her temper.

“Is that you?! This is what my child made!”

A pearl necklace around a pig’s neck.

She was a sister who gave such an impression.

Isn’t that right, it’s not a case where a person wears a luxury item, but a luxury item wears a person.

‘Hmm, I don’t like it.’

In my previous life, when I just left without being able to tell the difference, even if I did something wrong, I would have regretted it.

Now I have become a full-fledged new person. It is to clear up the dirty past.

This is completely Chaewon’s fault. Of course, I had no intention of scolding my lovely sister. Externally, Chaewon is not normal.

what? do you even care about that?

Of course. Originally, even psychopaths and sociopaths receive socialization education.

“I have nothing to say. Here is my business card.”

An apology and compensation for sure.

I bowed my head and held out my business card.

“… Huh, I’m dumbfounded.”

The sister-in-law took the business card as if it had been stolen.

Raising her eyebrows, she took one look at the business card, then glanced at me.

If I read Ajimae’s thoughts, I think it might be a measure of ‘Am I a good person by any chance?’

At this point, an agreement was first proposed.

“I run a noodle restaurant in front of me. As an apology, I’ll let you eat once for free.”

‘Whew, it’s a waste, but I can’t help it.’

The reservation is already full.

In terms of business (?), he said, prepared to suffer a huge loss.


“I promise to give you a one-time meal voucher.”

“… !”


‘It must be surprising.’

It’s embarrassing to say this, but our store is doing well.

Well, are you on TV?

It was our store where the president (Jin) often came, the incumbent chief secretary, and even the world’s best hunter.

‘It will be shocking.’

You must be surprised by my plump distribution.

“you… … ”

“Whew, it’s okay. In this case, my brother made a mistake. I want to treat you differently.”

“What, what?”

I arrogantly crossed my legs and put my pods on my knees. He even shrugged.

“It’s okay, take it. When you come to the store, just take that business card and show it to the manager.”

I looked at Chaewon.

It roughly meant ‘oppa, isn’t he cool?’

However, Chaewon muttered something with absurd eyes.

‘Five… Bar me… I hit it, huh?’

When I followed it, it meant something like that.

I frowned.

‘Even if you help me, damn it. People lose their minds.’

I don’t even know if high school girls knew about it when I was in puberty.

“Uh-huh, uh-huh! rot inside I thought I was going to be an inspector again. Hey you.”


“Do you know who my baby’s father is?”

I replied scratching my head.

“Who are you?”

“It’s a Korean prosecutor, prosecutor!”

It was a tearing high pitched sound.

I blinked.

Auntie’s voice echoed several times in the teachers’ room.

The silence lasted for a while, and I seriously thought about this.

“f*ck… What do you mean?”


What I was thinking inside came out.

“What, what did you say?”

“That… My heart came out without me knowing. sorry.”

Ajumma fanned with her hand.

His face turned red, and his mouth opened.

Ajimae, who managed to calm her anger, asked in a trembling voice.

“What on earth do you believe in?”

“What do you believe in, of course… ”

I blinked and pointed at myself.



“brother. Long time no see.”

“hahahaha, is the senator here?”

During a boring lunch, Chief Prosecutor Koh Dong-hoon met a welcome greeting.

It was Lee Si-woo, a member of the National Assembly.

Donghun didn’t even get up to say hello, but Siu even got up and politely greeted him.

Siu smiled shyly.

“It’s inconvenient, but can you please let go?”

“How do you speak bad words to someone who will become a big person in the future? You are the Congressman who feeds this country.”

“That’s right, it’s been 0 for 5 years.”

“The beginning will be weak, but the end will be great.”

Donghun smiled as he sat down on the sofa. It was not a fake smile made by society, but a genuine smile.

“Isn’t that what the supreme councilor always used to say? Line 0 or something, it doesn’t matter.”

“… I am ashamed.”

Originally, the two of them were close, but Donghun was a style that thoroughly distinguished public and private affairs.

Currently, Lee Si-woo was a person who became a big topic in the political world.

Because it was Lee Si-woo who ended his political life by breaking the corruption of the president of the association with great power.

Also, Donghun was the prosecutor who received the USB from Siwoo and dealt with it at the time of the incident.

To the prosecutor, it was more valuable than any gold or silver treasure. Usually, if you take on such a big case, there is a high probability that you will be designated as the next prosecutor general.

So, Donghun thought of Siwoo as a benefactor. There was a reason why he was treated so rudely.

“By the way, what are you doing? … Seeing that you came at this time, it doesn’t seem like a personal thing.”

“It’s kind of like a snob… I’m sorry.”

“No, do you think there is anything better for a prosecutor than having a top lawmaker come to you during business hours? Please speak comfortably.”

Donghun’s touch was accurate.

Siwoo came because he decided to entrust the big case to Donghun.

Siwoo took out the USB again this time.


“Do you know about the drug Moonlight?”

moon light.

As soon as he heard that word, Donghun’s eyes widened.

Isn’t it a drug that is currently a big topic in the hunter world?

“A list of high-ranking people involved in this drug, and evidence of it.”

“… !”

“The evidence is in this, and to begin with, Moonlight was looking after AJ.”

Donghun swallowed dryly.

“Is that really true?”

Siwoo looked at Donghun with serious eyes.

“I also had a hard time believing it at first.”

“The fact that you brought this to me… ”

At the same time, Donghun’s gaze became cold.

He had a gut feeling at this moment.

‘This is a significant event that may shake the roots of the Republic of Korea.’

The dangers of the drug Moonlight.

It was clear when I thought that the drug-related organization was one of the three major conglomerates in Korea.

‘I’ll take it unconditionally.’

Donghun is an honest person.

A style that doesn’t budge no matter what bribes you bring, and pushes forward what you believe in to the end.

Even though he was like that, it would be a lie if he said he had no desire for power.

As long as he could rise to the top in a ‘legitimate’ way, he was willing to take any risk.

For Donghun, this came as a huge opportunity.

“Can I accept that you will use me as the prosecutor in charge of this case?”

Siu nodded.

“I have no one to take care of except my brother. The moment they hear the word AJ, they will kick me out.”

– Ugh.

Donghun’s pocket vibrated.

Donghun checked his phone.

It was my wife’s phone call.

“Don’t call me during business hours.”

He frowned and was about to hang up.

“Aye, brother. get it What a great person I am.”

“But… ”

“It’s because I’m uncomfortable.”

Donghun glanced at Siwoo and nodded.

It is also rude to refuse someone’s favor too much.

“Then, excuse me.”

Donghun answered the phone.

As soon as he received it, he dropped the receiver from a distance.

-honey! Come to school right now!

Siwoo covered his mouth with a loud cough. It was so loud that it was almost on automatic speaker mode.

“… Is this person screaming in broad daylight?”

– Our daughter! Do you know what happened to my daughter’s face? Are you still the father?

“Is there a star?”

Donghun’s expression hardened.

“What is it?”

-Ah, some bully bitch turned my daughter’s face into porridge!

However, when he heard that, it was Donghun who relaxed his expression for a moment.

Her daughter is an academy cadet.

Fighting with children was quite common.

“They can fight among themselves, and they get angry over it.”

– It’s done! come to school right now Do you know what humiliation I’m going through right now?

“What nonsense.”

Donghun shook his head slightly and let out a big sigh.

“Solve yourself. hang up.”

– Hey, honey!

“I think something happened to your daughter.”

“Fine. Kids fighting is a common thing, but why make a fuss about it… And, if you don’t see it, it must be a mistake on my daughter’s part.”

“Why don’t you go to school and save the baby?”

Donghun smiled.

“You don’t need to be so considerate.”

“No, no.”

Siu smiled softly.

I remember Sung Hoon’s face.

“There is a person living near the academy who will help with this Moonlight incident.”


“I was just about to go that way.”

“A key figure… ?”

“Personally, he is also my benefactor.”

Donghun heard those words and stood up without hesitation.

“If you are a benefactor to the supreme councilor, you are also a benefactor to me. I really want to see you once.”

“How about stopping by the academy on the way? It’s been a while since I saw Byul’s face.”

“… I don’t like that, but whatever.”

Donghun nodded his head with a smile on his face.

“I’ll stop by for a while on my way.”

Self-Employed With Instant Death

Self-Employed With Instant Death

즉사기 들고 자영업
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Self-Employed With Instant Death mtl I decided to never do something like a hunter in this life. “Hey, just give me a bowl of meat noodles.” “Give me some noodles too!” … But for some reason, S-class hunters keep coming to my restaurant.


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not work with dark mode