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Reincarnation of the Warrior Party Archmage Chapter 39

The kinship limit, Bell Curious, has certainly eliminated the Rivendell School’s spiritual creature, desire.

but… … .

The problem was that it was 5-star magic. During the reverse calculation verification, his brain burned to pure white and his mana was completely exhausted.

“Hey… … .”

It was only the medicine that the blood bursting from the eyes. The movement of magical power was disturbed, and dark red blood gushed out and piled up on the ground.

‘It was an impossible gamble in practice.’

First, with Bell Curious, I raised the magical power level applied to my body by this psychedelic world to nearly 50,000.

Even that magical power was exhausted after erasing the desire with Bell Curious, but… … .

Perhaps because he forcibly gained 50,000 magical powers, his internal organs seemed to be damaged as a reaction. Not a hallucination, but real.

‘It’s unsightly, are you saying that the bowl is still not perfect… … .’

Now, the task would be to hide until the exam is over, so as not to lose points. With this body that is difficult to use even a single spell.

“What are you doing, avoid!”

Gertrude, who was in a state of panic on the border between life and death, came to her senses at Lane’s cry.

The braided-haired girl quickly kicked off the ground and skilfully somersaulted from a rock to a tree.

Lillian, who was half bewildered in another sense, saw the situation and straightened her posture.

‘I don’t get along well with that kid from the Penton family. I’ll have to pull out the net again to catch and eat it, but… … .’

It was true that for some reason it was delayed. Because of the existence of Lane Ludwig over there.

Born with the baptism of fire, Lillian’s magical power was comparable to that of a GLaDOS (4-star) wizard only when using flame magic.

Even for Lillian, wishing was a summoning technique that put a lot of pressure on her.

There is a huge difference in mana requirements between resummoning the desire and maintaining the summoned state.

‘If you bring out your desire again and it disappears again… … .’

The ability to participate in the 1st and 2nd ranking competitions is lost. Lillian took turns looking at Lane and Gertrude to get her stance.

It was a hunch.

Intuition that Lane Ludwig was definitely involved in the disappearance of desire. Otherwise, he would suffer from those intense magic overload side effects.

‘No, it doesn’t matter what you did. If you are in such a defenseless state right now… … .’

That’s what you should do if you catch it.

Because Lane Ludwig is currently number one.

Lillian turned to Lane and took five amulets from her bosom.

‘You have to be number 1, number 1… … .’

The amulet extracted from her hand resonated with the brand on her tongue, turning into flames and rushing towards Lane in the form of a fiery snake.

Snake of Flame, Desire.

However, whether it was because it was summoned in a hurry, or it was a reaction to the sudden disappearance, it wasn’t as terrifying as before.


Lane threw himself forward and flew.

A natural disaster hit the place where Lane had been standing until just now, and dozens of trees were incinerated in an instant.

I avoided a direct hit from the flames, but the aftermath of the residual heat blew up, and I felt a tingling pain in my skin.

However, at the moment when Desire moved away from its owner to attack, water rain poured over Lillian’s head.

“… … !”

When the desire returned to its master in an instant and protected its body with a coil, the little girl landed lightly behind Lillian.

“Do you think you have the courage to look elsewhere with this Gertrude in front of you?”

“Do not disturb.”

“I have to interrupt. If Prince Lane is expelled, our dear Christa lady might fall ill and lie down.”

Christa’s face, who was watching it in real time, turned red.

The cadets whispered while looking at Christa. Women cover their mouths with both hands and men whistle.

Beside Christa, who became the center of the uncomfortable attention, Logan timidly gave a thumbs up.

“I will cheer you on, lady.”

Blood vessels bulged from Christa’s clenched fists and soon plunged deep into Logan’s stomach.

“What are you talking about now? It’s cracking! do you believe that When that guy comes out, he’s really dead!”

I was joking around like that, but… … In fact, Gertrude’s actions came from similar conclusions to Lillian’s.

‘Judging from that bewildered reaction, it can’t be Lillian himself who got rid of the desire.’

I heard that when the Ludwig family’s kinship limit reaches its peak, they will be able to freely manipulate all magic (not only their own, but also those of others), can’t it?

‘But wasn’t that just three people in the thousand-year history of the Ludwig family? I heard that it was only used after getting old.’

No, it’s a daunting opponent to think about for a long time. You can ask me directly later.

‘The Penton family is indebted to no one. We are the pillars that support the Warden family, so even if we owe a debt, it falls only to the Warden family.’

While Gertrude and Lillian battled each other, the hyenas rushed towards Lane, who staggered and gasped for breath.

This is crazy.

Was it a natural result to spend precious mana on something like that?


A cadet cast a spell as if it were mine. The magic square was shattered, and supernatural powers superimposed on reality, lightning daggers flew ferociously.

“Sheesh… … .”

As he clicked his tongue, the last handful of mana condensed in his palm, and the mana flowed into the tree branch he held.

Blue light emanated from the grain of the branches, forming a rigid body… … Lane twirled a branch behind her side.

“Type 4, elephant.”

And in an instant, the twigs that were fixed, left an afterimage that seemed to extend infinitely, and swayed in all directions, knocking out all the flying lightning magic.

“I-that… … !”

“The Osarius school’s bongjutsu… … !”

The pupils of the cadets widened.

No, the professors added to the shock. Professor Caroline opened her mouth blankly and looked at Elin.

“Come to think of it, I wanted to ask you the other day, but how did Lane Ludwig know the Osarius-type baton technique?”

However, Elin’s eyes were also surprised.

“I understand?”

“I am asking you seriously.”

“Seriously, the only word I can describe is genius. Ranger, that irritating nephew, learns everything in an instant when he sees anything.”

In reality, it was because Rain was the originator of the magic, but… … The cadets hesitated and withdrew at Lane’s eccentricity, but soon narrowed their eyes.

‘But why don’t they fight back?’

‘Look at that, he’s out of breath.’

‘That one has no magic.’

Of course, there was no way that the professors would not know that.

“From the high-speed calculation of 3-star magic to the imitation of Osarius-type stickmanship… … It is clear that it is a timber that cannot be called a genius Confucius, but it is still lacking.”

“I agree. Are you saying that the distribution of mana isn’t good?”

“In that respect, you can say that Christa Warden is more advanced.”

Elin Ludwig had to frown at the professors.

‘These idiots, that’s what they did using Bell Curious earlier.’

It was Bell Curious who erased Rivendell’s desire… … . She bit her lips in resentment, but in fact Elin didn’t even see the scene.

Everything is just heartbreak… … .

Marhena, the only witness, was just silently looking through the window at Lane Ludwig.

‘It’s good to help others. But if it’s recklessness stemming from incompetence, it will end meaninglessly, like now.’

Reason or sensibility, modern magic seems to be at a crossroads, but the most important thing for a wizard is still skill.

‘Now, what are you going to do? The grandson of Skalge.’

Reign leaned against a giant tree as if toppling over, aiming at the five cadets one after another with a branch.

“Five seconds.”

pull it out

Because even one line is good.

Recover just a little, really a little bit of magic. It is the breath of magic. carefully, seriously.

“If you disappear within 5 seconds, I will make sure you don’t get an F grade. This is the first and last warning.”

There was a strange sense of intimidation in those words, and the cadets who were aiming for Lane’s score felt their bodies stiffen.

‘It’s not a bluff… … ?’

‘But if it’s not a bluff… … .’

‘I heard Logan won with a single broomstick… … .’

The assumption of ‘what if’ became a sharp chain and grabbed their ankles.

Since he finally survived, he deserves a B grade. But if you overdo it here… … It’s either an S grade or an F grade.

The moment everyone hesitated, the moment when a cadet opened a book and tried to cast magic as if it were a judge.

Type 2, Wolf.

The attitude of preparing for a breakup.

Rain, who wanted to lower the tip of a tree branch for an instant, kicked off the ground and jumped out like a shot.

“… … !”

“… … !”

“… … !”

Accurately stabbing the demon blood.

I think as I look at the guy flying backwards and rolling around in the mud. With this, that guy is incapacitated… … .

Now all we have to do is to infect this fear.


I casually slung a branch over my shoulder and looked back at the rest of the subjects. The four cadets began to hesitate, wide-eyed.

‘Did you pretend to be weak… … ?’

‘No, I think I’m really tired… … .’

‘But what was that… … ?’

That hesitation was fatal.

It was because when they had finished calculating what to do for a long time and were about to take action, the horn rang loudly and the magic tools on their wrists emitted light.

[Exam ends.]

Only then did Lane let out a sigh of relief, slide her back against the giant tree, and sit down in the mud.

‘He’s doing all sorts of things to increase his unique magic progress, uhhh… … .’

I didn’t even have the energy to walk, so I just sat there. For some reason, no cadets approached to help. just dodge it.

‘No, I feel sad for nothing.’

After a while, I was escorted out of the barrier with the help of an assistant who came in to rectify the situation, but I heard a sharp voice from behind.

“What have you done?”

It was Lillian Karin.

The voice that exploded like a flame, there was nothing to look back at.


“Answer me!”

“If you solve my curiosity first, I will answer.”


“You mean, don’t you actually respect your father?”

what… … It was Lillian’s wrath. The mana within him surged like flames, and his body heated up.

“Are you arguing now?”

“no? You do exactly what Dadan did. To trample on everything around you for your own goals.”

At that pure question, a question like the tip of a knife that penetrated deep into the ribcage, Lillian staggered and stopped in her seat.

“If that’s the adult you want to be, there’s nothing to say.”

shut up… … .

The neck of the neck trembled weakly.

What do you know, having grown up enjoying everything in a harmonious family? … What do you know… … .

– What kind of wizard does Lily want to be when she grows up?

As I shuddered at the thought of the long-forgotten voice, the cadets descended one by one.



When Gertrude and Rain came out of the barrier, Christa and Logan came running. Gertrude smiled and ran towards them.

“Lady, did you see my performance well——Kkeuk!”

Of course, after getting hit by Christa’s fist, a bump grew right on the top of her head… … .

“What kind of bullsh*t are you talking about! It’s cracking! I’m really cracking it oh oh oh! Everyone was staring at me earlier, how embarrassing I was!”

“… … Ugh, but it’s real.”

“Cha, it’s cracking! I’m cracking! Let’s get serious!”

Looking at Gertrude, who was beaten by Christa, Lane tilted her head.

“Why are you here?”

“There are some of them.”


That’s fine if it’s not important.

I was trying to find a place to sit with Logan’s help, but Christa opened her mouth.

“Rain, didn’t you help Gertrude earlier?”

I couldn’t answer that question right away. Because it didn’t help. It was only for the sake of learning my own magic. so that.


“Do not lie. There’s no way the magical power overload will suddenly happen.”

“Why would you lie about something like this?”

that… … Certainly it was. That’s why Christa, who was about to ask more, shut her mouth for a moment.

Gertrude also had a suspicious look on her face, but she only shrugged her shoulders when Christa asked her to say something, and had nothing to say.

From noble mtl dot com

So what do you say?

You said you didn’t help?

‘Then why did the serpent of the Rivendell School disappear? By whom and by what force?’

With Logan’s help, Rain laughed as he leaned against a rock somewhere.

“Oh, it was fun.”

“Why are you laughing?”

“I just thought that if I hadn’t come here, I wouldn’t have had this experience.”

If Lista hadn’t left a note, if it hadn’t been for the custom of meeting Rin’s corpse with the top graduate of <Delighten>, I probably wouldn’t have had this experience.

Is this experience also a gift that you gave me, Lista?

With her neck stretched out and her head leaning against a rock, Lane muttered as if complaining to the sky.

“Really, like you said, the world is fun.”

Meanwhile, after sending Gertrude away, Christa continued to wait there.

As the students in Group C rushed to the entrance, Lillian Karin finally walked out of the barrier. As if possessed by something, with a weak gait.

As Lillian passed by Christa with her arms crossed arrogantly, Christa’s eyes shone eerily.

“Did you do something very funny to my cute servant?”

“… … ?”

“I’m determined. This debt will be multiplied tenfold to pay it off. We, the Wardens, can’t live without debt.”

* * *

In the afternoon of the 4th day, a written test was conducted for the <Understanding and Utilization of Runes> section.

On the morning of the 5th day of the exam, there was a hellish practical test, but the dominant evaluation was that it was nothing compared to the head professor’s Battle Royale.

On Friday afternoon, when all the exams were finished and the grades of the cadets were sorted out, all the professors who were in charge of the exams gathered in the conference room.

“There are a total of four students who received S grades in all subjects of writing and practical skills. Christa Warden, Nora Redon, Caden, and Lane Ludwig.”

The top of the grade in <Delayten>, that is, the sun, could only exist since ancient times. For this reason, professors have conducted a separate evaluation of additional points for cadets with S grades.

In this evaluation process, professors (such as Caroline and Elin Ludwig) who were related by blood or school to the senior candidate were excluded for the sake of equity.

Elin Ludwig sat down with her arms folded and her eyes closed, as if she wasn’t interested, but her ears twitched wildly whenever Lane’s story came out.

“I’ll give points to Christa Warden.”

“I’ll give it to Cadet Caden. Once you see it, you will understand my evaluation.”

“What have you seen so far? Cadet Nora is really talented.”

Professors could exercise 1 additional point per professor, but exceptionally, assistant professors could exercise 2 points and senior professors could exercise 3 points.

“Professor Caroline, how did you come up with such a vessel? It was amazing.”

“hehehe, that’s overrated.”

While receiving compliments from the other professors, Caroline glanced at Elin Ludwig and smiled.

Suddenly, blood vessels sprouted on Elin Ludwig’s temples. The two heroines, who had a senior-junior relationship in the past, were now in an implicit rivalry for a disciple and a nephew.

In the meantime, the professors’ opinions were organized.

Krista Warden was the sole leader with 6 points, Nora with 4 points, Caden with 3 points and Lane Ludwig with 2 points, in last place.

Traditionally, it was customary for deputy and senior professors to exercise points at the end. Finally, assistant professor Kyle opened his mouth.

“Cadet Christa Warden was indeed perfect.”

Then, not only Christa, but the professors who supported the other cadets bit their lips in tension. Professor Cha-suk’s 2 points are really big.

“Even Cadet Nora couldn’t describe the precision of her magic, and Cadet Cayden’s musical prowess and magical understanding were truly amazing.”

“… … !”

“But I will cast my precious vote for the future of magic.”

Kyle smiled and held out the slate with the cadet’s name on it. The name written there was an unexpected name, ‘Rain Ludwig’.

“… … !”

“… … !”

“… … !”

Everyone looked at Kyle in amazement, but no one dared to vomit. Because it was a subjective evaluation in the first place.

However, with this, it became an unchanging truth that Christa became the chief cadet. Because the head professor never exercised extra points.

At the time when all the professors were in the middle of the day, someone burst into laughter. It was the head professor, Marhena.

“It’s a magical future… … Noom, who only knew how to say flirtatious things when he was a chick, now knows how to say pretty cool things.”

“It’s all thanks to Master.”

“Did Ninum see that yesterday too?”

“I think I saw something different from Master, but if I saw it, I saw it.”

“joy… … said good things This vote should be an investment in the future of magic. And I also agree with you.”

When Marhena, who was sitting at the head of the conference table, took a stone pen and tried to write her name on the slate, the professors doubted their eyes and began to mutter.

‘The head professor… … ?’

‘It’s an added point evaluation… … ?’

‘I’ve never cast a vote since my tenure… … ?’

I always thought, ‘I don’t have any Num to give points, so how do I give them… … ‘ Didn’t you just say something like that?

In the midst of such tumult, Marhena eventually turns the slate and holds it forward for everyone to see.

“… … ?!”

At that moment, Caroline’s eyes fluttered and narrowed with a collapsed smile.

Elin Ludwig, on the other hand, had to clench his fist under the table and constantly struggle to tighten the corners of his mouth as he tried to ascend to heaven.

The teaching assistant, who was organizing the evaluation, added 3 points next to the name of the candidate among the names listed in order on the white board, and then announced the voting result in a trembling voice.

“A top score of 7. As a result, the cadet was selected as the top cadet for this year’s first year midterm exam… … Lane Ludwig.”

Reincarnation of the Warrior Party Archmage

Reincarnation of the Warrior Party Archmage

용사파티 대마법사의 환생
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Three hundred years after the hero’s tale ends, a lonely archmage wakes up.


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not work with dark mode