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Regressor, Possessor, Reincarnator Chapter 56

Episode 56

Allen’s sword passed through the giant’s body under Vestla’s control.

He swung his sword again, but was unable to cut off the head of the black giant who did not obey his control.

As his repeated attacks failed, the soldiers looked puzzled, but they stayed quietly thinking that it must have been for some reason.

The power of the giant still lingered in my mind, though.

“Wait, wait a minute, don’t kill me!”

At her cry, Allen pulled out her sword. She then drew her sword and pulled it in front of her.

There was a slight irritation in the low bass.

This giant was the enemy he faced and defeated. No matter how much she taught her sword, she had no right to tell her Allen this and that.

Even if she had anything to do with this giant, this monster was too dangerous.

“Whatever you say, I have no intention of saving him… .”

“It’s not like that! Just for a moment, just for a moment… .”

Allen looked down at Bestla and sighed.

“I hope you have enough excuses to give me after this is over.”

“Even if you didn’t say that, did you mean to tell me?”

“What is that reaction again? uh… . Why did you follow this man? really. If it weren’t for that… 」

Allen felt the gaze as if she was looking at him even though it was a sword.

“Why, what’s wrong?”

“It’s okay. done. Anyway, try stabbing the heart with a sword slowly.”

Block the attack like that, then stab again?

As Allen’s skeptical gaze turned, she urged him to stab him quickly. Allen did as she said.

Allen pointed the tip of his sword at the giant’s heart and thrust forward slowly.

The characters engraved on the blade of Vestla’s sword glowed faintly.

If the giant resists or goes mad, even if she opposes it again, it will be killed.

I’ve already given you enough chances.

There was already a considerable delay in this battle, and it was necessary to hurry.

However, the giant did not rebel.

Even though the sword penetrated through the rough skin, the giant did not show a single movement.

Even though the sword pierced through the rough skin, the giant did not move a single word. Rather, he seemed to be in a peaceful rest.

The blade is pierced even deeper.

As the blade passed through the skin and cut through the muscles and bones, it began to penetrate deeper.

Allen did not relax.

But Allen’s tension was overshadowed and Bestla pierced his heart without any resistance.

The giant eventually died.

Allen felt awkward at the unfamiliar appearance that made him wonder if it was the monster that ran wild a while ago.

‘… Bestla, she will know.’

Whether she knew Allen’s feelings or not, she exclaimed loudly as if everything was over.

“Now it’s over! Now that you’re done, you can stop picking it up.”

“What did you do?”

Even though I was looking at it, I couldn’t figure out how it was written. Vestla replied vaguely, blurring her end.

“… Uh, it’s too long to explain now, but you can tell me later… ?」

“… After that, if you can hear the answer.”

In response to his sigh, Bestla shouted exaggeratedly and turned away.

“Then, let’s do a search over there. Are you sure what it is?”

The cut-and-sew marks all over his body, or the appearance of a giant that appeared momentarily, hinted that there was something behind the building.

Just as Allen was about to move to the building behind him, a belated cheer was heard.

“Wow, Confucius Allen!”

“You have been amazing! When did you grow up like that? !”

“It was like seeing the Knights Commander!”

Allen paused as if he had forgotten their existence.

Fortunately, the flying knights seemed to have come to their senses. Since all the knights were wearing iron armor and wielding magic power, they wouldn’t die easily.

Looking at Linbell and Enelia, they didn’t seem to have any major injuries either.

Well, it was natural.

Inelia was told not to show her force as much as possible, but fundamentally, her force itself was excellent. Linbell also dealt only with the monsters he purposely spilled behind him, so she had no jaws to hurt.

The senior knight who was closest to him hurriedly approached him.

“Confucius, … Were you a magician?”

He looked at Allen with a mixture of surprise and awe.

“Yeah, I didn’t mean to keep it a secret, but somehow I’ve come to know now.”

“no! It won’t be easy with just one, but you’re amazing!”

Originally, I was going to hide it a little more.

‘I have no choice but to show it at the academy anyway, so I guess I’ll have to practice in advance.’

Now that you know what your strength is this time, you will be able to control it more skillfully next time.

Allen properly opened his mouth to his praise.

“Yes, Sir Philip. I’d like to search that place… .”

As Bestla had said, it was clear that there were traces of giants there, so it was necessary to take a quick look.

So the moment I was about to give them orders.

pop! Puff!


A roar broke out over the sky.

Allen’s gaze went straight to the sky.

Above the sky was a gigantic sign that could be seen from afar.

The signal that Princess Natasha had given in advance began to go off.

‘That means… .’

Allen hardened his face.

I was curious about that building related to the giant, but Allen did not forget the purpose of coming to the forest of divine beasts.

“It moves straight away!”

Allen hurriedly gave orders to the soldiers.

The knights also hurriedly shouted if they knew the importance of that flare.

“Come on, move! hurry! You must not be late!”

“Severely wounded and wounded follow slowly along with ordinary soldiers!”

Allen gave some orders to Tainelia while the knights were moving. Inelia secretly disappeared through the shadow of the giant tree.

“Rinbell, will you follow me too?”

“… Yes, I want to follow you.”

As if hesitating, she looked in the direction Enelia had disappeared and nodded.

“Would it be dangerous?”

“I know.”

“It would be safer to come with the troops behind you.”

“… Still, I want to move with Confucius.”

Allen didn’t ask her any more. She was already a determined face. It was already outside the realm of her obsession.

‘okay… . In other words, it would be madness.’

She doesn’t seem to have reached that level yet, but in Allen’s eyes, she was that unstable.

Allen answered briefly, hiding her complicated feelings inside.

“… Yes, be careful not to miss it.”

As I turned around quickly, I heard a weak reply from behind.

The senior knight had the retreat in mind in advance, so he moved quickly.

“The wounded knights move with the soldiers, and the rest immediately follow me!”

As soon as the knights were ready, Allen accelerated towards the epicenter of the binge.

‘… Divine water.’

You must be tested by the divine beast.

Surely Julius must have heard that too.

Since he can’t take this opportunity, he will go there right away.

The end of this case was approaching.

When Allen arrived at the place where the flares went off, three or four more explosions were heard in the sky.

The situation was confusing.


The warlocks gathered all the remaining undead to attack, and on the other hand, they were pouring out a lot of black magic.

“Hold on a little longer! Support will arrive soon!”

“Okay, hey, I get it!”

“… Ha, Sylph! Block it as much as possible!”

In the center of the vacant lot, the elves were struggling to block the warlocks’ offensive. Many had already been wounded, and some had already been lying on the floor, apparently dead.

‘The flow of magic around… , I also hid it with a barrier.’

When he turned his head to the terrible scream, beyond the vacant lot, a huge divine beast was groaning and groaning on the altar.

Dozens of warlocks around him formed strange beasts and maintained a magic circle.

Above Shinsu’s head, a fairly young man looked around the battlefield with a smile.

‘… Is that guy the mastermind?’

What would have happened if Allen had been a little later, he exclaimed aloud, relieved by the fact.

“power-! Support the elves!”

The knights put magic power on their iron armor and slammed the ground hard as if they were trying to relieve the wrath of the giant.

The undead that surrounded the elves were crushed in an instant by their charge, and Natasha smiled relievedly as if she had been saved by their appearance.

Even the warlocks paused for a moment at the appearance of the knights.

Allen and the knights dug the gap and joined the elves.

“Confucius Allen!”

“I’m afraid I’m a little late.”

“I can’t!”

Natasha was moved by his appearance in a rather dramatic situation.

“Still, some of them are sad.”

As Allen glanced at the elves scattered across the battlefield, Natasha’s complexion darkened slightly.

“… That’s right. There were some sacrifices. But that is a matter that Confucius does not need to worry about.”

she regretted

If I had known that this would be the case, I would rather have moved with them, but I thought that I could solve it without their help, and I was in a situation where I only suffered a lot of damage.

The other elves were also impressed enough to dilute the old emotions they had accumulated so far at the time of his appearance.

Even though I knew they had come for support, I had low expectations for them.

However, I couldn’t help but to like the way they arrived at such a dangerous time.

“Then that’s good. First, let’s start with the remaining Warlocks… .”

Allen quickly turned his head at the rushing movement here. A black object rushed towards this place with great speed.

Just as Allen was about to move, another doll came out behind him.

“Hey, baby!”

Blue hair and fierce eyes.

He was a man he knew well, screaming with a flash of dark blue lightning.

“… Confucius Julius?”

Julius Reinhardt.

Natasha blinked and muttered a little.

‘You’re here at last.’

Julius spit out cursing no matter what other people looked at, and quickly caught up with the black object.

“If you’re attacked, you have to go backwards and get hit!”

Lightning surged like an explosion and struck a black object.

The black doll, which was hit directly by lightning, flew smoke and fell to the place where the warlocks had gathered.

Several of the warlocks who had signed the beast turned into six pieces, and their eyes focused on him in an instant.

“… It’s a gorgeous appearance.”

It was a word with many meanings.

Allen agreed to her words and looked at the fallen black figure.

I don’t know what kind of outfit he was originally wearing, but the black armor he was wearing was shattered, and his body was full of burn marks that were burning red. Even one of her arms was gone.

The man, who had turned into a full blown man, barely limped and stood up from his seat.

“Huh, it’s hard to say that it’s not even an extra.”

Julius muttered something incomprehensible while everyone’s eyes were focused.

Belatedly behind him, the commander of the knights who led the knights arrived, and the heavy footsteps of elite soldiers echoed from afar.

Julius looked at the Black Knight and smiled, and then his eyes met with Allen, who was among the elves.

“Brother Allen… .”


The moment he opened his mouth with a smile, Allen took a deep breath.

“… sir!”

“Defeat the Warlock-!”

Julius’ eyes widened.

“Here is Julius, the Knights Commander, and I—! No need to be afraid-!”

Julius, who understood the situation at his cry, noticed what Allen was going to do, and shouted out a shout.

“Follow me-!!”

He flew through the warlocks, unable to come to terms with the successive intrusions. Behind him, the knights began to shout and crush the remaining undead.

“Kill all the warlocks!”

“Kill them all!”

Thumping footsteps echoed everywhere, and the elves, encouraged by their cry, supported them from behind.

“Help them!”

“For revenge of our people!”

Allen drew his sword again, and ran to a place that exuded an atmosphere far from being alone in this atmosphere.

Behind him, the Knights Commander and Julius, who noticed the direction he was heading, followed.

towards the altar where the divine beast is located.

‘I’m glad we can solve it before it gets too big.’

The purpose of this work was to borrow the powers of the divine beast, but the reason that this amount of power could be pruned in advance also played a part.

‘It has less power than the one from the Black Book… .’

There are always variables.

It is highly likely that Allen’s behavior became the butterfly effect, resulting in fewer numbers than it had in a previous life.

If so, I could explain that there was no attack from the mountain range, or that it was weaker than the power I saw in the book.

‘It’s not enough to be at the level enough to fight the family.’

Even taking into account the level of the enemies who attacked Julius in the circumstances, it seemed that it would have to be at least half the power of the Black Book.

Allen sped up to end what appeared to be the instigator.

But Allen felt strange as he got closer.

‘Why don’t the warlocks prepare?’

The magic circle painted in red blood beating violently. The movement of the Warlocks who had signed a seal a while ago stopped. The young warlock above the divine beast was still smiling.

At the alarm ringing in his head, Allen let out his senses.

Decaying elf corpses, scattered remains of torture, and heaps of warlock corpses.

“You crazy bastard… !”

I finally understood what you were trying to do. The reason the power was reduced is to sacrifice yourself? For what the hell?

At Allen’s murmuring, the man on top of the divine beast laughed happily as if it was a compliment.


A loud applause rang out, and at the same time an embarrassing cry was heard from the battlefield.

“Why all of a sudden these bastards commit suicide… !”

“Confucius, these guys seem to be doing some tricks… .”

The warlocks thrust their daggers into their hearts as if they had promised.

The battlefield stopped at the bizarre sight of not one but everyone choosing to commit suicide.

The warlocks collapsed in a group, bleeding, and the magic circle under their feet greedily sucked up the blood that had pooled on the battlefield.


He quickly turned his head to the sound of shaking the ground.

“uh… , uh! Oh, why is that all of a sudden!”

“Shin-soo, Shin-soo… !”

The divine beast was rising as if according to the young warlock’s words. There was no reason to be found in the reddened eyes, and the white hair that symbolized pure white was discolored to black.

Bestla shouted hastily.

“You know it’s dangerous if you don’t move now, right?”

“I know!”

Allen moved with all his might before anything happened. Whether he showed his power in front of Julius or not, this was more important now.

Immediately after the Shinsu woke up, instinct began to warn like crazy.

What happens next is difficult for Allen to handle. She felt it instinctively. The harsh wind pressure hit her in the face and accelerated faster.

Carnell thought as he looked at him as he approached.

What caused you to be so hasty? Where did you deviate from?


‘Now that I’ve come to think of it, it’s too late.’

His lips twisted.

The work had already been carried out, and the prepared ceremony was about to be completed.

‘Actually, it’s not that bad either.’

Seeing their bewildered appearance, I thought that turning the plan around was a good choice.

Carnell’s gentle hand touched her heart.

Allen frantically tried to stop him with all his might. But unfortunately, it was too far to stop his actions.

“… ha.”

It was faster for the young warlock’s hand to pierce the heart first.

– Whoops

he smiled

“Please, have a happy dream.”

The dripping blood wet the area around the eyes of the gods.


At the same time, the light exploded.


At the end of Allen’s tinnitus ringing in his ears, his vision plummeted into consciousness.

And a voice was heard.

never to be heard

thought you wouldn’t be able to hear it.

“brother? Answer me quickly, bro.”

… A real brother’s voice.

Regressor, Possessor, Reincarnator

Regressor, Possessor, Reincarnator

회귀가 빙의를 싫어함
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
By SerenePanda Allen opened the book. And there it was. The fact he wanted to ignore. No, the fact he actually was aware of. […Reader Kim Woojin, 21. Possessed the extra character, ‘Julius Reinhart’, of the novel “The Feast of the Returned Demon King”…] Julius Reinhart. My brother’s body was stolen by a possessor. That day, my brother died.


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not work with dark mode