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Regression Life Starting With Two Traits Chapter 35

Chapter 035

After the large-scale dungeon break, there were no major incidents.

It wasn’t even worth it.

From having to deal with various companies that came to support the guild, we also had to have meetings about future gate attacks.

“This is the list of loot allocated to our Avengers in this dungeon break.”

In the conference room, an employee opened a PPT and reported it.

Awakening stones came in large quantities, and along with it, various skill cards, various material items, and monster remains were obtained.

The most excited among us was Suyeon.

“Are you finally able to use the studio to your heart’s content?”

Since it was originally a production and production characteristic that enabled combat, there were more things that Soo-yeon could do with this booty.

“By the way, wasn’t Soo-yeon a butcher trait?”

Lee Hui-hyung asked Su-yeon, who was delighted, curiously.

“huh! That’s right, brother. There is a leather craft skill in the butcher trait. So, leave the leather-related items to me from now on.”

Leathercraft skill.

That was Suyeon’s production skill.

A production worker who handles and uses leather to produce items.

The reason Suyeon was able to fight was because her skill included slaughter.

It was all thanks to the butchering skill that Soo-yeon identified the enemy’s weak points at once and slashed them.

“I… Can I continue?”

“Oh, sorry.”

The employee smiled awkwardly and turned over the PPT.

“The following are companies that have received support offers this time. Banks and sports companies were especially numerous.”

There are several guild profit structures, but there are three that account for the most.

Selling loot, selling goods produced by production workers, and receiving support for the rest.

Most combat guilds used this third method a lot.

“Isn’t corporate sponsoring better than banking?”

It was Lee Hui-hyung’s opinion.

“Neither bad.”

“By the way, if we get that spawn, what are we good at and what are the benefits to the sponsor?”

Minyoung raised her hand and asked a question.

Lee Hui-hyung explained about it.

“Well, let’s say a company that sells sportswear sponsors us, for example.”

“A place like Adidas?”

“Yes, they give us funds and we use the funds to run the guild. If you hand over the materials obtained during that operation, IDIDAS uses those materials to produce new products. By us using the new product, they are promoted again. Roughly speaking, that’s the structure.”

“Ah, I understand. By dealing with monsters with the logo of the company that spawns us, we get activity funds and items, and the company sees the effect of publicity, right?”


“Is there any difference between celebrities and athletes?”

“If it’s a little different, is it promoting products made with ingredients that can’t be obtained from the earth?”

“Are you targeting awakened people, not ordinary people?”

“yes. Minyoung is very understanding.”

“Ah, I didn’t have anything, so I just learned quickly.”

Minyoung was shy and said that, but there were also some neat explanations from Lee Hwi-hyung.

“So shouldn’t we decide whether we want to be spawned or not? What do you all think?”

In response to my question, Lee Hwi-hyung said, “Isn’t it obvious?”

“What are you thinking about? I have.”

I was so confident that I wanted to say something, but I realized in an instant.

What kind of family is that brother’s family?

“Does Taeyang Group also sponsor guilds?”

“Let my brother spawn?!”

Soo-yeon and Min-yeong were also surprised, so they shouted.

Lee Hui-hyung shrugged and said.

“There is nothing difficult. You already know at home that I was with you.”

“What can we prepare?”

Taeyang Group was not an easy place.

Because it wasn’t a group of idiots who suddenly spawned a guild just because their children asked for it.

“As expected, what does our guild leader know? Surely there must be something your grandfather would be interested in?”

Hui’s grandfather.

Lee Cheol-joon, chairman of Taeyang Group.

He wasn’t a nice person.

However, fortunately for us, Lee Hwi-hyung was a member of the family who knew how to attack the president.

It wasn’t that I didn’t think of Taeyang Group when I accepted Lee Hwi-hyung as a guild member.

I was waiting for the right time, but Lee Hui-hyung reached out first.

“great. Talk to me again about this.”

“Okay, I’ll keep my own words.”

“By the way, would you like it if you knew who your brother was under?”

It was what I was most concerned about.

Just looking at Pyo Tae-min’s reaction the other day, it was like that.

‘Brother, why did you go under this guy? Isn’t it enough for you to create a guild?’

Even such an idiot does what he thinks, but one of his cherished grandchildren goes under someone?

Will the pride of the chairman of Korea’s 5 largest companies allow that?

Surprisingly, however, Lee Hui-hyung showed no concern.

“Don’t worry about that. Because I have something in mind.”

It seemed that he had a plan in mind to be confident.

Well, where would that blood go?

“great. So, let’s defer the answer to the other sponsors for a while. Let’s think about solving this problem first. Good job watching the PPT.”

“thank you.”

The temple retreated and I stepped forward.

I looked at the guild members sitting in the conference room.

Soo-yeon, Min-young, and Lee Hwi hyung.

Hyuk who will join after graduating.

I am also thinking about which characters will join in the future, but first of all, I will continue to be with them for the time being.

These are my family now.

promised once again.

I protect my family

“Now then, shall we have a meeting to capture the gate?”

We started meeting for the next gate.

The gate we were going to attack this time was where there were large A-rank monsters.


“I’m here to meet you!”

Pyo Chun-deuk entered the arrivals hall at Incheon International Airport and was followed by members of the association.

“Do you want to go straight to the Association?”

“It is. Taemin told me to come too.”

Pyo Chun-deuk had a hard face the entire time he moved from the airport to the association.

“I… What happened in America?”

He immediately regretted asking a question to ease the awkwardness.

“Do you need to know that?”

Because Pyo Cheon-deuk’s face was even more distorted.

“no. I’m off topic. sorry.”

In the car, which became quiet again, Pyo Chun-deuk sighed and opened his mouth.

“I heard a rough report, but what happened in Dobong-gu. Can you elaborate?”

In response to Pyo Chun-deuk’s question, he told the day’s events with a lot of tension.

He was also one of the hunters on the scene, so it was more detailed than the brief report Pyo Chun-deuk heard.

“okay? You mean Taemin did that?”

“Yes, we couldn’t stop it either.”

“Isn’t the child hurt?”

“Yes, perhaps because he resembles the chairman, even director Pyo has skills.”

“That’s it.”

After that, Pyo Chun-deuk did not say a word until he arrived at the association.

“Grandpa… No, Chairman.”

Pyo Tae-min, who was waiting at the association after receiving the call, started to pay attention to himself when he saw Pyo Cheon-deuk coming in with a firm expression.

“You guys are still paying attention.”

“I-that’s… … .”

Pyo Tae-min asked if he had anything to say, and Pyo Chun-deuk squeezed his shoulders.

“Ah, Chairman. sick.”

“Stop talking softer and follow me.”


Terrified, Pyo Tae-min followed Pyo Chun-deuk with a hard expression into the chairman’s room.

“Grandpa, please listen to me.”

When only the two of them were left in the chairman’s room, Pyo Tae-min immediately called him grandfather and tried to make excuses.

But what came to him was Pyo Chun-deuk’s heavy fist.

“omg! ha, grandpa sorry.”

When the heavy pain was delivered to his stomach, Pyo Tae-min immediately knelt down and began to pray.

“Do you know what you did wrong?”

In response to Pyo Cheon-deuk’s question, Pyo Tae-min spoke with a look of regret.

“I am sorry. An event like that was held, but you can’t just sit still in the association. That’s why I took him. Some are injured, but no one is dead!”

At Pyo Tae-min’s excuse that he still doesn’t know what he did wrong, Pyo Chun-deuk eventually exploded in anger that he had been holding back.

“Your kid still doesn’t know what your fault is! You didn’t ruin the association, you did a lot of sh*t! How long have I been away!”

Pyo Chun-deuk raised his hand as high as he could, then grabbed an ashtray from the desk and threw it at the wall, as if he couldn’t bear to hit it any more.


With a tremendous sound, half of the ashtray was smashed into the wall.


Surprised to see it, Pyo Tae-min started to hiccup.

Pyo Cheon-deuk, who grabbed Pyo Tae-min by the collar and raised him up, said.

“You bastard, you just need to receive my love and live comfortably. Why are you trying to ruin this old lady’s business!”

“Hiccup! Sin, sorry. Hiccup!”

Pyo Tae-min, who apologized for being surprised and scared, still had an expression that he did not know his fault.

“I have an appointment with Yoo Seo-joon this evening. Do you know how many weaknesses we have now caught on him? In that situation, did you get caught in the pod? Now do you see what you did wrong?”

“Hiccup! Is that true? I really didn’t know! grandfather! please! Give me a chance! I hate Seojun Yoo too! Let me do it!”

Pyo Tae-min, who finally realized why he had been scolded, stopped hiccupping.

he begged earnestly.

“Ha, you bastard. He’s not someone you can deal with. Don’t go out of your way and listen to this grandfather. please.”

Pyo Cheon-deuk, who had adjusted Pyo Tae-min’s tie again, slapped him on the back and said.

“I’ll take care of the procedures myself, so don’t make trouble anymore and stay home for a while.”

Pyo Tae-min bowed quietly at Pyo Cheon-deuk’s words, but his eyes were shining differently than before.

‘sh*t. Yoo Seo-jun here, and Yoo Seo-jun there. You were a great guy. someday. I will definitely bring you down.’


“I think so.”

On the evening of the day Pyo Chun-deuk arrived in Korea, as promised, a person from the association came to pick me up.

The place he arrived at was an upscale Japanese restaurant.

Pyo Cheon-deuk arrived at the reserved room first with his grandson Pyo Tae-min.

“Long time no see. While I couldn’t see it, my grandson took care of me, right? I brought you here to apologize. Hey! What are you doing without saying hello?”

While I was shaking hands with Pyo Cheon-deuk, Pyo Tae-min, who kept glaring at me, got up and greeted me after being hit by him in the back of the head.

“I am Pyo Tae-min. This time… … I’m sorry.”

Hesitant to say anything, looking at Pyo Chun-deuk’s eyes, it seems that this guy is also afraid of his own grandfather.

I smiled at that guy.

Although the hosting of this meeting was a vote of merit, the initiative was as good as mine.

“I think I will receive all the apologies I have to receive today. Nice to see you again, director Pyo Tae-min?”

He gave a pretentious greeting and squeezed the boy’s hand tightly.

He didn’t lose either and started to squeeze my hand tightly.

“Should I consider it an honor to be glad to see you?”

It was Chairman Pyo Cheon-deuk who stopped us from the grip competition.

“Sit like that.”

As soon as the two sat down, the food arrived.

I got to the point without even looking at the food.

“Then why did you ask to see me?”

Pyo Cheon-deuk, who took a sip of the tea in front of him, opened his mouth after taking a sip.

“As I heard, I wanted to apologize for what our association has done to you.”

“Are you admitting that you did it in the name of the Association?”

“What does that mean? Since it was an incident initiated by members of the Association, I am just bowing my head on behalf of the grown-up members of the association.”

Ha, look at this old fox.

Seeing him sticking out his flippers until the end, it seemed difficult to weave any further into that incident.

“You apologized once before.”

Besides, it wasn’t that he didn’t apologize when we first met after the incident.

“It did. That’s why I didn’t even sign an agreement with you.”

“By the way, why do you want to have a place like this again? I’m curious about that.”

“Hey, was your personality this impatient? Now, let me get you a drink first.”

Pyo Cheon-deuk said that and poured the wine into my glass.

“what are you doing? An adult pours a drink, but doesn’t he hold a glass? Are you crazy?”

Tae-min Pyo took it as a provocation for me not to grab a drink.

However, Pyo Cheon-deuk rather scolded Pyo Tae-min.

“You told me to stay still!”

“Ha, Grandpa.”

Seeing Pyo Cheon-deuk’s hands shaking while holding the rice wine kettle, he seemed very angry.

Even so, I felt that I was holding on tight.

“Forgive my grandson for his rudeness.”

Pyo Chun-deuk, who had also filled his own glass, raised it.

“This is the sincerity I show you. Don’t worry, I’ll listen.”


I knew that he was a formidable person, but I did not know that he was a great man who could bow down to this extent.

I said as I lifted the glass he poured me.

“Did you think I would drink this?”

I sprinkled the liquor on the sashimi plate in front of me.

“What are you doing?!”

If you endure this, you’re a real adult.

In the end, I got up from my seat and said to Pyo Chun-deuk, who couldn’t hold back his anger.

“If you really want to be forgiven by me, give me what you deserve. Our agreement is like that. I’m not going to get over it with this kind of meal treat.”

Did you think I would move on to something like this? Where do you play tricks?

Regression Life Starting With Two Traits

Regression Life Starting With Two Traits

특성 두 개로 시작하는 회귀 라이프
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
When I regressed, I got two Traits?!


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not work with dark mode