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Regression Life Starting With Two Traits Chapter 111

Chapter 112 Naval Battle (1)

Above the rescued warship, I looked at Gilliant and the horizon.

“The demons know we joined.”

“If you know Lucas’ movement, it means that there are enemies inside, right?”

After hearing my thoughts, Gillian nodded and replied.

“Lucas must have been tailing you.”

Lucas’ companion was Andrew.

However, Andrew is by no means the devil’s helper.

They must be hiding somewhere and watching us.

“Then, I’ll have to plan a little.”


“Shouldn’t you let the hidden things come out?”

When I pointed to the necklace and said, Gillian nodded as if he understood.

[This is what the conversation is about.]

‘Isn’t this something only the two of us can hear?’

It was the ‘communication’ magic that Gilliant put on his necklace.

Using this, I was able to communicate with what I was thinking.

[Yes. Because it’s communication between the two of us. So what is the method?]

‘Can I use this magic on Lucas too?’

[can do.]

‘Then let’s do some acting with Lucas. It drives me crazy wondering what we’re talking about.’

[Hmm, I’m sure if you do that, you’ll try to listen somehow.]

‘Yeah, if we start using numbers, we’ll be able to catch them.’


After concocting a strategy with Gillian, he asked as he turned to Lucas.

‘By the way, how did you go?’

[You mean guilds?]

Due to the hasty departure, Gilliant had not yet received an answer from the allied guilds.

[Mage Tower Danny An said that he would come with a small elite group, including himself. It is said that steel comes with the magic tower when it moves, and blood bridges come on their own.]

‘That’s enough.’

I heard about Jack Miller’s current situation from Lucas.

It was a disadvantageous situation as even the guilds with thin ears joined the guard’s all-out offensive.

To turn the tide, you need an elite army of that size.

Jack Miller pointed to us in Korea as a hidden card that would overturn the game.

“Lucas, don’t be surprised and listen carefully.”

Approaching Lucas, I whispered to him and looked at Gilliant.

“Don’t be surprised… … .”

[I’m going to say this from now on. Lucas, you just have to think.]

“Ears, ears, ghosts!”

I was more surprised than I thought, so I told Lucas the reason after pressing his shoulder.

“Who got stuck? Be natural.”

As I whispered, Lucas noticed and whispered to us.

“Is there a way?”

I nodded my head at Lucas’ question.

[I’ll let you talk with each other only with your thoughts, so now just act with your mouth open.]

As they shared their thoughts with Gilliant’s magic, Lucas’ thoughts poured out.

‘Are you doing this? It’s kind of like telepathy. Being tailed, can you be followed without me knowing? Not Andrew at all.’

‘Stop thinking. because my head hurts All you have to do is think about what to say.’

‘Oh sorry. I’m not used to it.’

‘are you okay. You’ll get used to it in no time. May I ask why you’re so sure about Andrew?’

When I asked a question, Lucas nodded and conveyed his thoughts.

‘If Andrew was a spy, he had more opportunities when he came to Korea.’

Lucas, surprisingly, agreed with me.

I was also excluding Andrew for that reason.

[Maybe you didn’t attack on purpose?]

We both shook our heads at Gilliant’s words.

‘In the current situation, killing the captain is the best way for the demons to gain an advantage. We shouldn’t even let them join us.’

‘In order to do that, it would have been more beneficial to deal with it all at once in the air where it couldn’t respond.’

As Lucas and I continued to explain, Gillian seemed to think for a moment, then nodded.

[Certainly, there is a point. And I think the two of them get along well?]

Ignoring Gilliant’s question, Lucas asked me.

‘So, will he appear if I do this?’

‘If you want to get information, there will be movement somehow.’

A total of three warships came to rescue us.

Among them we were talking on the deck of the most advanced warship.

[It moved.]

Gilliant’s words made me nervous too.

It felt weak, but I could definitely feel the demonic energy.

And when the Magi got close to us, Gilliant moved.

“You bastard!”


The demon who was grabbed by the scruff of the neck by the fast-moving Gilian was a face he had never seen before.


However, Lucas recognized the demons.

“Lucas, do you know each other?”

Lucas nodded at my question.

“We have even worked together. Yanden, are you really a demon?”

Yanden, who glared at the three of us, answered Lucas’ question.

“Captain, you really don’t believe them, do you?”

“Don’t think about running away. Otherwise, why are you here?”

Even when Lucas asked a sharp question, Yanden only smiled.

“You know my mission, right? I was dispatched to a warship, but I came because I saw the captain. I want to say hello.”

“Are there any more plausible lies?”

Lucas looked genuinely angry.

Yanden’s expression asked why.

“Are you lying? I am only telling the truth.”

“actually? What’s the situation at the guard headquarters right now, sending out dispatches? Wasn’t it rather a situation where everyone was being called in?”

“The warship has received a rescue request and has to go. What should I do? I am stuck here too.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Yanden. I know your abilities better than anyone else. Stuck on a warship in the middle of the sea? Don’t you think it’s far-fetched?”

I wondered why Yanden’s ability was such a fever, but I soon found out.

“I heard you stood on the other side, and it seems to be true. Cap, are you so stupid that you can save your life?”

Yanden, whose mood suddenly changed, was pushed further by Gillian.

“Where are you messing around!”

Yanden, pushed against the wall by Gilliant, instead smiled.

Then, a shadow fell over us all.

Turning our heads, we met eyes with the giant tortoise that appeared above the surface of the sea.



It happened in an instant.

Yanden, who had escaped from Gilliant’s hands, was on the back of the beast before he knew it.

“Don’t give me ejaculation.”

When Yanden’s order was given, the witch beast bit off the warship’s radar.

“Combat posture! Battleships prepare for battle!”

The warship went into an uproar at the sudden demonic attack.

Marines ran from place to place, put on life jackets and helmets, and came out with guns.

The guns on the warship also aimed at the Witchbeast.


Along with the commander’s shout, the shooting continued.

However, even the warship’s cannons did not damage the Witchbeast.

Rather, it only fueled his anger.


The large tortoise, which became violent, crashed into the body of the warship.

We barely managed to keep our balance in the warship that was swaying wildly.

“What’s happening?”

The party started to come out on deck.

Lee Hwi-hyung and his guild members were on the warship we were currently on.

Soo-yeon, Min-yeong, Hyuk, and the other party were divided into two warships in the back.

Soldiers and companions were also watching us from the deck of the warship following us.

“Lee Hwi-hyung, it’s an attack from demons! Everyone, be careful not to fall into the sea!”

I shouted to the party and immediately ascended into the sky using the element of wind.

“The Elementalist Yu Seo-Jun is you!”

“Are you just able to communicate with fish?”

“Only! You have no idea how wonderful it is to interact with marine monsters!”

Then, as Yanden spread his hand, various marine monsters began to appear on the surface of the water.

“How without a gate?”

When I asked in surprise, Lucas shouted from below.

“Yanden is a summoner! I always summoned and dealt with marine monsters!”

It was because of this ability that Lucas didn’t believe Yanden’s words.

“Did you tell a blatant lie about being imprisoned on a warship with these abilities?”

“Heh, I didn’t know that Lucas knew so much about my abilities. But it doesn’t matter. My mission is to kill you before you set foot on American soil. my children! All-out attack!”

When Yanden’s command was given, the marine monsters that appeared on the surface of the sea began to approach the three warships at once.

pop! pop!

The guns mounted on the warship began to breathe fire.

Our guild members and soldiers joined forces to stop the monsters.

However, it was clear that we were at a disadvantage due to the space constraints of fighting on deck.

“These guys!”

Gilliant showed off his dragon’s majesty from the sky and scared them, but they didn’t budge.

[It is very tightly connected to the summoner. If my fear doesn’t work, you have to hit the summoner first.]

As a strategy, Gillian told me to hit the summoner first.

The large turtle that Yanden was riding had moved behind the other marine monsters before he knew it.

The naval battle has now turned into a confrontation between numerous marine monsters and three warships.

In the open sea, we poured firepower at each other.

I used elemental magic to freeze them, create lightning and burn them, but their numbers did not decrease easily.

Giliant also dealt with monsters with magic, sometimes engaging in hand-to-hand combat with them.

The combat power itself was high thanks to me and the Gillians, but there were too many of them.

“Seojun! Can you throw me?”

“What are you going to do? Can we fight on the sea?”

“no! Only throw it near Yanden! Wouldn’t it be possible to fight on the back of a turtle!”

That’s true, but it was also a question of whether they could safely send it there.

It was because there were so many monsters between Yanden and us.

There was no law that the thrown captain should not be eaten in the middle.

However, if we waited longer, it was clear that we would end up at the head here.

“all right! Gilliant!”

I called Gilliant first.

Gilliant, struggling with a giant eel, turned to me.

[Can’t you see I’m busy?]

“We need to send Lucas to Yanden.”

When I pointed at Lucas and said, Gilliant turned to us, as if he understood.


I used the element of wind to put Lucas on Gilliant’s back.

Gilliant flew high in the sky and began to fall vertically over Yanden’s head.

“What, what!”

Gilliant, who scared Yanden by falling on his head, went up into the sky again.

As if not expecting Gilliant’s sudden movement, Yanden screamed.

And as if the summoners were connected to the summoner, all the monsters stopped working at that moment.

It was a fleeting moment, but for us, it was enough time to turn the tide of the battle.

“Now! Pour all your remaining firepower into it!”

As soon as the captain’s order was given, the three warships began indiscriminate bombing.

And Awakeners capable of long-distance attacks were also with them.

I looked at the monsters while concentrating on the elements of water and wind.


The marine monsters tried to bring Giliant and Lucas down flying above them, but they couldn’t reach them.

I used elemental magic prepared for those monsters.

“If there is nowhere to set foot, you can make one.”

Damn it!

‘Will it succeed?’ I doubted it, but I began to squeeze in as much force as I could.

The result is a great success.

The sea in front of us started to freeze.

The goal is to pass the monsters and reach the place where Yanden is.

It was slow at first, but gradually spread rapidly.

Even the waves that hit high due to the violent movements of the huge monsters were frozen while maintaining their shape due to my elemental magic.

“Hey, what the heck! Elementalist! What is your true identity?!”

Yanden, who saw his summoned creatures frozen together with the sea, exclaimed in surprise.

“why? You demons can’t see something like this?”

When I shouted provocation, laughter spread throughout the area.

Yanden looked indignant and took something out of his pocket and threw it at the icy surface.


Yanden’s throw hit the surface of the ice and created a flame that would not be easily extinguished.

“I admit I underestimated you. But, it’s not over yet!”

The fire he threw didn’t go out no matter how hard I tried.

The fire spread in an instant and melted all the ice he had worked so hard to create.

At the same time, frozen monsters began to be released.

“The fires of hell are unquenchable. What are you going to do now?”

Just then, Lucas was jumping on top of the guy who grinned at us.

Regression Life Starting With Two Traits

Regression Life Starting With Two Traits

특성 두 개로 시작하는 회귀 라이프
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
When I regressed, I got two Traits?!


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not work with dark mode