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Quit being a knight and become a mercenary Chapter 249

249 – Aftercare (3)

After everything was finished, I called everyone together, including Karin.

“Compared to before, I feel a little lonely.”

“That’s right, Karin. “After Baron Martin became a title, it became difficult for everyone to hang out like before.”

When I was a mercenary leader, Lucia, Karin, and Hilde all gathered together to drink and have fun together.

In the past, that mean baker said he would give me beer just to make fun of me, but then gave me a bowl of strong liquor like brandy and made me suffer like a dog…

Everyone played with arms around each other, regardless of gender, until late at night.

Some guys with bad hand habits used the excuse that their hand slipped while they were shoulder to shoulder and touched the breasts of female mercenaries and ended up breaking their wrists, which was hilarious.

As I became a noble, I feel like the physical distance between me has become slightly greater.

“If you gain something, you also lose something. “Everyone lives much better than before, so isn’t that the way it is?”

Just like when Captain Dalton disbanded the Whitebeard mercenaries in the past, he divided the land and gave houses to all the mercenaries under his command.

I did the same thing when I received the new Baronet of Cologne, and brought those who were the lowest level mercenaries in our mercenary corps from the bottom of their lives to the upper middle class.

I’ve said all that because I married girls who, although not S-level in the province, are all B+-level.

Furthermore, when I was a mercenary leader, I was able to drink as much expensive wine as I wanted, costing one gold coin per bottle, which I couldn’t even touch.

When Lucia heard that, she smiled bitterly.

“Still, we are one step closer to the Baron’s dream. That’s enough. “It’s a pity that I don’t get to hang out with the mercenaries often, but the Baron is still by my side.”

Although the time I spent drinking and laughing with the mercenaries decreased, the time I could spend with everyone, including Lucia, increased.

However, Karin showed her dissatisfaction by pretending to pull Lucia’s cheek.

“Does Lucia only like Martin?”

“No, that’s not it. Karin, her older sister is nice too, but…”

She may have said this to brighten the mood, but Karin smiled happily when she saw Lucia reacting innocently.

She’s going to have a hard time since she got caught by Karin, who likes to play pranks.

She wondered for a moment whether she should stop him, but ultimately decided not to.

Because I think it would be a little more fun.

Karin walked slightly towards Lucia and gently touched her chin.

“I really like both of them. “Lucia only likes Martin.”

To Nana Hilde, who was watching next to her, it seemed like Karin was just trying to tease Lucia because she thought she was cute.

In fact, there was no sign of disappointment or regret on Karin’s face.

Her shoulders kept shaking as if she couldn’t hide her happy expression.

But Lucia, who did not know that, shook her head.

“No, that’s not it….”


“Yes, I like both.”

When I answered that, Karin laughed, holding Lucia and me in one of her arms.

“Then how about the three of you tonight? “You’ve been busy lately.”


Karin approached me this time, lightly stroking my upper thigh.

“Martin, we don’t have any plans for tomorrow, right?”

I married Karin, or rather, I married Karin after I became Baron Cologne.

Although it has already been nearly six years since she became a couple, Karin is still beautiful and young.

Although she doesn’t have as much stamina and energy as I do due to dealing with Aurors, she still has enough stamina to run a 42km marathon.

What this means is that the s*xual desire is very strong.

“Because the urgent matter is over. “Nothing’s wrong, senior.”

“Right? That’s right, Lucia.”

“I will work hard too.”

Hilde said while patting my back from behind.

“I will work hard, um… It is my responsibility as a knight to accommodate my lord’s desires.”

Perhaps because she received thorough training as a knight from a young age, Hilde was very dedicated in her relationship with me.

So, at first, it was really difficult for her to figure out what she disliked and liked.

If I were to exaggerate a little, I would treasure even the hard biscuits as if they were a sumptuous feast.

But now, I know what I like or dislike just by looking at my eyes.

If you really like something, your eyes will sparkle.

“When I asked the other knights, they said that the lord also likes the clothes worn by those maids. I bought one on the way here. Shall I wear it?”

At those words, everyone’s eyes immediately focused on Hilde.

I’ve tried dressing those three in various clothes so far, but I’ve never dressed them in maid uniforms.

As I was going back and forth to this mansion, I felt like something was missing…

Hearing those words, I finally feel like something that was missing has finally come into place.

“Hilde, you’re sure you didn’t bring ours?”

“I asked the maids who tailor her clothes to make them for me. Lucia also…”

Karin hugged Hilde and rubbed her cheek as if she was very impressed.

What’s really interesting is that it would have been too bad to see two good-looking men doing that, but seeing Hilde Langkarin doing that makes her heart warm just by looking at her.

“As expected, it’s Hilde. “There is only Hilde.”

“Of course… We are family.”

Karin, who loved Hilde to her heart’s content, grabbed her by the hem of her clothes and dragged her out of her door.

“Don’t drink anything and have fun today.”

It’s not too late to talk while drinking tomorrow.

“Of course.”


Meanwhile, her 1st Princess Maria von Rhein-Palatinate was suffering.

“Stupid Eugen is quite strong too. “He thought it would be a tough fight.”

Eugen, whom the princess mentioned, was the 5th prince of the Rhine-Palatinate Empire.

“This guy, who has been stupid since he was young, is still sitting there thanks to one servant who picked him up on a whim when he was young… It’s really terrible, it’s terrible.”

Prince Eugen was so stupid that if Martin had seen him, he would have suspected that he really had borderline intellectual disability (quasi-intellectual disability).

The prince couldn’t even dance a waltz in a proper social setting, and when he talked about military operations, he couldn’t understand what was being said.

How could he possibly be ridiculed by his subordinates with the derogatory title of “Stone-headed prince” Because he could only shout “Charge, charge” During a siege?

Still, Maria’s expression was not that dark.

“Her Royal Highness, Rance Castle has finally fallen!”

“Now that we’ve taken Lance’s castle, it’s only a matter of time before we take down Eugen.”

“Yes, that’s right. Now that Rance Castle has been captured, the rest is only a matter of time. If we continue like this, we will be able to secure all of Prince Eugen’s faction’s territory in about half a year.”

It was a slow pace compared to the 4th Prince Otto’s faction, which expanded its power at a tremendous rate thanks to the activities of Martin, who became Baron of Cologne…

Among the various factions, being in second place meant a lot to me.

Furthermore, if the 5th Prince takes over all of his territory, the size of his power will exceed that of Otto.

“If things continue like this, it is not a dream for Her Royal Highness to surpass the crown prince and ascend to the position of emperor.”

The princess chuckled at those words.

“Fione, don’t let your guard down. The Third Prince, there’s a monster-like count under him. No, the previous commander of the Knights of the Guard is attached. Besides that, the nobles are all powerful and powerful.”

Among the imperial men of the empire, he was the most kind-hearted, devoted to his studies, and had a good personality.

The Third Prince Mark used his personality alone to attract old-fashioned nobles who were loyal to the imperial family to his side.

“Duke Liechtenawer, who was chancellor during his father’s time, is also under him, isn’t he? It’s a pain in the ass. “That guy might be fighting with other guys right now.”

“It would be difficult if the tip of that sword were pointed at us. “The Mark faction is large in power, but there are many outstanding people.”

Then the princess pointed to her map and said.

“And honestly, I’m most worried about Baron Cologne.”

“You mean that man?”

“You’re too good at being just a mercenary leader. The expert level is also high, but last time Count Hansa brought an army of 15,000… He and the two Baron Maurers defeated him and took over the county. “He won’t be an easy opponent, Baron Cologne.”

Phione could not help but nod at those words.

Because the 4th Prince’s faction was not supposed to be this strong, but from what anyone can see, there was only one reason why they suddenly attacked.

This is because it was assumed that the flapping of Baron Cologne’s wings would have played a big role.

“Then the opponent we will be dealing with is…”

Maria smiled and spoke like a playful girl.

“Yes, it will be Baron Cologne and the 4th Prince.”

Quit being a knight and become a mercenary

Quit being a knight and become a mercenary

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I wouldn’t take knighthood even if it were offered. It’s lower than a baron, and it doesn’t make money. I might as well get beaten up like a beggar. In such a case, I’d rather be a mercenary for money and honor. Even the beauties, I will take them all with my own strength.


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not work with dark mode