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Personality Broken Hero Chapter 34

34 – Episode 34

Recently, I got a call from McCoy, whom I had completely forgotten about.

“Hey, Nikolai. Hello McCoy.”

The Korean language itself was understandable, but it was a voice with a slightly clumsy accent.

“Huh? McCoy! Are you in Korea?”

The international call notification did not ring, and seeing that the previous number was a dedicated number given to heroes, I immediately recognized that the call was from Korea.

“Yeah! After two weeks of adapting to Korean life and culture, and learning about the law, I decided to do official activities.”

It’s something I felt while training together in the past, but McCoy says Korean numbers are a bit difficult.

Koreans don’t feel how to use it in what situation or how to read it, but they say that it’s complicated and different from the way they used to, so they get a lot of confusion.

“I should play hard for two weeks?”

“Yes. Is Nikolai free tomorrow?”

I haven’t found a hobby that I can enjoy yet, and since I was young, I have a habit of going to the training ground whenever I have time, so I’m very free on my days off.

Of course, for the sake of face, I pretended to check the schedule and took a moment to say it.

“Uh, wait a minute, let me look at the schedule.”

I took a break by touching my phone moderately and pretending to turn on the app.

“I don’t have an appointment tomorrow, McCoy. Shall we play together tomorrow?”

It’s a miserable address book with only two contacts for non-workers or non-heroes, but he pretended to be busy.

During my school days, I rarely approached you because I was afraid of prejudice because of my huge body, tight muscles, and tough impression.

However, since he was a talented student, he devoted himself to training while reducing his regular education hours while receiving a scholarship, so as the saying goes, “If you can’t see it, your heart will go away,” As the saying goes, the contact point decreased, and most of them naturally became less close.

I have to be thankful that I have two regular friends who I still keep in touch with even though I don’t go hang out with them.

We decided to meet early tomorrow morning, and hung up the phone.

The next day.

At first, when we met, we were going to do high-fives in the air, but McCoy hadn’t obtained a Korean flying license, so unfortunately, we decided to postpone the high-speed high-fives in the air until later.

“Yo. Nikolai!”


I went to the front of the hotel where McCoy was staying because McCoy didn’t yet have a flying license or driver’s license in Korea.

Since both of them were over 2m 10cm tall, they quickly caught the attention of passers-by.

After a few minutes asking how each other was doing and chatting, we started talking about where we were going.

I didn’t think of it beforehand, but since I was living a dreary life where I only went to work and the training ground, I didn’t know where to hang out together.

I don’t know if fishing is still fun, and I haven’t been playing games lately because I’ve had countless requests to add friends since the last Hyeonpi incident and many people learned my nickname.

After that Hyeonpi Incident, people who analyzed each and every game I played cursed at me, calling me a ‘bug’ or ‘brainless’, and public opinion that ‘it was enough to be insulted’ became mainstream on game sites. Being shocked is also one of the reasons I don’t play games again these days.

McCoy, who has just arrived in Korea, doesn’t know where to hang out, so I decided to introduce him to the training ground I go to.

We had to go a little farther out of Seoul because a large site was essential for the training ground for high-ranking talent.

“Wow! The training ground is so big!”

It’s not the biggest training ground for talented people in Korea, but when we arrived at the training ground, which boasts the largest site in the metropolitan area, McCoy exclaimed.

“How is the British training ground?”

“The price of land in the UK is crazy. There are many heroes who do not have their own home. The training ground is very small.”

After the swear word that is the national rule of foreign language education, McCoy often uses f*ck, but he knew how to use the pronunciation of f*ck perfectly like a local.

When I went into the training ground, there were countless men from the gym, sweating like crazy and exercising even though it was still 10:00 am.

“Huh? Nikolai, are you here? But who is next to you?”

Since I’m a popular person in this training ground, the men who saw me entered quickly pretended to know and approached me.

Contrary to appearances, there were a lot of good sangs who said they liked him because he kindly gave advice on sparring or ability growth.

“England… Ah! I’m McCoy from Lithuania, and I’m going to do hero activities in Korea from now on.”

At the news that newbies had arrived, the performers stopped exercising and gathered in a hurry in an instant.

“Hello. My name is MacIjauskas Germantas. You can call me McCoy.”

The men who were unable to speak to me because they were foreigners were excited about the fluent Korean language except for the accent, and started asking me various things.

Of course, the family survey, which started with age, led to the question of how many strokes the oil pressure was.

“Are you asking about the record of using only physical enhancement-type abilities?”

“Sure. All records of using other abilities are fake!”

Other neungchang men around me also nodded as if it were natural.

“The official record is 98 tons.”

“Wow! What is 98 tons? I thought it would be a bit short because he’s a little smaller than Nikolai, but he’s really tall, right?”

“Ah… If I were 10 years younger, I would have weighed over 90 tons!”

98 Tons is a record that is hard to see in general.

Exclamations flowed from here and there.

Even if he didn’t have the ability to fly, he’s a talent that the country could do his best to catch, but he wasn’t British in the first place, and he didn’t seem to be able to catch it because he had a strong will to live in Korea.

At that time, the ability to fly was awakened, so if the contract had been extended by one year, there might have been enough time to convince them, but I think it would have been really disappointing from the UK’s point of view.

The men who had been so amicably explaining how much they were hitting and asking various questions ended up asking questions they shouldn’t have.

“So who is older, Nicola or McCoy?”


Me and McCoy, who were watching quietly from behind, met eyes.

“I am stronger.”

“I am.”

All of the highest-ranking talents are people who have developed their abilities based on tremendous effort, so they are very proud of their abilities.

In my heart, I was thinking that I, who had much more practical experience, would surely win.

“I have better physical performance, and I have a lot of combat experience, so I win in real battles.”

From noble mtl dot com

McCoy also said without losing.

“The winning rate of sparring in the US training camp was almost the same. I have a higher flying ability, so if it’s a real fight, I win.”

A man who asked a question that is taboo for high-powered people was being stabbed in the back of the head by the gym leader.

“If the ability is similar, the mass is also important? Muscles don’t lie.”

Compared to normal people, McCoy is extremely muscular, but compared to me, who gave up most of his social life and human relationships and trained like crazy, he certainly looks small.

“Battle of the talented. Speed is more important.”

We were fighting childishly for a few minutes, and the man who had previously said a taboo without notice said something again.

“Then why don’t we stick together?”

The uncles around him gave notice as if they were looking at an idiot, but there was no way a person without notice could easily understand.

The reason why people with physical strengthening and flight skills were able to engage in combat-like sparring in the US training was because the medical staff and people with regenerative skills were excessively invested.

Because the preparations for sparring like a real battle here are too insufficient, it was decided to compete with the performance of the ability for now.

The first event was the hydraulic press measurement, which is also a measure of physical strengthening ability.

I was confident in this event because I usually train with 100 tons in public places, but I train with higher weights in the private training room.


The gym leader, who was supposed to be the referee, flipped a coin.

He is a demonic person who usually pretends to hate fights and fights, but whenever a dispute arises at the training ground, he always joins in as a referee or makes sparring events openly louder.

“Front! McCoy can do it first.”

Uh woo woo woo woo

The huge training hydraulic press starts making noise.

McCoy, his hands covered in rosin powder, got ready.

Perhaps it was a bit unsettling to receive a definite answer only in Korean, someone who was good at English explained to McCoy that the stop signal is to close your eyes.


McCoy easily pushed the 90 ton he attempted as a warm-up.

Continuing, McCoy, who easily succeeded with 95 tons, exclaimed 100 tons with courage.

After setting the machine to 100 tons and confirming his intention again, the training instructor lowered the handle of the training press.

“Keep it off!”

McCoy must have struggled a bit this time, his whole body trembling and struggling to survive.

McCoy, who knew that my best was 100 tons, looked at me with a confident expression, but he didn’t mind because I’m now doing 100 tons as a warm-up.

“Whoa! Whoa!”

He caught his breath and started warming up by swinging his arms around.

“105 Tons.”

As soon as I said the weight I wanted, I could see that most people except the drill instructor were surprised.

The drill instructor knew my actual best because he helped me with hydraulic presses several times during individual training.

Uh woo woo woo woo woo


A little lower than the record, but still a weight that was not easily pushed away.

After reaching 105 tons, he looked at McCoy as if nothing was wrong and shrugged his shoulders.

There were many people who wanted to see my breaking point, but I had no intention of revealing it until I reached the world record.

Almost close to the current world record, but far short of the all-time record.

McCoy tried again to record the hydraulic press, and succeeded up to 101 tons, but failed at 102 tons, and the first match ended with my victory.

The second match was a flight ability competition, but since it is impossible to evaluate objectively with flight skills, it was decided to measure speed.

Everybody moved to the race track, which is used to measure the speed of those with strong acceleration.

To be honest, I wasn’t confident in this matchup.

Although my flight ability was in the top ranks, McCoy competed for first or second place in terms of flight speed even during training in the United States.

The second game was decided in an instant.

Without the need to use a high-speed camera, the record comes out through a laser, but I lost by a bigger margin than I thought.

McCoy, whose ego was slightly hurt by the loss in the first game, seemed to regain his confidence quickly.

The third match was supposed to be in sparring, but we didn’t have to bleed each other.

Perhaps it was because they shared one win each, and both of them were even less excited, so they decided to just decide on a draw.

Of course, the skillful masters who were looking forward to the sparring were extremely disappointed, but the sparring of the top talents is not only difficult to conclude, but even if you try to do it as lightly as possible, you can’t finish it without seeing blood due to the amount of shock from the tremendous speed.

After the confrontation ended in disarray, in order to recover the public sentiment that had subsided, they decided to show a new technique that had been banned during training in the United States because one was injured.

At our request, the Neungchang men went around and collected a lot of fallen leaves.

“What kind of technology is it that asks you to collect fallen leaves?”

Since we didn’t tell you what kind of technology it was, the man couldn’t hold back his curiosity and asked.

“Wait a minute. It’s a cooperative technique, but I secretly practiced it in the US.”

“Now everyone, please stay away. It can be dangerous.”

Once the people had moved far enough away, I looked at McCoy and said.

“Are you ready?”

A skill that was hotly discussed by male heroes during training in the US.

Theoretically, it was completed, but it was never actually done.

“Of course.”

Put one foot on each other, hold one hand, look in the opposite direction, raise the other arm at a 45 degree angle, and spread the palm with the fingers together to receive as much air resistance as possible.

Bung Bung Bung Bung Buung

This technique, which is possible because they are similar in height, creates a whirlpool by maximizing its flight ability while holding one hand and one foot in contact.

The reason why it is impossible with just two people with flying abilities is that even a slight twist while accelerating can result in serious injury due to the tremendous speed, and the stronger the centrifugal force, the stronger the load on the body, so it is impossible with a normal body.

Hook uh uh uh uh

The revs continued to increase, and a menacing wind noise began to emerge.


When the load on each other’s wrists reached its limit even with the bodies of the body strengtheners, they sent a signal with a slight movement of their fingers.

When we practiced in the US in advance, we set a signal to get out of the vortex.

‘Three…… Two…… One… Now!’

The two flew into the sky at the same time and escaped the vortex they had created.

I wanted to look down and see the vortex we created, but the sharp turn had ruptured the blood vessels in my eyes, so I could barely see.

I could barely tell the shape apart, so I went down to a place a little far away.



I don’t feel dizzy with moderate shaking, but this rotation was harder than I imagined.


The sound of McCoy emptying his stomach came from a short distance away.

It was a bit difficult at the moment, but it was bearable because of the satisfaction of realizing a technique that would be impossible to even attempt without other players of similar skill level.

Cheers and applause did not stop in the surroundings.

It was a bit disappointing that I couldn’t see the result I made, but I endured it, hoping to see it later as a saved video.


Sympathy) Nikolai New Technology Video.Avi

(Video of falling leaves in a small tornado)

Wow! The two of them spin around and create a tornado hahahaha

It’s a tornado, but is it true that they’re both vomiting at the end of the video? Lol

ㅇㅇ: Wow, but the real tornado itself is f*cking sh*t. It’s funny how the two of them vomit ugly after it’s over.

-> WF: Isn’t this a scene from a cartoon? Tornadoes that spawn and roam around for so long are legendary.

->Higallum: Was this actually possible? It’s so amazing.

->ㅇㅇ: Storm Chariots Nikolay Ipgal!!!!!

Autumn Sound: Nope hahahaha It’s f*cking cool, but it’s like an idiot. How is this in practice?

From noble mtl dot com

->ㅇㅇ: They used that technique and went to the hospital because the capillaries in their eyes were ruptured? Practical 0%

->BW: It’s a man’s romance, what’s the need for practicality? ㅇㅇ He’s not even a wind expert, but he makes a tornado hahahaha

->Heuuung: Is there a skill that makes you blind and vomit when you use it? Ah hahahaha

->Higaelji Park: No, what are those bastards doing? hahahaha, it’s sick, but it’s cool

Humility King: If you vomited while creating a tornado, the real ‘sat’nado is complete, too.

->ㅇㅇ: Oh no… ….

->ㅅㅅ: Ha ha ha ha ha I’m the only one who laughs at ‘Sat’ Nado too?

->Level 9 Villain: Confiscation of dentures for 1 month!

Alzalttak: Wow, isn’t this the world’s number one useless combo? It’s cool, but it’s so damn useless.

->ㅇㅇ: It’s a pity that you don’t know what a man’s romance is…

->aaa: Ah, I can’t stand the whirlwind hahahaha

Minoxidil: Wow Video Views Is it true? It’s already going crazy abroad.

->ㅇㅇ: Ah, how do you endure a physical tornado hahahaha

->ㅋㅋㅋ: I heard it was a new technology, so I thought it was a great technology, but f*ck it.

->ㅇJil: The popularity of K-technology makes my heart grow…


Personality Broken Hero

Personality Broken Hero

인성파탄 히어로
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
The story of Nikolai, a Russian-Korean hero working in a special response team for dealing with the gifted, doing his best to provide dental treatment (physically) to villains. Author’s note: The characters, products, and organizations appearing in this work are fictitious and unrelated to reality. Unrelated but the login thing will be fixed later


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not work with dark mode