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My Ex-Girlfriend Was Appointed As the Knights Commander Chapter 122

120. Preliminary (3)

“By the Count’s command, this Bernardo Lennon. I have completed my mission and returned.”

The Count looked down at the knight kneeling in front of him. Even though he handled the four knights of the no man’s land alone, he did not appear to have suffered any damage. The count’s eyes looking down at him contained a light different from the usual emotionless, inorganic eyes.

“It must be clear that you didn’t leave any traces.”

“Yes. Absolutely, no physical evidence was left behind.”

But soon the light was erased, leaving only Leon Benning as usual. Leon Benning was looking at the glowing mark of the curse on the back of the knight’s hand. That imprint was not blurred. I didn’t know what was going on with Adeline. The only thing I knew was that she had rejected the Count’s absolute command and cut off the curse of subordination.

The chill that surrounded the count grew even colder. The risk of dispersing power was too great to set out to find Adeline, whose whereabouts were unknown right away. It wasn’t that there was no damage at all due to the Mage’s work, so I had to carry some level of anxiety.

What you need to focus on is the martial arts competition that is right in front of you. After winning Theodora and making her the idol of the kingdom, you have to connect with the 2nd prince. This required thorough preparation. Even if countless amounts of blood were shed in the preparation, the count was ready to commit all these sins without blinking an eye.

The Count glanced at the servant who had approached.

“The knights of Count Agon must be watching, right?”

“Yes. No problem.”

“The knights of the 1st Guards? Can’t you see any special movement?”

“Except for Dennis Amber joining the 4th Guards, there is no particular movement.”

Leon Benning slightly raised his eyebrows, as if he was uncomfortable with that answer.

“What about Arsene Bern? Did the knight not move?”

“Yes… As usual, he was only giving swordsmanship lessons from Prince 1, and he didn’t appear to be moving under any special command.”

“Be more closely watched. If there is anything that feels strange, please report it immediately.”

“I will follow your orders.”

The servant wanted to ask why he had to pay so much attention to one article, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it. It was because, judging from the atmosphere the Count was currently exuding, he felt that he should never disturb him.

The Count glared at the servant as he quickly opened the room door and saw the knight, Bernardo Lennon, still kneeling in front of him. The knight showed his loyalty by maintaining his posture without saying anything.

“… It’s annoying.”

Leon Benning spat to himself. The cold wind of winter seeped in through the cracks in the room’s windows, making a grotesque noise.

“What do you mean?”

The king’s face turned white as he heard of the disaster that had occurred in front of the gates of the royal capital. The commander of the escort knights, Hugo Berne, who was receiving the report from his side, quietly hardened his expression with anger. The knight kneeling in front of the king and reporting the situation continued with a trembling voice.

“Murdered? Are all the articles sent directly by the Marquis?”

“Yes. It is said that the coachman who brought them in the wagon was also found with a miserable body. Even from the traces left behind, it was possible to know that he was killed after a very fierce fight… .”


The king contorted his face like a demon and gnashed his teeth. The war has already begun. I had no idea that Leon Benning would openly point his sword at me even before the martial arts competition was held. The king realized that he had made a very poor judgment.

“What is the direct physical evidence that Count Benning committed this?”

“… Nothing at all.”

“You mean that even though you dealt with a leading knight in the no-man’s land, the criminal who committed this and left didn’t leave a single piece of evidence? black magic? There is no trace of wizards being mobilized.”

The knight lowered his head as if he was having trouble answering the king’s question, then answered in a voice full of hesitation.

“I am sorry to inform you… It is so, Your Highness. No traces of magic were found either.”

“Are you saying it was just a fight between knights and knights…? It must mean that they will not spare any effort from now on. Of course, I don’t even know if they really did this with all their might.”

The silence was heavier than ever. Hugo lowered his head to hide his expression, and the king buried his face in his palms. A deafening sigh escaped from the palm of my hand. When the king, who had been washing his face repeatedly, raised his face again, he seemed to have barely erased the shock he had received from the previous report. You shouldn’t stumble further like this and play as Leon Benning wants.

“Please pass this news to the Marquis first. Don’t forget to spend all the power you can mobilize in the current escort and send it to the Marquis.”

“If you ask for the autographs of the knights, how should I answer?”

The king closed his eyes. It wasn’t just this martial arts competition that Leon Benning was aiming for. The alliance between the Margrave and the King was looser than the alliance between Count Agon and the King. If the Marquess declares that he will not get involved in the affairs of the royal family once in a while following this incident, the balance of power will collapse as it is.

“Pass it as is. Suspected of Count Benning’s work. Jim will write a personal letter himself. Did you say that the bodies of the knights were collected?”

“Yes. Fortunately, thanks to the adventurers’ hard work, we were able to find all the bodies of the knights.”

“What about adventurers? Did everyone return safely?”

“Yes. They looked a little tired, but no one was hurt.”

The worst would have been the situation where the adventurers faced the beasts who murdered the knights of the Marquis. The king let out a sigh of relief. Benning should not be allowed to play tricks any longer.

“i get it. You can go back now. When you return, tell the 1st escort to stay vigilant at all times during this martial arts tournament.”

“I will obey your command.”

The knight left the office, and the king touched his head. There was only one way out of the situation right now. Maxim, who was certified as the teacher of the first prince in the martial arts competition, won the championship and clearly imprinted the next heir to the throne on the citizens of the royal capital.

“… As for the knight of the first prince, we can only rely on Arsene Bern. Other knights will have a hard time even passing the qualifiers.”

Hugo said that as if he had read the king’s heart. The king nodded his head with a worried face. only one. Although the possibility was slim, if Maxim defeated all the remaining knights and won the championship, it would be more strongly imprinted in the minds of the public than anything else.

“Things are going to get difficult. Arsene’s shoulders will be heavy. Sir, do you think that Arsene, no, Maxim can achieve victory, victory in this martial arts competition?”

The king looked back at Hugo. The escort knight commander rubbed his chin and looked like he was contemplating somewhere. But that worry didn’t last long.

“Yes. your majesty.”

“That’s what you mean, right?”

“Shin never once told a lie to your majesty while he was your escort knight. Again, I am telling you only the truth.”

The King asked Hugo, who was full of confidence, again.

“Why do you think so?”

Hugo shrugged and gave an answer that would have been absurd if not for him.

“Because he was the first to feel that when a god fought with all his might, he couldn’t be defeated within 30 minutes.”

Michelle was standing in the gymnasium of Princess 1’s palace, watching the competing knights. Count Agon’s knights were strong. The elite knights serving the great nobility were different, but they didn’t seem to be far behind even when they were put together with the 1st princess’s escort knights. After all, some of them even managed to win the competition. But what really surprised Michel was not the skill of the knights from Murat.

“… Let me stick with you one more time!”

It is the 8th consecutive victory with the previous victory. An article sent by Obama, who has a mischievous and relaxed smile somewhere. Did you say your name was Dennis Amber? He transferred from the 1st escort of Obama to the 4th escort to which she belongs, in the form of a temporary dispatch.

“It would be better not to think about straining too much before the preliminary round.”

Dennis said as he tapped the tip of his wooden sword on the floor. In the future, Michelle’s escort knights, as well as the knights sent by Count Agon, were also sticking out their tongues with a look of exhaustion. The knight of Count Agon, who seemed to still have energy, was persistently requesting a rematch, but Dennis flatly refused the request.

‘your majesty… .’

Michelle’s immediate feelings for her father were closer to wonder than gratitude. Isn’t there a reason to give yourself power like this, rather than just pushing Louis as the successor?

Read at noblemtl. com

No, Michelle was actually convinced of that decision. The fact that if Louis was given too much power, he could create a second or third Earl Benning. Lewis is different from that stupid Kyle, but politics is not something that one weak individual’s temper can change.


I didn’t want to get caught up in this bloody vibrating whirlpool. That’s why the momentum of a knight who could be aiming for the championship may be burdensome.


When Michelle looked up, she realized that Dennis and the other knights were looking at her. Michelle cleared her throat and refreshed the atmosphere.

“What is it?”

“Would it be all right if I accepted Sir Victor’s request for a rematch?”

Michelle looked at Count Agon’s knight, who was staring at her earnestly, and at Dennis, who was looking at her in trouble.

“Yes. Let me allow you one more time. And it would be nice to wrap up today’s practice.”

“I will follow Your Highness’ command.”

Dennis spoke so politely and returned the sword. The knight of Count Agon’s expression was bright for a while, but when Dennis turned his sword to him and stood facing him, he straightened his sword with a nervous expression.

“Then, thank you again.”

Dennis’ words pierced the article like a sharp razor. Right before they collided swords, a guest came to the 1st princess’ gymnasium.

“… Louis.”

It was the first prince with a pale expression somewhere and his attendant. Louis, perhaps sensing the clouds of war hovering over the gymnasium, moved to Michelle’s side and nodded as if it were okay to continue. Dennis kept glancing at the conversation between Michelle and Louis, as if he was concerned about the first prince’s expression, but soon turned his head back to Count Agon’s knight.

“Why are you here all of a sudden? At this time, you should be training your sword… .”

“They say the knights of the Marquis cannot participate in the martial arts competition.”


The contest has begun. In the first clash between Dennis and Victor, it seemed like victory was already decided. Victor’s expression distorted and he stepped back, while Dennis prepared to continue the next sword attack with a cool eye.

“Why did that happen? Maybe Marquis suddenly changed his mind… ?”

“The knights were killed.”

Michelle’s eyes trembled in shock. Lewis bit his teeth and continued.

“It is said that he was killed on the forest road before entering the capital. They said that the body was collected and that it was to be delivered to the Marquis.”

“Then, the martial arts tournament… .”

“As a matter of urgency, I entrusted the composition to the commander of the 2nd Guards. The captain knows better who should participate, so it doesn’t seem like a problem I can do right now.”

Dennis’ series of blows broke Victor’s sword one after another. In the early days of the Middle Ages, only Dennis’ one-sided attack was continuing. Dennis, who was not very tall, used his agility as a weapon and was very easily taking over the gap of Victor, who was one head taller than himself.

“Be careful, Michelle. In this martial arts competition, Benning declared an all-out war as if he would never miss an opportunity. You never know what will happen to your knights.”

Louis was telling me the words of concern, but Louis was making the expression of a person who was really worried. He must be intuition. That this martial arts competition is the stage that will completely determine the power structure within the royal palace. That it would be a signal to bring the power struggle that was fiercely under the surface to the surface.

“Lewis, if there is no way, our knights… .”

“No, it’s okay. I don’t know what might happen, but I can’t make the knights who stand by you empty. Above all, it is clear that His Majesty does not want your power to flow into me.”

Lewis spoke in a calm manner. If he was pushed to the edge of power and fell like this, it would all be a game of fate.

“I am fine. Michelle. The only thing I’m worried about is that I’ll be eliminated first at a point where you haven’t developed enough strength to face the upcoming storm.”

“Don’t say that, Louis. It’s not even confirmed that it’s over yet.”

“That’s right, Your Highness.”

Hearing Dennis’ voice, Louis raised his head in surprise. It seemed that the match had already ended. An angry Victor slammed his sword into the ground, and Dennis stood in front of them with his always laid-back expression.

“It’s embarrassing. To miss the chance to become a sword master and see knights of a high level competing with swords like this.”

“I can’t always focus on the sword, Your Highness. And, I dare to say that I am not at the point of being discouraged yet.”

When Dennis said that, the first prince smiled bitterly.

“It’s not something that people’s hearts can easily conquer. But thank you for saying that, Sir Dennis.”

Dennis, who was still looking at the expression of the first prince who seemed to be in despair, shook his head as he pondered whether to tell him the truth. Tomorrow, when the day of the preliminaries brightens, you will know. What kind of monster has entered this martial arts competition as a knight of the 1st prince?

“Next match! Victor Dragunov of the 2nd Guards, in front of Natasha Hall in Reese!”

The referee’s voice resounded loudly throughout the indoor arena. In various places in the vast indoor gymnasium, the competition between the knights was already in full swing. The heat from the knights and the heated fighting spirit made it impossible to feel the chilly winter weather at all. The fishy smell of iron, the spirits of the knights, and the sound of swords colliding with swords made my vision dizzy as if a haze had risen.

“The winner, Shane Law of the 3rd Guards!”

The name of the knight was called here and there, and the winner was announced. Among hundreds of knights, there are 32 knights who can make it to the main battle and make their names and faces known to the citizens of the capital. The preliminary round, which should sort them out in a few days, was going on furiously.

“Winner, Paola Simon of the Knights of the Ravens!”

The cheers and roars of the knights belonging to the forces of the two princes were heard. They were on a winning streak, overwhelming the idiots who had entered the preliminaries with overwhelming skills. After the match started, the name of the winner was called within a few minutes, and they were all knights of the second prince.

“This, there is nothing more to see in this martial arts competition. The prowess displayed by Your Highness’ knights is overwhelming. You can see that the victory is already yours.”

An aristocrat at the court bowed his head to the second prince, bending over. The second prince, Kyle, snorted as if he had heard the obvious.

“Heh, of course not. The fact that Benning’s knights and my knights do not win a tournament like this is itself a disgrace. Filling all the finals with our drivers. And proudly proclaiming to the people of the kingdom that my time has now come. You should aim for that.”

Kyle smiled and raised an eyebrow. My older brother was sitting in a seat a little further away, watching the game with a shadowed face. Only one match of the qualifiers is now underway, but so far only a handful of Lewis’ 2nd Guards have survived. It was embarrassing to think of him as a competitor and keep him in check.

Kyle put that fishy smile on his face and walked over to Louise. Louis continued to stare at the gymnasium without turning his head until Kyle approached him.

“This, bro. Wouldn’t this martial arts competition be a bit too much for you?”

As always, arrogant and touchy voice. Louis, however, did not respond properly to those words and just stared at the gymnasium.

“Don’t be too heartbroken because your knights lost. What if our knights are too good? No, looking at it, it doesn’t seem like we lost only to our knights.”

Then Kyle let out an exaggerated laugh and sat down next to Louise.

“Michelle, it seems that Princess 1 didn’t even come to see the preliminaries? Perhaps my knights are struggling for themselves here.”

“The mouth.”

Lewis’ voice sounded low and menacing. For the first time, Kyle could feel the sharp hostility of his brother. Such momentum that only unmanned people can radiate. Kyle panicked and slightly distanced himself from his brother.

“what. You react too sensitively to something you joked about, brother.”

“I guess you didn’t think that making your brother the subject of a prank was wrong.”

Kyle twitched and snorted again.

“I mean. It means that it is not the time for you to worry about others. If you are worried about Michelle, who is building up a good number of wins while your older brother’s knights are already being eliminated, she will surely snort and laugh at you like I do.”


When Prince 1 gnashed his teeth, Kyle became more excited and started talking.

“But, well, even if Michelle’s knights go through all the needle holes and come to the finals, winning seems to be a long way off. If you check the skills of my knights, you will know.”

“Next player, ready!”

This time, the sound of the referee calling the knights was unusually loud. Louis and Kyle were both silent at the same time, their eyes fixed on the gymnasium.

“Next match! Daniel Wigan of the 3rd Guards!”

Kyle raised his eyebrows.

“The skills of that knight, Daniel Wigan, are also formidable, brother. It’s because it’s at the top of the 3rd Guards.”

After Kyle’s explanation, Daniel Wigan’s opponent was called.

“-And Arsene Bern of the 2nd Guards!”


Kyle hardened his face when a name he had heard of was called, and Lewis changed his expression to a different color at the appearance of someone who could not be classified as the 2nd escort.

“That name, somewhere… .”

Louise’s expression went blank in disbelief as Kyle racked his brains for the origin of the name.

“… No way, really Arsene.”

was walking The black-haired knight was walking slowly, but with a spirit that could not be ignored. The 2nd prince’s face distorted at the sight, and Louis still looked at Arsene as he walked out with a dazed expression. That knight, expressionless in everything, did not show his expression this time either, but Louis could clearly sense it.

Arsene was in a state of anger right now.

“Yang players, get ready!”

At the referee’s words, the two knights drew their swords and faced each other. Kyle started arguing with Louis with a distorted look on his face.

“There is no one to use this time, did you bring in your own swordsmanship teacher, brother?”

When Louis didn’t answer, Kyle clicked his tongue and turned his head away.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. Daniel Wigan is a swordsman who is rumored to be a fierce sword even within the 3rd Guards, so wouldn’t he be eliminated quickly? Let’s relax and watch together.”

Even as he said that, Kyle felt uneasy. That knight named Arsene, the momentum he exuded was really no joke.

‘no way… .’

“The match begins!”

At the same time as the referee’s cry, Arsene disappeared from everyone’s sight. In the eyes of Lewis, in the eyes of Kyle, in the eyes of the referee, and in the eyes of Daniel Wigan.



When Arsene reappeared in front of my eyes after a huge blast sounded with the momentum to shatter the world, the whole situation was over.

The severed sword of Daniel Wigan. Daniel Wigan sat down with a dumbfounded expression, the referee with an expression almost no different from him, and Arsene staring at the result with cold eyes. For a moment, silence fell over the gymnasium, and Arsene’s head slowly turned to the referee.


The referee looked at the outcome of the match and declared the winner with a trembling voice.

“Su, winner, Arsene Bern of the 2nd Guards!!!”

It was the moment when the competition that ended the fastest in the history of the martial arts tournament qualifiers was born.

My Ex-Girlfriend Was Appointed As the Knights Commander

My Ex-Girlfriend Was Appointed As the Knights Commander

전 여친이 기사단장으로 부임했다
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Reunion with her came in the worst form.


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not work with dark mode