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Munchkin of the Summoning Academy Chapter 40

Maiden of Ice and Fire (9)

The party who escaped from the mine was busy moving to wash away the dust as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, miners from other countries often came to this city, and the facilities for outsiders were quite good.

As we go outside enjoying the indescribable refreshment, Collingwood’s carriage runs from afar.

Perhaps he had rushed to meet Princess Elena.

Eventually, the princess came out with the women, and the headman got off the carriage and bowed.

Princess Elena is the first in line to the throne, chosen by Eshas, and the inspector who came on behalf of the royal family.

No matter how you go, you can’t be rude.

The princess, who was greeted with a dissatisfied expression, moved her seat a little and talked alone.

The atmosphere is quite serious, but since a new vein has been discovered anyway, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

Soon after the cumbersome process was over, Collingwood’s guide came with a heavy bag of gold coins.

It appears to be a reward for discovering a new vein.

It’s strange to feel like I’m getting something like this often these days.

Anyway, it’s been a long time since I’ve done business, so I’m about to leave the place, but Elena, who was saying goodbye, narrowed the distance and said,

“Are you dying already?”

“Yes. I left the estate empty and came…”

It wouldn’t be a big deal since Uncle Henry was still there anyway, but I just looked around.

Then she grabs my hand once more and lowers the volume.

“I haven’t announced it yet, but I’ve decided to enroll next year.

“Yeah? Oh, it’s me…”

Even though our academy is a shortcut to success…

If you’re like Princess Elena, you don’t need to come.

Isn’t she still serving as the inspector of the royal family?

It made me feel puzzled, but it’s presumptuous to give her some advice.

After retreating to the station with a new question in mind, he gets on the train and the tension is relieved.

Everyone, except for the handmaiden, seemed to be completely lost, and didn’t say a word until they returned to the mansion.

I felt sorry for having to work hard during a golden vacation.

Starting tomorrow, I’ll have to play around leisurely all day long.

Having made a perfect vacation plan, as soon as the train stopped, I rushed to the market and bought food.

The handmaiden had a slightly uncomfortable expression on her face, but she didn’t say anything because she had received compensation from Collingwood earlier.

He returned to the mansion with food, drinks, and the exhausted party in the wagon brought by Uncle Henry.

As soon as she got home, Persia, who had regained her energy, noticed the servants who looked down and raised her head.

“Were everyone guarding the house well? This Persian-nim… Ahh!”

“Let’s go, don’t be shy.”

The waitress ran to the kitchen and prepared a nice dinner.

I drank while eating dinner and hurriedly went up to the bedroom.

I was able to remind myself of the fact that if a person is too tired, he loses his appetite.

I was about to crawl into bed to just throw it all away and go to sleep, when Sylvia came with a bathtub full of hot water.

“Oh, you didn’t wash properly, did you?”

“Ah… thank you.”

Our house has a fairly modern bathroom, but…

There are still plenty of people who need to use it.

Since I can’t even intervene there, I decided to just write a thank you note.

After chasing Sylvia out of the room with a sullen posture. He picks up Persia, abandoned by Medusa, and dives into the bathtub.

The boy ran wild for a moment, then trembled at the sensation of warmth seeping into him.

I was about to lie down on the bed again after a rough wash, but I don’t want to lift a finger as I sit down.

The temperature control was so good that I wanted to compliment Sylvia later.


“Master. I’m sorry that I sighed when I first came here. I didn’t know it was such a nice place.”

“Take something like that… It’s fine. Instead, next time, I’ll throw it in the mine I went to earlier.”

As I was washing Persia with a silly joke, I fell asleep.

Eventually, I couldn’t get out of the bathtub and fell asleep in it.

If the maid finds out, I will be scolded.

I lost consciousness one last time with that thought, and then it resumed after a considerable interval.


It’s midsummer, and the sunlight seeping through the open windows.

It must have been cold, but it’s still warm.

I wondered if Persia and Medusha had moved it, so I tossed and turned and the water pressure hit my body.

After rubbing my eyes, I finally found the two spirits.

Laurie and Ethel.

The spirits I contracted with yesterday escaped the book at will and were looking down at me.

They didn’t lock their cards, so it’s not unusual.

“Does Lewis sleep in a very strange place?”

“I thought I might catch a cold, so I kept the temperature. Humans are very fragile. Thank you?”

“I’m glad. I thought I was going to make fox soup again…”

Persia, who was trembling on my lap, sighed in relief.

I thought I would have left a while ago, but I guess I couldn’t because I was too tight.

I took him out of the bathtub and wiped the water and fox hair with a towel.

From n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Just as she is about to say thanks to Laurie and Ethel, the bedroom door opens and the maid comes in.

“Master. You’ve been coughing… Have you ever slept in the bathtub again?”

“It’s okay. Thanks to Ethel, I’m fine.”

After I made a quick excuse, Ethel and Laurier hid behind my back.

For some reason, I am very afraid of the handmaiden.

The maid, noticing their reaction, sighed and turned around.

“Come out slowly. There’s no need to go hunting today.”


After putting on her underwear and wiping Persia, she threw herself on the bed, and Medusha, who had been sleeping alone, woke up to the vibration.

He naturally wraps his body around me and closes his eyes again.

“Are you awake? I slept so hard yesterday that I had to wake him up a bit.”

“It’s okay. Ethel and Laurie…”


He jumps up as soon as he hears the names of the two spirits.

I recognized the problem late and looked back at the summons.

When he finds the three of them staring at each other, the weakly remaining Jam Ki-Woon runs away.

And I see, you haven’t sorted out the sequence yet, haven’t you?

It was not difficult at all because the level difference was so clear in Persia…

This time the three are almost equal.

This is my guess, but even if Ethel and Laurie are separated, they will be able to receive an S-rank judgment.

Rather, putting the two together has the effect of canceling each other’s strength.

A triangle composition that faces each other with some distance from each other.

Having settled in the midst of that, I was late to mediate.

“Did you not say hi yesterday? This is Medusa, the youngest of the three snake god sisters. Medusa, these are Laurie and Ethel…”

“Louis. I can tolerate the fact that I increased the number of summons without speaking to me. But…”

“No. I told you. In the first place, knowing that you went all the way to Collingwood to find the Spirit Stone.”

Medusha’s eyes widened terrifyingly when I put on the calf.

Meanwhile, Ethel and Laurie fight among themselves again.

“You’re a little snake god of networking. Of course, you’re lower than us… Do you like me more than Laurie?”

“Lewis doesn’t like fuss like you.”

“Shut up! I signed a contract before you!”


I ripped off my hair, feeling like a penguin being bullied by my people.

It’s the summoner’s job to mediate fights between summoners, but…

All three of them are very proud of themselves.

After all, it seems that it is difficult to mix with other guys when it is about S rank.

After barely stopping the guys from starting a fight at all, when they escaped from the bedroom, a bell rang saying that breakfast was ready.

Once we headed to the restaurant to eat, Maria and other guests quickly gathered.

Unlike dinner, breakfast is often eaten separately…

Somehow, it turned out to be similar to a dinner party.

While the guests with spoons were at a loss for words when they saw the battles between the summoned creatures.

I asked the waitress who was serving me quietly.

“Madame, did you catch him yesterday and take the spirit stone?”

“Of course. But you have already summoned the target spirits.”

“Ah, that’s… I made a mistake with the contract, so I’m going to reverse summon it and then sign it again.”

It’s already a rip off enough, so I’ll have to fix it a little bit.

When I explained it with that thought in mind, the maid reacted skeptically.

“I made a mistake… I think you did a good job?”


Laurie and Ethel stop the fight at an unexpected sound.

The handmaiden pointed to them and explained calmly.

“Looking at them, they’re close by nature, but they don’t get along very well, and they seem to have a bit of jealousy and monopoly. Isn’t it?

Ersa, who was sitting at a distance, nodded her head slightly at the somewhat sudden explanation.

It’s definitely tempting to see the professor reacting like that.

Ethel and Laurie had expressions that they wanted to shout out to stop talking nonsense, but they are taking care of themselves because they are opponents.

I asked on behalf of most of these positions.


“What if the master calls Ethel more often than Laurie, or vice versa? Of course, the lesser-named one will feel sad and disliked. On the other hand, if you tie it up like that, you’ll be less concerned about that.”


Of course, if you have a lot of summons, you have no choice but to show favoritism…

Ethel and Laurier are very similar to each other.

There is also a competitive spirit on such a topic, so there is a high possibility that even the smallest thing will be criticized.

But wouldn’t it feel a little more fair if you summoned them in a set like this?

In fact, it would be convenient to treat them fairly.

The handmaiden continued her argument without interruption, starting with such a logic.

“And such high-ranking spirits affect the surroundings just by manifesting. In this case, they will be devastated by strong heat and cold. But now, the energy of each other is offset and it is relatively peaceful.”

Were you two spirits of that level?

After all, S rank is just S rank.

As I spoke, I asked them a question.

“But, how many hours a week do you want to be summoned?”

“How many hours in a week?”

“168 hours.”

“Then, of course, 168 hours.”

Sisters who agree so easily only at times like this.

Medusha is already playing full-time 24/7, will these guys be added to that?

As I opened my mouth slightly in amazement, the two spirits grinned and said.

“Louis. We chose you in the first place because we wanted to be summoned as long as possible.”

“There are very few summoners who can summon spirits our size for a long time.”

Clearly, the two spirits are constantly consuming a large amount of mana.

Perhaps it is to live by using the summoner’s magic as fuel.

Among the summoned beasts, the consumption of magical power is the most intense.

“The spirit world is so boring.”

“It’s not enjoyable at all to be stuck in such a place. I’d rather not go back to that book.”

Then I will have to keep the current contract even more.

When I thought so, they reluctantly agreed.

“If that’s the way I can stay in this world longer, there’s nothing I can do…”

“Instead, I’ll keep the summons as long as possible.”

“Louis is too much for me alone! I can’t afford you guys!”

As she was about to come to an agreement, Medusha, who had been silent until now, raised her voice.

I closed my eyes tightly and soothed the three summons.

After that, the guys who had been arguing all day after that barely entered a lull in the evening.

It is thanks to the realization that if I keep fighting here, only I will suffer.

Either way, I can’t give up on either of the three.

In the midst of a painful confrontation as the problem of order arrangement has not been resolved.

Ersa, who had barely recovered her energy, begged her to enter the library.

After moving, leaning on a chair and resting quietly, the Summoner’s Book, which was bound to his waist, vibrated.

“Who are you at this hour?”

Actually, most of the people registered in my book are in this mansion, so this opponent is a bit obvious.

I received a communication request from Elfriede with a very shaky feeling.

The boy with a slightly weeping voice waved his greetings cautiously.

“Lu… Louise?”

“What are you doing? At a time like this.”

“Hey, you said you went to Collingwood yesterday? You tell me. If you don’t have anything to do for the rest of your vacation…”

“Because I can’t go to Beltern.”

Before he could even finish his words, he cut it off and said.

In fact, if you want to go, you can go, but…

I have guests at the most, and I don’t want to move because I worked so hard yesterday.

From now on, I plan to take a leisurely break until the end of vacation.

Elfriede, who had been silent for a while at my words, cut off communication.

For a moment, I was concerned about the voice that had been very helpless.

Ethel, who looked around the library with a sad expression on her face, almost burned down the 600-year-old material.

I opened the book for her and completely forgot about Elfriede.

“Louis. Your house is fine, but when are you going back to the capital? It sounds like there’s a lot more to enjoy there.”

“I’ll watch you until you get tired of it after vacation.”

A glance is enough to make it happen.

Everything will be unfamiliar anyway, so it won’t cost a lot of money…

“Okay! If I go to the capital, I’ll have to experience a lot of things I’ve always wanted to do.”

“Then I, I mean that! I want to go to the five-story clothing store in the capital city. And I want to try the theater and course dishes or something…”

“Oh, for some reason you’re saying something useful. Then the jewelry store…”

I can’t afford to spend a lot of money.

How long can you survive with the compensation you received yesterday?

I am worried about the future.

Now that the S rank has increased by two, the maintenance cost will of course increase.

Medusha, who watched the spirit sisters’ pleasant discussion, grinned and shook her head.

“Ugh, immature things. Don’t you think Lewis is hard?”

Yes, there is even a Medusha.

It is also more reliable because of its longer experience.

When I tried to hug him with a sense of uniqueness and pride, the side of Medusha hugged me in reverse.

“Louis! Did I do well? So, I don’t spend a lot of money like that, but I’m going to a simple concert…”

When did concerts become a simple hobby?

Whether I thought about it or not, Medusa took out expensive fried noodles for a late night snack.

The night deepened while worry gnawed its tail.

Munchkin of the Summoning Academy

Munchkin of the Summoning Academy

소환 학원의 먼치킨
Score 9.0
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
If you don’t have your own summons, you can use someone else’s summons.


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not work with dark mode