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Magical Genius With Quantum Magic Chapter 51


A crown of lightning rises above his head.

A strong magnetic field was created by rotating the current along the circle like a coil to develop the levitation.

As it unfolded as it was, Leon’s body, imbued with lightning, floated to the surface, and the wings of thunder, made by weaving the overloaded electric power, spread wide behind his back.

“That, that figure…!”

“I’ve heard the songs of the minstrels. It is said that the Dawning Noble wears the crown of lightning and the wings of thunder…”

“You mean that was true?”

The students of the Sirius group who ran away from the monster wave shouted in amazement.

Surprisingly, Leon’s party was the same, but they were worried about something else.

“Where are you going now?”

“Are you trying to stop the monster wave?”

“Even Leon-kun, that’s suicide!”

Of course, they also knew that Leon had a record of destroying the test automata by hearing the rumors.

The state where Leon had reached there could be guessed just by looking at his present state.

However, destroying the automata in a safe environment like the entrance exam and jumping into the monster wave, which is said to be a catastrophe triggered by the demon realm, is a completely different story, isn’t it?

But Leon had to go.

“I can’t help it. There is a mother in the royal capital.”

Of course, there will be troops in the royal capital to prepare for emergencies, but if something goes wrong and a hole is made in the wall, the possibility that the mother will be in danger was not zero.

Leon said with a grin to reassure the children.

“And our group task isn’t over yet, is it? It’s a hard-to-break permit, but I have to finish the assignment today.”

“Are you kidding me in this situation?”

But Mary didn’t seem to like Leon’s jokes.

Leon wiped the smile from his face and said.

“don’t worry. It won’t take long.”

Leon, who had said that, immediately swung his wings of thunder and soared into the sky.

The speed really reached the speed of sound, so Leon could soon find the monster wave heading for the royal road and the knights running away from it.

Kane was horribly carried like a load on his shoulder by one of those knights.

The number of knights was 6, but they could not even properly cope with the wave of monsters that were chasing them because they had already been consumed against too many monsters.

Looking at them, Leon met his hands.

“Arc Blade.”

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And a blade made of arc discharge is pulled out from the palm that is removed.

Leon held up his lightning sword and flew between the knights and the monster wave.

The arc blade was inserted into the ground and melted.

Of course, no matter how powerful the arc discharge created by magic is, the earth will not melt by itself.

At best, it will stop at the extent of cutting off a part of the ground.

However, Leon added the magic resonance of ‘Big Crunch’ to the arc blade.

Nova’s swordsmanship, which turned the auras into plasma, which he showed in the battle with Veronica someday, emitted all the auras reaching 6 stars into plasma.

The enormous heat energy melted the ground and turned it into lava, and the demons blindly pursued Kane and then collapsed into a pool of lava created by Leon.



Lava clings to its fur and burns its entire body.

Still, they struggled to escape from the pain, struggling without dying, but the hot swamp-like lava pool caught them and did not let them go.

And then, still unconscious demons attacked them like a lid on them, and the weak monsters trampled on by them burned to death or drowned in lava and suffocated.

However, even among the dogs, there were strong demons that could withstand lava by raising auras, or sacrificing other demons like stepping stones, and there were countless monsters that survived.

While still a large number of demons blindly followed Kane, some demons tasted the hot lava and showed their claws toward Leon as if sane.

Colorful auras rose from the monsters’ bodies, and sharp, heavy, and powerful energy began to scatter to harm Leon.

However, Leon easily avoided all the Auras.

It is for times like this that Leon has been practicing martial arts.

Because what Leon needed was ‘efficient movement’, with the speed of reflection accelerated to the speed of light through hatching and the ability to fly at a speed close to the speed of sound by levitation.

Above all, it has been a long time since Leon’s senses exceeded the limits of human senses.

The spirit of order, Dice, was able to understand all matter within a 100 meter radius around Leon’s body at an atomic level and deliver information about it to Leon.

In order to injure Leon like that, it would need to be fast enough to avoid knowingly, powerful enough to blow up Leon’s entire area, or clever stealth ability to deceive Dice’s senses.

As if foretelling the future, he could not inflict a single scratch on Leon’s body as he moved forward, avoiding the auras flying through the space with a single sheet of paper difference.

Rather, Leon swung his wings more violently and accelerated and swung the arc blade.

The demons also raised the auras to defend them, but the arc blade began to slaughter the demons by slashing them with the auras.

After all, the aura is a power derived from the property of strengthening the material structure of magical power.

To make a gas more dense like a liquid and a liquid like a solid to become harder.

It was literally the action of magic like magic, but nevertheless, the Auror still cannot escape the nature of matter.

At this time, the arc blade created by Leon has excellent electrical and thermal energy, but more important than that, it was a blade made of ‘pure free electrons’.

monomolecular cutter.

In theory, the world’s sharpest blade that physically cuts off the molecular structure of a material using an atomic blade.

If such a thing exists, only Leon’s Arc Blade can be said to be the theoretical single-molecule cutter.

Atomic and valence electrons are shared, and a blade made of electrons penetrates and decomposes between the structures of the bonded molecules.

In front of the arc blade that Leon wielded, all the auras had no choice but to melt and evaporate and lose their shape.

What has happened since then has been just a one-sided massacre.

No monster could injure Leon’s body, and no monster could withstand Leon’s attack.

Leon looked at the corpses whose whole body was torn apart and the corpses convulsed by the remaining current, and confirmed that there were no more living monsters.

Then he flew up again, followed the wave of monsters, and repeated the same process, reducing the number of monsters.

It was the knights of the Duke Sirius family who were desperately fleeing with none other than Kane in their arms who could feel it first.

They were also knights hired to protect the master of the duke family, so I had never heard of them kneeling anywhere, but the sight of them jumping into a wave of monsters that they could not even dare to do, and reducing the number of them, just made me suspicious of my eyes. will be.

“Is the Elyos descending to save us?”

Leon’s acting was outstanding and splendid enough to raise such doubts.

Kane, who had closed his eyes tightly in fear at the knight’s whisper, opened his eyes.

And I couldn’t help but be amazed.

“Leon Farostel…?!”

The knight was also surprised by Kane’s reaction and asked.

“Master, do you know who that person is?”

Kane was momentarily offended by the honorific title of an escort officer for Leon.

But Kane wasn’t unaware of his feelings.

He’s about 150 centimeters tall, but no one would have thought of a young student at the academy like Kane, with wings of thunder so huge that such a small stature didn’t bother him and a ring of lightning like a crown on his head.

Kane listened to the story of Leon being amazing.

A genius who pushed out his younger brother who should have taken the senior seat and entered the school, took the seat of the 158th senior student, pointed out the errors in the employee novel, and boasted that he was the truth.

Cain’s father, Duke Sirius, referred to such Leon and said that if you are a child of a proud duke family, you should follow the example of that genius and shoulder the future of the country.

But even if asked to follow the example, Kane was born with the blood of a duke, not a genius.

Of course, the reality is that Kane’s abilities are less than Leon’s feet.

If so, what should I do?

‘I can bring him down to my seat.’

So, I prepared today’s plan.

No matter how talented Leon is, he is an 11-year-old child.

He thought that it would be possible to ruin the group task by enticing surrounding monsters with a magic stimulant.

But Kane had to understand.

A genius is a genius because it cannot be reached.

As if the high sky was clear enough to be touched, but never reached.

Kane and the knights, who were able to overcome the monster wave and widen the distance with Leon’s activity, shouted towards the wall that was getting closer.

“Open the door! I command you in the name of the Sirius Duke family! Open the door!”

It had already created a cluttered atmosphere to close the gates after realizing that a monster wave had already occurred on the wall and was rushing towards the wall.

The gate, which was slowly closing, stopped for a moment when the knight’s shout with an aura reached the wall.

The knights took advantage of the gap and squeezed all the remaining Aurors to accelerate, and Leon landed behind them and blocked the monster wave from the front.

“It’s not clear to me to protect you, but…”

I couldn’t let the demons pass through the gates.

He had to buy time while Kane went inside the walls and the gates were completely closed.

Leon raised his arc blade high into the sky.

A vast amount of lightning erupted from that sword.

As it is no longer necessary to maintain the shape of the sword, Leon’s all-powerful magical energy creates a huge flow of electrons.

What it created was a gigantic light wheel.

An electric current consisting of an electric current with a radius of 6 meters rotated in a circle.


The die blinks at Leon’s call.

Dice, the spirit of order dealing with disorder, controlled all entropy and accelerated the flow of electrons without wasting energy.

different from current.

The reason why electric current has the speed of light is that the information is transmitted at the speed of light through the interaction of the electric current and the magnetic field produced by the movement of electrons.

However, Leon was accelerating the speed of the electron itself.

Since thermal energy refers to the kinetic energy of particles, the flow of electrons accelerating under Leon’s control contained incredible thermal energy.

When the speed of those electrons reached the limit of magic sensitivity, Leon swung his lightning sword and released everything at once.

space is torn apart

A sword of lightning soars high in the sky, and the monster wave that has been rushing towards the wall is ripped apart in one blow following Leon’s beckoning.

The relatively low-weight monsters that were swept away by the thunder that rippled through the atmosphere with super-high heat were swept away by the wind like a storm before they could even be hit by Leon’s sword, and the monsters that managed to stand still evaporated without a trace.

Even if I close my eyes, I can see the world clearly, so the heat rays emitted by electrons penetrated my whole body, and all the substances in the path where the sword fell, evaporated.

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Just in front of the blade he wielded, all the demons had no choice but to accept their fate as if they were sweetly receiving divine punishment.

If we were to give this magic a name, a benediction would be appropriate.

The soldiers who watched the whole scene from the top of the wall put their hands together and prayed to the sky.

‘Please don’t let that sword point at us.’

Magical Genius With Quantum Magic

Magical Genius With Quantum Magic

양자마도학으로 마법 천재
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Born as the eldest son of the Mado family, he lived a terrible life. But will it be different now? Quantum magic opens a new horizon of life.


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not work with dark mode