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Magical Genius With Quantum Magic Chapter 26

Reeves’ Martial Arts

Leon was in a deep sleep and suddenly woke up to a feeling of popularity.

When I got up and looked around, it was an unfamiliar place.

However, Leon was soon able to remember where he was at the soft feel of his skin.

‘It was a villa.’

Yesterday, probably because Leon had consumed so much mental power in the Sumatran dungeon, as soon as he was guided to the room by the servants, he collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

It was also because of the fact that he was a little overworked to test the new heights of the dungeon without being fully relieved.

Moreover, as it is a villa run by an aristocratic family, the bedding given to Leon was very soft and soft, so it was not easy to resist the bullying.


“young master. Morning. May I come in?”

Hearing that voice, Leon raised his magical powers and unfolded his magic.

A magic that energizes you by producing ATP, which is bio-energy, a biogenic boost.

Then, as a result of a violent chemical reaction in his body, he felt his body temperature rise rapidly and his heartbeat rapidly.

Shortly after waking up, his low blood pressure surged, and his hazy mind was awakened.

Leon answered only after he had come to his senses.

“come in.”

In response to Leon’s answer, the three maids opened the door and entered.

One came with a large washbasin filled with warm water, one came with soap and towels, and the other came with Leon’s clothes to change into.

“Did you sleep well? young master?”


“Breakfast is ready. I will help you wash your face before you leave.”

Leon just nodded his head without saying a word at the maid’s words.

The face-wash that started soon was a new experience for Leon as well.

That is because it was the first time in his 67-year life that someone else washed his face.

The maids who washed their faces like that even helped Leon to change his clothes.

The clothes Leon had been wearing until now were the clothes for everyday use that were handed over to the bodyguards before leaving the family.

Even if it was for everyday use, it was an item prepared by the family because the dignity of the family could deteriorate if Leon went out in the commoners’ clothes that Leon usually wore as the everyday clothes of the aristocrats.

However, the clothes did not fit Leon after all, so the size didn’t fit, but the clothes the maids changed fit perfectly to Leon’s body.

Only after changing her clothes did Leon get out alone with the guidance of the maids.

There, Riel, who had already changed into a fancy dress, was waiting for Leon.

“Come on. Leon.”

But Riel’s expression was somewhat awkward.

“Did your mother sleep well?”

“Well, I was so cluttered that I couldn’t sleep well. The bed is too soft to fit in, and the bedding is so luxurious that I am careful to use it to avoid wrinkling.”

Apparently, it was the work of the maids, and her face had light makeup.

Apparently, she was tired from not being able to sleep because she was not well acclimatized to the sudden change of hospitality, but the maids were skillfully crafted to hide the signs of fatigue.

To Riel’s words, Alan, the old butler who was standing behind her, responded.

“If you don’t like the bed, I’ll have the maids prepare a new one for you.”

“no. You don’t have to. Thank you for your consideration.”

Riel responded with a troubled expression, but calmly.

Apparently, Riel had been suffering from Aylan’s hospitable hospitality since yesterday and had learned how to deal with it to some extent.

Looking at Riel like that, Leon smiled a little.

And soon the food began to be served by the maids.

Appetizers were cold seafood salad and warm pumpkin porridge.

A luxurious hors d’oeuvre that arouses the taste buds with the sharp contrast between the cold and warm temperature and the salty and sweet taste.

Among them, the keyword that Leon paid attention to was seafood.

The closest coast to the Philo Kingdom is the southern tip.

However, the southern part of the Radiant Continent had already been invaded by the Demon Realm for over 100 years, and for that reason, finding seafood in the Philo Kingdom was like picking stars from the sky.

Most of them were transported by magically frozen seafood caught on the east coast of the Radiant Continent, and the price was at a level that commoners could never dream of.

Having said that seafood is not the main dish but rather an appetizer, Leon realized that he had truly become a master of a noble family, and started eating.

However, Riel didn’t seem to be able to feel the taste even before such luxurious food.

It is also true that, for Riel, who does not know the nobility’s dining etiquette, he was unable to fully appreciate the taste thanks to Aylan, who intervened in everything from the side.

However, Ayland, who pointed out Riel’s every move, could not find any flaws in Leon’s appearance.

This was because Leon’s appearance was a textbook for dining etiquette itself.

Looking at Leon like that, Aylan had no choice but to complicate her mind.

No matter how much he thought about it, Leon was a special existence that was completely different from what he had imagined.

It was yesterday too.

As soon as he arrived at the villa, Leon, who went out to see the royal capital, came back bloody and carrying the by-products of monsters, even he couldn’t help but be terrified.

I never dreamed that the master, who I thought was going on an outing, would attack the dungeon and come back for a while.

Even listening to the words of the guards who went out with the master, he said that he slaughtered more than 80% of the prey alone in the hideous Sumatran den, and it was difficult for the guards to follow. is not it.

Feeling Aylan’s gaze, Leon raised his head while eating and met his gaze.

Aylan was startled, but did not show it, and continued to teach Riel eating etiquette.

Food kept coming.

Steak with a sweet fruity puree and a slightly red wine-scented sauce.

For Riel, who had only eaten salted and smoked bacon for a long time, the steak that melted in his mouth was a refreshing shock.

A smile spread across Leon’s lips as Riel’s eyes widened and he was moved by the taste of the steak.

Perhaps thanks to Riel’s reaction, Lyon was able to enjoy the meal properly.

After finishing the meal with a cup of hot tea, Leon was able to find Tina who came to meet him.

Leon looked at her, pretended to know her, and said to Riel.

“Then, Mother, I will get up first. I have a schedule to train swordsmanship from today.”

“okay. That’s right. Be careful not to get hurt anywhere.”

Leon got up from his seat and went straight back to his room.

After that, two maids were following Leon’s schedule.

Noticing that Leon would change into his training uniform, he followed suit to help him recover.

Leon was comfortable just changing clothes by himself, but when he went to Rome, he said he would follow the Roman law.

Soon, what the maids prepared was light leather armor.

He also felt that it was a custom-designed item for Leon overnight, but when he raised his hand and swept it, the condition of the leather was not very satisfactory.

Of course, for a simple training suit, it would probably be a luxurious item, but it fell short of Leon’s standard, which could tan leather of a better material than this.

‘Fortunately, I got a good thing as a material for the armor.’

The Sumatran leather that I hunted yesterday was a byproduct of very high value as a material for leather armor.

It was strong enough to be used as armor just by drying it, and it boasted a harder and lighter weight than any other sheet metal armor by simply manipulating it lightly.

If Leon’s skinning is added to that, it will be difficult to find anything superior to that as an armor to use for the time being.

As if it were a villa of the Farostel magic family, there was a separate dance hall attached to this place.

There, I was able to find the soldiers of the villa and the Knights of the Rebel Knights who had already left early in the morning and were immersed in their training.

However, their concentration was also shattered the moment Leon entered the gymnasium.

Rumors about what happened yesterday had spread throughout the Knights Templar.

Rumors say that Leon, who had only lived in an attic all his life and thought that he was a master who knew nothing of the world, not only reached the level of 4th circle, but also performed amazing performances that ordinary wizards could not even dream of.

Most of the Knights of Repulsion dismissed the rumor that the three escort knights leading the rumor were exaggerating, but the knights who thought so could not be free from the aftermath of the rumor.

Even so, whether they were good or bad, the Knights of Repulsion were in a position to serve Leon and Riel according to the family order in the future.

At first, I thought he was the bastard, at most the 12th child behind the ranks, but if the rumors were true, the position of the Iron Knights serving Leon had to change.

However, regardless of the knights’ gaze, Leon walked into the gym, looking only at Tina Maple.

“welcome. young master. We will greet you formally. My name is Tina Maple of the Iron Knights, who has been appointed as a tutor to teach swordsmanship to the master from today.”

She brought her right hand to her chest, setting the example of a knight.

Leon imitated such Tina and answered as an example of a knight.

“This is Leon Farostel, the 12th child of the Marquis family of Parostel. I would like to ask for your generous guidance.”

At Leon’s respectful words, Tina floundered as if embarrassed.

“Please make it easy for me.”

“Is that so? First of all, I thought I would set an example for my master because he taught me swordsmanship.”

Leon put his words down without saying a word when he saw Tina like that.

At that moment, Tina let out a sigh with a slightly relaxed look.

“I don’t know what the heck the master was thinking when he designated me as a swordsmanship teacher.”

“Well, does it look like a timber that will grow big in the future?”

Leon, who saw Tina Maple, who became the future heroine of the battlefield, said it from the heart, not empty words.

Above all, Leon and Tina have only been together for a week.

Although we had a dungeon raid together yesterday, what Tina showed there was, at best, guarding the surroundings while Leon regained his magical power and dealing with the remnants of monsters.

“Don’t tease me too much.”

When Tina responded with a sullen expression on her face, Leon put her thoughts together for a moment before answering.

“Then what about the reason that you’re half Reeves?”

“Who did you hear from?”

“Who do you have to listen to? He is the only member of the Cheol-Eung Knights made up of commoners, and his green hair and white jade-like skin are the hallmarks of Reeves.”

The easiest way to recognize Forest Fairy Reeves is by looking at their hair.

They are a special race that performs photosynthesis and cellular respiration at the same time, because their hair consists of leaves for photosynthesis.

On the other hand, Reeves and human hybrids are a little hard to recognize.

Inheriting the characteristics of Reeves, it has chloroplasts for photosynthesis, but its hair is in the form of ordinary hair unlike leaves.

Green hair was obviously a very rare feature, but it was even more so because it was a color that was often found in the Radiant Continent.

“But what have I to do with the blood of Reeves and the swordsman?”

“Of course I wanted to learn Reeves’ martial arts.”


Tina had no choice but to widen her eyes with a bewildered expression.

“You don’t know about it, but I see that humans cannot learn Reeves’ martial arts.”

Leon also shook his head at Tina’s words.

“I know.”

Leon doesn’t know that.

“Because humans don’t have chloroplasts for photosynthesis.”

The reason humans cannot learn Reeves’ martial arts in this world is because it is known that only a race blessed with the sun god can learn the sword.

But Leon knows that’s not the case.

“Reeves’ martial arts is an auror that generates magical light with properties similar to the sun, stimulating the chloroplast to produce energy. Of course, that’s not all, but there seems to be some mechanism involved in maximizing your metabolism. Of course, it has no effect on humans without chloroplasts. But if you know why it doesn’t work, can you suggest a solution for it?”

Tina couldn’t fully comprehend Leon’s words, but she could understand the intent of his words.

“Are you saying that you are going to recreate Reeves’ martial arts with a human body?”

Leon nodded.

Leon’s attitude, which seemed so natural, made Tina know that it was impossible, but somehow thought that Leon might be able to do it.

That’s probably because Leon’s inaction yesterday was impressive.

“like. I’ll teach you right now. As I said before, it’s not my fault if the master doesn’t learn Reeves’ martial arts. Do you know?”

Even as Tina said that, she had no choice but to ponder what her hair had become.

No matter how great the master was, there was no way humans could learn Reeves’ martial arts, and even he himself could not understand what was expected of him.

However, Tina soon had no choice but to completely forget her doubts.

“This is nonsense!”

Magical Genius With Quantum Magic

Magical Genius With Quantum Magic

양자마도학으로 마법 천재
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Born as the eldest son of the Mado family, he lived a terrible life. But will it be different now? Quantum magic opens a new horizon of life.


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not work with dark mode