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Madman in a Fantasy World Chapter 145

145. Gift

A toilet crawling on the floor with its limbs tied behind its back. It’s nice to see him being trampled down mercilessly by the two extras and the heroine he used to talk about.

“Look how well you won.”

Luna and Yui, including Richie, had nothing to do with injuries. They must have fought to kill each other.

No matter how different he is, he is the main character, so can he win this easily?

“It was a bit tricky. But no matter how strong a weapon you have, if the person who uses it is like that, it’s a pearl necklace around a pig’s neck.”

“The attack method is monotonous. Maybe it’s because we’ve only seen strange things so far… It was easy to deal with, except for tricky light-attribute magic.”

Well, he’s an idiot who learned fire and water with the trait of being able to learn two attributes. There is no way that there will be dramatic changes if it goes black.

“Then what are you going to do with him now? Kill him as usual?”

“No, it takes time to open the portal anyway.”

I turned to the side where Mine was. The demons were startled by my eyes and shook their shoulders. They must have sensed that the demons they believed in died in vain.

But I have no idea what to do with them right now. Killing even one of them will delay the opening of the portal.

I turned my head again and looked down at the toilet.

“In the meantime, let’s deal with him.”

this ungrateful bastard. Not enough dereliction of duty, even hitting the back of the head? By the way, I have no intention of doing something like rehabilitation.

What kind of rehabilitation is it for a guy who betrayed you once? Dying is also a luxury. These kids will bother others until they die.

I slung the immobile toilet over my shoulder.

“Eup-eup-! Eup-bub-!”

“Shut up you bastard!”

– Bahak!


He kept making noise, so I massaged his chin with a fist and it became quiet.

“First, let’s go outside for a while.”

I came to tell you how to open the portal quickly, but it seems like the toilet has already explained everything. Waiting would be boring because the portal doesn’t seem to open right now.

I need to use that time effectively. I ordered while looking at the demons.

“Hey, you guys, finish preparing the portal until we return.”

“Oh, I see!”


“Why did you come here…?”

“From now on, the person we need for our work is here.”

Zwei Academy’s female dormitory. It was where we are now. Of course, I couldn’t come in easily.

Unlike the Journalal Academy, there were guards here, but we didn’t go around as emperors, and we couldn’t explain what we were going to do, so we knocked them all out.

Can a mere guard stop us? Even if the dean came here, he wouldn’t be able to stop it. I entered the girls’ dormitory and knocked on any door.



The answer comes from the other side of the door. Soon after, the door opened with the sound of footsteps. The girl who was there was an unknown girl. As our eyes met, her eyes were filled with questions.

“······who are you?”

Didn’t you know that a newspaper would have published that a new S-class adventurer was born? Hey, who would read something like a boring newspaper?

“Excuse me, good citizen, but do you know where Angela’s room is?”

“Yes Yes···?”

For a moment, her questioning gaze alternated between me and the toilet I was carrying. I just introduced myself as a good citizen, but why are you looking at me with such suspicious eyes?

Or maybe he doesn’t know where Angela’s room is? That’s probably not it. Angela must be well-known to the students here as she is called a saint.

“Excuse me, but what’s your relationship with Angela…?”

“A business relationship.”


Is my relationship with Angela friends? That’s not it. We hate each other beyond hating each other.

It’s just a business meeting by necessity, nothing more and nothing less. Of course, most of what I need is on my side.

“Uh… that… I don’t know.”

“Really? Then we have no choice but to explode this building…”

“It’s the room at the end of the corridor on the left on the second floor!”

“Aha. Thank you.”

If I couldn’t find it after asking the first time, I was going to just blow up the whole building, but I’m glad I found someone I know.

After roughly saying thank you and turning my back, I heard the door slam shut behind me with a ‘bang!’ Did you do that because you were afraid mosquitoes would come in? Anyway, as I was just instructed, I climbed the stairs and headed for the hallway at the far left on the second floor.


“Yes, now…!”

The door opened and my eyes met Angela’s, her eyes widened to the size of a lantern.


“… I’m sure the business was over in the morning. Rather, how do you know I’m here…!”

It’s obvious where you’re going. Maybe it’s the dormitory or somewhere else, doing something nice. However, I didn’t know where the room was, so I asked for directions.

“Hey, hey. Straighten up. I didn’t want to come either.”

Did you ever think that I would come here too? The original plan was to help Baal open the portal, kill them all, and go to the Demon World. Unless I was thinking about stabbing myself in the back of my head by not doing what someone told me to do.

“Let’s go in first. How long are you going to keep the guests outside?”

“You are not a guest…”

“Even if I’m not a guest, can he be a guest?”

I turned my stance to the side so that I could see the toilet on my shoulder. So Angela’s gaze, which had been fixed on me until now, turned to the toilet for the first time.

“Mr. Arthur…?”

“If you don’t help him, he’ll die, but if it doesn’t matter, just go back.”

“Come in.”

Yes, you would have known that. It’s because he’s a character who can’t stand injustice. Even a guy like this can’t get past it.

Angela steps aside and makes room for us to enter. When I went inside, she was the last to lock the door and come in.


“…Isn’t it the situation to give you something like that?”


I roughly threw the toilet bowl on the floor.

“Sah, tossing people, what the hell do you think of this person!”


Angela’s eyes widened once at my calm tone, then returned to normal.

“That’s right… You were that kind of person. So, what did you come here for?”

“Why? Of course I came because I need your help.”

I took out my sword and cut off my arm on one side of the toilet. Then Adela was startled, and the blood gushed from her severed arm like a fountain, and the toilet that had passed out woke up.



If it was a delicate task like cutting off a finger, I would have left it to Luna, but if it was to blow off an entire arm, I could do it too.

Blood flowed from the toilet’s arm to the point where you thought you’d die from an overdose, but it didn’t last long. It’s because Yui stopped the blood from flowing.

“Uh huh. It’s noisy. I’m biting this.”


If I scream like that, no matter how well the soundproofing is, I can hear the next room. It was difficult, so I put the arm of the toilet bowl I had just cut into my mouth.

“What, what are you doing!?”

Angela freaked out and went over to clean the toilet. But she couldn’t cure it. Because I was preventing him from taking his severed arm.

“Get out of the way! If we don’t treat you soon…!”

“Cure it.”

“Give me your arm to heal!”

“What are you talking about? I’m telling you to treat it as it is.”

Understanding what I meant, Angela opened her eyes wide.

“You don’t like it? If you don’t like it, he’ll die.”

I don’t care if he dies or not. I’m going to take care of the drank god anyway, so why do I need to keep him alive?


I’ve said it before, but do you live like this? Or just die here. After a moment of contemplation at the crossroads of her choice, Angela immediately began treating the toilet bowl’s arm.

Since it is a treatment that feels like covering the cut section as it is, rather than attaching the arm again, the toilet that received the treatment became as if it hadn’t had an arm since birth.

Of course toilets wouldn’t be bought if they could live this way, but Angela would think that living is better than dying.

In a word, saving is also the heart of the person who saves.

Thanks to this, the toilet was spared from dying, but even though blood was not flowing, it could no longer be considered an arm. I couldn’t find anything below my shoulder blades.

After the treatment was over, the pain seemed to have subsided a little, and he glared at me with blood vessels in his eyes.

“Unlock this, you son of a gun! Without you!! “You’re the only one who’s not here!”

“Did you see it?”

You show it to Angela.

“…what the hell happened to you?”

“Do you know what he was trying to do?”

“I don’t know what happened between Mr. Luke and Mr. Arthur. But don’t people make mistakes?”

“Really? Can you accept everything he did?”

So let’s test how wide your tolerance is?

“They tried to kill us by working hand in hand with this bastard demon and demon.”


“That’s not all. I tried to help the demons in the empire’s basement to open a portal to the demon world.”

I was going to do the same thing just now, but it doesn’t matter because I was trying to deal with the case, not start and end it like anyone else.

“What will happen if it opens? Demons will rush out of the portal and all the civilians will die.”


see can’t you say anything? I can’t defend this even if a lawyer comes. Leaving behind Angela, who was contemplating what to say, he implied to cut off the other arm as well.

“Turn it off!!!!!!”

“Hey, you shouldn’t be yelling at me, you should at least bow to me.”

If you become crippled, your heroines will support you. If I raised a lot of likes, wouldn’t they be able to do that much?

Tia is a member of the marquis, isn’t it rather nice? Even if you don’t work, your pretty wife will take care of you, right?

Angela, who gave up on defending her, treated her right beside her. I immediately moved and cut off my leg this time.


“Oh, shouldn’t you have recognized me in a wheelchair? I’m sure I’ll ride it from now on.”

I don’t know.



30 minutes passed after that. The toilet was roughly tied with a cloth. Toilet passed out from the pain of having his limbs amputated, so he couldn’t make a sound.

“I’m done with my business now. I’ll really go.”

“I hope I never see you again.”

After leaving Angela’s room, we moved to the female dormitory of the Journal Academy to deliver this gift.

At the entrance of the dormitory, I thought about whose room to put it in front of, and decided to put it in front of Tia’s room. The reason doesn’t matter. It’s because Tia’s reaction is more hyeja than Stella’s.

This time I didn’t have to ask a stranger to find Tia’s room. Because Richie knew.


I don’t know how many times I knocked today.

“Who are you wearing?”

A voice coming through the door. Seeing as the familiar voice, I must have come to the right place.


Leaving the cloth-bound toilet under the door, I quickly left the dormitory before Tia came out. And the moment you leave the dormitory building.


A scream was heard from inside the dormitory.

“You must have liked the present so much. I even screamed with joy.”



“hehehe. Almost done!”

A demon reported to us after abandoning the pillar-shaped toilet and returning to the underground waterway.

But this bastard, I think I know what he’s thinking from the look on his face. Perhaps ‘If you open the portal, all of you will be finished.’ You must be thinking the same thing.

‘Jerk the.’

They don’t even know that what they’re doing is a shortcut to self-destruction, and look at how hard they like it.

Not long after, an ominous red light emitted from the magic circle. Soon, the magic circle lost its light.

And space was torn above it. Startled by the sound of thunder and lightning, Yui hid behind my back.

A portal created in an instant. The only thing visible beyond that torn space is the red background. I didn’t know the details until I went in.

But… something was strange.


Make sure to read from noble mtl . com

Mine, who had been talking next to me until just now, was taken aback. It wasn’t just the Mine next to me, it was the same for all the Mine here.


“Lu, Mr. Luke. Is it all over…?”

“No. Originally, when a portal opens, it’s normal for demons to pour out from inside.”

The demons, who firmly believed that the demons that came out of the portal would help them when the portal was opened, were taken aback by the unexpected situation and showed no movement.



Killed them all in the interim. I was going to kill them all if I opened the portal anyway, but I took care of everything before I went out of my way.

[ Level Up! Check your status! ]

[ Level Up! Check your status! ]

[ Level Up! Status… ]

“Luke, what are you going to do now?”

“Well, it’s a bit embarrassing, but I can’t just go back after coming here, so I have to go in.”

What are you doing to keep the portal open? I came here to enter in the first place, so there is no reason not to go in.

“Yes…? Over there…?”

“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to go.”

“Well, then I don’t have to go…”

“Instead, it will be experience.”

“Go, I’m going…!”

I took the lead and threw myself into the portal, after which Luna, Riche, and Yui followed in order.

Madman in a Fantasy World

Madman in a Fantasy World

판타지 세계 속 미친놈
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
weet potato? A good-natured, cancerous protagonist? what is that? — ps:Sweet potato in Korean and 답답해 is used to describe someone who is frustrating or slow to catch on with the conversation.


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not work with dark mode