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Kidnapping the Hero Party Chapter 9

9. Champion Party. kidnapping the second comrade (5)

9. Champion Party. kidnapping the second comrade (5)

In the alley of the garbage dump.

A hideout for gangsters located in the depths.

Hare was standing there, where the smell of medicine that caused headaches wafted through her head.

“… He said he had something to say.”

“Huh- Hare. long time no see Why don’t you take a seat?”

The boss of the dump.

Kyle runs a high-interest loan business.

Kyle, a stout man adorned with gold, rolled up a piece of paper and smoked.

A strange herb inside made the air stuffy.

Hare closed his eyes and said.

“I want you to speak quickly. I have to do business.”

“Ha ha ha! matches? Will you make money by selling that little thing? Or is the business referring to ‘the other side’?”

Kyle pretended to put his hand in his bosom and laughed at Hare’s stealing.

Because it was true, Hare kept her mouth shut.

Seeing this, Kyle asked Hare.

“Hare. I heard my grandmother was sick. Is it true?”

“… Yes, it is true.”

“I don’t have any money saved up, and the price of medicine is what I call it. What a pitiful situation, Hare. Even our ‘capable’ gang member, Ness, was hurt.”

Ness is not competent.

However, if Kyle counts him as competent, he becomes a capable person.

is to set the price high.

“It was only when a capable Ness got hurt like that. can’t work Really, there is a lot of money playing around.”

“… What do you want?”

“Yeah, that’s how I should come out. Negotiation is like that.”

The person below asks the question, and the person above answers.

That’s the kind of negotiation that Kyle knows.

Kyle, who took the initiative, exhaled cigarette smoke.

“Huh- Ness’ treatment cost 2 million ferries. And, including interest on the money borrowed so far, pay 8 million. That’s the least I can do.”

“I borrowed 1 million…! What do you mean the interest is 600? !!”

“It was your grandmother who knew the high interest and borrowed it. I never cheated.”

“lie… !! While I was forced to take my grandmother’s handprint… !!”

“That’s part of the process, in the dumpster it’s the cheater’s fault. Don’t rush, hare.”

As Hare showed signs of running rampant, the strong men around him blocked the door with their bodies.

including Ness.

Hare had nowhere else to retreat.

“Hare. The deadline is today. If you can’t pay Give me a choice.”

“Select… ?”

“okay! It’s a choice, if you sign this ‘contract’. I will heal your grandmother and return the debt to you.”


Kyle held out a piece of paper.

Hare quietly read the contract.

“… ”

“Well, that wouldn’t be a bad offer for you either.”

“… look at me To work in a brothel?”

“No, you have talent. Hare. Even if you get rid of all your debt, if you work there, you’ll be able to cover your losses in a month. It’s not a bad condition for us either.”

Kyle gave Hare a greedy look.

Hare raised her head and met that ugly gaze from the front.

A look as if greed had taken control of his mind.

Feeling as if a large snake were licking her body, a great shock wrapped around Hare’s body.

“If the world was this hard… I’m not born… ”

“It’s not your will, Hare. Choose Will you work with us to save Grandma? Otherwise, matches will be sold on the street for the rest of your life.”

No matter how happy you look, your heartache doesn’t change.

Feeling as if she had fallen into a dark abyss, Hare finally made a choice.

Still, I could never work with them.

‘I’m sorry Grandma…’

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“No matter how hard I am… I can never be with you You bastards.”

“Whoa, I was going to put it into words. I can’t. Everyone, please tell this woman the truth.”


A total of five gangsters came.

Hare found Ness among them.

“… Ness.”

Obviously, Ness had ‘it’.

Hare quickly approached him.

Unable to move, he fell backwards in surprise, and Hare put his hand into his arms.

“Ness!! The woman has a dagger! Everyone be careful!”

“Ugh, ahhh..!!”


With Ness’ scream, Hare’s dagger moved.

In an instant, blood began to flow through Kyle’s hideout, and Ness fell unconscious on the floor.

It happened in an instant.

“Rain, get out. If you don’t want to die, get out of the door right now..!!”

“My, damn it..!!”

“You go ahead first. You are a junior!”

No matter how weak a person is, a person with a sword is different.

Hare used that part to check the thugs who couldn’t do anything, and gradually moved towards the exit.

The moment the thugs turned away and the way out was in sight.

“for a moment. for a moment. Even after stabbing Ness, are you going to go out without a hitch? It’s crazy. How do you look at us?”

Kyle, who was sitting on the leather chair, got up.

Kyle approached Hare with a relaxed look.

“If you stab my family, you have to pay the price. is not it?”

“Oh, don’t come…! If you come, I will stab you..!!”

“Looking at the stabbing of Ness, it seems that the skill is good… Was it partly combed? Have you ever killed anyone?”

Although there is blood flowing from Ness’ body, it is a wound that will heal quickly if treated.

Hare didn’t stab a vital point without the intention of killing him.

Kyle recognized it at a glance.

“How much is Jjambap cooked in the Knights Templar? You’re doing a trick like that… Hey, hey.”

“Oh, I told you not to come..!! Poke, poke..!”

“Take one shot. I want you to pierce the heart properly.”


Kyle took Hare’s hand and placed the dagger on his heart.

Kyle’s life or death depends on Hare.

He smiled and whispered to Hare.

“Kill me. Hare.”

“… ”

“You idiot, making fun of a knife when you’re not even prepared to kill people.”


Kyle hit Hare hard on the cheek.

The pain made Hare’s consciousness faint for a moment.

And, the important dagger fell to the floor.

Hare was too kind to kill people yet.

“This means that a product like you is not something to be teased about. Hare.”

“… Oh, no.”

“Hey, bring the contract. I have no choice but to force it.”

Kyle put Hare’s hand on top of the contract.

It was intended to bleed her thumb with a dagger and forcibly stamp her.

Hare tried his best to come to his senses, but he could not overcome the power of Kyle, who had served in the Knights Templar in the past.

“I don’t like it..! Ha, don’t..!!”

“Stay still. It will be resolved in no time.”

It was a desperate situation.

Hare felt like he was on trial before falling to hell.

‘please… please… ‘

Hare didn’t want to fall, so he was hanging on the cliff.

My strength is waning, and the urge to give up gradually dominates my mind.

At that time, a person came to mind.

‘Even if it falls at the end, only that person… ‘

I want to apologize to that man…

Wouldn’t it help me like that time…

No worries, I’m sorry…

Hare began to cry out his last hope with guilt.

“Sah, save me..! Someone.. please help… mister… !”

“You know it’s useless to call, right? This dump is my zone-“


At that moment, the door was broken.

What can be seen through the dust is a human figure.

The other gangsters couldn’t recognize him, but Hare remembered his voice every night.

“It was there. The match girl.”

The kidnapper appeared at the perfect timing.

“mister… Can’t you help me…?”

Falling to the floor, Hare greeted him with a bitter smile.


… The look doesn’t make sense.

Falling to the floor and being suppressed by a bastard.

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Judging by the circumstances, it seemed that they were trying to forcefully stamp.

‘Even if I was a little late, I could have been in trouble.’

About 2 hours left.

We need to clear this place quickly and kidnap the bandits.


Looking at Hare’s reddened cheeks, I asked the gangster who seemed to be the boss.

“… At a glance, I don’t think he’s just a thug. Who did you learn from?”

“I learned from the state. By the way, are you the one who made Ness out of minced meat?”

“If the lump of bandages on the floor is Ness. I did it.”

Kyle glanced at me for a moment.

It looked like he was exploring.

‘It’s a trained movement.’

Probably, that guy is a knights order run by the state.

It must have been Sylvester or someone from the Black Crow Knights.

Since the ‘core’ training method of the knights belonging there was the same, it was easy to recognize the gangster’s identity.

“Must Ness into porridge… Hmm… Shall we talk for a minute? I am Kyle you?”

“The name has come. Before that, I want you to release that girl. no, just let it go Right Now.”

“… Don’t let it happen.”

The gangster Kyle quietly retreated.

You must have thought that I was a stronger person than you.

It was true.

I am stronger than that guy.

I hid hare behind me and asked him

“What were you going to do to this girl?”

“Nothing, nothing. I was just trying to get my money back rightly.”

“Is it true, hare?”

I asked her softly, terrified.

She looked at Kyle for a moment and then told the truth.

“The borrowed money is correct. I was forced to borrow it. And, just now, they tried to sell me to a brothel… ”

“That rotten bitch. You’re making a big deal out of gear.”

Also, did that happen?

I said while stroking Hare’s head.

“Go home. I’ll take care of this and go.”

“yes? where..”

“I know where the house is. Grandma is in critical condition, so go first.”

“… yes! yes! Go, thanks..! Go, thank you..!”

Two greetings that mix gratitude and gratitude.

Hare put on a puzzled expression, but when she heard the news from her grandmother, she quickly ran home.

And, now that only men are left, they face Kyle.

“… if you keep you alive Will I fall behind? Won’t I fly?”

“I’m not going to approach that kid. Seriously! I’ll forget all the money and interest he borrowed!”


Weak to strong guys.

He is infinitely strong against the weak.

Kyle, the owner of the dumpster.

‘Long time no see, I need to clean up some trash.’

A guy who knows about Hare’s existence.

It would be better if there was no backtack as much as possible.

I pulled out the sword I had at my waist.

It was an ordinary iron sword.

“I’ve been thinking about it, but I think you’d be better off dead.”

“Rain, you f*cking bastard! You said you forgot!!”

Because grudges are not easily forgotten.

Eliminate Kyle for sure.

I raised my sword at him, and Kyle followed suit, holding the longsword in his hand.

“This son of a bitch..!! Even if I die, I will at least hurt you!”

Kyle’s sword was surrounded by a blue ‘sword’.

A skill of high difficulty that surrounds the sword with magical power flowing from the core.

A sword enhanced with sword energy is sharp and sharp enough to cut through a 500-year-old tree.

Looking at the core, the descriptions of the Sylvester Knights were mixed.

If so, he has a reason to kill more.

“Have you given away the honor of the Knights?”

“Shut up..! A bug that doesn’t even know about me..!!”


He ran into the limit of his talent and was kicked out of the Knights Templar.

The door to the Knights Templar is open to everyone, but the door to exit is equally open.

Probably, that guy was the knight who fell out of that door.

As I was analyzing Kyle like that, a problem appeared in front of my eyes.

[Problem! That guy named Kyle is running! I’m even scared of holding a sword! f*ck! Junwoo Lee’s choice?!]

[One. Countering the sword, aiming for gaps.]

[2. Send without pain.]

“No need to worry.”


I clicked on the correct answer to the question.

Kyle spread his sword and approached me.

The moment the sword is about to touch your arm.

My muscles expand, and the magic from my core strengthens my body.

1 second.

The body, which became stronger in an instant, emits explosive firepower.

For this moment, it will be the same as the existence called ‘Sword Star’.


as it is.

Kyle’s head fell to the floor.

He fell to the floor, his eyes unaware that he had been cut yet.


This was the meaning of letting go without pain.

“Boss, the boss is dead-!”

“Wow, we die too!”

The ends that do not fight even after being hit by the boss.

He spoke with a threat to those shouting in fear.


“B..Yes..! Mo, only life..!!”

“Take care of the body. I’m going.”


“Did you not hear it? take care of yourself If you do, I will save you.”

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Just remove the dangerous molecules and stop.

Those remaining guys have more fear than resentment.

No more was needed.

‘More than that, I’ll have to go sooner rather than later.’

I wiped the blood off my face and headed to her house to abduct Hare.

There is not much time left.


Hare fell to the floor and ran with all his might, even though he hurt his knee.

‘Grandma is in critical condition… ‘

I might not be able to get over today.

I can’t let grandma be lonely by herself.

Hare hurried to the house.

As he said, Helen was on the verge of dying.

“Ha, grandma..!!”

“Granddaughter, are you here?”

“Yes, yes… I’m here Grandma…”

Grandmother’s labored breathing wafts through the air.

Hare held her hand tightly as if not to let go.

Seeing that, Grandmother Helen laughed.

“Stop.. send this grandmother away, Hare..”

“I’m sorry grandma.. if I, if I had gotten the medicine…”

“There is no such thing as a medicine that increases lifespan.. Aren’t elixirs expensive?”

Death is inevitable.

Helen, who knew that fact better than anyone else, stroked Hare’s cheek.


“… Yes, Grandma.”

“A little while ago, there was a man who came looking for me.”

“… Are you that uncle?”

There must have been a reason you knew the house.

My uncle met my grandmother first.

Hare listened to Helen’s words.

“okay. The man. Do you want to know what that person said to me? He told me not to worry and to leave this world. He will take care of you… ”

“… Are you that uncle?”

“It was so bold to say that a guy I’d never seen before would do it in front of me dying… Still, that man doesn’t seem to be the kind of guy who talks in vain… Hare. If I die and can’t find the meaning of life… ”

How would you like to follow that man?

At least it won’t starve you.

Helen smiled one last time.

As if in response, Hare also smiled.

The end is with laughter, not tears.

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Just like that, Hare’s grandmother passed away.

“Thank you so far, Grandma. Thank you… ”

Helen’s weak hand that was holding her pointed towards the floor.

Only then did Hare weep and see her last.

Finally, the sound of footsteps came from behind Hare, who was mourning.

‘… You’re here.’

Hare wiped her tears and faced Lee Jun-woo.

He smelled of blood, but Hare didn’t care.

It didn’t matter anyway.


“… okay.”

“I lost my reason to live. I don’t have a grandmother, and I don’t know what to do with my life anymore… So… “

I’ll give it to you for the rest of my life.

Hare held out a small hand.

was trembling

I was afraid of being rejected.


As if responding to that, Junwoo took her hand.

It was a warm hand.

“Until you find a reason to live. Let me hold you for a moment.”

If you ever find the meaning of life again.

then don’t give it back

So Ha-re took Lee Jun-woo’s hand and followed him home.

Kidnapping the Hero Party

Kidnapping the Hero Party

용사 파티를 유괴한다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Kidnapping the Hero Party novel mtl A warrior party made up of warriors, thieves, wizards, and saints. I must abduct that hero’s party. If I don’t kidnap them, I die.


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not work with dark mode