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It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains Chapter 62

62. homecoming (3)

“Hey, did the young master come back this time?”

“You say the young master is back?”



Hermann barely suppressed a sigh that was about to burst out, and gestured to the ladies-in-waiting who gathered around him.

It was a stubborn gesture to stop talking and focus on work.

As we held our foreheads as we watched the ladies-in-waiting scatter among themselves, a slightly laughing voice came from the side.

“Your karma is so deep. I don’t know if I can afford it.”

“You’ve been smart since you were little, so why don’t you take care of yourself, Hanna.”

“He was an outstanding person. But even so, I did not expect that you would lead these people.”

Hannah, the maid of honor, continued as she looked at the carriage seen through the window.

“The Marquess of Kendride and Archduke Tristan. Did you report it to the baron?”

“A little now, isn’t it? I heard Viscount Goldick was visiting.”

Seeing Herman’s expression as if he was tired, Hanna smiled bitterly, saying he understood.

“…The Earl of Chester seems to be taking a strange interest in our estate lately. The baron must be suffering a lot.”

If you ask who is the most powerful noble in this area, ten out of ten will name the Earl of Chester.

Viscount Goldick is just that guy.

“It is not strange.”


“I’ve seen the Earl of Chester a few times before. He had a lot of greed, but he was a human who knew the minimum. I mean, I didn’t try to take someone else’s land by force like this.”


“I don’t know what the wind was blowing. There could be something wrong with the manor.”

“Well, I don’t think now is the time for us to worry about someone else’s territory.”

Hanna said that and looked out the window again.

“Especially when a family with such a great reputation, at the same time, drags the family’s wagon to someone else’s territory… isn’t it? It usually means that.”

Herman, who correctly understood the sentence hidden between the lines, let out a sigh that he could not hide this time.

“…I don’t think they’ll come and go until marriage talks.”

“Are you sure?”

“Both families are great aristocrats who are in a position to create a political storm just by getting married. If such a story was going to come and go, the head of the household would have attended in person.”


The bitter smile on Hannah’s face grew stronger when she heard Herman say that.

It was a look that made Herman’s spine stand up in an ominous feeling that he couldn’t understand why.

“Have you read this? It just arrived at the Magic Engineering Compendium.”

After saying that, Hanna handed out a short letter to Hermann.

“Maybe these two families are more sincere than you think.”

The seal on the outer seal is a sacred seal. Among them, there are only two people on all continents, excluding Beopwang, who use the three-winged wing, implying that they have the highest authority.

The priest who is the leader of the Great War. And the saintess who is the representative of all believers.

And what is written there.

“This, isn’t it fake?”

“It doesn’t sound like a lie, Hermann. I wouldn’t pretend to be a saint without going crazy. The sacred imprint has also been confirmed to be genuine.”


A dizzying sensation swept through her entire body, but it didn’t take long for her to come to her senses.

Anyway, Hannah and she are veterans who have worked in this field for several decades. Unpredictable situations suddenly explode. I’m already used to it.

Nothing much had happened up to this point.

“…Gather all available personnel. You have to prepare very tightly.”

If what is written in this letter now is true.

For now, the number of people staying in this territory includes the saintess herself. This alone is already a major incident.

The people who follow are even more of a problem.

Unlike the saintess who is highly evaluated in terms of ‘symbolism’, these ‘two people’ are truly the ones who have the real power even in the continent!

“For now, make sure to pay attention to everyone. At least for a few days, so that no accidents occur in the territory-”

While trying to give instructions like that.

The sound of exploding bombs came from the office room upstairs.

Then the sound of someone being beaten.

You guys don’t know who I am. The Earl of Chester won’t stand still if you touch me.

The screams and pig-picking went on and on.

At some point, it got quiet.


It was a scary thing to say that an accident shouldn’t happen. Even more so in a place where accidents shouldn’t happen.

At this moment, Viscount Goldick was having a long conversation with Baron Campbell. Either way, it’s clear that you’re the most valuable human in this territory right now!

Contemplating such a thought, Hermann tried to climb straight up there, but his body stiffened again.

“…A person can become this heavy with only fat. Laziness is admirable at this level.”

“Well, wasn’t it nice to be able to play for a little longer? Did you hold up better than you thought?”

while exchanging such words.

Because he found two women dragging the bloody Viscount Goldick down the stairs.



As Hermann and Hanna were silent at the same time, Dawood, descending with a grim expression, walked towards them.

“Herman. Please prepare one wagon.”


“If you take the fastest one, it won’t be long until Viscount Goldick.”

“young master. If it’s an order, I’ll follow it, but I still need to receive at least an explanation. What the hell is this…?”


Daoud shook his head.

“Your territory, maybe it will change owners sooner or later?”


“Please know that.”

It was an explanation I couldn’t ask for more.

The lord’s castle inside the Goldick Viscounty was surrounded by heavy security that made it hard to believe that it was a Viscounty.

Of course, due to the nature of the mining industry, there are plenty of strong men, so it is always easier to borrow military resources compared to similar-sized estates, but it was even more so when a ‘special guest’ came like now.

“Since the Viscount himself went, everything will be cleaned up and come down today. Don’t worry too much.”

The administrator of Viscount Goldick said that while breaking into a cold sweat.

Sitting across from him was the chamberlain of the Earl of Chester, sitting pompously.

Power is a thug.

Rather, it was the attitude that Viscount Goldick was indebted to them on the subject of forcibly entrusting such work to the surrounding estates because they did not want to do the dirty work themselves.

Because I don’t want to hear rumors that he went around committing evil directly because he was a count.

Of course, everyone knows the truth, but it’s that level of rebellion. If the people themselves keep their mouths shut, no one can come forward and directly accuse them. Unless some great aristocrats come in person.

“A baron with no meager connections at best. This is the land the Earl of Chester wants, and you’ll find it soon.”

“That would be better.”

The chamberlain of the Earl of Chester said quietly, with an expression as if no blood would come out even if stabbed.

“The Count doesn’t like to wait that much. If you don’t finish it by today, your land will turn to ashes.”

Behind the back of the chief chamberlain who said so, a gigantic knight clad in huge armor let out a ferocious breath.

The most popular automaton among the unmanned weapons developed by the Mage Tower. ‘Driver’ type.

It is not a purchase, it requires an astronomical amount of money to the extent that it is said that almost a mountain of gold is needed to ‘rent’ it once, but its effect is already proven countless times, and it is a weapon famous for its overwhelming force.

I’m not kidding, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Viscount Goldick, which is all about trained territories, can be wiped out with just one properly armed force.

Even though the Countess of Chester was corrupting like a gangster in the surrounding territory, the fact that there was no rebellion like rebellion in the surrounding area was all due to that weapon.

“Hey, do you have any idea?”

While Viscount Goldick’s magistrate answered with a barely-made laugh, the drawing room door burst open.

The administrative officer, who was about to shout about this disrespect while treating the distinguished guests, shut up when he saw the soldier who had done such a thing.

At least, even if it was a defeated soldier rolling in the middle of the battlefield, he would be less shocked than this.

“…What is that like? What happened?”

“The estate is under attack!”


The expression of the administrator and the chamberlain became dazed at the same time.

attack? what raid?

In this peaceful neighborhood where there are no bandits or thieves?

Other than that, there was nothing to do and no crazy person to invade such a ghetto, and in the case of a war between nobles without a declaration of war, the imperial palace would not tolerate it.

“What do you mean by that? is it an attack? Who the hell is doing that?”


The soldier hesitated for a moment.

It was really embarrassing to even say such a thing out of his own mouth.

“The opponents are two women and one man wearing academy uniforms!”


A truly terrible silence spread through the office.

“Stop, stop, stop! If it moves, it’ll go straight up!”

Saying that, the soldier who was aiming his bow this way was hit on the forehead with a stone the size of a fist and passed out.

It was the result of Elijah, who was walking peacefully, kicking something suitable on the roadside and lightly throwing it.

He would have been relieved since he was at least 100m away from an opponent armed with a sword, but it seems that even a single stone would be enough to kill a candidate for a hero.

“Raise your shield! No matter what happens, you must not let them enter the lord castle!”

Saying so, the 10th commander who encouraged the soldiers flew up into the air with the soldiers.

Elnor, who swung the sword in its sheath in place, was swept away by the sword wind and rolled away.

“emergency! Visaaang-!”

The tinkling bell rings. Desperate cries and screams echo in all directions.

And in the middle of it, there are two humans walking peacefully.

“uh. The powder keg exploded.”

Elijah said that as he fired four or five arrows at the same time.

Some of the arrows that were flying away went into a not-so-good place, causing a huge explosion.

People are running around like crazy, fires are burning all over the place, and even humans screaming in terror and unable to get up from their seats can be seen.

Abigail. Hell too.

“Please put that at 20 points. There must be quite a few incapacitated soldiers?”

“Sounds like nothing. Even if you hit a lot, it’s 10 points.”

“Ah, it rains again. Even if you count that as 10 points, I have 5 points more. Can I sleep in the room next to the teacher today?”

“Hmm. I haven’t even entered the lord’s castle yet. The real thing starts there.”

Above it, such a conversation flows in a strained voice.

“…I think I asked you to keep the common sense line.”

“Isn’t this enough common sense?”

“Yes. Didn’t anyone die?”

Even my timid resistance was quickly ignored.

Certainly, it is. No one died in this mess. No one was even seriously injured.

Even though Viscount Goldick’s standing army is, at best, at the level of trained vigilantes.

It is said that these two are monsters that can be ‘controlled’ while relaxing.

‘…why do you count like this?’

I have no time to step out. As usual, there is nothing to say.

These two are completely sweeping a territory unilaterally.

No matter how much I am now turning on the Image World skill and supplying buffs, the desperate situation applied to me now is at the level where the E grade is barely turned on. It’s a buff that can be said to be at an almost non-existent level.


Even with Elnor, it was a bit incomprehensible that even Elijah had this level of fighting power.

In the original scenario, at this point, it should be much weaker than this.

[Isn’t that obvious?]


[He’s a genius. A genius among geniuses. If you keep pushing such a kid into the battlefield, how much will he grow?]


[It’s not just Elijah, that lady named Elnor is also pretty. They both look like they haven’t reached half of their growth limit yet, right?]

Caliban said so in a laughing voice inside the Soul Linker where I was supplying divine power while activating the skill.

[You are especially loved by monsters. Great?]

“…don’t make fun of me.”

[No, I really think it’s great.]

“What is it?”

[Both of them seem to listen to anything you say. Isn’t it?]

He sighs and moves on.

It was difficult to reply, so he skipped an answer, but Caliban didn’t care and continued with a giggle.

[You’re the only one in the world who can ‘handle’ two such strong women. It’s not an empty word to say you’re great.]

“When you hear that your brother is being treated like an object, he puts on a funny face.”

[Then it’s fun. As an older brother, do you think there can be anything more fun than a younger sister struggling with a man?]


[You’re not such a mean person, it doesn’t matter as long as you deal with it later. At least for now, just having fun watching it is enough.]


Is this person a paladin?

As I pondered that thought, a series of windows appeared in front of my eyes.

[I raised a lot of records in battle with the buff I put on ‘party member’! ]

[ AP is paid! ]

[ You can increase the proficiency of the desired attribute through AP! ]

At least seeing this calms me down a bit.

It’s not very effective for this, but it’s because you’ve kept the mental world turned on?


Invest all accumulated points in one place.

< System Message >

[Your mastery has improved! ]

[The grade of the attribute is promoted from ‘Basic’ to ‘General’! ]

< Mastery Info >

[ Attribute: Forbidden Art – Basic ][ Grade: General Purpose ]

[ Mastery: 0% ]

[ You can make strokes on your body by sacrificing mediation. Depending on the shape of the strokes on the body, you can form a jean with different effects. ]

[ ■ Only living creatures can be used as mediators. ]

[ ■ Currently, up to 6 strokes can be engraved. ]

[ ■ The power of Jin increases according to the number of strokes. ]

[ ■ You can learn gold arts with special properties from general purpose or higher. ]

It’s okay.

Even if this is enough, it can be said that the basic conditions to be able to catch Balcasus later and receive tutoring in gold arts have been achieved.

No matter how strong the forbidden arts are, calling them to teach you three stroke golden arts is a waste of the level of dropping an atomic bomb to catch chickens.

As I was arranging it like that, another thing stuck to the side of the window where I was filming the skill and came to mind.

< System Log >

[!Unconfirmed record!]

[The target ‘Gideon’ has opened his skills under your influence. ]

[ ‘Tristan Style Swordsmanship: Clash’ is added to the target’s skill set! ]

[This function will be added to ‘Skill: Guidance’! ]

Seeing that it says “log” instead of “message”, it’s not that it’s popping up now, it was taken before. I haven’t checked for a long time, so it seems to have come up automatically.

When I checked the date and time, it came to mind around the time I battled Valcasus. It’s like I haven’t checked because I’m crazy.

‘You did it.’

I smiled and read what was written there.

It means that I faithfully completed the ‘task’ that I had previously met. The next step of the intangible sword written in the diary he wrote.

the problem is.

< System Log >

[The target ‘Gideon”s trust in you soars! ]

[ A related event will be created soon! ]

The thing is, these things are stuck together.



A terrifying thought comes to mind.

From what I’ve experienced so far, in the case of ‘related event will be created soon’ in this game, in most cases, the event came right away within a few days.

By the way, besides Gideon, there’s another guy who comes up with this.

< System Log >

[The target ‘Marquis Kendride’ starts to take an interest in you. ]

[ A related event will be created soon! ]

Marquess Gideon and Kendride.

If you were to pick the aristocrats with whom you had the worst relationship in the empire, they would definitely be counted on one finger.

Events are generated ‘at the same time’ for these two guys.

It also contains a lot of meaning that it will come sooner or later.



if you do it wrong.

Archduke Tristan and his daughter.

Marquis Kendride and her adopted daughter.

It is said that you can see both combinations at the same time.

with me in the middle

‘…just imagining it.’

My breath is choking.

I’m not joking, and if that really happens, it wouldn’t be strange if the situation escalated to the point where it wouldn’t be strange if someone declared war on the other side and a war broke out.

The two of them aren’t that close.


Well, I wonder if there’s anything I can do to go there.

They are great nobles who are said to be the best in the entire empire. What are the odds of going to this kind of town by yourself?

“great. Young Joo Sung. From now on, I will start betting in earnest.”

“hehehe. Are you ready to give up your seat?”

[ ‘Kendrid Marquee’ related event occurs! ]

【Event: First Impression】

-Marquis Kendride has a great deal of interest in you. It’s mostly on the bad side, but the Marquis is a man who believes only in what he sees!

-Leave a good impression on the person in Viscount Goldick’s castle! Something good might happen!


First, with a high probability.

One looks like you can see it in here.


It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains

It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains

악당에게 사랑받는 운명입니다,Fated to Be Loved by Villains
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Fated to Be Loved by Villains raw mtl I was proposed to by the final boss.


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not work with dark mode