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Iron Blooded Villain’s Academy Class Chapter 53

Episode 53

To become a Hunter, you must take classes at the academy and pass the Hunter Exam held by the Association.

The same was true of Kang Tae-min. He also attended an academy, and that academy was the prestigious ‘oblige’ academy.

Unlike other students, Kang Tae-min sharpened his skills for revenge. Thanks to his will, effort, and morale, he was able to enter Obliju Academy as a scholarship student.

‘Unlike Noblesse, I lived in a dormitory.’

At Obliju Academy, except for special cases, students live in a dormitory.

At that time, Kang Tae-min lost his parents and had no guardians, so living in a dormitory was not an option but a necessity.

However, befitting the name ‘oblige’, life at the academy emphasized discipline, order, and duty.

‘A training center that creates people like Bae Seung-ju.’

These were ideologies that did not fit Kang Tae-min, who was full of anger and vengeance.

It was a completely different curriculum from Noblesse Academy, whose motto was ‘competence supremacy’, such as discipline training, such as the ideology and mission as a hunter, and group training to cultivate camaraderie.

Despite such a curriculum, Kang Tae-min, whose top priority was to become stronger immediately, devoted himself to training without paying attention to friendships.

‘Thanks to that, I also belonged to a special class.’

He was the best in terms of skill alone. However, the academy couldn’t admit Kang Tae-min because he was an honor student.

For this reason, Kang Tae-min took classes separately in the annex with students who similarly could not follow the curriculum.

As a result, the name ‘annex class’ was attached, and many students considered it an abbreviation for ‘separate management’.

‘I just wanted to drop out, but I couldn’t.’

Going to the academy felt like a waste of time. It was a time when I wondered if it would be better to drop out and permeate into the shadows and go hunting for villains.

It was Park Hyun-ah, the homeroom teacher of the annex class at the time, who persuaded him.

It was judged that she, who had a free-spirited personality unlike the academic traditions of Obliju Academy, would rather be able to easily control the annex class.

-Are you going to drop out?


Kang Tae-min took action as soon as he made the decision. Park Hyun-ah looked at Kang Tae-min with her characteristic droopy eyes and answered with a gentle smile.

-Yes, drop out.

She was definitely different from the other teachers. Her answer always started with ‘yes’.

– Instead, there are conditions.

It was a way of accepting the opinions of students and then expressing their own opinions.

-What are the conditions?

It was because the opponent would not react immediately.

-It should be at a level where you can safely export it. Prove that you are the strongest in our class.

-I’m not bragging, but I’m the first in the whole school, not just in my class.

Kang Tae-min already had the ability to stick to the top. If so, did he express it with permission?

It wasn’t.

-The members of our class aren’t just students?

-That word…

-Yes, if I win, I’ll accept the resignation letter.

Kang Tae-min accepted the condition. However, at the time, he couldn’t beat Park Hyun-ah, and ended up staying at the academy.

And he never regretted that decision.

* * *

The basement of the Oblige Academy dorm.

There was a lounge bar that was as luxurious as most 5-star hotels.


“I feel it every year, but it’s really great.”

The teachers who had been invited by Park Hyun-ah were surprised and exclaimed.

There were dozens of types of alcohol on the back of the bar table, and the buffet-style finger food was also luxurious.

“Ah, you are here! Come on, salty! It’s salty!”

Park Hyun-ah, who actually hosted the meeting, insisted on wearing wine-colored sweats that did not suit the venue.

However, no one was dissatisfied with the outfit.

“Thanks to that, I don’t have to worry about clothes.”

“Because he has a knack for making people feel comfortable.”

Thanks to her, the party atmosphere was always friendly.

But there are always exceptions.

“There are so many people, senior.”


The first impression of Eruah with a poker face and Taemin Kang with a calm expression. It was a word that came out instead of the bullets that everyone spat upon entering.

“Oh, welcome!”

Park Hyeon-ah, who was emptying her glass, found the two and quickly approached them. A light cocktail was held in each of her hands.

“thank you.”

“Ah, I…”

Kang Tae-min happily accepted the glass, but Yi-rua hesitated for a moment.

‘I can’t show ugliness like the last dinner party.’

He made up his mind and went to a drinking party, but in the end, he fell in love with Kang Tae-min and only saw the appearance of a drunkard.

I had no desire to see it again.

“Oh, it’s okay! If you drink on an empty stomach, you won’t be able to drink much. Anything you want, just tell me!”

Park Hyun-ah did not force himself. Instead, he provided a guide for the first two.

“Greetings here. They are the teachers of Excel Academy.”

“Ah, nice to meet you!”

“These are the new faces.”

“Are you Teacher Kang Tae-min?”

The other teachers greeted the new two warmly. Among them, there were people who recognized Kang Tae-min.

“I saw it in a news article, but the one-man gate attack was a real hot topic!”

“Oh, is that the person?”

There were people who had already come across it through articles.

“Hey, I thought I’d meet that teacher Taemin Kang here.”

“The scouts I know are shocked. This is the first time anyone has ever burned a business card like that.”

There was also a case in which rumors spread among scouts during the midterm exam.

Fortunately, no one was offended by him. Everyone showed goodwill to Kang Tae-min and gave them curious eyes.

“Hey, Teacher Kang Tae-min is more famous than I thought, right? I don’t know if I presumptuously guided you.”

“no. We appreciate your help.”

“Really? Then weave again!”

Park Hyeon-a seemed to be in a good mood because the new guest was welcomed. At her invitation, Kang Tae-min was given a drink.

“Then let’s talk!”

Park Hyun-ah left the seat as if she felt relieved. Kang Tae-min appropriately accepted the conversations of the other teachers and checked the karma log.

He came here because he did not come simply to meet Park Hyun-ah.

It was because I didn’t know if there were any members of the Ubermensch left.

‘There is no one who looks like a remnant.’

Of course, not all were benevolent. There were also people with evil tendencies, but the figures were not too severe.

Before the return, the terror that occurred in the Crown was not a single event. The suicide bombing caused by Yang Jae-hyeon, which he dealt with, was just a prelude.

At that time, the general public who were caught in the suggestion isolated the island by targeting ports, airports, and relay bases.

Afterwards, the security hunters scattered to resolve the situation, and they were individually defeated.

‘Didn’t he sneak in beforehand?’

If so, there was a high possibility that it was invaded from the outside after the terror.

Since Kang Tae-min prevented the suicide bombing, it was clear that the terror itself had to be canceled or the plan had gone awry.

‘But it’s not too early to be relieved.’

I had no intention of lowering my boundaries. Kang Tae-min finished organizing and followed Park Hyun-ah with his eyes.

“soju? oh why not! Come on, come on!”

As befits the host of this gathering, she was moving from place to place drinking. If you drink like that constantly, you will have no choice but to smell like alcohol all day long.

“I’m out of alcohol, wait.”

Kang Tae-min left his seat with the excuse of going to get a new drink and went to Park Hyun-ah.

“But what’s really strange is that Mr. Park seems to drink every single day.”

“really really.”

“Sensei Park, why do you drink every day? Aren’t you tired?”

It was a question that came up in the middle of a pleasant chat. Kang Tae-min, who was keeping an eye on Park Hyun-ah, noticed that her expression darkened for an instant.

But it was a fleeting moment, and her face soon returned to that of a drunkard flushed with intoxication.

“That’s it, of course…”

“of course?”

“I feel bad when I get drunk.”

The answer made the people around him burst into laughter. Yes, when you’re drunk, you feel better. There were a lot of positive answers.

Kang Tae-min waited for her to come back to get drinks. Then when she comes

“Isn’t there a real reason?”


“The reason you drink.”

A look of displeasure crossed Park Hyun-ah’s face. But, as before, a smile spread across her face.

“Were you eavesdropping? Ugh, that kind of expression of interest is a bit out of the ordinary…”

The exaggeratedly frowning eyes and seriousness were invisible, the answer mixed with playfulness. It was evident that she wanted to avoid the topic.

“You know this is a joke, right? Oh, excuse me for coming over from drinking!”

Kang Tae-min smiled bitterly when he saw Park Hyeon-ah turning around with a smile.

“Because drinking isn’t just for fun.”

Taemin Kang said that and turned around. It was a small voice you wouldn’t hear if you weren’t paying attention.

Park Hyun-ah stood tall. With a strange expression, she followed Kang Tae-min’s back.

Then, as if possessed, he grabbed Kang Tae-min. It was not a thoughtful action.

When he turned his head, Park Hyeon-ah blinked for a moment.

“Ah… that, should I get some fresh air?”

Taemin Kang looked at her blankly and nodded.

“I also wanted to do that, and it turned out well.”

Irua quickly approached the two of them. Since it was Lee Woo-ah who was keeping an eye on Kang Tae-min, the reaction was immediate.

“Senior, I…”

“Mr. Lua, I’ll be right back.”

Taemin Kang stopped her. Irua opened her mouth slightly, but soon returned to her usual expression.

“Ah, yes… I see.”

But the voice was a bit weak. Even that was drowned out by the surrounding noise.

* * *

outside the house.

A salty sea breeze blew coolly. I was walking on the beach with my old gift.

It wasn’t that we had a conversation otherwise. I just kept my distance and moved on.

It was she who broke the silence.

“That’s what I said a while ago. what?”

After a moment of hesitation, she asked a question. It was only natural that he wanted to have an affair with me in the first place because of that.

“Among my teachers, there was someone similar to Mr. Park.”


Actually, it’s her story, but I couldn’t tell it honestly.

The fact that I was actually your former student and returned to the past was a story that even a drunkard paralyzed from reason would not believe.

“I asked why you drink every day.”

“You mean it was different from my answer?”


she looked at me I didn’t avoid that gaze.

The answer she gave was still vivid in my mind.

“Because every day is a due date. You did.”

The hunter industry is in stark contrast. More hunters return to death than successful hunters.

It would be fortunate if the corpse was retrieved, and I would be grateful if the corpse was intact.

In an industry with such a high mortality rate, there is hardly a day in a year where the students she taught do not die.

Park Hyeon-a just kept her mouth shut in response to my answer and lowered her head.

The soft sound of stepping on the sand, the gentle waves, and the sound of the wind erased the silence.

“He felt responsible every day.”

I filled the void in that voice.

“If you taught me a little more properly, if you looked at me a little more. Could those children have survived?”

She still didn’t look up. But that didn’t mean he was ignoring me.

I just waited patiently for my next words.

“Irreversible regret, and you washed away that sadness with alcohol.”

Her stride shortened. I also moved slowly along with it.

Then, the steps that had been moving forward came to an abrupt halt.

“How was he…?”

“…they are missing.”

Park Hyun-ah raised her head at my answer. I didn’t take my eyes off her.

“He disappeared himself.”

she is gone And again appeared in front of me.

“Umm… The night wind is cold! I just need to go back.”

Park Hyun-ah was fed up and quickly turned around. I looked at the back of it.


Why was she so caring for the students?


Villain, did he become a ‘color ghost’?

I only found out about her identity after killing her.

-Yes…you were…

death takes everything

Even a chance to know the truth.

But you don’t have to know the whole truth.

This time, I won’t even have to know the truth.

* * *

Kang Tae-min and Park Hyun-ah returned to the lounge bar. She smiled again as if she never did.

“Everyone, are you having fun… huh?”

Park Hyun-ah widened her eyes. Aren’t the people who were originally gathered in threes and threes standing around the circle?

“Well, if a senior gives it to you, you should take it lightly. yes?! So, will you have a social life?!”

An oppressive voice came from the center of the circle. The man whose nose turned red was raising his voice as he pointed at Irua.

“If you are a teacher, aren’t you younger than the teachers here? uh? What did I do? How can you turn a person into a bad guy!”

When Eru-ah replied that she was a student, he treated him like an inferior and forced him to drink, and they got into a fight.

“Ugh, why are you like that?”

“Just have a drink and finish it off.”

“You make things big on purpose.”

“It looks like you haven’t had a drink in a while.”

Several teachers scolded her in low whispers. Of course, it was a voice that could be heard enough for Hunter’s developed hearing.

It was as if I had been told to listen.

‘Because I could be someone to seniors for no reason.’

Irua, who had refused, also tried to accept the cup, thinking of Kang Taemin. However, the outstretched hand didn’t catch anything.


Didn’t Kang Tae-min, who arrived before he knew it, snatch the glass from the man’s hand?

Kang Taemin opened his mouth while looking at Leeruah.

“It is not only the students’ right to seek me out when they are injustice.”

Then he overturned the glass on top of the dumbfounded man’s head.

“Special class members, everyone’s right.”

The spilled alcohol drenched the man’s face.

Tae-min Kang looked at the distraught man and shuddered.

“Don’t forget that Mr. Lua also belongs to the special class.”

Iron Blooded Villain’s Academy Class

Iron Blooded Villain’s Academy Class

철혈 빌런의 아카데미 수업
Score 8.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Our villain has changed! If you don’t change, you die.


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not work with dark mode