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I’m the Demon King, but There Are Too Many Heroes Chapter 170

170. Those Who Aim for the Tower of Chlorination

【Attack of monsters that drove the empire into chaos, is the culprit the Demon King of Salt? ]

【Duke Osrian, ‘The Demon King of Flame is evil, must be killed…’]

【The rain of monsters that covered Britian, is there really a different background? ]

【Heroes, ‘How could a demon lord who has not come down in two years be able to do such a thing alone…’]

【One night’s nightmare. Briant, the black toad top, monster, and the demon lord of chloride. ]

[What are the brave men who left for Erzest doing…? ]

【Healan Cargill, ‘Is it really the Demon King of Fire? Placing a hostage somewhere other than normal means compromise. How could such a person suddenly take such an extreme method?’ question. ]

【’All demon lords are unbelievable. Chloride is not special, they are all the same demon king.’ More and more people are saying that they need to subdue all demon kings, not just the Demon King of Fire… ]

The incident caused by Berge became a special edition with a scoop day after day.

Berge looked at the newspaper and smiled. Thanks to Ernyan, the public opinion focused on him was spreading little by little.

【The Jespine Empire proposes a temporary alliance to subdue the Demon Lord of Fire. ]

There were articles I didn’t like, but it was a natural procedure.

‘After all, Jason’s strings are the 1st Prince and the Osrian Duke.’

The black toad top was also under the control of the Osrians, so I could be sure of it now.

‘I want to make a fuss one more time, but…’

If you decide to fight your opponent once, you have to drive it out at once.

That was Berger’s way.

But not right now. If I did something again now, it would only increase my anger towards Berge.

The magi points to gather are welcome, but he didn’t want to eat up the doubts that would lead to Jason.

Okay, so that’s for later.

For now, it was the best he could do to just use wind magic to make the humans burn among themselves.

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More than anything.

‘I’m here.’

I have an issue to deal with right now.

Berge caressed the vibrating communication port. A slight chill was felt.

『Berge Deias!』

The demon king of the cold cold who had unintentionally helped with the riots of Berger roared.

* * *

“It’s crazy. It’s crazy even if it’s crazy!”

“Calm down for a moment.”

“Do you really look like that!”


she hit the table A pure white sexual love enveloped the table.

“No one saw the monsters frozen. Humans do not know that you cooperated.”

“I mean, that’s not the problem! Hatred and anger towards you come all the way here. There are voices all over the continent that we must kill you and then subdue all the demon kings.”


“What the hell were you thinking about doing this? Was it a mistake for your wife to trust you?”

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Maybe it’s not just to gather a lot of negative emotions, right?

Reina regretted it. At that time, I wasn’t giving a magic ball. Had I known what happened that day, I would never have cooperated.

Her eyes darkened coldly.

“You return your mother’s expectations and mercy in this way.”


“sorry? The fire you set will go beyond you and overtake you and all the demon kings.”

“I can’t be sure that there will be no harm done to you at all. But I can assure you that it will not turn into a big problem.”

“What do you mean?”

“Their anger will be focused on me and Jason.”

Reina closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. He calmed his emotions and opened his eyes again.

“In detail, explain in a way that you can understand.”

“There is one top that I sponsored.”

“The top?”

“okay. You know Jason is involved in human affairs, and I was approaching it in a similar way.”


“But the top was attacked not too long ago.”

“What do you mean all of a sudden?”

“But, among the assailants, demons of beasts were mixed.”

“…Draxon is dead.”

“Yeah, he’s dead. But can you be sure that all the prisoners were annihilated at that time?”


“Even if Ugar was to receive prisoners from his family, he is quietly in the tower now. He doesn’t have the courage to send out prisoners for no reason and cause trouble.”


“Yeah, it’s Jason. At least that’s what I think.”

Berge’s explanation did not end there.

“Going back, the top was damaged, but somehow managed to stop it. But soon it was quarreled by another top and went to the brink of ruin.”

“Another top?”

“The top had to do with the Osrian dukes of the Empire. And even to the first prince.”


“The first prince is the ultimate human bond that Jason holds.”

“…the first prince? That means…”

“You could say that Jason tried his best to get my top down.”

“That is nonsense. If you sponsored the top, the top is yours, and how Jason . . .”

“What kind of money do I have to support the top? It was Jason who lent me money in return for my Magi Points.”

“…are you sure there’s a connection between Prince 1 and Jason?”

“At least I was sure. So I borrowed your power and attacked the upper headquarters.”

That was the attack that heated up the continent now.

“Even though···.”

“It wasn’t long before I got a response from Jason. It’s also a very strong reaction. It was the first time I saw the face that had always kept a smile gone.”


“He said he would kill me. He said that he would focus his anger on me alone and make me a scapegoat. He said he would save the other demon lords.”


“Do you understand? This is not a war between humans and demon lords.”

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Me, Berge Deias and Jason Cockmundogan.

“It is war.”

* * *


The horse mumbled harshly. The driver following him opened the carriage door.

“We have arrived, Your Majesty.”

“It’s my first time in Traparta.”

Rufus got off the carriage.

“I’ll see you.”

“Thank you.”

Rufus looked around for a moment. Dozens of wagons were laid out in an orderly manner. The patterns embroidered on each carriage belonged to those who lived and built a civilization on this continent.

“Looks like they’ve all arrived.”

“I see you, First Prince of the Jespine Empire, my name is Doris, the deputy commander of the Lotus Knights.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“We will guide you to the banquet hall.”



Doris lowered her head and swallowed dry saliva.

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Maybe because of tension, a cold sweat was dripping down.

‘crazy···. It’s the Black Dragon Knights.’

The pattern engraved on the armor of the knights escorting the carriage was a lively black dragon, as if it were alive at any moment.

A pattern that is so famous that it is impossible not to know it.

It was one of the five swords of the Empire, the Black Dragon Knights.

The fact that the first prince of the empire and the symbol of the empire were sent to a simple meeting meant that the empire was paying a lot of attention to this matter.

‘I don’t want the kids to cause problems for nothing.’

Although he cautioned in advance, the momentum of the Black Dragon Knights, forged like a blade, sharpened his nerves to some extent.

Fortunately, no problem occurred and the first prince arrived safely at the prepared meeting place.

Just before the door opened, Doris did her duty.

“Only two drivers are allowed in the banquet hall.”


Eyes met with the 1st prince. He could feel the gaze of the leader of the Black Dragon Knights behind him.

In a cold sweat that flowed out of his temple, he almost reached out for his sword.

“I do.”

Fortunately, the first prince meekly agreed. Soon, the door opened.

“The First Prince of the Jespine Empire, His Majesty Rufus Jespine has arrived!”

The mayor announced his position.

Everyone’s attention was focused. The pupils of the Shinigami, located around the huge round table, were enlarged.

“…the first prince?”

“Oh my God, the first prince himself?”

Enjoying everyone’s attention, Rufus naturally took his seat.

“Nice to meet you all. I am Rufus Jespine, the first prince of the Jespine Empire.”

The envoys from each country gathered here were all diplomats and aristocrats in their own country.

But no one pointed out Rufus’ rudeness. The background of the Empire, the first prince closest to the position of the next emperor, and the natural sense of intimidation made it so.

“…be respectful, Prince.”

Except for the Marquis of Perian of the Kingdom of Akan, who is called the adversary of the Empire.

“Excuse me, sorry for this. My heart is very uncomfortable right now. It was not intentional.”

He shrugged his shoulders towards the nobles.

“I have seen the ugliness.”

It was the complete opposite of his attitude.

“Not long ago, disaster struck in Brit, the splendid city of the Empire. It came suddenly, without warning.”

And then he went straight to the point. Since no one was given a say, it was something that should never be done at the meeting, but the already entrenched atmosphere allowed the rules to be tolerated.

“Have you ever imagined? Watching giant monsters fall from the sky.”

The people trampled by monsters are crushed beyond recognition.

The roof is collapsing.

The road is crumbling.

The way in which the normal daily life collapses.

“You probably can’t even imagine. Monsters fall from the sky. Where do you find such nonsense?”

Flying monsters such as harpies, wyverns, and green fins certainly existed. However, their numbers were not very large, and even if there were many, the territory existed.

It is not something that can happen in a city in the center of the empire that has already been subjugated by all the surrounding monsters.

“But, I, we, the Empire.”

Rufus chanted one character, one character lower.

“I’ve seen it, I’ve been through it, and I’ve been through it.”

The unimaginable has become a reality.

“The building is collapsing.”

Hundreds of buildings collapsed.

“The people are screaming.”

Thousands of people were injured.

“The lord is dead.”

The lord of Briant, Count Briant, has passed away.

“The empire has suffered great damage and the people are terrified.”

That is why the Empire was willing to stand up.

to pay for this humiliation and humiliation.

“I regret it. U.S.”


“Isn’t it more generous?”

“What does that mean?”

A diplomat from the Horton Kingdom asked.

“Think of the past. When the Demon King first came and kidnapped the royal family and the imperial family.”

fought fiercely. The hostility towards each other soared endlessly, and there were no concessions or compromises.

“Actually, you don’t have to go far. It was just a hundred years ago.”

Yes, only a little over a hundred years. However, it was a time when the two generations changed, and the Demon King became more and more familiar and insignificant.

So humans put the demon kings under their feet. I thought I left

“Even if the demon lords caused a little trouble, they showed mercy and stood by.”

Even if they kidnapped the royal family, they didn’t necessarily kill the Demon King. Even if it caused a minor problem, it stopped on the right line.

Then he dared to kidnap the royal family, and sent a succubus to seduce the nobles.

He planted a warlock in the heart of the empire and kidnapped the dwarf artisans.

Not long ago, he even kidnapped four princesses of one country at once.

And now he’s going to bite his neck.

“…are you going to show us the annihilation a hundred years ago again?”

“Not up to that. The demon lords of that time and the demon lords of today are different.”

One hundred years ago, humans killed as many as four demon kings. Everyone fell under the sword of the hero except for the demon king who was called a lie. It was from then. Humans started to despise the Demon King.

However, it had not been more than 50 years since all four demon lords descended at that time. Unlike the extreme cold and the golden river for nearly 100 years.

“one. You only need one. I will show you clearly by example.”

“You are the Demon King of Flames.”

“Right. talk? meeting? You don’t need all of this.”

The 1st Prince smiled and smiled.

“This is a declaration. The Empire will strike the head of the Demon King of Fire no matter what. I will heal the souls of the people who have died walking in Brit for ten years by beheading his head.”


“He who will be with the empire, come. It doesn’t matter if you refuse.”

Even if no country participates, the Empire will force it.

“However, if it interferes.”

Rufus’ eyes narrowed coldly. The nobles who made eye contact with the coolness swallowed their breath.

“He must receive the Imperial Blade before the Demon King of Fire.”

“Are you threatening us now?”

Rufus shrugged at the reaction of the Akan Kingdom.

“If you say intimidation or intimidation, it is intimidation. But do you know that?”

Rufus turned his head closer to the nobleman of Akan.

“There is such a thing as rebellion in dragons. If you touch it, you will go crazy.”

And the symbol of the empire is also the dragon.

“Britane is the wrath of the Empire.”

The black toad top was Rufus’s repulsion.

“So the Empire.”

so he

“I can’t see anything right now.”

There was nothing to see.

* * *

Rufus’s remarks were quite radical.

However, although Akan pointed out some of his attitude, there were no objections to his opinion.

It meant that each country was alert to this incident that the Demon King of Chlorination had done.

“Why can’t we find the tower? It is because of the unwritten rule that one cannot cross the borders of other countries using the tower and the demon king as an excuse. If not? If tens or hundreds of thousands are released, no matter how tightly the tower is hidden, it will not be Erzest after all!”

Rufus Jespine’s opinion was cheered by everyone, and a coalition was formed.

The retention period was until the moment when the Demon King of Chloride was killed.

* * *

Rufus, who made a significant contribution to forming the Union, returned to the imperial capital.

Long live His Majesty Rufus!

Long live the Jespine Empire!

Long live the Continental Union!

The cheers of the people and the hospitality of the nobles. It was truly a gold rush.

‘If only this job is successful, no one can take over my place anymore.’

It was the formation of an allied force that united the entire continent, and he led from one to ten.

Now, as long as he succeeded in subjugating the Demon King, he was convinced that the weight of the weight was tilted more clearly.

‘And there is no way to defeat the Demon King.’

That was impossible.

‘I wonder.’

I wanted to see what kind of face Floyan, who blatantly covets the crown prince, or Martin, who abruptly invested in the top of the golden moon and interfered with his work, was doing.


But one piece of news that would devour all of his achievements struck the zodiac.


Count Khanhill, who posted the report, was also trembling.

“I brought the dragon’s wings and tail. I hunted dragons.”


The warriors who went to subdue the Demon King of Fire came back from subjugating the dragon out of nowhere.

With huge wings and a booty called tail.

I’m the Demon King, but There Are Too Many Heroes

I’m the Demon King, but There Are Too Many Heroes

마왕인데 용사가 너무 많음
Score 9.1
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[The first standard of the Demon King: The Demon King has to kidnap the princess…] “I’m not going to follow that crappy standard!” Then it became a mess.


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not work with dark mode