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I’m the Demon King, but There Are Too Many Heroes Chapter 152

152. Just like that.

“…you mean Vivian Blunt is dead?”

“Yes that’s right.”

The lieutenant, Aina Sermune, bowed her head.

Jason raised his one-eyed glasses. She knew that it was a sign that she was uncomfortable with planting.

“Could you please be specific?”

“A rumor is spreading around Akan and Dormund that the demon king of lust is dead.”

“Is it just a rumor?”

“The Akan Kingdom presented Vivian Blunt’s horn as proof.”


It’s the devil’s horn. The magic and the nature of the magic contained in it cannot be forged. It wouldn’t be a lie if a group crazy about researching magic and demons promised that.

“There were literally only signs of the raid or the heroic movement.”

“Yeah, that’s why some suspicious raiders have advanced into the Tower of Lust.”

“Is the tower gone?”

“Yes. It is said to have disappeared without a trace. As far as I know, in this case…”

“There is only one case where the demon king dies and the tower is reverse summoned to the demon realm. Yes, Vivian Blunt is really dead.”

Haha, Jason burst out laughing.

In fact, Vivienne Blunt’s death was planned. However, the present death is an extraordinary event that transcends the sequence.

Jason couldn’t believe it because he didn’t receive any signal from any raid or heroism.

These variables were never pleasant.

“Who are you?”

“That has not been revealed yet. The same goes for Akan with Vivian Blunt’s horns.”

“Does it make sense that you have horns and you don’t know who killed them?”

“So I did a little research, but they didn’t get it directly, they bought it through the top.”

“If it’s the top?”

“It is the top of the Golden Moon in the Kingdom of Iasin.”

“Golden Moon . . .”

The corners of Jason’s lips twisted up.

“It’s Berge Deias.”

“Yes, this is Berge Deias.”

Since Jason lent Berge the money, he did not miss the flow.

And one caught the top.

golden moon. One day, the top, which had dried up day by day, suddenly received a huge amount of investment and started to stand up. The successor was the one who returned from participating in the heroic event.

Isn’t that too cunning?

That time was not far from the date Jason lent him money.

“Did Berge Deias kill Vivian Blunt and cut off the horns?”

“No, it will not be. No matter how strong Berger is, there is a limit as long as it is affected by dimensional interference. For a hundred years or so, unless all magic points have been poured into only canceling the interference, Berger cannot kill the demon king in someone else’s tower.”

This is because the tower is the main base of the Demon King. A demon king who receives the protection of the tower, and a demon king whose protection from his own tower is cut off from someone else’s tower.

Victory or defeat was obvious.

“But you can’t say I wasn’t completely involved. If you got horns, you must have something.”

‘What the hell?’

At first, I thought I had framed Vivian to distract her.

But you just kill her? I had no idea what I wanted.

Jason thought for a moment, then shook his head.

It doesn’t matter what Berger was aiming for.

‘After Drakson, this time to Vivian.’

The problem is that even if you cross the line, you cross it too broadly.

“Let’s find out more.”

“Yes, do it.”

“What about the top side?”

“Leave it alone.”

“Is that okay?”

“I will devour it slowly after the bravery is over. It is better to chew and swallow than to crush.”

“Yes, I will prepare accordingly.”

Aina slowly backed away.

“The time until the heroic act takes place.”

That is the last respite I give you.


The tea cup Jason was holding broke.

“It will be.”

* * *

After receiving the oath of allegiance from Vivian, one thing was to organize the combined tower.

5th to 10th floor. The doubling of the tower’s number of floors was very simply like the tower of Berge and Vivian’s tower.

Vivian’s Tower occupied floors 1-5, and Berger’s Tower occupied floors 6-10.

Berge made a greeting between Vivian’s family and his own.

“This is Kaede Jespine.”


“This is Elena Hilderan.”

“… the Demon King? Is this correct?”

Vivian’s family were bewildered at the self-introduction of the princesses.

Princesses, elves, and even dwarves existed, and magic cannons were lined up on one floor.

It was a feast of things that Vivian’s family, who were nothing more than ordinary demons, could not understand.

“I am no longer the Demon King. I became a member of Berge Deias, and so are you.”


Vivian’s lieutenant, Succubus Xenia, faltered. Vivian grabbed her chin and made eye contact.

“I don’t mean to say to all of you who believed in me and followed me, but unfortunately, I don’t have a choice.”

Possession is like that. When the one who serves someone serves someone, he has no choice but to follow.

“Still, I want you to know that this is a good choice for you as well.”

“···All right.”

“Demon-sama, no, if Vivian-sama orders it, I will follow it!”

Her family bowed their heads in unison.

But even with Vivian’s words, it could not be smooth. Basically, the people who make up the tower of Berze were human, elves, and dwarves of Arrain, and there was no choice but to have a repulsion towards demons, who are invaders instinctively.

This was a problem that time would solve.

“However, if the tower is stretched to 10 stories, the weight will be…”

“The appearance and weight do not change. Because the inside is twisted.”

At first, the height of the floor is close to 20m, but the outer shape of the tower is about 50m.

Theoretically, there were a whopping 5 of them at a height that could only be 2 stories high. It was thanks to the tower’s power to twist the space.


Berge changed the layout of the tower, skimming over the anxious logger.

“I couldn’t even fill the five-story tower, but it doubled in an instant.”

First of all, Vivian’s family was divided into two. He united the demons and gave them one layer, and sent all the demons and monsters to Lavinia.


It was no secret that she screamed happy at the nearly doubled number of monsters and monsters.

On the second floor, he piled up the materials with the dwarves and started making the bridge on the first floor. Lavinia and monsters on the 3rd floor, Vivian and demons on the 4th floor, Elena and Charlotte on the 5th floor, and Kaede and the elves on the 6th floor.

It was a bonus that the dwarf princess, who had heard of the match with Kaede, stayed on the 6th floor and asked for a match every day.

The 7th to 9th floors were empty, but it should be filled up gradually.

“With the ripple thrown by the Demon Lord, no one doubted that Vivian Blunt was dead. They are obsessed with finding out who killed her, and some are asking where the horns and other byproducts are.”

“The top of the golden moon must be hard work.”

The first thing that appeared holding the demon king’s by-product was the top of the golden moon.

Naturally, everyone’s attention was drawn to it.

Rather than suspecting that the top of the Golden Moon itself killed Vivian, there were a lot of people who tried to find out which hero sold the item.

And this situation was not very pleasing to Berge.

“It is said that the transaction with Matop went smoothly and we were able to receive all the necessary materials…”


“It has been reported that they continue to ask for other attachments and purchase supplies from the top of the Golden Moon. In particular, the golem materials are purchased, so rumors are circulating that the top is making its own golems.”

“Do it?”

“First of all, I am sweating hard to convince the top executives.”

Aman was a senior vice president who had real power while his father gave him full power. However, no matter how real power the top had, they could not arbitrarily manage everything.

Inevitably, we had to come to an agreement with the executives, but we couldn’t do that with Berge.

There is no way he could say that he is the devil’s master and is gathering supplies for the demon king.

Therefore, the plan he chose was a mysterious trader, and the magic cannon was a definite price.

Whoever the opponent was, if they could make money, it was possible enough because it was the essence of a merchant to sell all the liver and gallbladder.

However, as the public’s attention was focused and the demon king’s horns that they were not aware of came out, they couldn’t get past that anymore.

“Every day there is a fight to clarify how they got the horns of the demon king of lust, and who is the trader who gives them the magic cannon and takes the ingredients of the golem.”

“What if I put Hillen Cargill on it?”

“Even if it’s not, I’m still sleeping like that.”

“You said he killed Hillen Cargill?”


After Hilan rescued Ernyan, he continued to stay in Hilderan. There were not only two people who saw him like that, so in the meantime, it was impossible to destroy the tower of lust.

“What if?”

“Healan Cargill took advantage of being a top-tier investor.”

Investors want confidentiality. As soon as they heard that Hillen Cargill was involved, the executives had no choice but to keep their mouths shut, despite their dissatisfaction.

“Okay then.”

It’s a lot to say, but human nature doesn’t go anywhere. It’s noisy right now, but it’ll be quiet soon.

“It didn’t happen. There is a riot in every country.”

“…it hurts my head.”

Then, suddenly, the tower of the demon king disappeared and the by-product of the demon king appeared, so it was natural to draw attention.

The problem is that it is never pleasant, and the interest may be excessive and the drug may enter the top.

“Above all, the problem is the Kingdom of Iasin.”

No matter how much a foreign country makes a fuss, it is a foreign country in the end. At least officially they could not interfere too much with the top of other countries.

But what if it was the Iasin Kingdom with the top seated?

“Yes, if you bought it through someone, there was an official notice asking you to clarify what route it was.”

It was an official statement, but it was a threat.

“…I will kidnap the princess of Iasin.”

“Yes? Are you just leaving because the experiment was successful?”

The experiment was to see if the bridge could reliably merge with the tower.

The Dwarves made an improvised artifact in one day and installed it on the tower.

And when Berger touched his hand, the same phrase as the ghost of Mana appeared.

Then, everyone was sure. that this operation will be successful.

“If the royal family in the right of succession to the throne is kidnapped, wouldn’t there be no time to pay attention to one thing?”

“The problem is that the anger is directed at us.”

“If you move the tower anyway, it will all be an empty cry.”

“The bridge is just starting to build.”

“Even if we prepare from now on, it will take about a few months. The logger assured me that if I had enough materials, I could make it in time.”

It was by no means easy, but there were as many as 50 of the best craftsmen in the Dwarf Kingdom. It was not completely impossible, as there was even an Akan golemman.

“In addition, we need as many Magi points as possible. You don’t know how many magic points it takes to combine the tower and the bridge and move the tower. The more anger, the better.”

“It is, but there is no need to make the time tighter, is there?”

Anyway, the Empire is preparing for a heroic journey. If the Iasians were to join in there, the time for the march could have been earlier.

“No, it’s not, so don’t worry.”

“Isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I can be sure.”

The Empire will never cooperate with other countries.

Searching the tower itself could do that. It is very common to reduce damage by sharing your own blood with other countries.

However, if they found the tower and destroyed it, the Empire alone would unconditionally do it.

Honor and wealth, everything has to be monopolized.

That was the empire before the return, and the empire did not change after the return.

Unless something really big happens.

“I’m glad if that’s the case, but this case is too big to focus on just one person.”

“Then it would be just one person.”

It was a light step, as if going for a walk.

a few days later.

『The first princess of the Iasin Kingdom, Natalia Iasin, the second princess, the third princess, and the fourth princess have been kidnapped!』

『Traces of black flames left at the scene, the culprit is the Demon King of Fire?』

In an unprecedented situation where four princesses were kidnapped at once, the Kingdom of Iasin was turned upside down.

* * *

When the continent was suffering due to Berger, the Empire was calmly preparing for a brave trip.

Also under the leadership of the emperor.

Read at noblemtl.com

Martin Jespine closed the door with a hardened face. Blood dripped from his shriveled lips.


His lieutenant shook his head.

“Isn’t your conversation with your Majesty good?”

“What should I say about this?”

In Martin Jespine’s personal opinion, it’s turned out to be the worst. But from the point of view of the prince of the empire, there was nothing to lose.

“Your Majesty has completely changed direction. They ruled out the royal family.”

In the original empire, this event was close to the succession to the throne of the imperial family.

It was a structure in which more fame and power were given to those who made a greater contribution.

But the emperor suddenly changed his mind.

“Your Majesty is directly involved in organizing the bravery and planning the bravery. In order to definitely end the Demon Lord of Fire.”

It means that you will not tolerate even the variable of the princes’ dispute.


It was a very tough line. He could even feel his desperate will to kill the Demon King of Fire.

It was not unusual for the head of a country to be angry with his child being kidnapped.

But it’s important that you haven’t done that before.

Wasn’t it the emperor who not long ago said that this event was an extension of the succession to the throne?

This was the moment when Martin’s plan, which he had personally tried to protect as much as Kaede, was completely shattered.

“There is something. Something that made His Majesty change his mind.”

“Let’s see. But honestly, I think I’m lucky.”


“The Demon Lord of Flames is too dangerous.”

Through the tactic of hiding the tower and intercepting it in the mountains, it ate many warriors and people.

Also, unlike other demon kings, he does not hesitate to kidnap the royal family of the succession.

“He completely disrupts the relationship with the Demon Lord that we have built up so far. It is right for such a person to disappear quickly, even for the sake of the Empire.”

All the things Berger had done, from the point of view of humans, the unresolved things were raising awareness.

“That’s it, but…”

When Martin realized that his younger brother had become the main lord of the Demon King, he could not agree.

“Of course, it’s a pity that we missed the opportunity to set the ball, but the same goes for other members of the royal family, and I’m glad that your Majesty has already found the tower.”

“Yes, yes.”

It would have been better if he hadn’t been able to find the tower, didn’t know that Kaede was a dark knight, and handed over Vigo’s hand.

‘Or should I have caught it when I was forced to come to the emperor?’

No, the Demon King also has his own alternative, so he must have shown himself proudly.

‘I took the hand again.’

Although it is not possible to enter the remarks again, the plaque was given to Martin again as it was a sign of the right to succession. I lost it again though.

Read at noblemtl.com

Martin smiled bitterly.

“As His Majesty gave the order directly, it seems that the Heroic Movement may proceed faster than expected. Keep an eye out for how the group is made up.”


Read at noblemtl.com

Martin decided to tell the Demon King about this first.

* * *

“I heard that the Demon King of Lust has become a member of the Demon Lord-sama.”

“Did you do the same in Iasin? Four people.”

That’s fast.

After kidnapping the Iasin princesses and throwing them roughly to Kaede, Berge returned shortly afterward and had to receive a call from Ernyan.

In the meantime, Kaede seemed to have already said everything.

“Can even the Demon King be made into a family member?”

“Even the Demon King is, after all, a Demon.”

“If it was a succubus queen, it would be very pretty. Princesses too.”

“It’s not pretty.”

“Is your answer too fast?”

“Because it’s true.”



Why did you answer this? I do not know. Just when our eyes met, I felt chills. It seems like I’m smiling but not smiling.

That’s why it came out instinctively.

There is no common sense that the succubus queen is not pretty. So are the princesses.

“congratulations. The power of the tower has grown stronger.”


“But do you know that?”


“I am not a normal princess, I am the Crown Princess of Hilderan.”

“He is a contract with a higher spirit, and he is an excellent spirit magician who will soon sign a contract with the spirit king.”

“The lust brought by the Demon Lord has lost his tower, so he can no longer be called the Demon Lord.”

“…why are you suddenly saying that?”

“···I do not know.”

“It’s just that.”

Amethyst, whose depth was unknown, stared into Berger’s eyes until communication was cut off.

I’m the Demon King, but There Are Too Many Heroes

I’m the Demon King, but There Are Too Many Heroes

마왕인데 용사가 너무 많음
Score 9.1
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[The first standard of the Demon King: The Demon King has to kidnap the princess…] “I’m not going to follow that crappy standard!” Then it became a mess.


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