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I’m the Demon King, but There Are Too Many Heroes Chapter 124

124. Lies

Hillen Cargill was distracted by the situation in the Empire.

The existence of Berger was revealed in a single word that the warlock shouted, and the Empire is grinding its teeth.

Bravery is inevitable, and he was in a position where he had to participate.


‘Which side should I stick to?’

Is it the Demon King or the Empire?

To be objective, it was an empire.

‘There are magic cannons on the first floor of the Demon King’s Tower. Hundreds of doors too.’

Even in the Dwarven Kingdom, the destructive power of the works made by Loggers, one of the top three, is very clear.

However, the Mana Pogo will show great power at first, but the Empire will somehow attack it.

‘Even the elves and princesses will be confused at first…’

After the first time, they somehow find a solution. that’s human

‘You can’t bring in the army, but you can’t judge the power of an empire simply by the army.’

Large territory, large population. The resources and materials that came from it, abundant money and talented people. knights and wizards.

Compared to what Berger had, the Empire was clearly ahead.

‘The Empire wins. This is unconditional.’

There is no doubt about it.

But he was not willing to take the side of the Empire.

It was because of the marbles in his head. It was a thankful item that saved his life in the snow, but now it is the exact opposite.

‘If you betrayed…’

The last image of the Viriff, who vomited blood and his head exploded, scattered as powder without leaving a corpse behind, and struggled in pain even when he became a soul, was clearly engraved in his mind.

‘It won’t be easy. A premature betrayal is stupid.’

First of all, Hillen decided to be faithful to the Demon King’s orders. Fortunately, the demon king’s orders made him faithful to the hero’s duty. At least for now.

“The bravery won’t happen right away.”

The Empire declared the success of subjugating the parasitic warlocks in the Habsline.

However, there was no story about the Demon King of Fire who controlled him.

intentionally hidden.

“It must be certain that the honor and prestige of the empire are at stake.”

Therefore, the Empire decided to focus on finding the location of the tower first.

“We are sending emissaries to the northern kingdoms to seek cooperation.”

“Are you Korzen, Horton and Dormund?”

“That’s right. Hortonwalk is the closest city to Erzest, but Erzest is a great mountain range spanning three realms.”

Hortonwalk was also close to Erzest’s highest peak. That’s why Hillen Cargill started from Horton Walk.

“But the Demon King’s Tower was not there. If that’s the case, why don’t we look all over the place?”

Although the stems of Erzest were stretched out in the Kingdom of Dormut, there were fewer monsters and the mountain was not too steep compared to the other two kingdoms. Therefore, it was the judgment of the Empire that there would be a tower in the area adjacent to Korzen and Horton.

“Is the search easy?”

“It will be difficult.”

If it had been easy, Erzest would not have been banned for nothing. Not to mention the addition of the Demon King.

“Isn’t it like cooperating with other countries?”

“Will they cooperate?”

“The more unsettled by the demon lord of flames, the most disturbing are the three kingdoms adjacent to the mountain range.”

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Martin sips his tea.

“No more failures. Slowly, but surely.”

From Hillen Cargill’s heroic journey to the disappearance of Ravinia Akan in the Kingdom of Akan.

There have already been two attempts and failed. The Jespine Empire was furious, but had no intention to go wrong with emotions.

Finding the tower will be a long-term plan.

But anger is delayed and not forgotten. The moment they find the tower, the Empire will do everything it can to defeat the Demon King.

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“It is highly likely that we will move separately later, but we have decided to join forces in the search.”

“Is that even being led by His Highnesses?”

“From finding them to killing the Demon King. Everything is a test, and that is His Majesty’s will.”

“Why are you so…?”

“No one knows what His Majesty means. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you don’t have support.”

Fortunately it was No matter how great the authority the princes had and the power of each family that helped them, the power the emperor had was different.

“And I.”

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Martin put down the mug.

“I’m thinking of finding the tower myself.”

“.. you mean directly?”

“It’s clear that I’m behind compared to my hyungs, so I have to work a little harder. He who is thirsty digs a well.”

“It’s dangerous.”

“It would be dangerous.”

“I understand your desire to save His Majesty Kaede, but…”

“I’m going to Erzest simply to save Kaede? Do you really think so?”

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Martin’s eyes narrowed.

“…isn’t it?”

“Of course there is no reason for that.”

It is also true that it plays a large role. But it wasn’t just that.

“How many members of the imperial family do you think there are who were born directly into the imperial family and have no interest in the throne?”

Someone might be In particular, there are clearly some imperial families who are terrified of the current imperial family.

But at least it wasn’t Martin and the other four members of the royal family.

In particular, Martin, compared to the other three imperial families, only appears lower as a weak force. That desire was not lacking at all.

“If you start your heroic action, it will inevitably be announced to the people. At that time, what if it became known that someone from the royal family found it?”

sorry for you

“The failure of even you and Akan?”

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Martin didn’t look sorry at all. And Hillen had no choice but to nod his head at his words.

Healan and Akan are combined, but it is probably Akan that puts more weight on it.

It’s a little better now, but a long time ago, there were several wars, and even now, they have interfered with the Jespines in every case and suppressed their expansion.

The feelings between the people were the worst, and they did not hide their hostility towards each other.

The propaganda that the prince of the empire has done what Akan could not do will be able to draw the support of quite a few people.

And the support of the people, the nobles cannot completely ignore. The people also included nobles.

“So I need your help.”

“Do you want us to find the tower together?”

“Do you not want to erase your failures with your own hands?”

“Of course it is.”

“Okay then.”


“I refuse.”

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Martin’s hand gripped Hillen’s, and strength entered. Hillen smiled awkwardly.

* * *

“The search comes first.”

“Yes that’s right.”

Berger, who heard Hillen’s report, tapped the table with his finger.

‘At least as long as Hillen Cargill doesn’t blow the tower’s location, there’s room.’

And Hillen, who witnessed the Virif dying before his eyes without any sign, would not be able to speak.

Unless you lose your life right away with a sense of betrayal that you were betrayed by Berge.

‘What should I do?’

Although I agree with Gordon’s opinion, there were still concerns.

I thought it would be nice to open a field battle and eat the search party, but it would be okay to do nothing at all.

‘There is a ghost of Mana. Wouldn’t we be able to do it like we did when we sent the Daphner Philians?’

I couldn’t come up with a definitive answer. It is true that luck came with me when I sent the Daphner Philian, and I poured all the Magic Points I had accumulated recently into canceling the interference, so there weren’t many points.

“How does the search party work?”

“The details have not been provided yet. However, since they said they would cooperate with the kingdom facing the mountains, there is a high possibility that they will move from Dormund, Korzen, and Horton.”

They probably won’t refuse. Humans always want to have the upper hand, and the ambiguous coexistence of demon kings and humans is also due to the conviction that humans are superior.

However, Berge instilled anxiety in them by hiding the tower, and all humans will want to relieve that anxiety.

But if the Empire takes care of tying the scabbard.

Which countries will not step in?

‘It must be as passive as Dormund, which is closer to Akan than to the Empire.’

However, the likelihood of a negative impact is significantly low.

Three kingdoms moving under the leadership of the Empire.

‘If this happens, really….’

Read at noblemtl.com

Maybe the tower is leaking.

The fingers pounding on the table with anxiety became faster.

‘I can’t help it.’

After deliberation, Berger decided on the direction.

“Are you going to join the search party too?”

“Yes. It seems to move with the 3rd Prince.”

“Report to me the composition, schedule, and movement of the search squad. And no matter what happens, you must protect the life of the third prince.”

“no way···?”

“If you dare to step into the realm of the Demon King, you must be prepared to risk your life.”

“That’s a handshake! The greater the damage, the more difficult the empire will be to give up!”

“Anyway, they won’t give up. Just hiding is not going to solve it.”

The moment he touched the imperial family, it was decided. We won’t give up until we see meaningful results.

And the meaningful result is to rescue the princesses at least, but the moment the tower of Berge is revealed, it will run to the worst.

by other demon lords.

So it had to be stopped. There was no option in the first place to let the princesses go.

Either make the tower not be found at all, or make no survivors.

Berge decided to choose the former. We will do everything we can to prevent the tower from being discovered.

“Let me clearly understand why Erzest has been banned from you humans until now.”

“…if things go well, my life.”

“If you don’t betray it, it won’t happen.”

“Yes. thank you.”

contact has been lost Berge immediately left the tower. Two hundred orcs were waiting outside.

“I see you, the Demon King.”

Crutu and Fer Orcs bowed their heads and worshiped the king.

“Your role is huge.”

“Give me an order.”

“Search the whole mountain like this, and figure out the colonies and areas of all monsters on Mount Erzest.”

“You mean ‘everything’?”

“Except where we were talking about back then.”


“I said so, but it doesn’t have to be all monsters. because you can’t die But as many monsters as possible would be nice.”

“The Demon King…! I will risk my life to fulfill my mission!”

Croutu and Ful Orcs, who were thrilled, shook their heads even more.

“I would have told you not to die.”

“Yes! I will save my life!”

“If you find it, don’t provoke it already, remember it well and tell Gordon.”



Crutu and the Ful Orcs disappeared riding on the Frost Wolf.

Seeing the footprints of the wolves, Berge made a promise.

‘Princess, Elf, Chimera, Magic Cannon, and even Erzest’s monsters.’

There are no proper monsters and only Gordon is a demon, but the power itself cannot be said to be weak.

The past year has never been in vain.

No matter what happens, I will stop them from discovering the tower.


* * *

“I heard that you met Berge Deias a while ago.”

“It did.”

“What did you talk about?”

“Should my wife tell you that?”

Reina’s eyes darkened. Realizing that he had made a mistake, Ugar hurriedly corrected it.

“No, as I said before, Jason is not the culprit. Neither me nor you, after all…”

“Does that mean that Berge Deias is the culprit?”

“I think so.”

“It’s funny, Ugar Belbek.”


“My wife can’t trust you. I can’t believe your words either. Isn’t Jason the culprit? For what reason are you trying to push forward by unilaterally insisting without convincing the original woman?”

“No, did I see it? Jason could never be the culprit!”

“I didn’t tell her about it. If the evidence was solid, what reason would there have been?”

Ugar did not answer.

“My wife is still suspicious of Jason. You say the only reason Jason won’t be the culprit is one thing, but there are dozens of reasons why Berget won’t be the culprit.”

“It’s like that…”

“Just ask me. Was what you witnessed ‘must’ be a clear reason that Jason Cockmundo wasn’t the culprit?”

Ugar thought for a moment.

“…if you ask me that much…”

“It became.”

“You haven’t answered yet?”

“That hesitation is the answer.”


Unable to find anything to say, Ugar hastily changed the topic.

“Oh, did you hear the news?”


“Berze had a huge accident.”

“Speak without fuss.”

『It is said that the existence of a warlock who was secretly in the Habsline Gorge has been revealed.』

“A Warlock? You know it doesn’t work in Arain, right?”

“It’s Berge’s work. The warlock said that he died after confessing his name.”

“Of course, the Empire is in turmoil, and rumors are that they are secretly looking for the Tower of Berge.”

『When you find the tower, you can roughly predict how the empire will come out, right?』

“Berge Deias is now over. Dare to touch the empire? The liver is swollen.”

Ugar laughed. Either way, he didn’t have good feelings for Berge.

“I can’t help but feel sorry for you.”

“right? Even the military academy dared insult the standard. An idiot who ran wild without knowing that the sky was high…”

“I’m talking about you, not Berge. Ugar Belbek.”


“Even if it were an empire, you dared to touch a human. Even if you adjust to Arain, you seem to have done well.”


Ugar shut his mouth at the blatant contemptuous gaze.

“Did you hear that news from Jason?”

『This is me myself…』

“She is not an idiot. Ugar Belbek.”


“Did you ever think that it doesn’t make sense?”


“Did you tell me the name of Berge? A warlock or something like that betrayed the Demon King? Are you saying you should see and believe such nonsense now?”

The soul of a warlock belongs to the Demon King. Betrayal is impossible from the beginning. unless you are prepared to die.

No, even if you are prepared to die.

“The soul of a warlock remains with the Demon King even after death. There is no warlock who does not know that if he betrays the Demon King, more suffering awaits him than death.”

If you made a contract with the Demon King, you can’t know. The more you use the magic, the more time passes, the more you will naturally realize its binding power and the future.

For that reason, up until now, the Warlock had never betrayed the Demon King. No, I didn’t.


“Yeah, it’s not completely impossible.”

Reina Sordain put forward a hypothesis.

“If that warlock is Jason’s warlock who was instigated by Jason. I think that is more likely.”


“Isn’t it a ‘false’ that didn’t reveal anything about yourself?”

I’m the Demon King, but There Are Too Many Heroes

I’m the Demon King, but There Are Too Many Heroes

마왕인데 용사가 너무 많음
Score 9.1
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[The first standard of the Demon King: The Demon King has to kidnap the princess…] “I’m not going to follow that crappy standard!” Then it became a mess.


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not work with dark mode