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I’m Just an Ordinary Academy Student Chapter 20

20 – Has it Improved a Bit?


Princess Mikaela quickly scanned through the newspaper in my hands.

Once again, it was filled with the incident of train kidnapping and terrorism attempt from yesterday.

Mikaela is a member of the imperial family. Not just any member, but the youngest princess.

Even so, hearing about the affairs of the empire through the newspaper is all for the sake of the royal family.

If she appears to show interest in the affairs of the empire, wouldn’t it be awkward for the crown prince?

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To avoid unnecessary suspicions, it’s necessary to show no interest in politics.

Even if the crown prince isn’t that kind of person, it’s wise to be cautious about one’s demeanor.

“Brother must be troubled by this incident.”

At times like this, I can’t help but feel fortunate that I wasn’t born as the eldest.

If I were the Crown Princess, I would be twisting in agony in the midst of this chaotic situation.

I can almost see my brother, at this very moment, clenching his head and exclaiming, ‘Ughhh,’ in frustration.

The only silver lining is that thanks to a certain man, things seem to have worked out.

“What an extraordinary man.”

From the moment I first saw him receiving the medal, I knew he wasn’t an ordinary person.

His humility and consideration for others, even more than for himself, left a lasting impression.

And now, such an individual is making a name for himself not on the front lines but within the empire.

“Your Highness.”

“Ah, you’re here?”

As a lady greeted her politely, Mikaela responded to the greeting with ease.

“I heard the news, Rika.”

“Yes. I heard about it.”

The lady’s expression as she spoke did not look good. It was rigid, almost frozen.

It was not because she was ignoring or feeling uncomfortable around Mikaela. Far from it.

The reason for such an expression was known better to the Princess than anyone else.

“Wasn’t she wearing the same expression when her brother was in the military? She seems genuinely concerned.”

That’s overprotectiveness for you. This woman. The words lingered on the tip of Mikaela’s tongue.

Having enlisted as a soldier and been deployed to the battlefield, she not only survived but also saved hundreds of allies.

She attributed it solely to luck, but was it really just luck?

Undoubtedly, she possessed exceptional skills. She was an elite soldier who could hold her own in any situation.

In the recent train hijacking incident, didn’t she single-handedly subdue and eliminate the terrorists?

Yet, she was worried to this extent. As a friend with siblings of her own, it was somewhat perplexing.

However, instead of commenting on that, Mikaela decided to lighten the mood with a different approach.

“Your sister. Seems quite impressive.”


“By saving hundreds, we secure the future of thousands. Once again, preventing a significant disaster without major casualties and averting the potential flow of much blood. It would be nice if the young people of the empire were all like that.”

“Hmm, well.”

Look at that. Just by mentioning his younger brother, his lips start dancing like a seal.

Isn’t having a good younger sibling like that, Rika? Worried every day, and yet hoping every day that everything is going well?

“Even without that. I’m thinking of visiting the academy.”

“Why there?”

“Our Karl… Hmm! Well! That damn brother hasn’t contacted us, gone through such an ordeal, and hasn’t uttered a word about how he’s doing. I’ll have to go and give him a stern warning!”


You? From what I saw, as soon as you meet, you ask if everything’s okay, and if there’s any injury, you act like you’re going to make a fuss.

Inspecting his younger brother’s body, which has a head larger than his own, and babbling on is just a bonus.

“It might be better not to go.”

With genuine concern, I, as a friend, offered some advice.

“I already made plans to go.”

Of course, it wouldn’t have made a damn bit of difference.

“…Go and handle it appropriately. Understand? Your brother is all grown up now. A man who has been to the military. Rika.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll convey. I’ll give him a proper scolding.”

“No… scold him appropriately… forget it. Let’s just talk.”

How many years have I been saying this?

Mikaela shook her head and turned her eyes back to the newspaper.


“Captain Karl Adelheid!”

“We would like to ask you a few questions!”

Ugh! Zombies! Zombies are chasing me!

If they catch me, the precious Sunday will be gone!

They won’t give me a break and keep asking all sorts of things! With a crazed look in their eyes!

“Please, for the sake of the imperial citizens, grant us an interview!”

“Is it really just a coincidence that a decorated hero like yourself got involved in that incident?! Or!”

Damn it. Damn it! What the hell is this? A pursuit in the academy!

Even though I was confident in the physical strength honed in the military.

After nearly 30 minutes of running for my life, those humans didn’t give up.

“Ah! I have nothing to say! Just stop following me!”

“In the part where you prevented the terror beyond receiving the honor medal…”

“There’s a growing doubt about the possibility of reconciliation with the elves—”

Don’t ask me! I’m not a soldier anymore, I’m just a civilian now, a civilian!

Leave the ordinary academy student alone. It was hard enough because of the Fab Four!

No matter where I hide, no matter where I run, the journalists keep chasing me.

I wonder how on earth those people even got into the academy.


Selena suddenly pokes her head out and gestures to me.

“Here! This way! Quickly!”

The person I just parted ways with has appeared in front of me again. What could this mean?

Right! I found a place to hide! I can evade being chased! Huff! Pant!

Without a moment’s hesitation, I swiftly changed direction, following Selena.

As she grabbed my hand, Selena began to run.

“Sergeant Karl Adelheit…!”

“It’s this way! Over here—”

I can still hear the journalists’ voices from behind. They’re relentless in their pursuit, as if they’ll chase me to hell.

What if they catch up? What should I even shout? In that brief worry…

As Selena leads us this way and that, the sound gradually fades away.

“Did we shake them off? How did you do it?”

“It’s natural. Karl, you kept running towards open spaces. We need to go somewhere difficult for them to catch up.”

“Oh… I, I see.”

“We just need to hide here for a bit and then leave. I saw those reporters; they were running straight ahead, so if we head in the opposite direction from here…”

“You know this place well?”

“That’s right,” Selena says and suddenly blushes. Why? Why?

“Well, it’s obvious. I’ve been here at the academy. You were in the military.”

“Ah, I see? That’s right.”

It’s odd that I know the way after enrolling and taking a month off.

I’m lucky to have Selena. Without her, I’d have been chased for hours.

“Thank you. I owe you my life, Selena.”


With a lukewarm response, Selena fidgets her fingers.

It seemed like she was waiting for a response regarding what happened earlier.


“Yeah, Karl.”

“You said something earlier. That you wanted forgiveness.”

Her face becomes noticeably tense. Looking at Selena like that, I suddenly burst into laughter.

Why are you apologizing? Why are you asking for forgiveness? You didn’t do anything wrong.

“There’s nothing to forgive or ask for forgiveness for. If anything, I should thank you for saying that.”

Selena blinks her eyes in response to my answer, staring at me blankly.

It might sound strange, but from my perspective, it was only natural.

“I was worried that you would feel uncomfortable around me. I thought we might not even be able to be friends or colleagues anymore. Honestly, confessing in front of everyone, in public, I might have pushed it too far. Without considering your feelings.”


“So, asking for forgiveness or forgiving each other, that kind of thing wasn’t there between us from the beginning. The situation was a bit awkward, and we were all still young and immature back then. Instead, let’s think of it as an opportunity for further growth.”

Selena lowers her head deeply and eventually replies with a short “Yeah.”

Thank goodness. All the awkwardness and apologies seem to be erased now.

I was worried about how we would spend the next six months, but it seems to have resolved itself quite well.

“Um, by the way, Karl. I’ve been wanting to ask since earlier… What’s the current situation?”

“Huh? Oh, this.”

“It looks like journalists from the newspaper are here. What’s going on?”

Seeing it this way, Selena seems to have no idea about the current situation.

I’ve heard that the graduation class is always busy, so maybe that’s why.

Even though Selena said she has some free time, considering this level of busyness… What about those four?

“Schülifen, Wilhelm, Alexander. Joachim. So, let’s call them the Fantastic Four from now on. Anyway, they were planning to enlist as soldiers, did you know?”

“Yeah, I heard about that.”

“I went to the Imperial Army training camp on Friday to persuade them.”

After half a day of persuasion, I finally succeeded in sending them back home.

However, I spent too much time, so it was already Saturday. In other words, I returned yesterday!

Selena, who heard the whole story, pats my shoulder, acknowledging her appreciation for the hard work.

“So, that’s why the journalists gathered? To interview Schülifen, Wilhelm… Oh, really? Karl, did you really persuade those Fantastic Four you mentioned?”

“Never. Are you serious about that? The K.A.M.P. guys kidnapped the train on my way back. Their final goal was a station explosion or something. Dealt with that, and now this? It’s nothing, yet they’re making a fuss.”

“Oh, I see… Wait, what did you just say?”


Hmm. This should be about right. Eloise glanced around.

Still on imperial land, but in this kind of forest, even trackers would have lost the trail.

Never really had trackers on my tail, but it’s always good to be cautious.


Grabbing a squirrel that appeared from somewhere, Eloise scanned the area before speaking.

“Eloise Loengrand. Standing by.”

A moment later, the squirrel’s eyes glazed oddly, and a different voice came through.


“Mission accomplished. Made the train terror a non-issue for now.”


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“The Empire took them.”


“A bit. Was about to start work when some strange guy had already taken care of everything.”


“Karl. Don’t know his last name yet, but noteworthy: a participant in the Luzence War, sharpshooter-level marksmanship, top-notch in hand-to-hand combat, and oh, very handsome!”

After a brief pause, the squirrel spoke again.

[Confirmed identity suggests the individual is presumed to be ‘Karl Adelheit’.]

“Oh, I see… Wait, hold on. That man, by any chance?”

[A recent recipient of an imperial honor medal.]

Haha, that makes sense. No wonder he seemed too impressive for just a transfer student.

A peculiar chuckle escaped Eloise’s lips.

While momentarily regarding the scene with disdain, the squirrel continued speaking.

[Get a grip, Eloise. There’s another mission ahead.]

I’m Just an Ordinary Academy Student

I’m Just an Ordinary Academy Student

평범한 아카데미 복학생입니다만
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Karl Adelheit. Self-proclaimed Ordinary Military Service Veteran student (Aristocrat who Enlisted as a Soldier, Recipient of an Honor Medal).


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not work with dark mode