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I’m a Hero, but I Gave Up Saving the World Chapter 78

78 – Saint Irene’s sorrow reached me

“Abama… how the hell… sah, are you alive? It’s been more than 10 years since you died… 」

“live… Certainly, you can say that. Irene, even the perfect you who seem to have been born at the whim of a god will die one day. No one can escape that mortal fate.”

The father, who continued to speak with a greedy and savage face that he had never shown before, was making Irene feel disgusted.

“Even beautiful women grow old and ugly, and rich people are empty-handed when they are buried in a coffin. Even a warrior who cut off a dragon’s head when he was young will be humiliated by maggots after death. And even the king, who has risen to the highest position, must have everything taken away after he dies.”

“Isn’t that the order of nature?”

“How can you be called a king if you just obey the rules?”

“So it seems that Obama has turned his back on God. Obviously dead and buried in the grave, Obama is alive here, so what kind of harmony is this?」

“To say that she isn’t happy when she sees her father is truly an unfilial daughter.”

“I understand that this is not a situation that can be passed on with such a pun. I knew vaguely that Obama and Carlos were hiding something, but it seems that a conspiracy beyond what I assumed was secretly dancing in the backyard of the royal family. Today, you have to reveal the whole story to me in detail, Obama.”

Irene’s words took the form of a question, but the intention to kill her at any time if she didn’t answer honestly was clearly contained in the magic leaking out of her body.

My hunch that Irene might be stronger than Yohan was correct.

Enormous amount of magical power, like sea water with unknown depth… I’m seeing this for the first time

Better than the Celestial Dragon King, better than the Great Sage, better than Misha… Overwhelmingly, the mana emitted by Irene was bigger.

What kind of magic would a woman like this use in real life?

No, more than that, if Irene puts her mind to it, it seems like she can kill a king with just one finger, but why is that king so relaxed?

Why did Irene disappear into the dark side of history without killing the king and revealing the truth?

You will see the inside story from now on.

“—From here on out, I’ll just explain, sister.”

The King’s face changed back to Carlos.

It was like watching some kind of magic show.

「My sister has fought with an elf, so you know, right? The fact that elves are a group connected to the mental world of coordinates.”

“What about that?”

“I was going to execute an elf captive captured during the war, but the elf said this. “Even if I kill my body anyway, my soul will enjoy peace with my fellow countrymen on the coordinates. You insignificant people who can’t live 100 years, soak in the taste of victory for a while. I will laugh at your corpses being eaten by maggots on the coordinates.” Isn’t it a masterpiece?”

“… … … 」

「For now, that elf cut off her ears and put bamboo sticks in her ass hole and put them on display in the dungeon. Of course, I adjusted the intensity to the point where I didn’t lose my life, so I couldn’t go to the coordinates. Well, that guy is good, but anyway, my father got the idea from there.”

“Child… Dear… ?”

“I realized that even if the body perishes, the soul can be preserved. As humans, we are not given a separate spiritual space called coordinates, but wouldn’t it be okay to live while moving around in the body? It made me think.”

“what… Called… ?”

“Don’t be surprised, sister. Isn’t it human nature to want eternal life? it’s natural After a lot of experimentation, me and Obama figured out how to transfer the soul’s address to the body of a family member by blood. Although the attempt to transfer the soul into the body of a stranger has failed.”

“failure? Experiment? I’m saying it simply, but that means that human experiments were conducted on people, right?”

Irene clenched her fists and trembled.

Carlos said with a face that showed no remorse for his actions, rather proud of his achievements.

“yes. And it worked. My father’s spirit is now in my body. I’m sorry father, but I have the initiative of the soul. Maybe it’s because I’m young? I intend to use this method to raise my son before I grow old and move into his body. If I repeat this, I can live forever without dying.”

“no!! You will die Carlos!!! I’ll kill you right here!”

Now that she has uncovered all the secrets of the royal family, Irene, who has no reason to look at Carlos’ evil deeds anymore, boldly concentrates terrifying magic on her fingertips and rushes to pierce her younger brother’s heart.


But then she suddenly fell forward and wrapped herself around her neck and began complaining of pain.

「Cheuk! Kahak! what, what… My throat burns… Why is my body like this… !!”

“sister. I know my sister’s personality clearly, but I can’t believe I told you all my secrets without any countermeasures?」

Carlos shrugged his shoulders arrogantly and snorted.

“The wine my sister drank is the spinal fluid of the demon tribe. Do you know what happens when you drink it?”

“… what… ? Well, what did you say Carlos」

Irene belatedly tried to vomit by sticking a finger down her throat, but it was already too late.

Spinal fluid was already seeping into her body and transforming her body structure.

「It is a special product that collects the spinal fluid of the strongest demons in the Demon Continent. Since my sister drank it, maybe the strongest demon of all time would be born? Alas, yes. I thought of it now, but it would be okay if my sister played the role of the demon king. I thought that bluffing with a demon king that didn’t even exist was a limit, but wouldn’t it be realistic if my sister played the demon king? Think of it as something for the royal family, and do your best.”

“this… He doesn’t even look like a human… 」

“You’re not human, are you?”


The moment Irene’s bitter tears flowed down her cheeks, horns sprouted from her temples.

Now the saintess was losing her human form.

“I will kill Carlos… Nothing changes. I just need to kill you after becoming a demon! If it’s John, he’ll love a country like this… Because that person doesn’t discriminate against women based on their appearance… 」

“Ah~ that’s not it, Miss Pig. Do you think I didn’t know your sister would come out like that?”

I saw a sight that made me doubt my eyes.

A pattern familiar to me was engraved on the tongue of Irene, who was burning with murderous intent towards her younger brother.

That’s definitely the same tattoo as the one on Misha’s tongue.

In other words, it is the imprint of a slave.

“Did you hear that the Elf Queen was defeated in a great war and turned into a slave? It is the imprint of a slave that makes even that tough bitch obedient. I asked the warlocks to play a little prank on the spinal fluid my sister drank. The moment you drink it, the slave’s mark will be engraved on it. Now you can’t disobey me.”

“Don’t talk nonsense! Who cares for you!”

“Do no harm to me”

“… ugh… !!”

Irene, who had been punching Carlos, froze as it was.

Carlos laughed hatefully at the saintess who shed tears in anger.

“From now on, you can’t even point a finger at the King of Aurelia, sister. This is an order to the imprint.”

“… Zen… page… !! Carlos you… How could you do this to me, my sister… ? Are you still human?」

“Well… At least from now on, it’s better than what my sister would do to John she loves.”

“what… ?”

I heard John’s voice knocking on the door from outside.

He had finally found this room while searching for the Demon King and Irene.

While the saintess was unable to speak for a moment due to joy and bewilderment, Carlos engraved the words of curse on the engraver of the slave.

“Go out and fight John. And, kill John. Of course, don’t even say a word about me and your true identity.”

“… shit, i don’t like… no… Carlos please… 」

“This is an order, Irene. Don’t forget that you are already my slave.”

Carlos sneaked out the back door with Bonita.

What happened after that… It was too terrible a tragedy to see with my eyes open.

Hero John who kicked in the door…

Unable to recognize the face of Irene, who had already turned into a demon, Yohan fought with her, whom he thought was the demon king.

And, it was defeated.

“Hey, you… Why are you killing me and crying… What a strange guy… 」

—John died without even imagining that the woman in front of him was Irene.

After the fight, Carlos reappeared, made an impudent face, and naturally gave orders to his older sister, the demon.

「From now on, you should play the role of the demon king in this castle. Of course, it is forbidden to come to Aurelia. It is forbidden to divulge oneself or one’s identity. You should do your part as a tool to keep my power forever. Do you understand Irene?」

“… Got it… there… 」

Tears flowed from Irene’s left eye.

Imprinted on her, she couldn’t resist her younger brother whom she hated so much that she wanted to kill her.

「Keukkyu… Doesn’t it feel good that that older sister, who used to pretend to be proud when she opened her mouth, became a slave to my words?”




Carlos continued to play with Irene while slapping her on the cheek with the palm of her hand.

Read from noble mtl dot com

Just to make sure that his sister can’t rebel against him and to enjoy the situation.

Irene stood still like a robot with no emotions and just took the hit from her sister.

“hit. I brought you a present, sister. Now, the non-human sister should eat this instead of rice, right?」

Carlos made Bonita bring dog food and scattered it all over the bare floor, not even in a bowl.

「Now, this is a present for my older sister who has become my loyal pet dog. bon appetit”

“… Keugh… !”

“what? Keugh? Did this turn?”

Carlos, who was like a model of what happens when a character destroyer seizes power, hit Irene on the side with his fist, grabbed her by the hair, and pinned her to the ground.

“Eat. This is an order, Irene. Do you still know that you are human? You’re Carlos’ dog! Dog! Howl, howl, howl!”

“Stop it now, Carlos… You don’t have to do this… Whoa… ugh… 」

“This is still pretending to be my sister. Howl! This is an order!”

The slave’s imprint responded to the word command.

“… bruise… Woof woof… 」

Irene was crying and trembling because she couldn’t stand the sad and miserable feeling.

… this is the past

things that have already passed.

I’m just watching the past like a documentary.

That’s why I can’t interfere with this world line.

I know that, but… .

I’m just watching, so I’m getting angry.

I couldn’t stand it any longer.

Why am I so sympathetic to Irene’s suffering? Just because you hate Carlos?

weird. Was I such a person with great empathy?

When I look at the current Irene, my heart breaks for some reason.

“Eat the food, Irene.”

“… little bit… little bit… 」

The noble saintess sticks out her tongue, puts dog food into her mouth, and chews on it.

A whimper is also heard.

“how? Is it delicious, Irene? Say it’s delicious. It’s an order.」

“it is delicious… Delicious… 」

“… Pooh”

Like a sadist, Carlos laughed out loud, feeling pleasure from Irene’s angry expression.

「Puhahahahaha!!! Is dog food delicious? Are you really a pervert? You mean this bitch pretended to be lofty and nice all this time alone? Kkeukkeuk… Now you’re my toy forever, Irene. I won’t die, I’ll live on. Even after a hundred years, even after a thousand years. And you become a slave to serve for me for an eternity. Is there no way to escape? Ha ha ha!!」

“… Help me… help me… Can someone help me… 」

Finally, the saintess burst into tears like a child.

Irene, who was stronger, kinder, and bolder than anyone else, is now helplessly sobbing and asking for help.

「Keukyu. Who can help, you asshole. Still can’t figure out the situation? This is the Demon Continent, the surroundings are all demons, so who will help you?”

“John… Save me John… I’m having a hard time… Whoa… ahh… 」

“Your sister killed John, right?”

「aaa!! Not dead! John is not dead! There’s no way that person will die… You said you would protect me… 」

Carlos tauntedly stepped on his sister’s head, who was crying miserably.

“No, that bastard is dead. I’m going to become a corpse and have my eyeballs eaten by crows by now.”

「Huh… Whoa… Even if the body rots, the soul does not disappear. John’s spirit must be watching over me from somewhere. You will protect me!」

「Okay? I don’t know if John will protect the bitch who killed him? If John were alive, would he really help his sister? That child’s soul must be resenting your sister, right?」

No, Yohan wouldn’t have resented Irene.

i can tell that He left without resentment even by the demon king.

“John is not that kind of person. John always understands me, cares for me… It’s different from trash like you!!」

“You will be ruled by that scum forever!”

Carlos kicked Irene in the stomach and stomped on her mercilessly.

Looking at the saintess lying on the floor and being kicked, I felt strangely my five organs were twisted.

“If John is that good, bring him now! tell them to stop me! what’s that bastard?! How dare you despise me, the king, by mentioning a commoner who is only a little good at fighting?! hey! Irene! Why doesn’t John, whom you love, save you? huh? Why am I torturing you like this!”

“Ahh… John… John… I’m sick John… 」

「Sick or not, no one will save you! No one in this world can stop me!!”

“Stop it, Carlos you son of a bitch! I will stop you! Stop bullying Irene!”

I know it’s stupid, but when I came to my senses, I was screaming at visions of the past.

It’s pointless.

I’m just a bystander, but what am I supposed to do if I heat up alone… .

In the first place, Irene and I have nothing to do with each other, but suddenly interfering is strange.

I did something pointless.

“… John… ?”

—But Irene, who had been helplessly beaten, suddenly straightened her back and looked back with a teary expression.

As if a miracle had happened, the eyes that were moved came out and our eyes met.

“John… ? It’s there… ?”

“uh… ? Oh no I… ”

“Hey Irene! What are you talking about in the air! Are you finally crazy?!」

Carlos’ harsh kicks began to weigh down the saintess again, but Irene’s eyes were staring straight at me without despair.

I’m a Hero, but I Gave Up Saving the World

I’m a Hero, but I Gave Up Saving the World

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Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a game with a friend. Of course, my friend was chosen as a warrior and I became the best. “Why are you wasting food here? Just get down to Earth.” “What is the value of your existence?” “Aren’t you ashamed to be alive?” “What are you doing for us?” Bullying and contempt started at the initiative of a friend. just ignored It doesn’t matter if they go on adventures or not, it’s enough when I go home. However, the hero died during the expedition. The guys who ignored me until yesterday ask me to become a new warrior. why me? i’m just going home


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not work with dark mode