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I’m a Hero, but I Gave Up Saving the World Chapter 62

62 – The end of the great sage

“Five minutes passed, Minerva. Your mana must have returned, but will you start a real fight from now on?”

“Hey… Whoa… Seriously, do those words come out of your mouth after you disgrace someone? big… ”

Now, you cannot use Misha’s movement magic to ventriloquize the great sage.

Minerva can finally say what she wants to say, but who will believe her in the current situation?

“Bitch like a sow! Begging for your life while crowing! You are not even human!”

“No human! It’s really shameful as a woman!”

“Did you want to live by selling us?! Even so, you are a great sage?!”

“Disgusting! disgusting! Disgusting!!!”

Already, Minerva was branded a traitor and a shameful sow.

‘Kuhh… Isn’t it too much everyone… I mean, I did it to protect you. If I hadn’t done that, you would all be dead’

A resentment born of speculation.

Hate caused by misunderstanding.

I just want to explain, but my throat is choking and I can’t speak.

… No, no.

Minerva deliberately didn’t say it.

The title of Great Sage, which means the wisest in the world.

However, it was only when the great sage reached this point that he began to reflect on the existence he needed to know the most.

‘Even if my honor can’t be restored, shouldn’t I at least save life by fighting Faust from now on?’

‘Faust seems stronger than before. Perhaps he succeeded to that power by cooperating with the Demon King.”

‘Then I must stop him all the more. Whether people hate me or not, I’m doing my part’

‘But what? I suddenly don’t feel like fighting… ‘

If it’s just to save people, you have to fight from now on.

But Minerva had no desire to fight.

As if you’ve lost your motivation.

Only then did Minerva realize.

Why did he want to become a great sage so much?

The reason why my heart didn’t burn with a sense of justice even though I heard about the corruption of the warrior’s party system from Gerena.

Read from noble mtl dot com

Rather, the real reason why Gerena was innocent and earned the king’s favor.

Minerva is a narcissistic personality disorder who just wanted to be respected by people.

It wasn’t humanity she loved.

The only thing Minerva loves is herself.

Humanity was a spectator who would love him and a being to protect as a fandom.

As long as they have already started to resent Minerva, there is no reason to protect them anymore.

‘Ah, what’s the point of saving guys who don’t even like me? how do you use it Let’s just beat them all… ‘

Read from noble mtl dot com

Realizing her true nature too late, Minerva completely lost the will to fight.

A wand that should never be missed by a wizard in combat fell from Minerva’s grasp.

At that time, Faust smiled and approached me, showing me a hologram screen the size of my palm.

“Look at Minerva. Because people are really fast these days. You know <Magic Wiki> where all the information about magic is written, right? In addition, your items are currently being charged for half a month.”

“Magic Wiki… ?”

that’s all you know

Because one of Minerva’s hobbies was ego searching.

It was her habit to read and save every article or column that praised her.

I secretly logged into the magic wiki with someone else’s ID and recorded my own entries in detail.

<The Old Book of Minerva. He is regarded as one of the greatest sages of all time. In particular, his performance in recovering the holy sword from Faust, who was classified as a first-class criminal at a recent international conference, is highly praised by all mankind. In the public opinion, there is a growing public opinion to establish a new title higher than the great sage for the Minerva Old Book* (fact check is required for this part)>

This was Minerva’s own magic wiki entry.

The last line was requested to be deleted, but after persistent discussion, it was agreed to keep it under the premise of adding a footnote that the fact was not checked.

The pages of the Minerva Old Book, completed through such hard work, were now changed like this.

<The Old Book of Minerva. It is the sow that makes the most disgusting sound in the world. Among the great sages of all time, he is the most famous (in a bad sense), but the video in which he begged to live only for himself, even at the cost of half of humanity, is famous.>

Kindly included a link to the video.

When I clicked the link, Minerva’s rudeness from earlier was played as it was.

“Buh-hee! I admit my defeat, Faust! Boohee! Please save me, buheehee!」

#Asshole#The Shame of Humanity#Traitor#Sow#Younggo Line#Stuffed

Now, her shame play won’t go away, but will remain on the network forever, for anyone who wants to see it.

… It’s over.

The social life of Minerva Old Book has come to an end.

“… Whoa… ugh… ugh… mom… !!! Mom… ugh… ”

“This is amazing. As far as I know, Minerva is said to be at least 200 years old, but even such a guy looks for his mother when cornered. ha ha ha. Come to think of it, it’s been quite a while since I met my mother. Because I was summoned to this dog-like world.”

“Ooooh… mom… ”

“Do you remember, Minerva? When I thought Kwak Dong-soo was dead, I just wanted to go back to Earth. It was you who dried me then. Don’t you think that your foolishness ultimately led to this tragedy?”

“Dunno! Minerva doesn’t know that! I don’t know! aaa!!! aaa!!!! mom!! Help me!! People keep bullying me!! aaa!!!”

“what is this.”

Minerva Old Book was born as a late child, loved and pampered by her parents.

Her narcissistic personality may have come from a family environment where everything is either yes or no.

Minerva, who pretended to be a mature woman in front of others, was cornered and began to reveal her true nature.

Because of the appearance of a child of about 10 years of age, the appearance of using a raw herd suited her very well.

“I hate everything! I hate everything! aaa!!”

“noisy. Shut up.”

“Ugh!! Oh, it hurts!!”

I was so annoyed by the sound of crying that I punched the philtrum with my fist.

Minerva, whose nose was bleeding, fell so hard that she hit the back of her head on the floor.

“If you continue to make noise, know that you will be hit again. Do you understand, Minerva?”

“Sigh… right breath… !! ugh… ”

Minerva held back her tears and nodded desperately.

Far from fighting with the returned mana, his mental state completely collapsed, so he just thought that being beaten by Faust was scary.

It was embarrassing to have my nose bleed in front of so many people, and I just wanted to get rid of it and go back to my hometown and fall asleep in my mother’s arms.

“Hey Minerva. I lost interest in you. There are many other people to deal with besides you. If you’re going to fight, go for it now. I’ll break your neck.”

“… ugh… ”

Minerva closed her eyes and shook her head from side to side.

“Then keep your mouth shut. Do you understand?”

“… yes… ”

The moment Faust turned his gaze to the next target, Misha, who had been holding onto Minerva’s navel all along, stepped on Minerva’s belly button and smiled triumphantly as she stepped across it.

“Kiki kick. asshole. He flirted with the owner and said he looked good. When I think of Misha’s rudeness in front of the owner because of you, I want to cut open her stomach and take out her intestines, but this time, because of the owner’s order, I can’t.”

“Ooooh… go away… Go away… ”

“Did you finally realize the foolishness of talking to your master? Did you realize what a great sin it was to torment your master?”

“Okay, so please go… ”

“Kick. There is still work to be done.”

“… what… ?”

As Misha sowed the seeds on the ground, a giant tree suddenly grew.

Lying on the ground, Minerva was horrified to see a familiar face tied to a branch.

“uh… ? Is that… Isabelle… princess?”

“It was useless, so they hung it there. You’re going to hang on too.”

“Sir, I hate it! I’d rather fight than be beaten this way—”

The moment Minerva tried to grab the fallen staff again, the branch pierced her eardrum like a tentacle and touched her brain.

“Ugh! evil! urg! ugh!! What are you doing? 100 million!!”

It was painful for only one moment.

The smell of the homeland that suddenly flowed through her nasal passages instantly calmed Minerva.

He saw his mother calling him in the cabin where he shared his childhood.

“uh… ? mom? mom!! mom!!!”

When the face she wanted to see the most appeared, Minerva cried out like a baby.

“mom… I missed you mom… I should have listened to my mother when she asked me to live with her in my hometown. mom… mom… ”

It was a delightful vision of the tree Misha planted. It was a nuisance when the great sage started to use his real power, so he deliberately made him have a happy dream in order to make him give up his resistance.

As planned, Minerva was tied to a tree branch without any resistance and decorated like a fruit.

“Kick kick. I want to thank Misha and the owner for letting me reunite with my family.”

“Ahh… Thank you Misha… Faust… thanks… ”

As the giant tree absorbed the mana of the great sage, it grew dozens of times in an instant. It was no longer a tree, but almost a mountain.

It was almost the same size as the tree used as the hideout of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Indeed, the magic power of the great sage served as a very good nutrient.

“Thank you Mischa… I’m so happy right now… Please tell Faust I’m sorry too… ”

“Master says he doesn’t care about things like you anymore. Mischa will heal the master’s heart for the rest of his life, so you’re here to feed the World Tree.”

“Yes… I will do as Mischa tells me… ”

The moment they are tied to the world tree, humans lose their personality and become mere nutrients.

Even if it’s the Great Sage Minerva’s Old Book.

Now, Minerva will entrust herself to the World Tree until the moment she completely absorbs all her magical energy and dies as skinny as a mummy.

The elf Tiffania, well aware of the dangers of the tree Misha summoned, screamed and drew attention.

“Great, great sage! Come on out! If you are tied to that tree, all your magic power will be taken away! Is it sealed or not at that level?! You’ll never get it back! It’s really dangerous. baby, alice. Let’s run away quickly.”

“Where are you running to?”

Misha approached at lightning speed, grabbed Tiffania by the neck, and pressed her against the wall.

“Ugh… let this go… ! What do you mean by planting the sapling of the World Tree in a place like this? Are you trying to make all the people here feed on the World Tree? Great, even the great sage?”

“I’m telling you to shut up, you motherfucker. I’ve been waiting for you since before. you… You are more unforgiving than Minerva. dare… dare!! How dare you insult your master while being an elf!! Mi, how much Misha! Do you know how much I didn’t even have the courage to raise my head in front of my master?!”

Standing in front of the elf, Misha’s tone of voice was gradually changing from her usual.

“uh… ? that voice… Wait, I think I heard it somewhere… ”

“You don’t even have to remember, bitch. Did you get permission from the owner to dispose of Misha as she pleases? My, I’ve never killed a single elf in my life, but I’ll kill you in the cruelest way in the world if you disobey my master.”

“what… ? Are you dreaming… ”

Faust, who had been observing the situation right behind him, intervened as if he was having fun.

“Hey Misha. Aren’t you too excited? Can I help you?”

“no!! master! Let Misha take care of this bitch, because I don’t want to dirty my master’s hands with this trash!!”

Misha’s refusal of Faust’s words was evidence of his extreme anger.

Tiffania’s fate was now at stake like a lantern in the wind.

I’m a Hero, but I Gave Up Saving the World

I’m a Hero, but I Gave Up Saving the World

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Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a game with a friend. Of course, my friend was chosen as a warrior and I became the best. “Why are you wasting food here? Just get down to Earth.” “What is the value of your existence?” “Aren’t you ashamed to be alive?” “What are you doing for us?” Bullying and contempt started at the initiative of a friend. just ignored It doesn’t matter if they go on adventures or not, it’s enough when I go home. However, the hero died during the expedition. The guys who ignored me until yesterday ask me to become a new warrior. why me? i’m just going home


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not work with dark mode