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I Possessed The Villain’s Childhood Friend Chapter 127

127 – Extraversion – 4

#What is love? – 2

Charlotte basically had little interest in others.

She is a genius, and most criminals couldn’t understand the world she saw, so it was because she couldn’t communicate with each other.

Charlotte had a dream that her apprentice would become the greatest wizard in history, surpassing both herself and her Ender, but naturally, such a talent did not come easily to her.

Even now, as the owner of the Mage Tower and the dean of Arcana, her only disciple is Reina.

It wasn’t even that there was a separate teaching.

All I could do was let Charlotte watch her research or follow Charlotte on her outside work.

After looking at such Charlotte for quite a long time, Reina’s evaluation in her heart was ‘a person who has little interest in anything other than magic.’

Of course, that didn’t mean Charlotte was emotionless.

The reason she moved to defeat Avatar was because it was revenge for her precious people.

But even taking that into consideration, Charlotte had an interest close to obsession with magic.

That is.

“What is love?”

Raina never imagined that Charlotte would ask such a question.

“Can you tell me why you suddenly asked such a question?”

When Reina asked while hiding her bewildered expression, Charlotte let out a sigh and answered.

“Someone who is my disciple, every time he visits me, he boasts, saying Ike, Ike, and so on.

And with that answer, Raina shut her mouth.

She was actually aware that she had been a little harsh lately, she thought, but she was happy to continue talking about Ike.

“… Sorry.”

“No, there is no need to apologize. It’s just that I’m a little bit interested.”

Charlotte said as she put her macaron from her desk into her mouth.

It was definitely because of Charlotte’s serious expression, which I’ve rarely seen before.


Reina also adjusted her posture and sat down, preparing to listen to Charlotte.

“The reason I’m not interested in the opposite s*x is that Master’s influence is to some extent.”

Charlotte’s mentor, Ender Arcana, has been single for the rest of her life.

It’s only natural that he, who was his student, wasn’t interested in the opposite s*x, Charlotte insisted.

“Certainly, maybe.”

“But Master had Arcana students whom he could love more than the companions he would be with for the rest of his life. Well, that doesn’t mean I hate students.”


It was definitely a kind of love that Ender valued his students above all else.

He said that was what got him interested, Charlotte continued.

“Master loved you to the extent that he would even sacrifice his own life for the sake of his students. He probably thought of you as his children.”

“… Yes.”

Raina became depressed at Charlotte’s words.

Ender’s death was a kind of trauma for Reina as well.

Noticing that, Charlotte also waved his hand.

“I am not blaming you. In the first place, this is a position where you should be able to sacrifice for the sake of the students.”

“… Yes.”

“And of course I would have sacrificed myself if I had been in that situation. However, there is only one difference between Master and I. I would not have sacrificed because I loved you as a child, but as the dean of Arcana, I would have sacrificed with a sense of responsibility.”

At Charlotte’s words that this is the main point, Reina swallowed her saliva and concentrated.


“Isn’t love the driving force to become stronger?”

“… Yes?”

Raina’s empty voice echoed through the room.

She said her answer was the same as the one she had given a moment ago, but with a distinctly different meaning.

But she didn’t seem to notice that fact, so Charlotte continued her words with a little excitement.

“So I want to know what love is. I wonder if the reason why I can’t surpass Master is because I don’t have a heart to love someone.”

It was only then that Reina was able to recall.

The fact that her own mentor is a ‘magical fool’ whose every thought leads to magic.

“Please, Reina. Teach me love.”

Listening to the line, if Ike did, she would have fallen in love again.

“… I don’t think you’ll ever be able to live with that mindset.”

Reina left such a harsh evaluation with her cold expression.


In the dean’s office where Raina went back, Charlotte sighed quietly.

“I was sincere.”

A fight in Ethiopia.

S, Ed, Vita, Roxy, Ark.

Charlotte, who had dealt with 5 Abatara officers at the same time, felt various things in that fight.

One of them was a question about the emotion of love.

Es Cruel, the opponent who risked life and death with him until the end, was strong.

Of course, you have to consider the fact that Charlotte dealt with 5 people at the same time, but even considering that, Es Cruel was strong.

To the extent that you can think that they are at least 2 steps above the other 4 members.

Even she couldn’t use her abilities as a demon due to her barrier stone.


Charlotte quietly started imagining.

Es Cruel perfectly uses his abilities as a demon without any barrier stones.

Can you really beat such an opponent?

To that question, the answer came that we could win.

But if she had to fight while protecting the four fallen people, would she be able to make her opponent back down like her master, even if she sacrificed herself?

I wasn’t sure about that part.

And the difference must have been the love that could be given to students, Charlotte thought.

“I really wanted to teach you….”

With such a lamentation, Charlotte put the remaining macaron into his mouth.

Of course, even if I heard her true intentions, Reina’s answer wouldn’t have changed.

And Charlotte falling in love is a story in the distant future.

#Best Article – 1

Who is the strongest ‘knight’ in history?

If you ask this question, you will probably get a variety of answers.

Someone will pick ‘Arthur Axus’, the originator of the Axus family.

Someone will pick ‘Lore Tonel’, the 9th Central Knight Commander.

Someone will point out ‘Dite Rosen’ as the knight who participated the most in subjugating Class A monsters.

But most people will probably answer like this.

The former head of the Axus family, ‘Ados Axus’, is the strongest knight.

Someone who heard the answer asked.

Couldn’t the current generation’s Central Knight Commander rise to that rank?

Everybody laughed at that question.

The knights who currently belong to the Central Knights couldn’t hide their laughter.

And someone smiled and answered that question.

“He will probably leave his name as the weakest Knight Commander in history.”


Time passed really quickly.

Okay. Rather, it was strange that I was free.

I had to study all of the common sense and duties I needed to know as a Marquess of Syrd after graduation, starting with the lessons of Arcana.

It is clear that she was able to endure the schedule to the point where she really had no body left, thanks to Reina who always stood by me and supported me.

“Are you nervous, boy?”

“… A little bit.”

To Noel’s question, I answered while calming my trembling heart.

What month is today?

It must have been May.

May 15th to be exact.

What time is it now?


The clothes I’m wearing right now are a black tailcoat that I’m not used to and feel a bit stuffy.

And the place where I am sitting now is the waiting room in the Cathedral of the Martires Church.

“The clothes are awkward, and I’m worried that I might make a mistake.”

“It’s okay, young boy. You look good enough, and even if you make a mistake today, it’s an auspicious day that you can smile and move on.”

“hahahaha…. You can’t make a mistake though.”

“I guess so. Today, Lady Reina…. No, she will have to show her madam the best of her.”

Noel immediately corrected her words, as if she shouldn’t be called that now.

Actually, Raina said that she could call her whatever she felt comfortable with.

But if that’s the case, shouldn’t I also be called master?

Noel said she would take care of me, who became Ike Syrd, and she followed.

Why do you still call me young boy?

“For some reason, saying that makes me feel burdened.”

Well, anyway.

Today, May 15th.

“But a groom who makes a strange mistake at a wedding? Wouldn’t that be the worst for a bride?”

“… hahahaha, that must be it.”

It was the day of Raina and I’s wedding.

Time flies and it’s just before noon.

I stood in front of the podium in the wedding hall with my heart tightening.

“I would like to personally congratulate you once again, Marquis Ike.”

“Thank you.”

Atal, who was officiating at the wedding, quietly congratulated them first.

I answered with a quiet smile, then caught my breath again.

Because the gazes of the guests I felt from behind approached me with a sense of pressure, as if I was about to make a mistake.


“Then, the bride will enter.”

When I signaled that I was fine, Atal declared with a soft smile.

With a squeal, the cathedral door opened.

The one who set foot there was a breathtakingly beautiful pure white angel.

The veil couldn’t completely hide Reina’s charm, and the splendid pure white wedding dress couldn’t fully express her.

All I can say is, right now, at this ceremony.

No, the most beautiful and charming thing in this world was Reina.

And the half-closed purple eyes faintly visible from the inside of the veil and the slightly flushed cheeks seemed to tell me that Reina was just as nervous as I was.


What woke me up from almost losing my mind was the piano melody that began to resonate quietly.

With her bouquet adorned with her red roses, Reyna slowly began to come towards me, holding the elbow of her father, the Duke of Rickard.

I could see that his steps were light, but contained a lot of emotions.

And now, I was the one who had to receive that feeling and move on with her.

“Your Excellency, Duke Rickard.”

Raina and Duke Rickard stood right in front of me before I knew it.

“… Ha.”

Duke Rickard let out a light sigh and opened her mouth.

“Please take good care of my daughter.”

After saying only a brief but clearly intelligible request, Duke Rickard held out his right hand.

I held his right hand firmly and bowed his head.

“No matter what happens, we will live together happily.”

And Duke Rickard.

No, the father-in-law gave her a light nod and quietly stepped back.

I kindly held Reina’s right hand, which naturally became empty, and opened her mouth.

“Really, you are the most beautiful in the world, Raina.”

“Ike is the coolest person in the world.”

The tension melted away before I knew it, and only a smile appeared on my lips from happiness.

Reina was the same, and she was smiling so much that her eyes were blinding.

That smile was so beautiful that it would harm the heart, to the point that I had an exclusive desire not to show it to anyone else.

“… Let’s go.”


I gently pulled Reina’s right hand and put her on her left, placing her shoulders side by side, then slowly turned around and looked at her platform again.

Atal was still looking at us with a kind smile.

“From now on, we will proceed with the wedding of His Excellency Ike Syrid and Lady Reina Roselia.”

Then the long officiating ceremony began.

After such a long officiating ceremony.

“… Can the groom, Ike Sirid, swear to the god Eos of unchanging love for the rest of his life to his bride, Rayna Rogelia?”

Atal finally looked at me and asked.

“Yes. I, Ike Syrid, swear everything in front of God’s oath.”

At my words without even the slightest lie, Atal looked at Reina this time with a smile.

“Then can the bride Reina Rogelia swear unconditional love for the rest of her life to the groom Ike Sirid?”

“Yes. I Reina Rogelia, she swears before God that she will walk with him no matter what.”

“… Yes. Then, to prove her oath, there will be a wedding ring prepared by the imperial family.”

At Atal’s words, Sophia and Leon, who were sitting at the back of the podium, each carried a gorgeous case and walked out in front of us.

“Congratulations, Lady Reina.”

“Thank you, Ms. Sophia.”

“Congratulations, Ike.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

With congratulations, the two opened the case and showed the ring inside.

Leon taught me that the platinum ring with a small blue sapphire as decoration symbolizes Reina’s hair and her pupils.

“… It must have been quite expensive.”

“Not quite, but incredibly expensive.”

I joked lightly with Leon and quietly picked up the ring.

Then Reina held up her left hand and swallowed her saliva.

From that day on, the engagement ring that always adorned her ring finger did not exist.

It must be for the sake of this moment.

“Me, Ike Sirid, is either happy or sad. No matter what trials befall us, Reina Rogelia will remain unchanged for eternity in the future. No, I swear in front of the god Eos that I will love Reina Sirid and live as her husband and wife.”

With a promise that will not change no matter what happens in the future, I quietly whispered in her ear as I put the wedding ring on Reina’s empty ring finger.

“… There will definitely be times when we fight, and there will be hard times. Even so, this feeling will never change. I’ll make sure to make you happy, Reina.”

Reina’s purple eyes, seen through the veil, look at me wide open.

At that lovely expression, I smiled quietly and held out her left hand.

Then, with a shy smile, Reina also picked up Sofia’s wedding ring from the case she was holding.

“I, Reyna Sirid, as her wife all her life, with the affection of her devotion, even if her death separates the two, she will love Ike Sirid and live as her husband. I swear in front of the god Eos.”

Reina put her wedding ring on her ring finger, blushing in embarrassment.

“I am happy just being with Ike…. I love you.”

And blew her sweet whisper into my ears.

Those words made me want to hug Reina right away.

“And now, finally, an oath to prove her oath.”

Thankfully, thanks to Atal’s words, I was able to calm myself down.

The real me wrote my name on her oath with a quill pen, followed by Reina’s own name.

The name of ‘Reina Rogelia’ that will be left behind in this life.

From now on, she will live with me as Reina Syrid.

“With this ending the wedding ceremony, the two officially declare that they have become husband and wife in front of the god Eos. Beautiful blessings to the two of you!”

With Atal’s declaration, shouts and applause rang out from all directions.

With him, a calm but sweet classical music began to flow, and I looked at Reina again.




He quietly closed her eyes, hugged Reina, and kissed her on the lips.

A sweet scent that pierces her nose and makes her brain melt.

It was such a happy moment that I couldn’t hear the cheers and melodies around me.

I will definitely discover your new charm every day and live a new day.

“Thank you. And I love you.”

“… You are good at saying these things today.”

Reina said it playfully, as if scolding her, but it was easy to see from her blushing face that it was an ulterior motive to hide her embarrassment.

For some reason, seeing that kind of appearance made me want to embarrass Reina even more.


At once, I grabbed Reina’s waist and the back of her knees and hugged her.

In the original world, this posture is commonly referred to as “Embracing the princess.”

“My, let me down….”

“Shall we depart?”

Reina knocked on my chest with her blushing face, but I ignored it and walked out of the cathedral where the carriage was waiting.

As we went outside, we looked around and saw that everyone was congratulating us.

I quietly bowed my head and greeted her, and before I knew it, Raina smiled brightly and waved her hand to everyone.

Well, it still feels embarrassing to see her red face.

A very cute and lovely bride.

“Thanks to you, I will be happy every day.”

“… Joy.”

That’s how we became a couple to be together for the rest of our lives.

I Possessed The Villain’s Childhood Friend

I Possessed The Villain’s Childhood Friend

악역의 소꿉친구로 빙의했다
Score 9.0
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
When I came to my senses, I was possessed as a childhood friend of my favorite villain character.


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not work with dark mode