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I Possessed It Instead of My Younger Sibling Chapter 120

120 – Magia Magias

Golden light emanating from the book as if covering the sight.

Seeing the intense light, similar to looking directly at the sun through a telescope, I sighed in relief.

‘Whoa, I’m glad the phenomenon caused by Doesn’t cause any real harm to the body. If it weren’t for that, I would have suffered significant eye damage the moment I saw that book.’

Golden Sense is the ability to use your five senses to feel what is helpful and what is harmful to you.

The intensity of the feeling that stimulates the five senses varies depending on the degree, but it does not actually affect the body.

You feel something with your five senses, but in reality, you feel something with your mind, not with your five senses… Anyway, I would say it’s a feeling that’s hard to express directly in words.

‘I recognize that the book is shining intensely, but since my body looks like an ordinary book, I feel like there is no actual damage from the light at all?’

Is it the difference between seeing the sun directly with the naked eye and seeing an image of the sun on a smartphone? In any case, it feels like there is a filter.

‘But that’s not a bad thing. No, I’m actually glad.’

If not, it would have had a significant negative impact not only on daily life but also during combat.

‘… No, now is not the time to consider .’

I was lost in thought due to my habit of focusing deeply on a topic that came to mind, which has many good points but also bad points, so I shook my head, came to my senses, and took out the book shining on the bookshelf in front of me.

A pristine book that is so clean that it feels awkward to be in this ancient archive.

However, the title written on the cover of this book, which appeared to be less than 20 pages long, was not an official language of the continent, but an ancient language.

And if you interpret this title as …….

“『Magia Magical Power Management Method』… Is this really one of the original editions? Besides, if it has been preserved this well, its value must be incredible.”

『How to use Magia magic power』

It was a famous mental method that probably everyone in the world knew about. Even I, who have been in this world for less than two months, know it.

Because this was about 1500 years ago.

This is because it is the ‘first mind law’ in human history, created and widely spread by a person called the first magic awakener and the first great wizard.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that all the mental laws that exist in this world were born from this mental law.

‘If you ask me if it is better than other mental methods, it is not true.’

『Magia Magical Power Management Method』 Has difficulty in acquisition, difficulty in operation, magic power increase rate…… Etc. This is a method that received an ‘F-grade’ in all items that measure the rating of a method.

In other words, this technique is famous not for its performance but for its symbolism as the first technique.

Comparing this Magia magical power management method with the mental methods of the current era is like comparing the first computer created in modern times with the latest computer.

‘In math, it’s the same as addition and subtraction. ‘I can’t do it without it, but it feels like it’s only the foundation.’

In fact, other mental law books were as thick as a dictionary, but this book was supported by the fact that it was only as thick as a children’s storybook, less than half a finger.


A quick look at the contents of the book showed that it was no different from a copy of How to Use Magia Magic Power, which can be easily obtained at bookstores in the city.

‘But if this book was truly ordinary, there’s no way my magical talent and Would have reacted like this. Then…… ‘


I quietly opened my .

Then I realized that the magic power wrapped around the book was circulating in a certain regular form.

This is……

“…Is it a magic maze puzzle? The number is…One per page.”

Magic maze puzzle.

It is a type of puzzle that is solved by manipulating magical power to pass through a pre-set model maze without making any mistakes. It is said that wizards have used it since ancient times when training their magical power manipulation skills.

Of course, I also have experience solving the problem a few times during lectures on magic.

‘It’s already a complicated maze, but it’s not even a two-dimensional maze, but a three-dimensional maze? Are you really planning on letting me solve it?’

The problem is that the puzzles in this book are so ridiculously difficult that even advanced wizards who can be said to be masters of magic would throw away their wands as soon as they saw them….

‘…… Even the shape of this maze changes every minute.’

As I was observing the book, I was able to see that the model, so complex that one could almost say it was more geometric than a maze, was changing into a completely different model every minute.

What this means is that in order to unlock the secrets of this book, you must solve 20 puzzles of such ferocious difficulty that an ordinary wizard would fail even after spending decades on them in one minute.

This won’t be solved even if the magic tower lord comes.

If you cannot solve this level, you are not qualified to see the hidden contents even if you discover the secret of the book, so you can clearly feel the author’s intention to give up quietly in this vicious puzzle.

If other wizards see this, they will realize that it is impossible to solve, and although their pride will be greatly damaged, they will give up….

“──Ha, this will be fun.”

I was rather motivated.

For the first time in this world, something happened where I had to exert my talents with all my might. There’s no way it wouldn’t catch fire in such a situation.


Take a deep breath and sharpen your mind.

Sharper than a blade,

Sharper than the tip of a spear,

All minds and all senses are concentrated to the limit, and the surrounding scenery gradually disappears.

Soon, a black space unfolds with nothing in it.

When only myself and the book exist in a black space where even time seems to stretch out.


I immediately put magic power into the book.


Magic power runs through the maze.

The magic power to run without hesitation through a narrow maze less than 0.001 Mm wide.

Even though it would have been a failure if it touched the wall as much as a tickle, the magic power accelerates without the slightest hesitation.

Even if thousands or tens of thousands of crossroads come before your eyes, your sharply honed intuition will detect the right route.

The time it took for the magic power to break through the first maze was about 2 seconds.

If you just keep going like this, you will be able to easily pass all the mazes within the time limit….


The mana was not satisfied with that and began to accelerate even further.

The time it took to break through the second maze was half the time it took to break through the first maze.

The next maze takes half that time again.

Then the maze takes half that time again….

The time it takes to break through is also reduced exponentially due to the endlessly accelerating magic power.

Every time I broke through the maze, my magic movements became more skillful, faster, and more delicate.

The total time it took for the magic power to break through the maze for the twentieth time was 5 seconds.

“hahahaha, the time limit was longer than I thought.”

The moment when I burst out laughing with satisfaction as the sense of accomplishment filled my heart.


Anomalies began to occur in the book where all the puzzles had been unlocked.


The magic power that made up the puzzle began to be absorbed into the inside of the book, and soon the book emerged with a blue light.

A very mysterious sight.

Let’s watch it in silence,


Soon, the book that had absorbed all the magic fell again.


I looked at the book.

A book that seems to have not changed, as if the recent phenomenon was a lie.


If you take a quick look at the content, it hasn’t changed from before….

When I opened the book with Open, I was able to see that letters made of magic appeared on the pages of the book.

‘If you don’t have a way to see the magic power, there’s no point in trying to solve the puzzle.’

I started to read the letters that came to mind while smiling.

-To the one who realized and unlocked the secrets of this book, first of all, as the creator of this book, I sincerely appreciate your hard work.

-My name is Magia Magears.

– He is the first human being to awaken magic power, is called the first great wizard, and is the one who explained the laws of magic and spread them widely to humanity.

“Huh, I guess that was the case.”

I wasn’t too surprised when the name of a great person who was ranked first in this world came up.

Because I had some expectations from the moment I saw the puzzle.

There is one prerequisite to making a maze puzzle, and that is that the creator must have a complete understanding of the puzzle he or she is creating. In other words, it is said that the person who creates a puzzle of extremely high difficulty possesses ‘more magical manipulation power than that.’

You can count on one hand the number of people from the past who possessed magic manipulation power greater than that of a magic tower lord, which can be said to be the attainment point of a wizard, but there is only ‘one’ person related to how to use Magia magic power. It wasn’t difficult to predict.

-Not long before writing this article, this old man came to a small realization about the concept of ‘dimension.’ As a result, Nobu realized a shocking truth.

-That means that there is another dimension other than the world where Nobu lives now, Another world that is close to infinity.

-I swear on Nobu’s name that this is absolutely not a lie.


Even though it may be difficult for others to believe, I read the next article in silence as it was proof itself that there is another world.

– The old man, who was conceited that he had reached a point where he could no longer climb, realizes that he was a frog in a well, and in order to expand his knowledge, he is about to embark on a long journey from which he may never return. .

-However, Nobu always had one small regret.

– It is not a basic operation method widely spread to people, but a True magic operation method that contains all of Nobu’s years of study, created after decades of research.< I>

-My only regret was that I couldn’t find a suitable instructor, so in the end, only Nobu used it, and if Nobu left, it would disappear forever from this world.

-That’s why I leave Nobu’s feelings here.

As I read the article, the anticipation that had been slowly building in my heart began to grow in size.

– To be honest, even as I write this, I am still in doubt until the end whether there will be someone who can pass Nobu’s test. The fact that you are reading this means that you have finally appeared.

-I would judge that a person like that is worthy of receiving this old man’s small gift.

– I am confident that this will be of great help to an unknown speaker who has the talent to solve Nobu’s test, and whose talent may be equal to Nobu’s.

The confidence of the archmage was evident in the words engraved with magic.

-Oh, before that, I have one last piece of advice.

-If the reader of this article is someone who solved the test in this book not only with his or her own abilities, but also with the help of an object, supernatural ability, or someone else…….

-I won’t say anything bad, please close the book.

-For someone who lacks qualifications, Nobu’s feelings will not be a gift, but will be A poison more dangerous than anything else.

Just by looking at the magic letters that had not been damaged in the slightest even after a thousand years had passed, I felt an intense pressure that felt like it was weighing down my whole body.

‘… Does the magical power itself contain emotions? I can do it too, but I’m still not at this level…. Can we really say that he is the first great wizard? .’

If you were a wizard who had really passed the book’s test using a different method, the feeling of intimidation was so strong that even if you knew that the Archmage’s magic management method was just a matter of turning one page, you would not be able to turn the page and close the book.

‘But it has nothing to do with me.’

Because I officially passed.

‘Anyway, the next page is the last of the book…. Is it possible to include the entire contents of the Great Mage’s mental laws in one page?

Even though I had doubts, I didn’t hesitate and turned to the last page──


──There was no text, let alone the structure of the mind, and there was only a ‘big dot’ in the middle of the paper.

“Isn’t this the end result of just cheating by coming all the way here…?!”

The moment I was taken aback and looked closely at the only dot on the blank white paper.

“Keuuu me us me us melodiously

Suddenly, the ‘enormous amount of information contained in the magic dot’ began to force its way into my mind.

I was astonished by the absurd feats performed by the archmage, even as I held my head burning with wisdom.

‘The ‘magic power itself’ contains ‘information’ rather than emotion… ?!’

Putting emotions into magic and putting information into it.

These two may seem similar at first glance, but in fact, there is a gap that makes it embarrassing to compare them.

For example, if putting emotions into magic power is like roughly scattering paint (emotion) on a blank page (magic power),

Incorporating information into magic is the same as writing a novel by roughly sprinkling paint on a blank page.

I can’t help but be shocked that something impossible even in my imagination has actually come true.

Whether I was shocked or not, information was mercilessly stuffed into my head.

It only ended after 30 minutes.

“Ugh… I feel like I got drunk and fell asleep on the roller coaster and caught a cold…”

I cooled my still dizzy head with a cold hand and took a closer look at the knowledge that had entered my mind.

‘… Indeed, this knowledge would be nothing short of poison to others.’

After reading the knowledge, I understood that the archmage was threatening me by telling me to close the book if I was not qualified.

The knowledge he left behind, should we say it was the true Magia method of meditation, was a method of meditation with such outrageously unconventional performance.

Enough to fully charge my magic tank, which is close to the top level among superhumans, in just one breath.

A ‘Over S grade’ mental method with exceptional performance that can raise the magic stat to the level of a hero (90) if you train it for just 5 years without the help of elixirs .

Anyone who can use magical power would literally want to sell their soul to obtain it….

‘The problem is that ‘the prerequisite for using the mind method is Over S-class magical talent trait’…. That’s why I can’t find the initiator.’

It is so absurd that it would be much easier to do a rodeo in a fighter plane flying at Mach speeds. The level of operational difficulty can be described as bizarre beyond the level of complexity.

If the operation of magical power was disturbed even a little, it was a picky method that was so dangerous that at least the magic rod of the entire body would be torn to shreds, or at worst, it would explode on the spot.

Still, one thing can be learned from this.

Magia Magears, the origin of magic users and the first great wizard, has the ‘same characteristics’ as me.

And this method of thinking, which is the culmination of decades of research data from a person with the same talent as me, has explored and considered magical power, was worth more than a thousand gold to me.

‘If I work diligently, it will take about two months to tune this for my own use? At this level, we can proceed with the offensive ahead of schedule. Then…’

“Junior~? Are you still looking for materials? It’s almost time for the library to close~.”


I came to my senses after hearing the words of Marksty, who spoke to me outside the door of the data room, and looked out the window to see that the red sunset had long ago disappeared and only black darkness was visible.

“Huh~huh~? It’s time for me to get off work~?”

“Oh, sorry! I’ll leave right away!”

At Senior Mask T’s urging, I quickly put the book I was holding in my hands on the bookshelf and walked out of the data room.


“Hmm, how dare you make your senior wait!”

“hahahaha, sorry, senior.”

“Still, I’m proud of my junior who studies hard, so I’ll buy him a special late-night snack! Let him be thankful for his mercy!”

“Well, as a junior, I can’t waste my senior’s mercy. Then, I’ll be grateful this time. Next time, I’ll buy it myself.”



Two people disappearing across the hallway while talking.


As the last sign of popularity disappeared, silence fell inside the data room.


The magic contained in one book was quickly disappearing.

As if his work was completely finished with this.

And some time later.

All that was left there was an ordinary book that did not have any magical power.

I Possessed It Instead of My Younger Sibling

I Possessed It Instead of My Younger Sibling

동생 대신 빙의 해버렸다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I ended up possessing the game my younger sibling had been immersed in for 5 years… …But, it seems I have talent?I ended up possessing the game my younger sibling had been immersed in for 5 years… …But, it seems I have talent?


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not work with dark mode