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I Possessed an Academy Without a Protagonist Chapter 13

Episode 13. Emilia (4)

“What are you doing now?”


Emilia stared at him with a cold gaze.

It was only then that I realized that I was holding her wrist too tightly and let go of it.

Emilia rubbed her bare wrists and continued to stare at me.

········ That’s acting like you’re angry, isn’t it?

“Mr. Emilia. Where does the water come from?”

“In the back well.”

“It seems that the water source is polluted.”


After the black tea, even the water was contaminated with paralytic poison.

If that is the case, there is a high probability that the water source is contaminated.

I left the mansion behind Emilia, who put the cup down with a bewildered expression.

Perhaps the back well is…

‘That’s it.’

You’re talking about the one in the dormitory single room site.

I walked to the small well and looked into it.

From the outside, it looked like a well with clear spring water gushing out of nothing wrong with it.

But if you write a lookup…



[Status: Poison]

[Description: You can drink the water from this place without additional purification. Contaminated with lethal paralytic poison. It seems it will take more than a year to purify naturally.]

“I knew it.”

As expected, the well was poisoned.

Seeing what she was trying to drink without knowing, it wasn’t Emilia’s fault.

If Emilia was trying to kill me, all I had to do was drink it in a cup, because there’s no need to pollute the water source.

So who did this?

“Mr. Heinkel.”

“Oh, yes.”

“How did you know that the water source was polluted?”

“That’s it….”

how can i explain

I don’t want to be found out that I have a fraudulent ability like ‘inquiry’.

“I have a good sense of smell.”

“You mean the sense of smell…?”

This is a bit silly.

No matter how good the sense of smell is, there is no one in the world who can tell the smell of poison.

Drug detection dogs can’t do that, dude.

“Um. That’s right.”

But Emilia nodded her head and agreed.

Come to think of it, the Kingdom Intelligence Bureau was a place where only post-human level superhumans gathered…

Do you think that, since you are more accustomed to such superhumans, you are likely to have a sense of smell that detects poison?

I’m glad I don’t have to lose my ability once.

“As Heinkel said, it must have been poisoned.”


When I turned around, Emilia was squatting with a glass of water.

A frog was lying in front of her, convulsing.

“I drank a few drops and I died.”


It’s a character I made, but it’s like a psychopath.

Should I have checked it out?

“I will report this to the school. Until the well is cleaned, let’s drink water from another source.”

“all right.”

It’s a pretty serious matter.

They’re going to try to assassinate the head of the first year before the start of the class.

Even in the original story, there are few forces that are willing to do something radical like this from the very beginning.

Did you not like the fact that a commoner became the chief?

The culprit was probably one of the noble families…

Which one?

Liechtenburg? Byrne? plechet? If not, a lower aristocratic family?

‘I don’t know.’

There are too few clues for now.

There is almost no way to find out on my own, so I can’t do much.

For now, I just have to let it go.

“Mr. Emilia.”


“I’m going out from now on, would you like to join me?”

“Yes? No. While you’re out, I’ll stay and do the housework.”

“Don’t do that, follow me. It’s because I need a companion.”

“Ah… Then we will be together without hesitation.”

The assassination attempt didn’t just target me.

Contaminating Suwon means that he intends to kill Emilia as well.

So, it is dangerous to leave Emilia alone in the mansion.

If they find out that Operation Poison has failed, there may be additional assassination attempts.

Recognizing the intention, Emilia obeyed my words without further utterance.


“What? Someone poisoned the well?!”

When I reported on the incident, a middle-aged man who was in a hurry came out and made a fuss.

Sergei von Freud.

He is a retired five-star general who came from a foreign nation on the outskirts, but proved his ability in the war and even received the title of marquis.

Despite the military’s reluctance to retire, he is now teaching combat magic at the Imperial University.

“I didn’t say that. I just said that the well was poisoned.”

“Isn’t that what it is?”


You have to be careful here.

Under the circumstances, it is certain that someone poisoned it intentionally, but you shouldn’t say that.

If the culprit is from a powerful family, the case will be over, and I will be exposed to media play about witch-hunting a nobleman to find a culprit that I do not even exist.

“Well, first of all, I understand. The Imperial University Investigation Department wants to conduct an investigation by itself without notifying the Imperial Police, is that okay?”

“Yes. No problem.”

Sergei’s troubled expression softened slightly.

Still, I don’t want to give up any more noise than this while all kinds of gossip is being produced because of the high school students of the common people.

The Imperial University Investigation Department is fair enough and capable enough to slap the Imperial Police three times in the face, so there is no need to worry.

I’m pretty sure I set it up like that.

“I’m sorry for causing such an unfortunate thing to happen. This is a clear boundary failure of Imperial University.”

“No. How would you constantly monitor all outsiders. I understand.”

“Thanks for your understanding. By the way, hahahahaha! Schlus Heinkel! It’s bigger than you look!”

“100 million.”

Sergei suddenly changed his tone and slapped me on the back.

I don’t think I hit it too hard, but a bang-bang sound resounded and my back straightened out.

If you take it off later, it seems that red marks will remain…

“Yes, thank you.”

“Okay. Are you doing well in college?”

“It hasn’t even started yet.”

“Heh ha ha! That’s right! If you have any difficulties in college, come to me anytime!”

“Yes. I will.”

“I was worried because he was a commoner! He was a smarter guy than I imagined! hahahaha! With this, I don’t need to worry!”

“Ugh. Billion.”

In the end, he was freed only after a few more blows in the back from Sergei.

I would also officially request an investigation to the Investigation Department.

For the time being, Imperial University will place additional guards around the dormitory single rooms, so you can rest assured of being assassinated.

“Is your business over?”

“Yes. But….”

When I came out of the investigation department building, Emilia was waiting in front of me.

However, the attire was the same as that of a maid.

I would have said that I could change my clothes and come.

“What about clothes?”

“I thought this attire would be appropriate because I was going to go out as a monk.”

“It’s not like that, so come and change clothes. In plain clothes.”


“Emilia-san, maybe-“

“Yes. There is no plain clothes.”

driving me crazy.

Are you really going to walk around in maid clothes?

Are you not selling?

Ah… well. It’s a shame in the modern world, but it’s normal here.

There’s nothing really wrong with it, but I’m embarrassed for nothing.

“I’ll buy you a pair of clothes. When you go out in the future, please wear plain clothes.”

“Yes? Then from my salary-“

“It’s not from salary. If you’re the senior’s attendant, you might be a target, so I’m buying it so it’s hard to be identified from the outside.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Emilia nodded her head, seemingly convinced after giving an excuse.

The money to buy clothes should be 1000 Tyrion.

To be honest, the cost of living is getting tighter, but if you save even from now on, there will be no problem.

Because food in this world is cheap.

Emilia also cooks for every meal, so there is no need to eat out, so you can save a lot of money on food.


After leaving school, I stopped by a clothing store.

I had a desperate sense of how to look at clothes, so I made them look at Emilia and choose.

It seemed a bit passive because of the burdensome price, so she just grinned and chose clothes that she had never touched.

When I tried it on, my mouth murmured that it was too expensive, but my face brightened up, so I bought it.

All of this was probably acting to induce me to buy expensive clothes.

Because the lead is meticulous.

“I… that….”


“Thank you. I’ll wear it well.”

Emilia, who came out of the clothing store, hesitated and looked back.

With both cheeks blushing, Emilia was restless and lowered her head slightly.

Wow. There is no man who will not shake this.

Not all of this is acting.

Apparently, among the orders given to Emilia by the Intelligence Bureau, the beautiful woman was also included.

Still, it’s a character I made, so I feel like my child, so I don’t think that way at all.

“My legs hurt. Shall we go to a cafe?”

“Yes. I will follow you.”

The place we’re heading to from now on is the real destination for today’s outing.

There are many reasons for coming to this far-off clothing store.

To enter naturally, using the excuse of stopping by because of leg pain.

I looked around, pretending to see if there were any cafes, and went inside the alley.

All of a sudden, we left the new town of the archipelago and came to the old town full of winding alleys and old buildings.

The vines that completely cover the wall.

Sunlight shining through the cracks in the building.

It was really just the scenery I imagined when I was writing this.

Even though it was a place I had never been to, my feet moved freely.

It’s like a road you’ve been to many times before.

After a short walk, we came to a small shop in a narrow alley.

It was a semi-basement and there was no signboard, so at first glance, it was a shop that could not be imagined as a cafe at all.

“Is this cafe right?”

“Well. Let’s go inside.”

“It may be a dangerous place. It’s better not to go in….”

Emilia was worried about it, so she was arguing from behind.

It seemed that the voice was quite urgent this time, not the acting.

It deserves it.

Emilia would never want to bring me here.

Because this is one of the secret bases of the Kingdom Intelligence Agency.

“It’s a cafe.”


When the door opened, the scene of the old-fashioned cafe was revealed.

At first glance, it may look like a bar, but it is not wrong.

This place changes right away at night.

“sit down please.”

“Yes? But I-“

“Let’s have a drink. I’ll buy you.”

“No. As a body of a monk-“

“It’s because I’m uncomfortable. Sit down, please.”

“all right.”

Emilia was standing behind me with her hands clasped, so she sat down next to me.

I’ve never had a crush on anyone in my life, so that kind of attitude is very burdensome.

“How would you like to place an order?”

“A cup of Darjeeling tea.”

“I’d like a cup of Earl Gray, please.”

The Master put the glass in the cupboard and stood across from us.

This middle-aged man with a mustache is named Eric Faust.

He is the head of the Trud Kingdom Intelligence Bureau.

It is in charge of operating this base under the guise of a cafe and bar.

“Wait a minute.”

Eric left without making eye contact with Emilia.

It was a performance that would have been thought of as strangers if it were any other person.

Emilia, too, was sitting calmly without any signs of anxiety.

I’m sitting here pretending I don’t know anything, but in fact, it’s an incredibly dangerous situation.

It’s like crawling into the headquarters of the spy agency.

Both of them can kill me whenever they want.

This cafe is surrounded by a high-power barrier, so no one will hear my screams.

Even so, you can rest assured that there is still no reason for the intelligence service to kill me.

till now.

“The two cups of tea you ordered here came out.”

“thank you.”

“Are you a student at Imperial University?”

“Yes. That’s right. How did you know?”

“You can tell by looking at the uniform.”

“hahahahaha…. That’s right.”

“what is your name?”

“This is Schlus Heinkel.”

“Schlus Heinkel…. Oh! Are you sure you’re that senior student?”

“hahahaha. That’s right.”

Eric pretended to be surprised.

You must have known it was Schlus Heinkel from the moment I entered the cafe.

“Hey. I see all the celebrities.”

“I’m not famous.”

“He’s a celebrity. All the media is uproar right now.”

“hahahaha, right. I’m going to die of tiredness because of that. I even got an assassination attempt today.”

“An assassination attempt? Can you elaborate on that?”

“That’s it. This morning…”

Eric skillfully derived information from me.

Anyway, the story of today’s assassination attempt will soon be known through Emilia, so I left it as it is.

I have to make it clear that I am a hogu who spreads information.

That way, you’ll be excluded from assassination targets by the intelligence agency.

“That’s right. It must have been a big deal.”

“That’s right. Whoa. We’ll be back soon, Emilia-san. By now the well has been cleaned up and guards have been deployed around the mansion.”

“all right.”

“Master. The tea tasted good. I think I will come here often.”

“Thank you. We look forward to your next visit.”

After sharing light greetings, I left the cafe with Emilia.

When I went up the stairs and came out, the sun was setting slowly.

The current world is already very different from the original.

First, the main character, Hurt Locker, failed to infiltrate the Imperial University, and Iskandal was attacked and killed.

Based on circumstantial evidence alone, it would appear that the imperial counterintelligence agency is tracking the spy agency.

That said, there is a good chance that the intelligence service will be intimidated and withdraw from the existing base.

So, I purposely came here and hinted that I would come here often.

The intelligence service cannot simply give up on Hogu, which is the most important surveillance target and spreads information.

So, even if we take some risks, we will choose the option of maintaining this base.

I induced it.

If the intelligence service moves all bases, I will never be able to track them down.

So I induced them to move within the range that does not change from the original as much as possible.

So if I can, I can raid them at any time.

So that they can be wiped out as soon as they cause terrorism that crosses the line.

And the protagonist is no exception.

Named all of this world and the main character. It’s funny to start weighing the two, but if I had to choose, I would mercilessly throw the main character away.

If I had to choose between the Empire and the Kingdom, I would destroy the Kingdom without hesitation.

So, I just pray earnestly that the main character and the spy agency do not cross the line.

I Possessed an Academy Without a Protagonist

I Possessed an Academy Without a Protagonist

주인공 없는 아카데미에 빙의했다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
a war hero It is a modifier for the main character of the novel I wrote. Now we have to catch him and kill him.


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not work with dark mode