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I Picked Up a Witch With Amnesia Chapter 83

10. What Happened One Night – 01

Thus, the long winter that surrounded Bianca del Castana came to an end. For the past 30 years, she has been freed from all the chains that have bound her, and she has been able to get a milestone to accompany her in the long journey of her future life.

– …You really are a wild girl. Bianca. Don’t you know what other people might say to you?

The boy looked at Bianca with an expression of astonishment. Just a moment ago, he threw a very slight murder at the little boys who looked at the girl with disdain, and chased them away. The first was because he was talking to the boy and was interrupted, and the second was because he did not want gossip about him to fall into his ears.

Boys were special to girls. He was the only one who was not frightened when he saw himself, the only one who reached out to him first, and the only one who called him a ‘friend’. In front of the boy, I wanted to remain as a woman.

…And, at the same time, it was scary. Just now, I wonder if my hand was too much. If anything, the fear that even the boy is ignoring himself strikes in his head.

– Well, I can’t help it. If other people say something to you, I’ll say something for you. Even if you look at it like this, since I’m the heir to the duke’s family, most people won’t do anything to me, right?

The girl felt warmth when she saw the boy staring into the distance to hide his shyness.


Bianca del Castana was walking around the flower garden behind the Estel duchy. Her steps were just leisurely. The amount of time I could spend with him in the future was limitless. So there was no need to rush. At this moment, for the first time in her life, she was enjoying lightness and freedom.

The Duchy of Estel was a very peaceful place. To a woman named Bianca, the place called Estelle’s place gave her a sense of security that went beyond returning to her hometown.

…to be honest, it wasn’t a very nice place to live. The weather was quite grim, and farming did not go smoothly, so the entire territory was not very energetic. Compared to the Marquis of Castana, this place was truly an impoverished territory.

Instead, the Estel duchy had things that the stark Castana marquis didn’t have. There was public sentiment here, it was full of liveliness, and it was easy to find the sight of people of high status from dukes conversing with people of lower status without any fault.

Even though they may not be materially rich, the people who live here feel a certain kind of affection that cannot be found anywhere else. Having grown up in a place with this kind of climate, he must have come to have that kind of warmth as well.

A warm wind blows past her. You realize that something is in your hair. When I took it off, it was a pink petal. Before I knew it, the world had become a full-blown spring.

– …Can I put this down? i have to go now my father called me Now, I guess it’s time to go back.

The time has come to say goodbye to the boy. That’s why I didn’t want to let go of his collar. Before coming here, the girl’s ‘father’ said this. Now that he has made his face known enough to the other nobles, ‘education’ will begin if he returns to the Castana marquis family. Perhaps this will be our last outing.

The ‘education’ the Marquis refers to was a time filled with pain even for Bianca, who could easily accept any amount of pain. The pain of being forcibly injected with magic all over the body was not something a human could easily endure.

…But to Bianca, the sadness of parting with the boy was greater than the pain. Perhaps, this would be the last meeting with him. Just that fact, it just hurt so much.

– …wait a minute.

The boy left the girl and disappeared somewhere, then reappeared with a small accessory in his hand.

It was an earring. Poorly made cheap earrings that can be found anywhere in the world. The boy held out the earring to her and spoke in a slightly embarrassed tone.

– It’s a gift. My father said it, but he said that it would be inconsiderate to become a man and send a woman away without a gift.

For the first time in my life, it was a gift from someone. It was a gift purely for her, without any gain or loss. Towards the girl who was looking at the boy with blank eyes for some reason, the boy stroked the girl’s hair once.

– If you become an adult and have nowhere to go, it’s okay to come to Estelle’s family. The Duke’s family lacks competent wizards. If you come, I will always welcome you.

The boy had no idea what the hell he was talking about. However, only one thing was known. Even if you are like this, you deserve to be able to settle somewhere in the world. That someone needs you.

After that day, the girl wanted to become an adult as soon as possible. While holding the earring she received from someone tightly in her hand.

The short memories she had with him were repeated crackling nonstop throughout her life.

…After that, 30 years have passed. A lot of time has passed, and a lot of things have happened. There were many misunderstandings and many conflicts. There were times when the road that was in a straight line took a long way back.

But in the end, she was able to settle into the nest where she was supposed to be. After a long journey, it was finally possible to keep the promise at that time. That was the only rest given to her in this world.


I caress the hyacinth blooming in the flower bed. This was the flower I had seen with him the first time I had seen him since returning to the past. At the end of spring, the last bud blooming was so beautiful.

Gently caressing Hyacinth, Bianca thought. Even if you are like this, do you really deserve to be by his side?

Bianca didn’t want to be a nuisance to him anymore. I wanted to stand proudly by his side and share the credits and errors with him equally. Arya, just as the girl devoted herself to him, she also wanted to be of help to him.

That’s why, instead of catching him leaving for the Duke of Decaraznan, Bianca quietly remained here. In my heart, I wanted to tear apart Arya, who was following him like a puppy, and follow him, but there was something she could do in Estelle’s family, so I decided to exercise patience this time.

In addition, Bianca was scheduled to stop by the Marquis of Castana sooner or later. Quite a bit of time had elapsed since I went outside without receiving any ‘permission’ from those humans. It must be obvious what kind of expressions the filthy old people of the main family, including his ‘father’, would be making by now.

Perhaps, the former head of the family, who could be said to be the only one on her side in the Castana marquis family, would have defended her, but that must have reached its limit now. Sooner or later, an unfortunate event may occur that the armed forces of the Marquis of Castana, the Black Winds, are visiting the Duke of Estel in search of their whereabouts.

Bianca had no intention of condoning the sight of the people of the Marquis of Castana crawling into the Estel duchy with dirty feet. In my heart, I wanted to annihilate all the humans of the Marquis of Castana, but unfortunately, considering the winter that might come 10 years later, each mage was a valuable manpower. It was not yet time to kill him.

decided. will do to keep them alive. And, I will have a ‘conversation’ with them. No matter where you go and what you do, you will ‘persuade’ them from any further interference.

In Bianca’s mind, the option that they didn’t listen to her desperate request didn’t exist in the first place. The moment they rejected his words, he was thinking of making a pretty crater in the front yard of the Marquis of Castana. Originally, if you put a knife in your mouth and try to negotiate, any reasonable request would be accepted-

“Oh, Bianca. You were in a place like this.”

“…Ah, Carol.”

But the next moment, when Bianca heard a voice calling her from behind, her bleak expression as a wizard vanished in an instant. And instead, the person standing in this place was Bianca del Castana, the elegant young lady of the Castana marquis family with a thousand-year history.

“Huh, I’m afraid this old man might be interfering with Bianca’s thoughts.”

“Can that be? When I was also very alone, when Carol talked to me like this, my heart was at ease.”

When Bianca smiled and gave such a friendly answer, admiration crossed Carol’s face. According to what he heard, Bianca del Castana was a typical lady from a prestigious family, born so noble that she couldn’t even get a drop of water on her hands, and possessed such a transcendent talent that she reached the level of an archmage at the age of 18. I didn’t understand at all whether it was possible to have a beautiful heart for the . How could there be such a perfect woman in the world?

“As expected, Bianca-sama has a noble character as much as her outstanding appearance. Indeed, you must be someone who can be called a model for wizards.”

Carol just stared at Bianca with a warm smile unbeknownst to herself. For him, who had remained in the position of a low-level wizard all his life, Bianca, who reached the level of a high wizard at a young age, could not help but be an object of awe.

Jealousy didn’t even come out in the first place. There must be a considerable difference in level for something like jealousy to happen. To him, who had already passed the golden age of his life and entered the twilight, the image of a pioneer looking beyond his own research and looking at the wisdom beyond it was just cute.

However, if there was one thing she didn’t like, it was the fact that this beautiful and sincere young lady adored her little duke, who did not have the slightest hint of slander against her elders. The way he blushed and quickly turned his head when the story of the Duke of Sox came up, was like the example of a female adoptive family.

‘…It’s not a bad thing.’

Carol had seen the little duke for a very long time. Although he lacked so much respect for his elders, the little duke must have been a decent man in his own way. I just wonder if it’s a little too much for the Duke to have a perfect woman like Bianca by his side.

And besides that, there was one more thing Carol needed to pay attention to.

‘Aria, what will become of that child?’

Carol realized that Arya was greedily seeking a seat next to the duke because of the age and insight unique to an old man. No, I couldn’t pretend I didn’t know. How could he not know when he acted so blatantly?

Of course, Arya was a proud disciple who inherited everything from him and wouldn’t hurt even if you put it in her eyes, but even with those eyes covered with pods, Arya’s behavior was appalling. The act of sneaking into his room and not coming out for several hours, taking advantage of the gap when the Duke went out to see his daily routine, was indeed a nobleman.

‘…No, why are you picking up the hair that the Little Duke shed?’

I didn’t want to know, nor did I want to imagine what Arya would be using his hair for. He just prayed that his beloved disciple would not use the magic he had taught him for strange things.

…But at the same time, such an action could not be proof that Arya loved the little duke that much. It’s not because she’s her disciple, but honestly, isn’t Arya enough qualified to occupy the seat next to the Duke?

Of course, her background is a bit of a hindrance, but if Arya rises to the level of an archmage in the future, there is a good chance that she will receive a title from the imperial family, so it won’t be a big problem-

Hey, I’m not the person involved, so all these thoughts are useless. Even if you do this and that, isn’t it all a matter for the little duke to take care of himself?

Putting aside such trivial issues, Carol and Bianca started talking about various things. From stories related to magic, a common topic between the two of them, to stories about the world, since they are both wizards, there was a lot of communication going on.

While they were chatting for a while, Bianca asked Carol a question as if she had just remembered.

“Ah, Carol. If it’s not rude, can I ask you something?”

“Heh heh, I’ll answer anything this old man can answer.”

When Carol’s permission was granted, Bianca asked him a question with twinkling eyes.

“I wonder if Carol taught Arya the Focused Substitution Spell?”

remember During her bloody battle with Arya, she used a technique called two-synthesis, which created a new magic after fusing lightning and ice magic that could never be mixed in one place.

It was an astonishing skill even for Bianca, who had reached the level of a great wizard. It’s not enough to bring together the opposite elements in one place, and naturally sublimate him to a higher level of magic! In the current state of magic, that was absolutely impossible. It was unreasonable for even Bianca to follow what Arya had done.

“Are you talking about house magic?”

Carol only shook her head with an attitude of not knowing why.

“Hmmm, the only thing I taught Arya was toma fusion, which minimizes the backlash caused by the union of magical powers. Well, since he’s such a genius, wouldn’t he have developed it himself?”

Carol thought of Arya’s genius and dismissed him as insignificant, but Bianca could never dismiss him lightly. Not only the two-synthetic synthesis, but the fusion ceremony where she wore magic all over her body and walked around the battlefield, everything Arya used was somehow familiar. It was not easy to understand why he felt familiar with Aria’s magic.

Something was strange. Even if Arya is a genius, how could she be the only one who knew a spell that no magician at this point knew? Even with that perfection enough to put it into practice?

Originally, creating something out of nothing is an extremely difficult process, and knowledge and wisdom are bound to develop through numerous trials and errors. In that sense, this was a very strange thing.

It was certain. Aria, that girl, was hiding something secret. That too, a very big secret.

I Picked Up a Witch With Amnesia

I Picked Up a Witch With Amnesia

기억상실에 걸린 마녀를 주워버렸다
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
A ‘witch’ who brought winter to the entire continent. After many twists and turns, the moment he subdued the witch, he returned to the past 10 years ago. With a witch with amnesia.


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not work with dark mode