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I Picked Up a Witch With Amnesia Chapter 187

17. Goddess Aria – 05


A huge heat wave rages everywhere. The forest, which was cut in two by the light, did not lose its own light, and the vibrations of the atmosphere from the explosion heated up everything around it. Our surroundings were already taking the shape of a crater at the end of a depression like the center of an explosion.

It was only the result of the collision between the arrow Kyrie fired at us and my sword, which was fired with all my might to counter it. Yes. This must have been a very simple story. It was a simple story that the arrow Kyrie shot had that much power.


I was careless. What caught my attention was that, no matter how fast and powerful it was, I was under the illusion that what Kyrie fired was nothing more than an ‘arrow’. It wasn’t like Bianca shooting powerful destructive magic, nor like Iris, throwing out a sword with a powerful aura.

I’ll admit that the arrow’s speed and destructive power are unusual, but in other words, that’s all. Basically, a long-range attack has the weakness of having to set a target in advance and fire a projectile before attacking. There is no need to foolishly collide head-on with the enemy’s arrows.

The arrow that was fired earlier was an arrow that attacked us unknowingly, so we received the attack from the front, but now we are aware that Kyrie is trying to snip at us. Then it must have meant that the arrow she shot could be let go with minimal force. No matter how strong the sniper is, there is a limit to the power of the arrow fired.

After buying time like that, if Bianca detects the sniper’s location, he will continue to advance with her help and fight Kyrie in close combat.

…But, to begin with, it was just my delusion. Common sense possessed by all archers in the world did not work for Kyrie.

After the second blow was fired from Kyrie, I was acutely aware of how arrogant I had been in an illusion.

That’s because the second blow she unleashed attacked us with a speed far exceeding the speed of sound and a power exceeding that of a ship from before, as if claiming that the earlier one was nothing more than a greeting.

“Damn it…!”

He involuntarily turned his head to look at Bianca, who was sitting on the floor, but she was still concentrating with her eyes closed. only laughter comes out Could it be that thirty seconds have not yet passed? Judging by the experience, it seems like 5 minutes have passed.

Besides, the problem is not only that. The tension and pressure of not knowing when and where sniping might strike silently. The anxiety of not knowing if I would be able to respond to the sniping that flew at a speed far beyond the speed of sound was eating away at my mental power every moment.

Another problem was that it was located in the middle of a dense forest. If it were an open field, we would have easily noticed the sniper attacking us, but in this place where the field of view is limited by the huge trees, it is impossible to detect the sniper crossing the supersonic speed in advance-

It was then. The third hit flew through the air without any sound. I was able to recognize the light bullet that was flying toward us only a second before it hit me directly.


A super-speedy arrow that cannot even be recognized with the naked eye. It is impossible to shed it. After concentrating the aura as much as possible on the sword body, read the vibration of the atmosphere through the ‘flowing star’ and place the sword on the path of the arrow!


Sword and arrow collide once again. In the aftermath of the collision, the surrounding air and trees shuddered and vibrated. It was close. Kyrie’s sniping was barely blocked. However, at the same time, the remaining destructive power was thoroughly devastating the surroundings because the power was not completely drained.


Dangerous. This is really dangerous. Kyrie’s arrows were getting stronger and faster each time they were fired at us. I don’t know if I’m injecting magic into my arrows, receiving help from spirits, or maybe I didn’t fully demonstrate my skills from the start, but at this rate, the only fate awaiting us is defeat.

I managed to block the 3 shots she fired, but at the same time, that was my limit. To be honest, if the 4th attack that I was going to attack this time was faster than this and had more destructive power, I had no confidence to completely block it. Even if you can successfully defend yourself, your physical condition will never be fine.

In other words. The odds of winning against the sniping she fired were simply non-existent. If I wanted to defeat her, I had to devise another way.

…but by what means?

The enemy is sniping at us from a distance of at least 3km. Of course, even Kyrie couldn’t fire an arrow with this much power infinitely, but this side is already close to the limit. Aren’t we not even able to determine the location of the sniper in the first place?


Is it just my misunderstanding? It sounded like the sound of a bow string being pulled to its maximum. It seemed as if I could see the figure of an archer concentrating his life on us in a place far beyond the limits of my field of vision.

It reminds the clock that exists in the body once again. At this moment, 10 seconds had elapsed since the blow that had just been fired. If so, is the current arrow still hanging on the protest? Or is it flying across the atmosphere to break us into pieces right now?

The hand holding the sword trembled, whether it was the aftermath of the repeated clashes or the tension. Beads of sweat dripped from my forehead and over my right eye, probably because she had bounced her arrows three times in a row. Unknowingly, he raised his left hand and stole drops of sweat.


The next moment, a flash of light that far surpassed the power of the previous sniping exploded right in front of me. Even though he knew full well that he would die at this rate, his body stiffened for an instant. late. It was my defeat, knowing full well that if I let go of tension even for a moment, I would lose, but in the end, I voluntarily released my defenses.

…No, at this rate, it was going to end with my defeat.


Directly in front of the flash of light attacking me, ultra-high-heat white flame cut in front of me as if to protect me. The power of the two emitted lights is completely equal. The two lights constantly emit light as if each claiming their superiority.

In other words, it is a battle between spear and hammer. In terms of destructive power alone, it could be said that the white flame had the upper hand, but in terms of penetrating power to pierce humans, the flash of light had the upper hand.

Two lights crashing violently in midair. The two of them repeatedly antagonized against each other in order to fulfill the purpose for which they were launched.

Soon, it melted into thin air without a trace.


Looking to the side, there was a figure of Bianca with sweat dripping from the pores of her body. Less than a second before the 4th hit hit me directly. It must have been the aftermath of temporarily pushing the magic power of her body to the limit to protect me by casting the most powerful magic she could use in that short time, ‘Sigh of the White Flame’.

“…Stupid, why the hell do you do such a pathetic thing to lose your nerves in front of the enemy?”

There was some strength in Bianca’s voice as she said that. I decided not to mention the fact that there was sweat or tears in her eyes as she looked at me.

“By the way, I checked the enemy’s location. The direction is northeast as you said. The distance is about 5km from here. From the top of a huge tree that looks at least 20 meters high, Kirie is poised and sniping at us. Normally, it’s an incredibly long-range sniping, but I’m guessing that she’s currently receiving help from the spirits as well as being backed up by the World Tree, making that level of interception possible.”


Laughter ensues. It’s good to say that it’s 5 km, isn’t it a long distance that you can’t even identify if you’re standing there, let alone sniping a human if it’s normal. To be able to snipe with this level of precision at that distance and in an intense state. Apparently, the woman named Kyrie must have been a monster far beyond my expectations.

“Do you have the confidence to block her sniping, just like how you blocked Kyrie’s arrows just now?”

“…that’s unreasonable. Certainly, I can block the sniping she shoots, but I don’t have the same reaction speed as you. I was lucky enough to stop her sniping just now, but I think it’s a gamble to hope for such a fluke to happen again.”

“How do you approach the sniper with the magic barrier wrapped around your body like when you were fighting Arya?”

“It’s not a bad way, but the enemy is receiving backup from the World Tree. With enough time, she can snipe ten times stronger than she is now. In all likelihood, my magic will run out before I even reach her.”

“Then, among the magic you can use right now, is there any magic that can reach Kyrie? Is it possible to snipe Kyrie from this side?”

“Of course not. But my magic isn’t as fast as Kyrie’s sniping. If the destructive power to hit her is included, at most two or three times the speed of sound? At that speed, Kyrie will be able to evade the magic before it even reaches the target, so in the end it’s meaningless.”


It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Bianca, who is always confident, speak so weakly at me. All of this and that is impossible. He said, don’t make the mistake of dealing with elves in the middle of the forest. It is only now that I realize how reckless it was to deal with the elf, the guardian of the world tree, right in front of the world tree.

Is there any good way? At this point, it would be impossible to win a decision victory against Kyrie even with the combined efforts of the two of us. The most standard way to deal with a sniper is probably close-range combat, but the distance between Kyrie and us is a whopping 5km. Hasty advances to become a sniper with eyes that can check our condition in detail only makes her a good prey.

It is impossible to put up a solid shield against sniping, and conversely, it is impossible to snip her from this side.

Then, the most effective method we can use in this situation is none other than-

“Bianca, I just had a great idea.”

“what is that?”


To prepare for any unexpected situation, I whisper the ‘idea’ into Bianca’s ear. The more I speak, the more Bianca’s face changes strangely, and when I’m done, she snaps and contorts her own face.

“Are you crazy? How the hell did you come up with such a crazy idea? Never. that’s too dangerous You haven’t even had a wedding yet, so you’re already thinking of making me a widow?”

“But there is no other way. And above all, we have no time. Sooner or later, a sniping shot will be fired from Kyrie again. You know very well that we can’t win in the end if we focus only on defense like this, right? Even if we retreat here and then prepare our posture, there is no way to defeat her. Then, I don’t think it’s bad to gamble here.”

As I said that, as I pointed to the white snowstorm floating in the air, Bianca bit her lower lip. Apparently, she also made up her own mind.

“…Bad child. If anything goes wrong with you, I will really kill you. I will definitely kill both you and Kyrie.”

Bianca, who was staring at me fiercely, started preparing to cast her magic while looking to the northeast where Kyrie was standing. It wasn’t magic to defend against Kyrie’s sniping, like before. Rather, it was a preliminary preparation for the attack, to attack her from this side.

At the same time, I also raise my sword and concentrate my mind as much as possible. This time he had no intention of making the same stupid mistake as before. Think of your mind as something sharpened to the point of a needle. Opportunity is only once. Don’t even think about retrying. Constantly remind yourself that if Kyriera doesn’t overcome the obstacle here, the chance to rescue Arya will no longer exist.


In an instant, I felt it. In a few seconds from now, Kyrie’s sniping shot at me was either good or bad.

The fact that it would be the final sniping that would determine the outcome of victory or defeat.

I Picked Up a Witch With Amnesia

I Picked Up a Witch With Amnesia

기억상실에 걸린 마녀를 주워버렸다
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
A ‘witch’ who brought winter to the entire continent. After many twists and turns, the moment he subdued the witch, he returned to the past 10 years ago. With a witch with amnesia.


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not work with dark mode