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I Only Play Villains Chapter 148

Graduate School of Reality and Drama (4)

The KSTAR driving team leader couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed.

‘Breaking through the Coulomb barrier and causing nuclear fusion using only that much energy? This makes no sense. It’s impossible.’

KSTAR is a device that heats particles to super-high temperatures of over 100 million degrees to overcome electrostatic forces and bring atomic nuclei close enough to cause nuclear fusion.

But now nuclear fusion has taken place at temperatures much lower than 100 million degrees.

It would be easier to fly in the sky by driving a regular car.

It was a function that did not exist in KSTAR in the first place. It is functionally impossible.

“The KSTAR measurement system isn’t wrong, right?”

“It can’t be. The generated energy is measured with multiple checks strictly. The measuring system can fail, but then you know something is wrong right away. All is fine.”

The voice of the driving team leader, who answered quickly, was gradually losing power.

The meaning of one’s own answer ultimately means one truth.

“Professor, was it possible that this was a cold fusion experiment from the beginning?”

“Well, I don’t know. This experiment was entirely my student’s.”

“that… … .”

“Jung-kun, can you explain?”

Jeong Seo-hoon calmly looked back at the two and opened his mouth.

“Originally, the main purpose was to check the possibility of causing spin interference by deliberately making complex changes to the heating method… … .”


“In the process, I also kept in mind the possibility that the electromagnetic force that blocks nuclear bonding could be canceled out.”

“Did you also think that there was a possibility of nuclear fusion occurring well below 100 million degrees Celsius?”


The team members, including the driving team leader, were speechless and speechless.

Jeong Seo-hoon unplugged the laptop cable, and someone muttered in vain.

“This is nonsense… … . I’d rather have a pickaxe and drill a hole in the lead… … .”

Jeong Seo-hoon understood their reaction.

What I just said was an almost fitting analogy.

KSTAR was originally a device that had no such purpose or function.

Everything is thanks to the power of the lens, an ultra-microscopic world interference tool that no one but Jeong Seo-hoon knows about.

‘In the hypermicroscopic world, the state of particles and energy changes just by observation.’

The power of the lens made this laboratory itself, including KSTAR, be recognized as a huge camera.

‘Seeing’ a very small particle has already given effect to a state change as the photon collides with it.

In other words, the act of observing in the hypermicroscopic world itself affects the particles.

Seohun Jeong’s act of looking at particles in the ultra-microscopic world through a ‘giant camera’ itself served as a tool to change the state of the particles.

‘If you can accurately calculate the result of the act of observation, you can get the reaction you want in reverse.’

The laptop’s control program is just a minor medium that helps the action.

The real thing was Jeong Seo-hoon’s gaze synchronized with the ultra-microscopic world.

Just as a flower only becomes a flower the moment someone calls out its name, the particles move as he intended the moment Seo-hoon Jeong recognized them through observation.

‘Room temperature nuclear fusion that cannot be reproduced without the power of the lens.’

In Rashid’s world, there will be technology that can interfere with particles without the power of lenses.

It was a secret that I didn’t even know where it was, so I couldn’t reach it.

This is room temperature nuclear fusion, which is absolutely impossible to commercialize.

A bridge that did not exist from the beginning, a horizon that could not be crossed.

The only way to reach it is to go through the power of the lens obtained by Jeong Seo-hun.

‘This is enough for me.’

His goal was not to commercialize cold fusion.

To clearly show humans the existence of the sun, called room temperature nuclear fusion, through photographs.

By doing so, he obtains the authority to approach the comet.

The existence of a camera that captured the sun in pictures is neither necessary nor reasoned to provide.

“Jeong, did you get all the data you want?”

“Yes, Professor.”

“But why don’t we repeat it one more time the day after tomorrow? If possible, with more people watching.”

“All right.”

For academic authority, it is good to have as many people as possible witnesses.

Jeong Seo-hoon nodded meekly.

The moment I was about to leave, the driving team leader hesitantly approached me.

“I… … Can I get your autograph?”

Other members of the team did not hesitate and asked Seo-Hoon Jeong for his autograph.

It must be the desire to commemorate the moment when great history was created.

After Jeong Seo-hoon obediently signed the autograph, he and Lee Se-jong headed to the dorm.

In the car, Sejong Lee was calm.

However, Rashid’s sharp senses were trapped inside, and I could feel the overwhelming emotion of running amok.

“I will call all the big personal connections I can mobilize. Are you confident?”

“Yes, Professor.”

“Are you absolutely sure?”

“That’s right. Everything happened within my prediction range, and the measurement data was not wrong. Before today.”

Jeong Seo-hoon spoke straight into Lee Se-jong’s eyes, full of pride.

“I proved the sun.”

* * *

The shooting went smoothly.

Compared to the first day, Song Jung-woo was a little concerned about KFE’s attitude, which became more kind and cautious.

“Why are people doing this all of a sudden? They treat us with care as if we were some kind of VVIPs.”

“Iknow, right. Until yesterday, I kept repeating every 10 minutes that I had to be careful because this was very expensive, but today everything is free.”

Jung Soo-ryun answered, and Jung-woo Song asked again.

“Soo-ryun, do you know anything? Did Professor Sejong Lee use some strength?”

“I guess so. Seo Hoon and the professor came back quite late yesterday, so maybe they did something about interrupting the filming?”

Jeong Su-ryun diligently set up the equipment and continued.

“Anyway, it’s nice to be treated politely.”

And on the third day, suddenly a lot of vehicles rushed into KFE.

Song Jung-woo rubbed his eyes when he saw countless foreigners entering KFE who had the impression of ‘I’m a scholar’ even at a glance.

“Is there any seminar here today?”

“How about taking a picture of that and using it in a drama? Shall I go ask for forgiveness?”

“Arthur. What if you can’t even speak English?”

Thanks to this, the filming was delayed for a while in some parts, but the filming team focused on the parts that were possible without talking.

“PD-nim, Professor Lee Se-jong is looking for you. Do you want to bring your camera with you?”

“yes? Then you should go quickly.”

Song Jeong-woo threw everything away and prepared a mini-team including the cinematographer, lighting, and microphone.

“Professor, I came because I called to bring my camera.”

“Ah, welcome. Today, Seo Hoon is going to do an experiment in front of great scholars from all over the world, so I was wondering what it would be like to film this and use it in a drama.”

“Ah, would that be okay?”

“Those people gathered over there are scientists who know everything. There are even Nobel laureates.”

“Huh, is that really it? Okay. Then, let’s draw a nice picture.”

“Since I’ve got all the cooperation, I can film as much as I want in a comfortable position. No one will say anything.”

Song Jeong-woo was so moved by that gentle expression like a Buddha.

He diligently set the camera and even captured the heated discussions of the buzzing scientists.

* * *

Lee Sejong kept his word.

He called all the eminent scientists he could assemble from all over the world.

If anything, it would be better to collect and show them all at once.

I can hear everyone exchanging skeptical opinions among themselves, as if in disbelief.

‘Room temperature nuclear fusion. That’s impossible even after 100 years.’

‘In the first place, it’s an experiment that can’t even be attempted with a tokamak-style fusion reactor. What’s the difference between harvesting wheat with a tractor?’

‘Professor Lee Se-jong explained so confidently that he came, but perhaps he made a mistake because he was blinded by his love for his pupil… … .’

‘Let’s see where it goes.’

Everyone is looking at you with disbelief and skepticism.

However, once the experiment is conducted and all the data is shared, the distrust in their eyes will be lifted.

Scientists were able to share KSTAR’s experimental data in real time through their laptops.

It was also allowed to take and analyze the shared data privately.

Jeong Seo-hoon connected his laptop.

The expression of the driving team leader misunderstanding the control program contained in the laptop as a secret weapon is determined.

Experiments began, and Jeong Seo-hun endlessly descended into the ultra-microscopic world.

The particle and the forces surrounding it interfere with what he intended to observe, synchronizing the resulting values he perceives.

The hydrogen that penetrated with a probability of 0.1% to 0.085% went through mutual bonding and finally changed to helium.

Just before the fusion reaction, the temperature inside the tokamak was only in the double digits.

And the temperature rose exactly as much as the amount of heat generated in the fusion process minus the loss.

Unlike the first day, Jeong Seo-hoon did not stop in the middle and continued the experiment until the end.

The fusion probability that reached less than 1% was continuously raised by observing endlessly with the power of the lens.

‘These people gathered here must show a performance that no objections can be presented.’

With all the astonishment heard from the macroscopic world pushed back, Jeong Seo-hoon did not lose concentration and exerted interference with the particles of the ultra-microscopic world.

And finally, when all the hydrogens were extinguished, he finally returned to the macroscopic world.

“Oh, my God. Oh My God… … .”

Pleasant sighs and astonishment pour in from all sides.

They, too, clearly witnessed what just happened through the KSTAR real-time measurement data.

The internal temperature reached double digits just before the fusion reaction.

Additional heat release that cannot be explained otherwise by nuclear fusion.

Helium made by fusion of injected hydrogen.


The sound of someone squatting helplessly is heard.

Song Jeong-woo, who does not know the exact circumstances, just frantically captured these scenes in which the masters of science were astonished, as they were.

“Seo Hoon.”

My father, Jeong Tae-hyun, reminded me a lot of that and approached me.

It was a face that didn’t know what to say without even hugging his son. Even Jeong Seo-hun, the first time he sees his father’s expression.

“really… … That’s great.”

“thank you.”

“no. Really, really, too… … That is amazing. Ha, I thought my son would find a clue to cold fusion.”

“Because it has only been proven. There is a long way to go before commercialization.”

“What kind of obstacle is the long way to go? I now know that the destination exists.”

Since I don’t know at all that the control of the particles was achieved as an act of observation through the power of the lens, I would be comfortable saying that.

Perhaps other scientists’ inner thoughts are not very different.

Oh, it might be easier than you think. do.

‘I’m sorry, father.’

Jeong Seo-hoon apologized inwardly.

How frustrating it would be if we knew that human civilization couldn’t make a way to reach our destination.

Sejong Lee strode forward and held out his hand for a handshake.

It was an attitude toward fellow scholars who were worthy of respect, not toward cherished disciples.

“Congratulations, Dr. Chung.”

Looking straight at Jeong Seo-hoon, not his father, Lee Se-jong said one more time.

“No matter what anyone says, from now on, it’s Dr. Jeong Seo-hoon.”

* * *

It was a grand festival event that marked a milestone in history in the scientific world, but the public passed by without much interest.

<Beautiful Campus> boasted high popularity, drawing an upward curve in viewer ratings, and was chosen as the most talked about drama in Korea.

Overseas broadcasting stations also came to us with money and asked to sell the broadcasting rights.

-The bachelor has published a thesis in Science this time. Is it research related to nuclear fusion?

-Is there anyone who doesn’t know that the bachelor gave a thesis in this episode? You’re not mistaken for a rebroadcast as a main broadcast, are you?

-Yoo Jung-ah was upset because the bachelor submitted a dissertation on nuclear fusion research this week in Science. I deceived myself

-This is a 100% love line engraving. Expected development that Kim Jung-ae will read the thesis later and see the bachelor again

-This rice cake, maybe it implies that Hwang Kun-wook’s detailed research is nuclear fusion?

-If it’s not 100% correct, I’ll go to graduate school next year

-no;;; I’m not talking about drama right now; Hey guys .. hey guys;;;

-Until the ending, Hwang Kun-wook won the Nobel Prize.

<Recommended 283,109 / Disrecognized 525>

I Only Play Villains

I Only Play Villains

빌런만 연기한다
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The memory of a war hero suddenly emerged. Acting, distant life, and success as a villain actor.


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not work with dark mode