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I Killed the Heroine in the Game Chapter 42

07 : I f*ck the haters today as well.

As the blade collides with the giant scissors, sparks fly in the air and the unpleasant sound of metal scraping reverberates.

Just by dividing the sum of the total three times, I was able to estimate how much stronger the red mask was than before through the broken arm.

A collapsing building. A broken arm despite not blocking the attack but letting it pass.

Cracked foot bones from enduring the impact. A double-edged sword with a curved blade, as if signaling that it would be over with just one swing.

A moment when I checked the condition of my body and swallowed my breath.

A large number of scissors appeared in the air to fill my field of view and immediately tried to devour me.

Scissors that were left stained with blood and looked like rust were making noises saying that they could easily cut open a human body, and scars slowly began to form on my body.

I jumped at the red mask faster than the jaws of the scissors closed, and slammed a flying kick into its jaws.

The body of the red mask shook with a thumping sound, but it was only shaking.

He tried to wield a giant pair of scissors like a blade with his long arms as if he was mocking me.

I got a scar on my belly from being hit by that guy the other day.

I gritted my teeth and kicked up the long arm of the red mask, then hit the red mask’s slightly shaken head with a headbutt.

Bagak! The red mask finally stumbles with the sound of bones breaking.

In return, I feel pain and heat running through my head, and dizziness sets in.

There was no such thing as a nightmare for an evil spirit that strengthened itself through prohibition.

If my younger brother had been here instead of me, would he have known in advance that such a monster would appear and prevented it?

If you liked this game and knew it well, you probably wouldn’t have let something like a red mask turn into something like a ghost.

I don’t have the talent to read the air on my own, but if there’s someone struggling in front of me, my younger brother who tries to help will probably intervene more actively than I do.

So I wondered why I, and not my younger brother, had fallen into this world.

Now I didn’t think of anything other than to kiII it in a very strange way.

Is it because the heat in my head didn’t rise and I turned inside out once?

A red mask that has become a ghost grade. That mighty power and huge spiritual power. The information of the specific area that the gnome puts in his mouth to activate the ban.

Looking at this information alone, I don’t think we can win. Now, there is something I learned from this reckless attack.

The red mask is obviously stronger than before. From the size of the spiritual power to the sense of presence.

My body trembles even now while I’m fighting, and the fact that the monster is cracking the floor just by emitting spiritual power is enough to make me wonder if I’m dreaming.

Is it the price of that strength? That guy’s durability has weakened. Even though I didn’t activate the ban, the blood flowing through his head when I hit him is proof.

Why? Is it because of the ban? There must be a reason for the sudden weakness.

Forbidden is a skiII that strengthens oneself by saying what would be one’s weakness.

Although virtual evil spirits such as Red Mask speaking their own rules are obviously a major weakness.

Would it be a weakness for a guy with an A rank who could tear an exorcist to pieces with his bare hands telling his rules?

However, the guy clearly showed a rise in class unique to the activation of the taboo.

My head speaks. Reverse your thinking.

The forbidden revelation is a trap. The red mask has strengthened itself by doing something different now.

Fortification using spiritual power and curses is an equivalent exchange that becomes as strong as the threat to one’s own life.

As a virtual evil spirit that has disappeared as its level has risen, it wields such power by using something more than a weakness.

So, does that reinforcement mean anything other than taking people into their own realm and holding them hostage?

Is that why the lady went to work this morning? How much do the people who collaborated with that know about me? Instead of me-

Stop thinking. There is no time to worry. Now it’s time to wield the sword first.

I smiled fiercely and glared at the red mask. The red mask is congested in red and the blood is ferociously distorted as it looks at me.

“[ Porridge, in- da…… ! I kiIIed you, everything! ]”

“My skiII is to annihilate the spirits. A skiII that can be kiIIed regardless of whether it is a divine spirit, but only activates when you kiII it with your own hands. I kiIIed a god I will kiII you now.”

I felt pain in my ears as the sound of hatred and curses boiling in my bones hit my ears in the form of words.

I also spoke of the murderous intent I wanted to kiII without fail. The sense of strength in my body and swelling in my soul responds to my murderous intent.

Now that its durability has weakened, I threw the blue dragon sword tied to the cloth to see how the red mask reacted to the blue dragon sword.

Let’s throw the blue dragon sword like a whip at such a speed that we are worried that the fabric will not tear.

The red mask kicked off the floor and fled to the building on the other side, showing surprise for the first time.

I ran away. From the reaction of the red mask, I realized how effective the Sesam A-rank casting was against such evil spirits.

If I use the chance to use the blue dragon sword well, I saw the possibility of kiIIing it.

I imagined crushing that head all at once with a thicker smile. Immediately after, I realized that the imagination was a premature delusion.

A huge chunk of concrete is flying at me. No, that’s not a lump of concrete.

The five-story building where the red mask escaped from the blue dragon sword is flying with half pulled out.

That monster is simply pulling up and throwing buildings with brute force!

“Bastard…… !”

The moment I saw the approaching building, my eyes looked around.

“- Oh, it’s an evil spirit! Run away! Demons are fighting over there! What is that hideous- big?!”

As soon as the person screaming at the suddenly appearing red mask expresses that it is hideous, scissors appear from the air and tear off the mouth to death.

Screams spread among people on the street. Those who expressed their feelings after seeing the monster called the Red Mask helplessly die with their mouths torn apart.

Is the red mask responding to that answer one by one like before? I can’t see it, so I don’t know

Continuing civilian casualties, people who may remain in the building. How to stop that.

The result of a brief glance and consideration was simple.

This attack does not kiII the woman who is relatively far away.

But you don’t know how many people down the road will die because of that huge concrete.

I can’t save everyone here.

It’s a dirty feeling, and I’m sorry. Instead, that damned monster definitely dies here. As soon as possible.

After I finished my resolution, that brief moment when a building fell in the air with gravity.

I swept 20,000 won worth of dynamite, prepared for the damage that would come to me.


< Shop Features >

[ Daily Items ] [ Weapons ] ◀ [ SkiIIs ]

● HK45 – KRW 40,000

● P2000 – KRW 30,000

● Dynamite – 20,000 won


< Bundle of 10: 200,000 won. >

< Do you want to buy in bulk? : Y/N >

I took 10 bundles of dynamite out of my bank account and ran forward instead of dodging the flying buildings.

He won’t think that I’m going to die from being run over by this. If so, this is a smoke screen.

The red mask will use this building as a smoke screen to attack me if I’m panicking to avoid this flying building.

As if to prove that my thoughts were correct, I was running towards the building while glaring fiercely at it. And it starts to crack.

A building about to crack with a crackling sound informs me that something powerful is rampaging beyond my sight.

A fleeting moment, as if one second had been divided into hundreds of branches. Cracked wall cracks.

Just before something with the smell of blood that makes you vomit pop out from beyond.

I threw the lit dynamite at what was about to jump out and stopped my running leg.

The bombs bought at this store do damage to evil spirits unlike normal bombs. It deals damage even if it is small to the red mask.

If he shrinks even for a moment with this, I will crush his head with the blue dragon sword.

I glared at the huge flying debris of the building with such a resolution engraved on it. I waited for the bomb to explode, staring at the cracks in the huge concrete block.

“Ah- ugh, Sal…… Ryo… ….”


What appeared with the sound of a quad pole was not a red mask that tried to kiII me by using the flying building as a smoke screen.

It was an unknown civilian whose body had been crushed into a ball.

I prayed for help from those who did not die even in such a miserable situation, but my eyes hurriedly scanned the surroundings.

There is no red mask. There’s no way the monster would miss this opportunity, so where the hell did it go?

As soon as I thought that, the dynamite split and heat ran through my stomach.

Looking down, there was a huge rusty pair of scissors stuck in its side.

It’s dangerous. A sense of danger running down my spine, enough to make me feel cold in my heart. A red mask is standing behind me and smiling.

The blades of the scissors stuck in my side slowly open while overlapping.

The moment when the shadow of death was cast as blood flowed out and pain gnashed one’s teeth.


With a short word, a black shadow shimmers and explodes at the side where the scissors are stuck.

Boom! With a sound, the red mask is pushed away powerlessly. The wounds on my body had healed as if time had gone back.

“What is this…… ?”

From noble mtl dot com

“Have you forgotten me?”

As I was surprised by the sudden situation, Gwi-tae, whom I had completely forgotten about, stood next to me with a sigh.

Oh, and by the way, he was there too. I crumpled her chin, remembering what she had said.

Although it’s a problem that when I get angry, I forget everything I was trying to do and try to kiII the bastard who pissed me off.

I can’t believe I completely forgot about Gwi-tae. Did you completely let go of reason?

If Gwi-tae finds out, the troublesome gold and blue dragon swords pass through her head. It’s already late.

Think of the future later, and for now, all you have to do is kiII that monster as quickly as possible. I rubbed my cheek and took a calm breath.

“Let’s see – I fired it from zero distance and took almost no damage. Did you make scissors to defend yourself in that short moment? It’s a monster. The already dangerous guy has become even more dangerous. So. You. What are you going to do now?”


“Wow. I’m completely blind. You. Are there any people who are important to you among the people caught up in this?”

I quietly looked at the curious tone. It was a protest that I should ask about it at this timing. She said she was just curious and raised her hands.

Her gwitae had a similar relaxed smile on her mouth, but the sweat running down her forehead and her slightly hardened face showed a nervous look in front of the red mask.

I caught my breath at the sight of her, and then she wondered if it would be okay to ask her to be her aunt.

Even if the red mask dies, it will die with it. If I lose, am I not the only one who will die? How to prepare for the worst case scenario.

I said to Gwi-tae, wiping the cold sweat that flowed down the moment the scissors were stuck in her side.

“If I feel like dying. There should be a vegetable store over there, one block away. There is a middle-aged woman with gray hair over there. There’s only one middle-aged woman in a white T-shirt, so you’ll find it easily. Save him and let him escape.”

“…… If I join forces with you, at least one of you could die against that one? If you use me like a meat shield, can you survive?”

“I didn’t give you money, so why risk your life? Little boy If you want to be in danger, go.”

I thought I would be able to overcome that if I joined forces with Gwi-tae to feed the Quest Spear.

What? Sifal is a freaking monster.

I must kiII that one now, but not that kid.

I know he is a dark and bad person in this world, but honestly, after meeting him, what I saw was an adolescent boy who seemed to have lived a dirty life.

Is it a story or a future? I would die here anyway.

I don’t want to kick a rock in my ankle against an adolescent kid and jump into the river. That kind of thing is done by uncles who are after me and my brother’s life insurance money.

So let’s help them live if we can. It’s like doing a good deed before you die.

“You don’t have to help me. Take your life.”

Seeing that the red mask was dragging a pair of scissors that were as long as his two-meter body, he hurriedly rigged her shop to buy her weapon.

As if to hinder him, a huge rock that he had never seen before protruded from the ground.

Okay, that bastard is interfering with me putting my hand in my bank account.

Did he start to be more vigilant after seeing him take out the blue dragon sword and the bomb? I thought about the next move with my body tensed even more.

“…… That’s crazy. Yes i get it You did something and you are more crazy than anyone I’ve ever met.”

“Are you a kid?”

I tried to help a person run away if possible with a good heart, but you say that?

I can’t believe I’m looking at you with an annoyed face. She shouted in a slightly raised voice.

“And did you see that I couldn’t risk my life against something like that? It’s unpleasant. In fact, I can kiII that thing by myself. Do you think I’m going to lose against that dying rag? Did you already figure out what it was doing?”

“[ – You, uh. Are you betraying us? On purpose. Pretend not to know did it- ]”

“Hmm? Were we close enough to use the expression ‘betrayal’?”

Gwi-tae answered with a laugh at the words of the red mask that seemed to have not wanted Gwi-tae to participate in the war.

Gwi-tae spoke calmly, but as if to dispel her fear, her distorted face came into her eyes.

You’re helping me with a face like that? No, the Gwi-tae I saw was not someone who would be swayed by her affection.

Because she’s fast with her profit and loss calculations. She’s here saying she’s fighting means there’s definitely a way to win.

As I watched Gwi-tae, Gwi-tae lightly flicked her hand.

Something like a pitch-black snake came out from under her shadow and devoured her red mask.

Wedge juice! Although she was a snake that flew swiftly through the air. The red mask cut the black snake to pieces too easily.

Then Red Mask swung the giant scissors in his hand and drew them on the floor. The building made of steel and concrete was cut to pieces as if the head were being cut, dropping us to the ground.

People running to avoid collapsing buildings. People screaming and opening their mouths as they see the hideous red mask approaching.

I frowned at the people I couldn’t save and tried to run at them until the floor collapsed.

Before that, because of gravity, Gwi-tae was seen taking a strange posture in a halfway floating state.

With her one hand outstretched, with only her index and middle fingers outstretched and pointing into her air, she murmurs lowly.


In an instant, a huge wall of meat appeared to protect falling people, catching the falling building.

That wall was made up of several evil spirits, forming a wall-like shape.

As an effect in this area, the scissors that appear to those who answered halfway after seeing the appearance of the red mask kiII only the hideous evil spirits surrounding them and disappear.

The evil spirit Gwi-tae handles is cursed and dies instead? Can you catch the collapsing building?

Gwitae, not anyone else, protects people?

Although he is a child of puberty, hatred and anger toward people are evident in his actions and tone of voice. Does such a child protect people?

I looked at her with her suspicious eyes.

Gwi-tae said with a vicious and evil smile that I don’t think he is on the side of justice to protect people.

“Everything you did to bring this person here is a fraud, right? She noticed that when she was throwing building debris a moment ago, she kiIIed the remaining civilians inside the building even with this uncle in front.”

“Even what you said about the exorcist’s taboo is all a lie. The real way to strengthen you is to offer yourself as a living sacrifice, right?”

“Even if you strengthen yourself through restraints, revealing the rules is not a proper weakness for a demon like you. Because you are already strong enough that your weakness doesn’t become your weakness.”

“It’s not like you can’t reinforce it at all, but it’s inefficient. If you don’t recognize it as a weakness, in the worst case, it will only cause weakness. So if you fight, you can run in that state, but-“

“But you were afraid of that man. You thought you would lose. You were so afraid of losing as much as you wanted to kiII him, that’s why you’re so damned that if you can kiII this guy, it doesn’t matter if you die.”

“It’s a curse. Yes. It’s a terrible curse. Even if you die, you still want to kiII this man. However, if you sacrifice yourself and strengthen your strength, you will not be able to fight properly in the end and will perish soon after—”

That’s why you lured me into the middle of town and brought as many people as possible into your own realm.

As evil spirits kiII humans, they become stronger as they become stronger. In other words, if a person is dying, they can maintain their existence.

It’s awful. I was so terribly sorry that I thought you hated me.

I threw the blue dragon sword with a smile as the questions in my head were cleared.

To think that the ban itself might be a trap was correct.

Gwi-tae’s observation eye that found out this is surprising, but the red mask also imitates humans really well.

It’s not enough to lay the groundwork for fraud and bluff as if it’s true, even cheating.

I was properly fooled by the red mask to the point where my face was embarrassing when I thought about it again.

I was scared and made a mistake when they said that the demon level was dangerous. But if a lie like that is caught, the weakness is revealed.

I realized what I had to do now because of Gwi-tae’s words and the fact that she had saved people a while ago, so I shouted.

“All! Evacuate here! It’s okay! I won’t lose! If everyone opens their mouths, they will get hit by him!! Don’t open your mouth!! Never open your mouth!!!”

All I’m going to do is attack the red mask. Gwitae is to protect people.

Let’s shout out loud. The people who were watching the middle of the disaster seemed to recognize the existence of the exorcist, and they trembled and ran away as far as possible.

At least, it was a reaction as if they realized that the way they live here is to follow my words.

Let’s think. To sum up what she said, isn’t it that the red mask will self-destruct if it doesn’t kiII the people who are dragged into its territory?

If this is a fight to endure with evil, poison, and gang after all. Okay. I will definitely win

I deflected or avoided Red Mask’s rampage wielding a giant pair of scissors with the blue dragon sword. I deliberately attacked with my body and ran.

Of course, the red mask responded and tried to kiII me. I fail every time because of the stupidity that assists me from behind.

After a while, they tried to attack the civilians around them as if they were in a hurry.

Gwi-tae summons and deals with various evil spirits that make her eyes dizzy, causing explosions and protecting people, and even that fails.

“I’ll admit it. You have a good head It imitates humans, embarrasses them, and hides itself. It was a ruse that was not like a demon.”

“But that. Isn’t this behavior not befitting the “Purity” Of demons you told me about before? Being a demon, yet resembling a human. Oh, it’s like someone you’ve been ignoring. Right?”

“[ ㅡ hybrid jujuje – eh…… ! ]”

The red mask made a noise, trembling in hatred at her derisive ridicule.

In the past, when I had a premonition of defeat, we were holding on to a certain victory to the point where I was shocked.

I’m holding on to victory, but since we’re fighting against monsters with powers beyond A-class, Gwi-tae and I of course weren’t all right.

The double-edged sword I was using split in half. The body that was healed thanks to Gwi-tae was smashed again.

There are only three intact ribs. My left arm was crumpled like Styrofoam while blocking his fist. Until the blood flowing from the wound soaked the floor.

If you look closely, Gwi-tae’s condition was no different from mine. One of his legs was broken and a bone was protruding, and blood was flowing from his forehead.

Even though I was given the right to use the blue dragon sword once. When will you open a window and hit the permission acceptance button when you don’t have time to take a deep breath?

But fortunately we were holding on. The presence and spiritual power felt from the red mask also diminishes moment by moment. It’s like getting air out of a balloon.

“[ Diarrhea, alas! Even if it’s not me Oh!! Yes- I hated you, everything! I hated you! I want to kiII! I want to kiII you who tore my body apart! Kill! Only you are sure! Certainly!!! aaa!!! ]”

A red mask screaming as if it would break even the soul. I was sure something was coming, so I flew in and kicked him in the head.

Then it cracked all the way from its head to its legs, but the red mask still didn’t fall.

He fashioned an absurdly long pair of scissors over 10 meters in his hand and swung them around.

“What the hell- that kind of power still remains… !?”

Gwi-tae screamed and I also held my breath.

But if it were me, I could avoid this- Alas. If I avoid my body, I will be treated as a noble. With her leg broken, she won’t be able to escape this slash.

After a bit of hesitation, I pulled the string and held the handle of the blue dragon sword in my hand.

Because I didn’t properly use the one-time use right and grabbed it, the electricity splattered and tried to push me away, but I grittedly grabbed the handle of the sword and pushed the slash away.

Kwaduk! The sensation of breaking bones in the body. Blood from wounds and mouth! Burst out And the flesh of the fingers and shoulders scattered into the air.

“Everything, you?!”

“Poem, Sipal!!”

A part of the arm was torn off as if it were being torn apart. Lived I bit my teeth hard and swallowed the pain.

As if not to let go of such a day, the red mask rushed at it with its whole body cracked and collapsing.

“Gaaa-!!! “

Gwi-tae looked at me in bewilderment.

Looking at the red mask that had already lost its temper and rushed at it with its torn mouth wide open like a snake, I grabbed the double-edged sword that had been split in half again.

“Your face is f*cking ugly, did I tell you…… You are f*cking disgusting!!”

I put a knife into the mouth of the red mask as it is. He clenched his fist with his free arm and plunged the knife into the body of the red mask.

Though his red bloodshot eyes stared at me and a pair of scissors formed around his mouth.

Soon after, the red mask’s pupils lost their power and returned. Scissors perish just like that.

The red mask is Kwajik! It collapsed with a sound and lost its shape like ink being released.

It was an empty-handedly simple victory for me and Gwi-tae.

Using blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. I didn’t expect this. Wouldn’t the quest window be more pissed off with this?

I laughed while stopping the bleeding with the cloth left over from tying the blue dragon sword. In this state, Gwi-tae shouted as if he were looking at me laughing like a madman.

“Are you stupid? Can you do that for me?!”

“Yes, yes. Thank you for helping. I’ll pay for the hospital bills and buy you food. Is there anything you want to eat?”

At my words, Gwi-tae makes her eyes tremble and reacts strangely.

No matter what face she makes, the black night ends and bright sunlight begins to descend from the sky.

The completely destroyed buildings and debris return to their original form, and only the bodies of the victims I could not stop are strewn on the streets.

After seeing the scene, I decided to go to the vegetable store to check on the lady’s safety. But Gwi-tae grabbed my shoulder as if to disturb me. She said.

“ㅡ Ha. Okay. Crazy people don’t understand. Let’s calm down. Under. Give me your arm I will treat you. No matter where I try to go, I die on the way somewhere like that.”

“…… That’s right.”

That was right.

I had already shed a lot of blood, but when part of my shoulder and three fingers were blown off, the blood that had been circulating in my body was escaping from my body, saying that I couldn’t live like this anymore.

If I went on like this, I could have died of excessive blood loss while going to see my real aunt.

I nodded obediently. Gwi-tae put his hand on my body, and in an instant, my body returned to its normal state, colorless with the shed blood.

…… But isn’t the reason for him to heal the wounds on my body is to inject evil spirits into my body?

From noble mtl dot com

As Gwi-tae fed her evil spirit sphere, she remembered what she had said, but she wondered how this was better.

While she was thinking about that, her own realm completely collapsed and the scenery beyond the realm came into view.

From the police to the exorcism agency, I saw the appearance of people in suits running around busily and being wary of this place.

And the main character party and the river I sent for sale…… I could see Wooshin, the nuclear bomb, looking at this place with anxious eyes.

Did they even come this far? It’s quite a distance to the academy, but you’re having a hard time.

How far have you been friends with Wooshin? When will it rain Where will the original game story go if Gwi-tae officially appears here?

To think of such a variety of thoughts.

I felt strange in Wooshin’s gaze looking at me suddenly. What should be called instinct began to shout that something was dangerous.

[ Do you want to use the right to use the blue dragon sword limited to the quest? Y/N]

I immediately kicked the accept button and the scabbard, which had not been separated no matter how much I swung it until now, began to separate like magic.

“Very, from the captain- get away from him!!”

Watching Wooshin make a strange noise and rush at me, I swung the blue dragon sword just as my instincts told me.

At the same time, the blue dragon sword collided with the flame shot from Wooshin’s mouth, who ran like a beast on all fours.

My body, covered in the shock wave, flew backwards. I rolled like an unstringed kite and only stopped after destroying a few buildings.

I won against Red Mask, and this result. Dizzy head. An injury that reappears before the wound heals. A sudden attack by a divine-class evil spirit.

This was my impression of this dizzy situation.

I sent the dog that followed Sipal for sale, but how would it feel to meet someone again and suddenly get bitten?

No, in this case, it’s not a puppy, but a Sifal’s nuclear bomb.

< Quest Success! >

< Congratulations. You have eliminated the red mask, a virtual evil spirit that has evolved to a ghost level. As a reward, you will be given a skiII choice that allows you to select skiIIs worth less than 500 million won. >

< I survived because the settlement process of the quest system was completed late. Are you happy? >

“This f*cking- bastard…….”

A window appeared before my eyes. Looking at the quest window that seemed to be laughing at my tail rather than celebrating success, I passed out with curse words.

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

게임 속 히로인을 죽여버렸다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I killed one of the main heroines in the game. Maybe today, maybe yesterday. Perhaps this bastard thought he could be forgiven for acting crazy if he was half decent.


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not work with dark mode