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I Killed the Heroine in the Game Chapter 35

06 : I encountered something I didn’t want today.

Wooshin’s sudden change and the danger that came to mind at the same time. A trigger that may lead to a bed ending.

Obviously, that to me was worth less than the cat hair on my clothes.

My job was to write and submit a report on its condition. There is nothing that can really be done other than this.

Like the web novels I’ve seen, I’m taking the main character’s place and doing something?

If you were thinking of doing something like that, you’d have heard the damn quest spear bastard a long time ago.

From loneliness to life-threatening situations approaching, there are many depressive thoughts.

Is the lady okay? Is her brother bastard okay? Even if she goes back, her legs are also assholes, so she’s such a f*cking life.

If this damn demon continues to follow you, won’t you collapse from dehydration like you did when you were a kid?

I have a lot of thoughts, but the conclusion is, as usual, Sipal! My thoughts came to a conclusion with “Let’s live as we go after shouting once.”

Then the more you do, the more we can become friends over the bomb the main character walks! Although I sincerely respect you for saying such things.

Respect was originally a word far from understanding, the younger brother said. I gave up on the idea.

I believe that our main character will take care of all of this later. I wrote the final report with the keyboard on my cell phone.

“It’s done.”

The current time is 3:10 am. I don’t know who is reading this report, but the exorcist must be awake at this time. I thought so and rubbed my sore thumb.

Different personality from the blue dragon mentioned. And the references made by that other personality.

And I don’t know how the dog poop grandma will react when she sees the report with the comment that it shouldn’t come true.

If you’re an expert, you’ll figure it out. If you don’t, it’s all messed up.

“Let’s see…”

I took a deep breath and looked around. The intersection, which is usually crowded with people, had a strangely depressing atmosphere at this time.

An ominous crossroad where the heat that has plagued me for the past few days puts a chill on my skin that makes my skin tingle, and I can feel gazes from an invisible place.

Originally, it would have been an ordinary road, but now something is appearing here and attacking people.

The most likely cause of the occurrence of evil spirits in the vicinity after only 5 days since I entered this house is probably the two emergency evacuation due to my report that a god of rain appeared.

Because the people living in this area didn’t know anything, they developed a fear of an unknown and powerful evil spirit.

A powerful evil spirit called Wooshin kept hovering around me, so I was attracted to that power and the evil spirit was naturally created?

The person from the academy who informed me of this situation asked me to exorcise the evil spirit while saying that.

As you say, this is also your fault, people are in crisis because of you. I laughed because it seemed like he was trying to slap money while laying the groundwork for such a word.

They say it’s supposed to be the lowest level evil spirit that can barely kiII people, and they’re trying to give you less than 500,000 won.

Instead of answering him, I sent the recorded call to Grandma Gadddong.

All we talked about was over the phone. From the way she spoke, I could see that she was trying to save the money that the academy originally intended to give me, whether it was a dog sh*t or a grandmother.

Is this bullsh*t caused by the baseless stupid idea that if you just look at me as a kid and scare me, I’ll shut up?

If you belong to the academy, you’ll make a lot of money, but I don’t understand why you’re doing sh*t if you get caught.

Originally, I didn’t understand the idiot’s idiot behavior, but asked him to raise his middle finger. I ended the report, dutifully hoping that he would be f*cked.

But even so, I came out to exorcise the evil spirits of the crossroads in this town.

First of all, it is correct that the academy formally requests it, so the first thing is that I can get the money, putting aside the bastard who tried to shoehorn it.

The second reason is that I missed the cold that is usually felt in places where there are evil spirits. Actually, the second reason is the biggest.

I feel like I’m going to die from the heat because nuclear bombs that emit heat have been following me for several days already.

It’s still hot and humid weather, but I feel like I’m really going crazy and jumping up and down with that kind of heat chasing after me.

What kind of nightmare is this bomb that flies chasing after people, emitting heat that could endanger people’s lives even if it doesn’t explode?

“Huh. I will live here anyway.”

Though that damned evil spirit is chasing you, a cool sensation covers your skin as you come to the intersection where the evil spirit appears.

For a while, I decided to enjoy this chill before expelling evil spirits.

From noble mtl dot com

In the exorcist textbook I received this time, it was written that the chill I feel right now is actually an instinctive reaction to the exorcist’s spiritual power that is evil and evil that threatens his life.

I don’t know anything about that. Right now, I just want to enjoy the coolness I felt after a long time.

…… In that sense, I didn’t want that damn evil spirit to follow me.

“When you go to bed at night, don’t sleep on the street because it’s hot. People are also at risk, but the temperature difference between day and night is especially dangerous. Even dew drops the body temperature. So, even in the summer, sleep in a place with a roof as much as possible. Cold is dangerous. To give an exact example, in an underpass or under a bridge. …… Rather, do evil spirits sleep?”

“Ugh…… Yes… …. Leader… ….”

Now they say they’re captains. Damn, where did you learn that word from?

I felt a slight pain in my back bone as I watched the muttering evil spirit in my sleep.

In the textbook mentioned above, it is said that exorcists are the busiest time period between 1:00 am and 4:00 am because it is the time when evil spirits are most powerful and active.

But at that most active hour, this demon fell asleep. No, can evil spirits sleep in the first place?

I looked through all the textbooks, but there was no mention of evil spirits sleeping or colic.

Just because an A-class demon has a body does not mean that it has a body like a normal creature.

Didn’t the red mask run away alive with half of its body split? In the first place, the body of an evil spirit is an object that cannot be sacrificed with human common sense.

It must be that the evil spirit Wooshin is so unique.

After organizing my thoughts, I sat down and enjoyed the chill.

On one side of my head, I chewed on the information of the evil spirit that was currently appearing at this intersection.

It is said that the evil spirits that appear here talk to people who cross the intersection and attack those who react.

If you look in textbooks, the intersection is a shamanistic meaning that means people’s choice and confusion. It is said that the meaning is easy to engrave…….

As it is, it is said that the evil spirit of the category of ‘crossroads devil’ often appears.

Originally, the crossroads devil is an evil spirit that reached the A rank in the past, and it is a kind of evil spirit that grants you what you want at the crossroads at the cost of your life.

It is written in the textbook that the name of the evil spirit that was originally in the West came to Korea due to globalization[?] And occurred differently from the original.

“…… Sipal: So you’re saying there could be a demon like this at every intersection in town?”

What a crazy world. I’ve thought about it many times, but it seems like a really scary world.

I hung my tongue as I looked at the textbook I took out of my bankbook. Wooshin, who was still nodding and dancing with Souma, ignored him and looked ahead.

It’s good to be cool, but it’s a bit drowsy. Now that the sweat has cooled down and you feel moderately refreshed, it would be better to clean up the evil spirits and go back.

I thought so and took a step forward. As I reached the middle of the crossroads, the chill gradually got stronger and white steam came out of my mouth.

The streetlights standing on the side of the road suddenly begin to flicker, and the eyes that seem to be looking at me from all directions start piercing my skin.

“[ Stir- ki. Hey hey- someone- help me……. ]”

Wow. It’s an eerie voice that you can be sure is from a hundred evil spirits.

Once you answer that, they’ll attack you. A normal person would feel bad and just run away.

Perhaps that bad mood is the reason why there were no deaths even after the evil spirit called the devil at the intersection now occurred?

It is said that the A-class evil spirit originally located in the United States, the Devil of the Crossroads, even coaxed the exorcist to death with words.

Looks like that demon needs to talk to you before it can kiII people. It feels like the conversation itself doesn’t happen because the class is low…… One?

But isn’t that a virtual demon? Ordinary evil spirits also need those conditions?

Continuing to worry, I checked the textbook again, but I couldn’t get an answer.

ㅡYes, if you can understand everything just by reading a textbook, there will be no need for a doctor in this world.

I tried to take out the Blue Dragon Sword from my bank account at the unpleasant voice behind me.

I can’t pull out the blade, but the durability of this blue dragon sword is reliable enough in that it doesn’t vaporize even when I get close to Wooshin, so it went well.

Honestly, the design is cool. Thinking so, I took out the blue dragon sword from my bank account and tried to hold it in my hand.

Go away!


Static electricity bouncing on your hands at the moment. I was staring at the blue dragon sword lying on the floor in a daze, startled by the feeling as if the sword pushed me with willpower. A new window appeared before my eyes.

[ Arrival of Special Quest ]

< Uh, the will of the blue dragon sword hasn’t acknowledged you yet. >

< The blue dragon sword is a sword with willpower. In order to use it, it is first to be recognized as the owner. If not recognized, the sword will be unusable. >

< Sorry if you were offended earlier. This quest will be of great help to you as well. >

< Players will need strength to achieve their goals. Please think about it. >

[ Reward – Blue Dragon Sword Master Qualification and Quest Connection ]

[ Accept Y / N ]

I glanced at the window and turned it off.

It kept popping up like an advertisement window on a f*cking site, but I didn’t even look at the quest window and tried to touch the blue dragon sword scattered on the floor.

Cleans even when you touch it with your fingertips! Electricity coming up.


Tap the calculator. It’s a grade A casting, so I can’t carry it around like I’m proud of it in the first place.

When I think of the previous loneliness incident, the parts that I couldn’t handle were solved just by having this knife.

It’s a bit wasteful to just throw it away because it can’t be used – the most important thing.

Quest Spear said he couldn’t use it without his help.

Is there any way- I pondered for a while while watching the blue dragon sword, which reacted violently as if even touching it was unacceptable. I came up with an idea, opened the shop window, and bought a moderately long piece of fabric.

It’s surprising that they sell fabric like this, but it wasn’t strange since it’s a store that also sells bombs. Accepting the slight sting, I wrapped the cloth around the sword.

After tying the knot between the knife and the cloth so that the cloth does not unravel. I grabbed the cloth and raised the knife.

Then I grabbed the end of the cloth and turned the knife round and round. Uhm – it feels good Still need an experiment, right?

“[ Do oh oh come oh oh- do- oh-do-oh-do- someone- help me…” …. ]”

“Hey, come out first.”

“[Help me!!!! ]”

As soon as I answered, I saw a huge chunk of meat appearing from the shadow of the intersection and rushing at it.

Due to the centrifugal force of the blue dragon sword tied to the cloth, it was hit by an evil spirit that flew straight into it.

Puck it as it is! It made a noise and exploded like a balloon bursting. Just like solitude did before.

< Ha. sh*t. >

If you add a lump of iron to the centrifugal force and swing it, that alone becomes a weapon. Because it’s iron

I nodded my head in satisfaction and put the blue dragon sword and cloth into my bank account.

I tried to go back home, but. Behind me, Wooshin, who had been following me while still in a drowsy state, had eyes that felt like Iji was different from usual.

Gun, Ga? What the f*ck is that

“…… If you look through history, you’re probably the only person who handles that sword that way. He is a good boy.”

“And you’re probably the first evil spirit that gets stuck in a pipe on the roadside and can’t move.”

If it weren’t for the long horns getting stuck in the rainwater pipes of a nearby building, it would have been very mysterious.

I shook my head and said. Having identified himself as a blue dragon, he opened his mouth as if searching for something to say, as if he had realized his appearance, and then closed his eyes tightly.

It looks like Wooshin was drunk and moving his head, and a horn the size of half his body got caught in the crack of this pipe. What should I really say? It was funny.

The blue dragon hurriedly broke the pipe with force and escaped. The reality of being stuck on the wall with his own horn hasn’t changed.

The blue dragon’s face was as red as it was about to turn red. Trying to say something more Goong on the concrete floor soon! And hit his head.

I decided to pretend I didn’t know everything when I saw the cracks on the floor. Avoided the seat. It was a hot tropical night.

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

게임 속 히로인을 죽여버렸다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I killed one of the main heroines in the game. Maybe today, maybe yesterday. Perhaps this bastard thought he could be forgiven for acting crazy if he was half decent.


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not work with dark mode