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I Killed the Heroine in the Game Chapter 163

163 – 26: Work is about to begin.

The sky is so clear that there is not a single cloud in the sky.

Looking at that sky, the academy’s first-year students – no, students who had just become second-year students were still taking classes in the cold.

At the Exorcist Academy, class days can be filled with the mission of exorcising evil spirits.

It is normal to complete all the essential knowledge as an exorcist in the first year, and spend the remaining time learning combat methods, forming relationships with exorcists, and solving missions.

There are five students currently taking classes. Except for Wooshin, who was newly admitted this winter, most of the second-year students currently belonging to the Unprecedented Academy are gathered here.

Compared to last year’s new students, they are not gathered together this time because of special education for new students.

All of the people here are high-level personnel of Grade B or higher. Normally, he would save time on sleep and go around exorcizing evil spirits that appear throughout the country.

The unprecedented situation of a spirit entering the academy is causing a stir even outside, so people are gathered together in the name of keeping tabs on a former saint named Lee Yu-ri in preparation for hurting the spirit’s mood.

Those currently taking the class know what Sumok, who is in the same grade, is, so in fact, the existence of Wooshin was not unfamiliar to them.

The reason they gathered together was for a different reason.

“Well then, the basic explanation of the characteristics of evil spirits is over. Now, shall we go deeper and learn more about the possessed body?”

Of course, that didn’t mean we didn’t take classes. Although there are only a few people, voices reach those who are sitting huddled together in the unnecessarily large classroom.

Two spirits. Two humans. And a saint who was recently officially excommunicated by the Vatican and is being detained at the Academy.

There are as many as two gods together, and one of the two humans is the likely next leader of the Yin-Yang and Five Elements. The other one also has a unique relationship with a spirit as a friend.

In front of this unusual combination, Nokra, a woman with green hair, spoke calmly as she stood in the podium.

“Possession is usually said to be a word that a child with spiritual power greets in times of abuse or misfortune, but this is both wrong and true~

Strictly speaking, it is born when a person with spiritual power dies after bearing the curse of being a vessel or more, and age has nothing to do with it.

Nevertheless, the reason such a perception arose is because adults have strong human qualities.

Then ask your question here! A student~ Then do you know why we call evil spirits born in this form ‘possessed’?”

“Yes? Ah oh-“

I asked, pointing to A, who was continuing the class with a smile on her face and giving off a blond, healthy vibe. Then she looked embarrassed for a moment, rolled her eyes, and then answered with difficulty what she knew.

“Well, um. After death…… This is because the process of deforming the body and turning into an evil spirit is the same as a person whose body has been taken away by the curse of an evil spirit.”

“Hmm~ That’s good~ As expected, it’s eh. I almost got into big trouble when I didn’t study the characteristics of evil spirits properly in first grade, but I studied properly~? That’s correct.

I would like to add that this is something I learned through research in modern times.

In the past, it was believed that when a person with spiritual power despaired and became an evil spirit, he would call evil spirits from the other world and accept them into his body, thus becoming such a powerful evil spirit.

So, in the past, it was said that one way to exorcise a possessed body was to relieve the grudge of an evil spirit from another world, but this is just an urban legend, like an evil spirit from the end of the century that is said to appear someday.”

“What is the evil spirit of the fin de siècle?”

“Hmm, it is an evil spirit that will destroy the world that appears once in a while in many prophetic books. It is said to be the strongest and worst evil spirit that appears at the time of the destruction of the world.

Exorcists have always been on the lookout for evil spirits during times in history when there were many casualties, but there has never been such a strong evil spirit, not even when Nostradamus prophesied and during World War II.

It was all just a virtual evil spirit that vaguely copied those rumors and fears. Rather, Wooshin. Are you using the pen like calligraphy?”

Even the handwriting is pretty. Amazing. I couldn’t help but admire the fact that he could write with such a masterful pen in such an uncomfortable position and looked at Wooshin, who seemed satisfied with the answer to the question, and then shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, before, there were many people who believed in and worshiped the evil spirits of the end of the century, but since the prophecies of the destruction of the world were all wrong, there are not many people like that anymore.

An incident occurred at Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, but……. It’s all resolved now. “Thanks to the exorcist who is currently having the most trouble~”

“The captain is having a hard time!”

“That’s right~”

“And then the captain said that the teacher said that it is good to be different, but not to follow his lifestyle! “The place you live is not a place where people live, it’s like a den for animals!”

“Wait a minute. That’s what she said…… ?”

Seeing him speak with an innocent face as if he had just said something that suddenly occurred to him, Nokra opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but stopped.

The last time it was cleaned was when Lee Jun was there, and it has been quite a while since then and Nokra hasn’t cleaned it properly.

That’s why I couldn’t think of anything to deny. Because I couldn’t bear to lie. So her eyes wandered in the air, but only for a moment.

An ominous curse that can be felt from afar. At this level, even ordinary people exposed to the curse can see evil spirits.

The problem is that the strong signs of a curse, which can be clearly detected even at the academy, are felt a little distance away in the middle of the city.

“- Then let’s go.”

Those sitting in the classroom nodded at Nokra’s words.

It was expected. The reason the people gathered here spent time taking classes was to prevent a major incident that had a high probability of occurring.

Originally it would have been impossible, but it was possible because of an influential person named Maehwa.

They always moved to help an exorcist fighting to save people at the center of events.

But what they faced were dark clouds and lightning that covered the once blue sky. They were water ghosts that filled the streets with the rain.

With the power of those gathered here, the water ghosts were not even a hindrance, but people were running wild in panic. As if blocking the road.

Unless you reach your destination by killing all the civilians, very little time is needed.

Even if evil spirits and possessed entities gather together and try to kill a man named Lee Joon, the time that the beings blocking the way can gain is minimal. It is impossible for anything to kill him in that short period of time.

But the road was dark, as if that little bit of time was all that was needed. Seeing such a scene, the blue dragon hesitated for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“I’m sorry. I’ll go first. “The captain is alone.”

Swoosh, ignoring the things blocking his way, Wooshin – no, Blue Dragon – jumped high.


Do you know what irritates people the most?

This is different for each person. Until now, the times I got annoyed were when I got involved with a kid who played with people, played with food, or met my uncle.

But now, what should I say in this case? I frowned at the woman who tried to kill me but was caught by a water spirit and killed by breaking her neck.

She was an ordinary woman. Everyday clothes. I didn’t mind, but a middle-aged woman wearing her padding in the cold weather had her neck broken by the hand of an ugly water demon and died in despair.

“Oh, mommy!!”

A child screams behind him. In response, I plunged my sword into the head of the approaching water demon, turned it into a block of ice using the Ice Creation skill, and then kicked it to shatter it.

It was like this. Only one minute since the battle started. The hell created by the emotions of evil spirits and humans mixing together and being forced to run wild gave me a headache.

This is sh*tty enough. Corpse Snake That crazy thing made people even more angry.

When I saw the lump of meat that emerged from the sewer at the same time as it appeared, I naturally thought that it was a monster made up of water demons I had seen in the sea before.

But that thought was shattered the moment I tried to get rid of it.

It’s warm. To attack people, the skin was torn with a piece of iron to crush it, and the bright red blood that touched the skin at the moment of cutting was a different color from the blood of an evil spirit, and there was a beating heart under the lump of meat.

But it also seemed like the body had been forcibly joined together and the internal organs were connected in a strange shape. No, that’s not all.

“Please, help me, please help me…” ….”

Human face. The face of a person crying and suffering was stuck under the skin.

But the most terrifying thing is that there is not one face like that under the skin, and it is still alive.

Yes, he is alive. The words her grandmother had said suddenly passed through her head.

The saying is that the number of missing people has suddenly begun to increase in recent years instead of those drowning. I thought there was something to the increase in missing people, but I had no idea that something like this was being prepared.

“[ Captain! Leader! Isn’t it cool?! It’s a gift for the boss! It is said that people who become sacrifices to the dragon god of the sea are happy! Look at these people! Doesn’t he look really happy?

These were all miserable people! But now it has become such a cool toy! Well, did I do well? ]”

Feeling extreme discomfort at the fact that the smiling and chattering little boy resembled a blue dragon, I swung the sheath of the blue dragon sword tied in cloth with all my might.

The corpse snake on top of the mass of people who were still alive was hit by the sheath of the blue dragon sword and flew backwards, crashing through two or three buildings.

My eyes, strengthened by spiritual power, could see that even with the chin missing, rather than causing pain, it was turning the perfectly white skin reddish. That thing was good too.

Okay, let’s admit it. I might fall behind today. The cause of death is clearly acute stress.

I looked at the being who was holding my head with such force that my teeth were about to break.

A giant with as many as 10 heads hanging from his neck is slashing at me with a huge club the size of half a building.

The strange thing was that even though it was moving such a huge body, no shadow was visible at all. I held a piece of metal in both hands toward that damn thing that was running at me.

As I plunged the knife into the club and ran, the stick cracked, and I continued my running with the same force, chopping and tearing the huge giant from his arms to his body.

I saw something wriggling in the middle of it as if it was trying to split, but before that, I succeeded in shoving a piece of metal into its head.

“[Ugh, ooooo-?!?! ]”

After cutting off its head as it cried out in pain, it threw the 10-headed lump towards the living piece of meat that was trying to devour the people.

Wow! When the piece of meat was hit by the head, which was starting to disappear, a path was created and people escaped through the gap, but the situation did not improve in any way.

“[ As expected! My friend! How could he tear apart the enemy of the Underworld so easily, a giant who could never be killed except at night and who wielded strange powers!

Your majesty can rival that of Hercules, the great hero of demigods! Ah, I guess your existence shouldn’t be expressed that way. hehehe, excuse me. ]”

From Noble mtl dot com

While floating high, I saw a skeletal man sitting on the roof of a building right in front of me and laughing.

When I saw it relaxing alone while it was raining and lightning was falling, I got hot and took out the sheath of the blue dragon sword and threw it away, but it easily dodged it.

Sippal, you guys are really f*cking idiots.

I thought about the sight I saw as I fell to the floor due to gravity.

What is this? Are you trying to kill me with this? Is this how Quest Chang, Lee Ma-mangyang, the Skeleton Man, and the Corpse Snake joined forces to destroy the world and do other sh*t?

People die. Scream. Honestly, it was clear to me that it was a really sh*tty situation because it was difficult to protect people from this kind of mess.

The hell unfolding is so terrible that even my head hurts.

Yes, it is truly terrible. But you’re going to kill me with this?

I know my personality.

This scene makes me angry, it fills me with heat, and I want to tear the bastards who planned this to pieces, but I’m willing to throw my life away to save those people?

Sentiment is appreciation, and I may feel guilty for not being able to save victims if they happen to be victims, but I wouldn’t make that choice.

There are many reasons, but the biggest reason for me is that I simply cannot bear to see the person who planned something like this survive and do well.

If he threatens his younger brother, he will pretend to commit seppuku by sticking a knife in his stomach and then immediately get up and try to kill him.

My uncle did the same thing when he threatened to kill my brother if I didn’t die because he said he had some kind of insurance, so I’m confident he’ll do it again.

I think I’m a bit of a spoiled person who doesn’t want to die, not because I don’t want to die, but because I don’t want to do what the other person wants, but what can I do? That’s me.

They probably don’t know my past, but- I rolled my eyes and quickly looked around.

I took out the weapons I had previously purchased from my bank account and threw them away with spiritual power. When it started to rain, the boiling water ghosts were struck by the thrown weapons and disappeared, creating a gap again.

The gap is filled with civilians who have lost their senses again and run towards me.

The corpse snake is running wild, and the skeleton man is twirling his staff as if he is ready to escape at any time. Is it true that you are trying to kill me?

Are you really, really trying to kill me?

I was complaining earlier, but I couldn’t figure out what they wanted if they weren’t looking for death from acute stress.

I am stressed by the terrible and cruel sight, but the most important culprits are laughing at me from a distance.


< TIP: ■ You have to come to your senses. ■■■- Whatever he wants. >


TIP The window is saying something again, which is even more annoying.

Even if I try to run at the risk of people dying, the civilians lose their senses and run after me. What should I do?

I felt the veins in my neck rising, grabbed a person who was trying to throw a bicycle at me from somewhere, and threw him down an alley where no evil spirits could be seen, and I expressed another hypothesis that had come to my mind.

“What on earth are you thinking? If you are thinking of doing something to me with your skills, please try it. The moment you touch me, I will rip out your hair. “I hope you know that you won’t end up in trouble like last time.”

The unpleasant sensation that suddenly filled my mind when the trees started running wild before is still vivid.

The feeling of thoughts being forced into my head was indeed unpleasant, but I can confidently say that I will not be possessed by anything like that.

But what if their purpose is to stress me out and exhaust my mind and then enchant me with their skills? Even when mentally exhausted, will you be able to shake it off like before?

I took a breath and licked my lips with my tongue. As the taste of rainwater spread in my mouth, I felt my mind becoming slightly clearer.

Yes, if that is your goal, you have to be strong-minded. I decided that since help would come from the academy soon, I should minimize damage and be on the lookout for the skeleton man.

Something. That son of a b*tch’s f*cking face.

“[ hehehe! hehehe! Ah, I see! That’s what you thought! Friend! My friend who has not yet escaped from the shell of the world! The thin barrier that blocks your world is not the sky!

This is a misunderstanding. Don’t misunderstand. The first time you and I met was when we first met at that hotel? ]”

What is that? Sir then what was that then? The thought made my head turn for a moment, but when I saw him grinning with a meaningful expression, I realized that it was just nonsense.

So, you’re making me mad like this?

I lightly bit the flesh on the inside of my cheek, pushed away the people who were running towards me, and cleared away the water demons nearby.

“[ Huh? Don’t you care about the back? ]”

With the skeleton man’s words, something white passes in front of my nose. And it passed right by me, piercing through the civilians I had pushed aside moments ago.

“[ Captain, Captain. Great, great, great!! Why don’t you see me?! Why are you looking at those?! Don’t you want to see me more than all these things?! ]”

The thing that passed by me and pierced the people was none other than the hand of a corpse snake. The eyes of the corpse snake wielding the strangely enlarged weapon were struggling with a frenzy unlike anything I had ever seen before.

“[ Hee hee hee! I missed you so much, Captain! I’m already thinking about the captain. The captain actually wanted to see me too, right?

Me too! So I prepared a gift…… hehehehe, I prepared something like that for you! Dolls whose lives were saved by a miracle in Yeouiju! I want to give this to the captain! ]”

The corpse snake spoke like that with the face and voice of a blue dragon. The mysterious orange jewel embedded in the chest did not lose its shine even in the vicious curse emanating from the corpse snake.

A new creature born because the blue dragon purely cared for humans. Although it may not have been the kind of love we usually think of, the birth of something new can be said to be a miracle in itself.

Blue Dragon The object that proves the child’s goodness was possessed by such a ghost and created such a miserable thing.


< TIP: ■ >


“[ Captain, I know. I know the former captain’s secret! They say secrets are shared with loved ones, right?!

So, there is no longer any need for the original dragon to not even know the captain’s secret! Yes? Is that so? You were waiting for me. I know. Leader! Together! Let’s go together! Into the sea!

If it’s just you, I can become a dragon! If I were to become a dragon, I would do anything for my leader!!

Anyway – The world is really so crazy! You don’t like it! So me! I will kill them all for the captain! ]”

The corpse snake, chattering at its own will, threw down a thunderbolt and jumped up and down as if dancing. With that, lightning strikes people’s heads.

The acrid smell and the smell of blood dissipate. If you’re thinking of showing how angry people can be, that’s a good thing. It gets even more heated when someone talks like he’s some kind of crazy person.

It’s hot because the fever is rising. It’s really hot. It’s hot because it’s cold and humid. But it’s winter, and it’s a record-breaking cold spell, but it’s hot.

It was extremely hot, just like the day when her leg was crushed by a drugged kid driving a car.

Blood rushes to my head and all I can think about is how to kill that thing.

The moment when I started not knowing whether that was my thought or not and why I was doing this in the first place-

“Don’t hurt people with our power!!”

A familiar voice pours down from the sky, something more than the heat I was used to feeling.

In an instant, it wiped the poor piece of meat that was still alive from the ground, and the heavens opened.

The dark clouds in the sky had now disappeared due to the physical heat. I don’t know how I did it, but I can hear the floor sizzling.

As I was transfixed by the strange and mysterious sight, a familiar figure wearing an academy uniform stabbed a fist into the corpse snake’s face.

He didn’t stop there and kicked his side, then his leg, and then fell over, just for one second until he hit the floor.

When I looked at Wooshin, a girl who suddenly appeared in a daze at a series of actions that would have impressed anyone, Wooshin smiled brightly and made a V shape with both hands.

The sky splits in the heat and the rain stops. Wooshin, who was bathing in the shining sunlight, looked at me and said.

“Just as I learned from the captain! “I did well, right?”

– Okay, I have nothing more to teach you. I think it would be good to go down now.

I felt bitter that my child was growing up too quickly, but I was also very proud. I silenced her and held back the tears that almost came out.

Or maybe it’s just because I find it funny that my worries disappear when I see his face in such a heated situation.

I kept my mouth shut without saying anything.

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

게임 속 히로인을 죽여버렸다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I killed one of the main heroines in the game. Maybe today, maybe yesterday. Perhaps this bastard thought he could be forgiven for acting crazy if he was half decent.


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not work with dark mode