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I Killed the Heroine in the Game Chapter 128

128 – 21: I hate people who talk nonsense.

The girl named Gwi-tae snorted at the skit happening in front of her.

A living sacrifice, packaged with the seemingly attractive name of a saint, tries to persuade a murderer who wants to kill people in the name of God by preaching teachings made of hypocrisy and pretense.

It was such a sad sight that I felt like crying when I saw it.

Actually, I felt like I was going to laugh because the girl called Saint was still wearing the white cloth.

The whole thing is a mess and an arbitrary sight.

“Father Kim… …. Why! Why are you doing this! Wasn’t it the priest who told us to love our neighbors and be the first to throw ourselves in front of the helpless to protect them?

It was the priest and the Pope who took care of me and taught me when I was thrown alone in a foreign land, in the Vatican…… Please. Please stop… ….

This is unbecoming of a priest…… This is not our Lord’s will! Please. Please stop this madness.”

Now that Saint Lee Yu-ri has finally thrown away the cloth, she holds her hands together and begs for her to stop, her tears streaming down her face.

Looking at such a girl, the middle-aged, white-haired man in front of me – no, I should call him old – opened his mouth while holding a cross with a face that bore all the hardships of the world.

“Holy woman. There is a great evil hanging over the world, and the world needs sacrifice.

Even though I pass through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; your staff and your staff they comfort me.

Even if our souls end up in hell, we can gladly abandon our bodies for the greater good.

Saint, no. Yuri…… This is a sin that we must bear. “Someone must do this!!”

“This is unacceptable!! The being we must kill is the human enemy, the Cambion! “They are not innocent!!”

Ha. Morons.

Gwitae scoffed at the priest and saint who were shedding tears and talking nonsense among themselves.

Even though they talk about life, doesn’t that mean they also ultimately deny killing someone?

Their hypocrisy is so ridiculous and trivial. Are they not even able to recognize the Cambion they are trying to kill when it is right in front of them?

“- Yes. The enemy we must kill is the Cursed Cambion. But our enemy is not singular. It’s difficult for us to kill it with our own strength. But you have to do it.

It’s Yuri. I have already given up the title of priest. So, so. Sorry. I’m going to hell, and we’ll never meet in heaven…… Apple, hippopotamus… ….”

Not singular? Guitae suddenly had doubts about the priest’s words, which were muttering as if he were sighing.

Then he looked at the strangely shaped bell that the priest took out of his arms and made a sound.

The old casting, which looked worn and old, and seemed to have been made more than 100 years ago, was emanating a sacred spiritual power that can only be felt in churches and castle ruins.

Although it was not at the level of a grade A fetish, it was showing enough power to extinguish low-grade evil spirits.

However, in Guitae’s eyes, the fetish was not simply the type of fetish to drive away evil spirits.

Her eyes are different from humans, and because she has the eyes of an animal, she can see and know many things.

That is a fetish used in necromancy to summon something.

And in this case, what the man is trying to call is-

“I cry to you, Lord; come quickly to me. Listen to my voice when I cry out to you.

Uriel, the great archangel of the North who guards the entrance to Eden, the time of the covenant has come. Destroy all evil.”

“Bride-nim…… ?”

The bell in the bride’s hand rings. Afterwards, the light disappears from the saint’s eyes.

The girl’s body goes limp, as if her doll is tied to her strings, and a halo floats above her head.

The saint is already an evil spirit, not a human being. She wasn’t – she was a being no better than a spirit.

She thought that a saint was only a noble expression of a living sacrifice that uses a divine-level evil spirit by forcing it into the body of a person with a special constitution, but didn’t she?

It wasn’t strange. Names are the most important thing in magic.

It is said that the spirit is forcibly trapped in a human body, weakening its power and authority, but the person who created that spell must have thought of a way to fully utilize that power in advance. And that method is that.

“Hey. I knew it. A safety device was prepared to use it by force. “It’s disgusting.”

Gwitae grinned, showing his fangs.

As Lee Jun expected, Gwitae was also brought to this country because she had a way of handling her existence as a saint at will. When I saw her in person, she was truly a sight to behold.

Her body is deprived of all will, shedding tears miserably and sticking out her tongue, but the initiative of her body has already been taken away by the being within the girl.

No, the ego of the being inside it has already disappeared long ago, so it seems to be nothing more than a huge lump of power. It was a truly disgusting sight.

The priest looked at Gwi-tae next to the saint, wary of disturbing them, but Gwi-tae pretended to vomit and opened her mouth sarcastically.

“I do what I want.”

“…… Sorry. You can’t leave this place either. Through the sacrifices of those in this place, your family and all other innocent people will be saved. “Curse me.”

“hahahaha! Killing people is salvation. “Don’t you think it’s strange?”

From Noble mtl dot com

It was a coincidence that I came here as a group with a saint, but thanks to that coincidence, I felt lucky to see such a ridiculous scene.

Four pairs of wings made of spiritual power rise from behind the saint’s back, and the presence of something other than human begins to appear.

The civilians gathered around saw the suddenly appearing holy being and began to put their hands together and take pictures.

Gwitae wanted to say something to those people without realizing it. If we don’t run away from here, we’ll all die, so is it okay to do that?

“…… Uriel. Unseal the Ark of the Covenant. “This is your land from now on.”

“[ – Approved. According to the contract, the seal on the Ark of the Covenant is lifted. ]”

An inorganic sound, like that of a machine, flows from the saint’s mouth.

The saintess, whose voice gave no trace of her emotions, raised her hand and pointed somewhere with her blank face.

The place the saint pointed to was a place where there was a large pumpkin decoration erected ahead of the Halloween festival.

A place where it was assumed that the castings were hidden. It was right there.

“The location is definitely right.”

I don’t know how the priest from the Vatican knew that her saint was moving and waited.

She thought there might be measures in place to monitor the saint, so she already investigated, but found nothing.

Is it just a coincidence that the bride was waiting here? What I said a moment ago about not being singular may be a hint, but-

“[ First seal lifted. The covenant between you and your people is valid here. God gathers the people together and shows mercy. May the glory and clouds of the Lord appear in this place. ]”

“Amen. Amen!”

The unfolding barrier. And another barrier overlaid on top of it resembled the original area.

“Do the barriers that prevent escape and the space created by activating the ark work differently? “I guess that was the purpose of using non-radiators.”

Twisting his hair with his fingers, Guitae leisurely continued to watch.

An angel that appears in the sky. A huge being protruding from the Ark of the Covenant.

A monster wearing a huge halo and a holy sea cloth. He has two pairs of hands, and one pair of hands is in prayer.

The remaining pair of hands holds a cross and a staff. Its sacredness and power were visible even to the eyes of civilians.

I heard it was a replica of the Ark of the Covenant from the Bible, so I was curious about what it was, and it contained such a scary thing.

At least level A level evil spirit. If the surrounding angels are also a technique connected to that gigantic being – the simple killing power would be at least A-level.

If there had not been a hole in the barrier where that man was, there would have been no choice but to wait in despair until everyone died or the second seal was lifted, regardless of whether there was an exorcist here.

Even if there was no problem with the angels up there, it would have been dangerous if the second seal was released.

The brainwashing done by fetishes containing divine-level evil spirits is clearly not correct, so even Gwitae would be dangerous.

“Looking at it, there are only about 10 minutes left until the second seal is released. Well, there’s plenty of time to get out.”

Gwitae adjusted his sunglasses. These sunglasses are not ordinary sunglasses, but a fetish containing a perception-impairing spell. In this situation, there is no problem with running away alone.

So, Guitae looked blankly at the spears thrown by angels from the sky.

The spears that filled the sky fell like rain, targeting the civilians swarming on this street.

The girl she chose as the main character uses her spiritual power to create a blade that, with difficulty, strikes down all the spears.

Hundreds of giant blades slash, block, and crush thousands of spears.

Only when the pure spiritual energy collided, an explosion occurred, and the building collapsed, the people screamed and realized their crisis.

I laughed. Guitae hid from the commotion, took a step back, and leisurely watched the scene.

Screaming with crying. A cry for help and a desperate voice calling someone’s name.

In the face of the fear of death, the joyful air of the day before the festival disappears and despair rushes in.

If there are so many people trembling with fear, there is a high possibility that class B evil spirits will burst into this neighborhood when the incident is over.

In any case, one Class A might come into his hands. Guitae leisurely sat near the fountain and watched it all.

Angels lifting the spear again. People screaming and then holding their breath at the sight.

With the current abilities of the protagonist she chose, she may be able to save quite a few people, but it is absolutely impossible to save them all. Especially when that huge giant is rampaging right in front of you.

There is no reason to save people. Rather, I will laugh as I watch their deaths.

The death of her person was just something funny and enjoyable to her. Isn’t the death of hateful, cursed beings always enjoyable?

Not once, not even once, was she treated like a human being.

The first time she saw light after birth was when she was 10 years old, and the first thing she killed was what could be called her biological mother.

Her life didn’t change much after she escaped that disgusting underground cave.

If you are begging for food in an alley, they will either laugh at you or throw trash at you.

Knowing that she had the power to control evil spirits, she treated herself like an animal that could understand people’s speech while trying to take advantage of them.

Not even one person. Not a single one of hers, out of the 7 billion humans that exist in the world, out of the 50 million people in this country, not one of her humans who encountered her saw the girl named Guitae as her own.

That’s why she hated humans. I hoped that living people would throw away all things such as spirits and exorcists and die in hell regardless of age or gender.

So they killed people. As she passed by, she went around killing humans who challenged her.

Not caring at all about how many people he killed or the faces of those he killed.

Of course, it was like that.

“… ….”

Gwitae suddenly remembered a man.

Her self, even when she looked into her eyes and saw nothing, even when she saw the power she had, even when she saw her biggest secrets, she saw the presence of a man who treated her as a person.

Only one person. He couldn’t suddenly change his mind just because he had that one person, right?

She said nothing about her had changed. I hate people. I hate it so much. I wish they all died.

This has not changed. Nothing has changed for her. But. Just one thing.

After she revealed her most embarrassing details to the man, Guitae only realized one thing that she had not realized herself until now.

“…… Ninety, seven, people.”

The number of people who were born at the bottom of the world and who the girl directly or indirectly killed by cursing people.

What a surprise, Gwitae remembered. She saw the faces of the people she killed and what they looked like at the moment of death.

How does she remember? Never in her life had she tried to remember anything like that. But she remembers a girl named Guitae.

When she left the sea and the morning sun rose, she strangely thought about what a person is and thought of Guitae.

The feeling of being reminded of a forgotten memory by seeing a trivial scene or object seen in passing.

I did not forget. I didn’t ignore it. She has killed as many as 97 people so far, and she remembers their numbers and faces.

Nothing changed when Guitae recalled the trivial truth that she remembered those faces and the people she had killed with her own hands.

Nothing changes, but… ….

For some reason, their faces come to mind every night. Every day I look at the faces and voices of those I killed with my own hands, soaked in blood.

The girl named Gwi-tae just thought it was too… ….

“Deployment. “Green onion (破)”

She made a seal without realizing it and blew away all the flying angels.

Evil spirits devouring angels. While angels try to exterminate the helpless, evil spirits, the enemies of humans, protect them. If someone saw it, they might laugh at the irony, but Guitae couldn’t laugh.

“Hah? What are you doing now? “What have I done?”

Guitae distorted her face fiercely and trembled with her eyes, trying to find the reason for her actions.

Why am I doing this? Does this make the people she killed come back to life? Will they forgive? Of course not.

Then, on the contrary, does she benefit from doing this? That’s not it either. No matter how much she thought about it, there was no way this action would benefit her.

If she uses her skills so openly in a place with so many people, there is a high possibility that her presence will be discovered at her academy, and if that happens, her life will be immediately threatened.

A person with the skill to deal with evil spirits and use such powerful force is only an ominous sign.

Now that the prophecy that the world will be destroyed has surfaced not only in the plum blossom but also in the Vatican, it is obvious that similar prophecies will be made in other places and that he will be pointed out as the cause of that destruction.

No, before that, now, at this moment. Saint. No – the angel sleeping inside the saint noticed her presence and frowned at her.

Her eyes, shining with her cross, were fixed on her, and her bride, holding her bell, cried out with her face facing her devil.

“Ca-Cambion!! Son of the devil! The extraordinary power to control the devil!! “It was you!!!”

“- Yes, yes. Good bride. Is there a devil here who wanted to kill even innocent people? Congratulation.”

Despite her mocking words, Guitae frowned at her at her own foolish behavior.

Because of her foolish actions, she now had to deal with a giant with A-level power and a saint who wielded the power of a clear spirit.

“[ Check authentication object. – You are a heretic who does not belong to the mold of humanity. Confirmation of priority kill order. Obliteration. ]”


Guitae sighed as he looked at the saintess who was muttering emotionlessly while looking at him.

A combination of divine-level evil spirits and A-class evil spirits. Annoying. I’m so annoyed that I’m going crazy. Why did he have to do something like that and fight like this?

She has nothing to lose in this fight. She has nothing but loss. It was so annoying and infuriating that Guitae decided to kill those disgusting things in front of her.

She truly cursed herself for doing something like this, and Guitae strengthened at least a thousand evil spirits and then shot them out.

A crack appeared behind her, the shadow on the ground lengthened, and an evil spirit shot out from beyond it along with the shadow.

The evil spirits she has collected so far rush in like a tidal wave, swallowing up her angels and entrapping a gigantic giant.

However, even if her miscellaneous evil spirits rush in by the thousands, they cannot even reach her saint and explode, tearing off her giant’s arms and flesh, but they are restored in an instant.

The concept of restoration rather than recovery or repair. Guitae’s eyes watched the giant repairing her wounds at an unreasonably fast pace, and she had a hunch that she couldn’t easily destroy it.

“- Announces the true name of Cherubim, the guardian of the Ark, and announces the true enemy.

It will never be broken within this sanctuary. Cherubim are immortal until the day the covenant is fulfilled, and until the moment the Lord comes down to this earth and everyone is blessed, the Cherubim are invincible.

Of course, this angel’s power is not invincible without a price. Cherubim absorb the life within the sanctuary and restore its existence. This also applies to the main body, the Ark.

Pay close attention, devil. “There is no way to destroy this sanctuary.”

A technique that maintains limited immortality within the barrier.

That giant giant is a contract proving sanctuary, and is for non-believers. In other words, it meant that it was a monster that sucked the life of everyone except those belonging to the Vatican and endlessly restored it.

“hahahaha, you mean to kill people and suck their life force, since they will die anyway? You’re wearing a bridal gown, and you’re so good at saying God’s name? “Hypocrites like you.”

It is impossible to deal with giants. Guitae targeted the priest who was controlling the saint instead of the saint, and took out one of the most powerful cards she had, the red mask and Jangsanbeom, and attacked her.

“[ Me, ah, yes, happy? ]”

“[Yes, yes, eh, eh? ]”

The quantity is useless against saints and giants. If so, place a curse that can kill with one blow.

As Gwitae waved her hand while thinking this, voices began to come from all around her.

The words of cursing heard in the voices of various people, regardless of gender or age, made the priest turn his head regardless of his will.

Her skill can remove the limitations that exist on the evil spirit by using other evil spirits.

The curse that can instantly kill the opponent only if there is an answer, like the Red Mask, and the curse that forcibly robs the opponent of consciousness, like that of Jang Sanbeom, were a good match for each other.

“Ah, uh- you, this voice, mother. Jeon-“

As soon as the priest was cursed by Jangsan Beom, his eyes instantly went blank and he even dropped the bell in his hand and tried to answer.

Guitae wanted to snap her fingers and end her completely, but immediately after, she did as her sixth sense told her and created a multi-layer wall of evil spirits to protect herself.

Gwitae didn’t even think it was a good choice.

Mutilation of consciousness. Recovery.


The moment she opened her eyes again, what Guitae saw was herself pushed out of her original position and stuck, and her saintly figure standing with her wings created by her spiritual power.

A spear of spiritual power fell from where she originally belonged.

“Ha, damn it. “Can’t we fight against the spirits yet?”

Guitae let out words that sounded like a lament and then shook her head.

She was foolish in the first place in choosing the option of fighting an opponent who wielded divine-level power.

The reason she chose the main character, made her plan, and endured it was because she couldn’t defeat such a monster on her own.

But why does she ask herself?

Guitae glared at her, spitting blood dripping from her body and gastric juice and blood bursting from her mouth.

As the saintess waved her hand, a huge spear of spiritual power was held in her hand again.

“[Complete understanding of strength. Technological interpretation. Output control for destruction completed. ]”

The saintess, holding her spear in her hand again, looked at Guitae emotionlessly.

The way she declared that there would be no next time reminded me of a judge.

Guitae thought as she caught her breath. As she blocked the attack just a moment ago, she used more than half of the evil spirits she had collected for defense.

It is impossible to block the next attack. So she should be avoided. Guitae decided that way.

Her precious eyes saw the people gathered behind her, trembling. If she dodges her attacks, those behind her are guaranteed to die.

For a moment, she was astonished to see herself thinking about people dying.

Why did she think like this?

Is this a curse? It might be a curse someone left on her. That’s probably very likely. Unless I was under that curse, there was no explanation.

My legs are heavy. I feel sick. When the saint lightly swings her spear, all the evil spirits that were biting her angel burst out.

You can’t win. Guitae knew that, but he couldn’t avoid it because he was tired, sick, and heavy.

“Zen, Jean.”

This curse that weighs down the body is definitely more annoying than any other curse.

From Noble mtl dot com

The most terrible thing about this curse is that it is a curse that one must bear solely because of one’s own choices.

Her sacred light shines upon her.

The light grew bigger and bigger, and it seemed as if it was about to obliterate this entire street along with Guitae.

The angels lift up the spear, spiritual power begins to gather in the giant’s halo, and the spear in the saint’s hand grows in size.

In the meantime, the priest seemed to have come to his senses and muttered while holding the cross.

“Lord. Deal with the enemies of this world. Please lead the lambs who are leaving this place to your side and save them. “Cleanse me from the sins of that devil-“

They talk as they please, as they please.

Guitae had no intention of denying that she was a sinner and a devil. This is a man who killed nearly 100 people with his own two hands.

But what is that man? He speaks of God, speaks of goodness, and tries to kill people.

Humans are disgusting. I hate it so much. She remembers everything the hypocritical bastards did to her.

So I killed him. She tried killing those she hated until all the black things in her heart burned.

But those black and hot things never went away. Rather, it only increases in size.

Now that I see it, it is a mixture of anger and hatred, and it seems that it was growing by feeding on the one emotion that I thought I had abandoned when I first came out of the basement and tore her mother to death.

“Over there…… “What on earth is a person?”

The sight of Guitae asking her, blood dripping from her mouth and nose, was truly horrifying.

Her distinctive goat pupils and her sinister spiritual powers made this young girl invisible as a human. And such a girl – asks what a person is.

“If you are born as a human, are you a human? Ha, don’t be funny. You say it. They say he’s like a beast, he’s worse than an animal. But those people are also called humans, right?

No, before that, what on earth is worse than a beast? The guy who killed someone? The guy who killed the kids? Over there. So, what are you, wearing a bridal gown and crying out to God?”

“…… Devil’s nonsense! Humans are the children of humans who exist in the human world. “I am not a person, but the power of God, so I can go to hell like this-“

“hahahahaha! Hey! You know that’s really bullsh*t, right?! That’s because you kill people and go to hell?! Really! It’s because I really don’t understand!

Your god will die and be thrown into hell until the end of the world…… Big! They say he’s in hell!

Is that really it?! If you end up in hell, it’s all over?! Killing them all and putting them all in hell is the way to go! “You guys have such an easy life!!”

This is a question a girl asked while looking at the sky when she was young.

The mother put the girl in a basement where there was not a single light, kicking and hitting her whenever she could, and she cursed at herself and said she should not be alive.

The only thing he could eat was cockroaches, or the food waste that his mother threw in on a whim.

When she was young, she thought she was not human, so it was natural that she would not be treated as one.

But if he is a human, and if the murderer named Guitae is really just a human and not a monster…….

Why me? Why are they?

“It really sucks…… Under.”

Gwitae sighed.

If this girl had been smart, or if she had been swayed by simple pleasure, she would not have said this.

Unfortunately, the girl was smart enough to be called a genius, and she could think about worthless things such as justice and morality.

The girl who committed murder of her own family the moment she saw the light of day did not meet any standards of justice and ultimately chose the path of an evil spirit.

Funny enough, at the moment the girl chose to become a monster, a line was drawn within her to determine what a person is.

A girl named Gwi-tae can never be reached, and since she has killed as many as 100 people, it is a line that must not be touched.

Because of that line, the girl couldn’t understand everything in the world even more.

Unlike the girl who ceased to be human from the moment she saw the light, are those who would have been called human from birth be forgiven for being left behind and thrown into a place called hell?

That’s all you get forgiven? What is different about you? What is so different between them and a girl named Gwitae?

Her question was screamed out for the rest of her life, but no one could give her an answer.

Now there will never be anything to gain.

The saint’s spear is about to be thrown away. The giant’s halo is now starting to take on a reddish color and become hot with a haze. In the meantime, the small angels’ spears were already thrown towards Guitae.

In response, Gwitae clenched his teeth to the point of bleeding and summoned a huge snake-shaped evil spirit.

It was simply so annoying what they were doing, so Guitae swallowed the people behind her and threw them as far away as possible.

Immediately after seeing the bride with her eyes focused on him, she tried to seal the seal by raising all her spiritual power with the intention of taking only that hypocrite in front of her.

Pow!!! Quad deuk!!

A bomb explodes targeting the angels. The saintess is hit by something and flies away as if she were being thrown away, and the huge giant’s arm suddenly falls off and her body is torn lengthwise and collapses.

The saint staggered her body, but her giant body was not restored. A giant that doesn’t work properly and starts making ominous creaking sounds like a broken machine.

“What the hell is this…?” … ? Oh, that’s ridiculous! Why the Ark of the Covenant? There is no way a cherub would fall this easily! No way – you -!”

What happened so quickly made the priest look at the place where the giant had fallen with a dazed look on his face.

And he is a man who appears after destroying a collapsing building with a giant. He looked at Lee Jun with trembling eyes.

He held a weapon in both his hands and held a cloth tied to a scabbard in his mouth.

The fierce-looking man, who could only be seen as the culprit of a series of incidents that happened in an instant, took a deep breath as if exhausted, then spat a thousand pieces of paper into his mouth and spoke.

“It’s me. If you’re a human being, you should at least know that it’s embarrassing. Hell is like hell trying to kill people who have no power. “They are the ones who need to be beaten right up to the point where they fall behind.”

Lee Jun speaks firmly to the bride.

The words he spat out in annoyance were not the answer to the worries and agony that Guitae had been experiencing up until now.

For some reason, those firm words made sense to Gwi-tae, so he felt his body losing strength and relaxed.

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

게임 속 히로인을 죽여버렸다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I killed one of the main heroines in the game. Maybe today, maybe yesterday. Perhaps this bastard thought he could be forgiven for acting crazy if he was half decent.


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not work with dark mode