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I Have Come To End This Fight Chapter 52

Episode 52. Special Offer Store (4)

Yuri ran so frantically that he couldn’t see his legs.

If anyone saw it, he looked so urgent that he wondered what had happened this late at night.

However, compared to the busyness of the body, the search speed did not improve.

“Damn it, it’s dirty!”

Harsh curses echoed through the long hallway.

‘How many rooms are there?!’


Yuri checked the door as he ran quickly down the hallway.

One by one.

The process of opening all the doors and checking the location was repeated.

It was grueling repetitive labor, and it was an irritating act that ate up time I didn’t have.

The only good thing was that there was a glowstone embedded in the ceiling of the building, which was a big help in the search.


The door opened and closed, and the search was repeated over and over again.

Gradually, as time passed, Yuri’s face turned yellow.

Then finally.

“… Is it over?”

Yuri reached the end of the hallway on the first floor.

Fortunately, there were stairs going up, so he headed straight to the second floor.

Yuri sighed as he looked at the endless corridor in front of him again.

“How… … .”

It was nice that at each end of the hallway there was a stairway to the upper floor, so I didn’t have to go back.

However, the hardships unfolding in front of her eyes were too great to be happy about that.

‘How many were there?’

The number of doors I roughly counted was dozens.

There were definitely more than that, but after 30, I gave up counting.

‘It was about 30 at the halfway point, so let’s think about 60 at least.’

That meant there were at least 60 compartments on each floor that Yuri had to check.

Floor by floor, floor by floor!

That means that the corridor on the second floor that is now unfolding in front of you will be similar, and that other floors can be like that too.

And all the layers the glass needs to turn on… … .

‘Even if I can’t do it, at least the 10th floor or higher.’

From nob le mt l dot com

Maybe even the 20th floor.

There, Yuri gave up counting time.

‘I can’t check them by opening them one by one.’

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to find the store on time.

So Yuri changed his method.

‘If it’s a store… There must be someone who sells it.’

It’s the person you need to find.

No, to be precise, it was the flow of the mana that a person embraced.

[Those who have reached a certain level will deal with the realm. There is a little variation for each person, but usually when you reach the official 7th level, you will have that area.]

John said that within the Zone, everything can be sensed in detail.

Blowing wind and pouring rain.

A life that approaches without holding your breath.

Furthermore, even the fluidity of mana that exists in the world.

Within the realm, everything goes beyond the limits of the five senses and is imprinted in the brain as a completely new type of sensory information.

As a result, it was said that when a strong official of 7th dan or higher fights, the game is divided depending on how closely they handle the area.

There, John added:

[This realm can only be obtained through a lot of experience and effort… you are a little different If it’s a demon, even if it’s not 100% the same, you’ll be able to imitate something ridiculous. Should I assume that about 40% is the same? hmm… To be honest, I think it’s about 30%… … .]

A demon that controls the flow of mana, the source of all things.

Yohan explained that a glass that has mastered it can enjoy an effect similar to that of a realm.

In fact, as he said, Yuri had a kind of ‘territory of demons’.

It was Yuri’s only sensory area that sensed all flows.

However, the range is barely enough to fill a diameter of 1m centered on glass.

So now, Yuri was thinking of expanding that ‘territory of demons’.

‘Even if you run close to the door, you have to expand the area to at least tens of meters to detect the flow inside.’

Increasing 1m to at least 10m.

Someone would sneer at how that could be possible right away.

‘There is nothing wrong. Let it be unconditional.’

I’ve already spent close to 20 minutes just going around the first floor.

If you don’t succeed in expanding your sensory range, it’s impossible to go around all these layers in time.

‘It can’t be like that!’

How did I get here!

Yuri, who grieved at this, moved mana according to the method of magic.

Then, I began to feel all the currents around me in detail.

The flow of mana and light embracing the glowstone.

Circulation of air flowing in the hallway.

Waves felt inside the door.

However, the scope was not very wide.

only about 1m.

‘I can’t drastically expand this area right now.’

Expansion of the entire realm is impossible unless there is a tremendous realization or significant progress.

then… … .

‘Selection and concentration!’

Yuri was conscious of the domain of demons.

If I could drive all areas of my body into one place.

What if you could only focus on that area?

‘Then it might be possible.’

Yuri began to drive the senses throughout his body into one arm.

And to my surprise, the demonic realm that had been spreading throughout my body began to flock to my left arm.

The area that spanned the rest of the body gradually disappeared, and the area of the left arm became larger and more distinctly expanded.

concentrating an area in one place.

If anyone else had seen it, they would have asked in astonishment how that was possible.

But even Yuri couldn’t answer how that was possible.

He just ‘does it because he can’.

I didn’t even know how that was possible or what the principle was.

So little time passed.

On Yuri’s left arm, the ‘region of demons’ was lumpy.

Its radius is a little over 2m in diameter.

Even though the plan was successful, Yuri’s face was not particularly bright.

‘… Not enough.’

Even though the area of demons that spread all over the body was driven to one side, the limit was clear.

That’s because the total amount of area that can be handled by glass is fixed.

Right now, this total cannot be increased.

So a change was necessary.

Z-Geuk Z-Geuk-.

The mass of the realm that Yuri gathered wriggled.



The thin stems were pulled out.

That was the beginning.


The realm lumps were pulled out non-stop in the form of thin stems.

The stems of the realm that stretch out in all directions like a spider’s web.

It was only 20 meters long.

Even if it is a fake realm that is not real.

Yuri realized how to arbitrarily adjust the area without being taught by anyone.

It was thanks to his natural talent that he succeeded in doing it all at once without even practicing.

Yuri smiled quietly at the area that spread out in all directions.


If this is the case, even if the density is low, the scope of the search is overwhelming.

If something touches the web of the realm, it will be transmitted directly to you.

‘This… A little more research will yield some pretty good results.’

An urgent and difficult situation and an idea to overcome it.

In the process of obtaining it, Yuri grew, and also got a clue to grow further.

On the other hand, the cobwebs of the realm created by the glass penetrated the gaps between the door and the wall, and extended into them.

At the same time, a lot of information was passed to Yuri’s brain.

What shape is the space beyond the door?

roughly what size it is.

what they are, etc.

In an instant, a large amount of information rushed to Yuri.

His eyes shone as he quickly accepted and analyzed this.

‘Objects and people, the flow is obviously different. I am… I just need to find the flow of people.’

If so, that must be a special discount store.

‘let’s go.’

Yuri walked out slowly.

One step, two steps.

At first, it was about walking, but as Yuri got used to processing information, the speed of movement gradually increased.

Gradually, the stride of the glass increases.

After that, the speed increased exponentially, and at some point Yuri was running.


And as the speed of movement increased, the amount of information flocking to Yuri also increased.

It can be called a waterfall of information.

‘It’s not here, it’s not there. Not here either… doesn’t exist! doesn’t exist! no!’

Every time I pass the door quickly.

Yuri’s face gradually turned pale as she sensed, analyzed, and processed countless amounts of information.

Still, Yuri persevered.

Then finally, Yuri reached the end of the corridor on the second floor.

“Hee hee hee hee.”

Sweat formed on his forehead as he breathed heavily.

What made Yuri more difficult than managing demons was the speed at which information was accumulated.

The process of classifying information entering the brain moment by moment and judging whether a person exists or not based on this.

All of that had to be done in an instant to maintain the running speed.

The process was putting a load on Yuri’s brain.

I’ve only circled one floor, and my head is already pounding.

But Yuri laughed.

‘At this rate… possible!’

It was a bit painful, but it only took 2-3 minutes to search the entire floor.

The remaining time is approximately 40 minutes.

Enough time.

‘To the next floor.’

Yuri with a smile headed for the third floor.

* * *

At the end of the hallway on the 10th floor.

Whoop- whoop-.

Yuri let out a rough breath and stumbled.

A state in which something seems out of the ordinary.

Eventually, blood started dripping from his nose.


Seeing the blood dripping on the floor, Yuri covered her nose.

“… Yem, I only buy one thing, but it’s very difficult.”

Wouldn’t you swim for hours to cross a huge lake just to buy one thing?

Isn’t it running all night on a piece of land the size of a manor?

And now, as a reward for overtaxing his brain, he was dripping nosebleeds.

“… Look at the really trivial stuff, Jerry-senpai, don’t leave it alone.”

Although this time, he has achieved some growth in dealing with the domain of demons.

But that’s it.

If the products sold in the special edition are not good compared to the effort he put in, he will visit senior Jerry and have a bloody chat.

Yuri made a firm commitment.


Yuri climbed up to the next floor, holding on to the wall.

At the end of the corridor on the 11th floor.

I somehow managed to get to the 11th floor, but my head was pounding and my stomach was pounding.

I wanted to take a little break, but I couldn’t stop.

It’s already slowed down a lot.

I didn’t know if I was going to sit down if I made up my mind to take a break.

“Whoa… let’s go.”

After taking a long breath, Yuri spread the web area again and moved forward.

A noticeably lower speed than the first.

But Yuri did not give up.

Step by step like that, I reached the middle of the 11th floor before I knew it.

‘Sheesh, this floor is also bad.’

This time, I wondered if there was no special income like the previous 10 floors.

“… … ?!”

Something got caught in a spider’s web.

It was a completely different feeling than before.

Yuri, who stopped right there, intensively inspected the compartment.

‘This… … .’

Not an ordinary object, but a warm warmth and a flow of mana.


‘It’s a person!’

A blush spread across Yuri’s face.


After relieving the bloody nose, he slowly pushed the door open with a trembling face.


The well-maintained door opened without a sound.

The first thing Yuri saw when the door opened wide was the deep darkness.

Yuri was taken aback by this.

‘uh… what?’

The interior reflected by the glowstone in the hallway was like a bar where business had ended.

A chair set upside down on a table as if it were being cleaned.

A bar with a bartender and a display case.

Such was the shape of the room dimly visible in the dim light.

However, there was something else that made Yuri embarrassed.

‘what… Surely there are people Why can’t I see it?’

I could sense that there were people beyond that darkness.

It was certain that the flow of people was caught in the magic flow of the glass.

but can’t see anything?

‘Did I feel wrong?’

The moment Yuri was so confused.

“who is this?”

A voice came from a corner.

At the same time, white teeth are floating in the darkness.

“… … ?!”

The moment Yuri, startled, took a step back.


A small match was lit, and a bright red spark appeared.


The lights came on in the room with the sound of breathing.

And only then did Yuri understand why she couldn’t see anyone.

When he saw the one revealed in the light, he murmured softly.

“… black?”

The person who emerged from the darkness was none other than a middle-aged black woman.

Dark chestnut skin and fluffy dark curls.

Thick lips and narrow eyes.

Even though it was covered with a flat black garment, the body felt plump.

There was a lit cigarette in his mouth.


The woman who gave out a cloud of smoke said.

“Why, are you seeing black people for the first time?”

Yuri, who had seen quite a few black people while wandering the continent, shook her head.

“No, that’s not it.”

“Then why are you surprised?”

“Wouldn’t anyone be surprised if only teeth were floating like ghosts in the dark?”

“That too.”

The black woman’s thin eyebrows curled slightly.

maybe he’s laughing

But that’s for a while.

The narrow eyes opened slightly, and the pupils hidden inside them scanned the glass.

“Hmm, it’s the first time I’ve seen this face… What about the epaulettes?”

“I didn’t get it.”

“Can’t you take it? A joke that doesn’t sound like anything… uh?”

She hurriedly continued as if she had realized something.

“No way, you… 1 year? 50?”

“Well, not yet, but he will soon be in his first year.”

“oh my god!”

To her surprise, a lit cigarette fell from her mouth.

But before reaching the bottom, the woman quickly snatched it up in the air.

Putting it back in her mouth, she looked at the glass as if she had seen a strange creature.

“oh my god… Only a reserve jockey came all the way here? How?”

“It’s good that you came. Who is that lady?”


At Yuri’s bold question, she gasped.

Then I walked over to the well-appointed display case.

Showcase with wine bottles and glasses.

Next to it was a luxurious golden rope hanging down.

The black woman who held it turned to the glass.

“If you’re going to talk about me… … .”

She was so lucky that she pulled the rope.


The showcase in front of me made a strange noise and moved back.

Then, one after another, a new display case appeared with a rumbling sound and took its place.

The woman who raised her hand to the display case said with a smile.

“Should I say the store owner?”

After her self-introduction, Yuri glanced at the newly opened display case.

Dozens of square spaces with transparent glass partitions.

And colorful objects nestled in it.

Seeing this, Yuuri’s face was filled with joy.


I Have Come To End This Fight

I Have Come To End This Fight

이 싸움을 끝내러 왔다
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
[I will give all of me to whoever kills me]. The world has gone mad with the bombshell declaration of the continent’s ruler, the Sword Lord. “I like how simple it is. So you’re telling me that if I kill the strongest guy, the whole world is mine?” A pissed-off genius jumped in.


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not work with dark mode