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I Have Come To End This Fight Chapter 24

Episode 24. three verses (3)

The end of a hot summer.

Now, after the short fall, the long, long winter is coming.

Because of this, the entire continent was busy preparing for the upcoming winter, but there was one place that was busier than any other.

It was the dragon’s cradle, ready to receive a new rider for the coming winter.

A year, there are hundreds of reserve jockeys entering the cradle.

Of course, only a few of them survived and completed the 5 years safely, but once admitted, they are strictly under the management of the cradle.

With hundreds of reserve riders to manage scattered across the continent, it was only natural that the cradle would be busy.

In particular, as the date of arrival of the new riders approached, the Survey Corps, which had to figure out their personal information, became busier.

At such a time, especially in the morning when work is in full swing.

Harry Watson, the commander of the Survey Corps, was sweating after receiving a sudden call from his superiors.

Harry stiffened, immobilized on the dark red carpet.

In front of him was a gray-haired, blue-eyed old man sitting at a wooden desk.

Seeing the old man with a hard expression, Harry swallowed dryly.

‘Wait, what the heck… What’s wrong with a terminal like me?’

Of course, as the general manager of the Survey Corps, he wasn’t the lowest.

But to the old man in front of him, he was just one of many, many subordinates.

That’s why I didn’t understand.

Why did the great captain summon someone like himself?

‘Mi, I’m going crazy. I think I’m going to die of trembling.’

The highest person he could meet was the vice-captain in charge of the Survey Corps.

Gordon, the leader, had only seen it once or twice from a distance during the celebration.

But all of a sudden, he’s alone with the leader!

Harry sensed something was wrong.

‘Bird, let’s remember, what have I done wrong! what did you do wrong… what… what the hell… … ?’

Harry’s uneasy mind fluctuated because he didn’t know why he had been called.

‘Ouch! I don’t know at all!’

By the time he screamed inwardly.

“Hmm, hey.”

Hearing Gordon’s low voice, the person in charge straightened up his already stiff body.

“yes! Captain Harry Watson of the Survey Corps!”

“Yes, Harry.”


“You said you posted this report?”

Saying that, Gordon set down some papers on the desk.

Seeing this, Harry quickly rolled his head and eyeballs.

‘report? Did I upload it?’

Do you have one or two reports that you posted?

However, there was only one report of considerable importance among the recent postings.

‘Investigation of the behavior of the first-class management target!’

An order with a first-class confidentiality label attached to it.

At first, I wondered why such a thing was labeled as a top secret, but I had no choice but to understand it after seeing the investigation!

In order to carry out that order, as many as 10 groups of survey corps moved, and it was he who compiled the information they had brought for half a year and posted a report.

‘ah! It was the captain who ordered that!’

I sneakily checked the paperwork on my desk, and it was clear that it was the report.

“Yes that’s right!”

“Hmm, I called you because I wanted to ask you something. I thought it would be better to ask the person who posted the report.”

“Ha, if you ask Xiamen, I will do my best to answer!”

“Previously… How accurate do you think this report is?”

Gordon’s index finger tapped the report.

All sorts of thoughts ran through Harry’s mind at that moment.

‘what? Are you testing me? Me, a low-end member? The captain himself?’

A tangled mess of thoughts in your head.

No matter how much he pondered, he couldn’t come up with an answer.

“Sixty percent!”

“Sixty… It’s an ambiguous number.”

Gordon stroked his chin and went through the report he had read over and over again.

* * *

mission report

1. Mission Purpose:

– Investigate the past behavior of the target of management.

-Find out whether or not he has a relationship with Johann Leonard.

2. Managed by: Yuri Holland.

*Special items to be managed: 50 reserve riders, 10th black dragon rout.

*Because he is a person related to John Redner, the information subject to management must be classified as top-secret.

3. Mission duration: Until the arrival of the 50 spare aircraft.

4. Person in charge: General manager Harry Watson and 10 survey corps participated.

5. A report on the behavior of Yuri Holland (hereinafter referred to as the ‘subject’) subject to management.

*Please note that this report is written in reverse order from the time the subject took the certification test.

– In the Irons Manor of Crotan Administrative District, the subject responded to the proof test with the recommendation of Absolute Sword.

-The subject’s stay at Irons Manor is estimated to be 192 days.

-Before staying in the Irons Manor, the subject… … .

* * *

The report begins with Yuri’s recent activities and gradually moves into the past.

However, unlike the detailed description of his recent activities, there were many gaps in his past activities.

* * *

-6 years ago, the subject appeared in the Briwell District.

-Seven years ago, about a year ago, his whereabouts could not be identified.

-It was confirmed that the subject had lived in a village belonging to Paul’s estate in the administrative district of St. John 8 years ago.

-The village where the subject lived at the time was destroyed by someone’s attack, and an eyewitness testimony was secured that the subject survived alone.

– The witness was a merchant who delivered goods to the village, and according to his additional statement, the subject lived with a woman named ‘Moara’.

– The relationship between the subject and Moara has not been identified.

-Eight years ago, the records of the residents of the region were owned by the Pauli family, the previous lords of the Paul family, but for unknown reasons, the Pauli family was destroyed and the records were also erased.

-Since the clues to follow the further actions have completely disappeared, the investigation on the subject has been completed.

6. Conclusion:

– As a result of comparative analysis of the subjects and Johann Leonard’s whereabouts, there is a 99% chance that the first place the two met was at Irons Manor.

* * *

It was definitely a great thing to dig up this far in just half a year, a person’s past on a vast continent.

It proves that it is not a lie that the investigation corps’ information power competes for first or second place in the world.

Of course, Gordon didn’t invite Harry to just praise it.

He stared at Harry and opened his mouth.

“You said the accuracy of this report is 60%.”

“That’s right!”

“Then, do you think that what is written here is a probability of that level?”

Gordon pointed his finger at the last paragraph of the report.

* * *

7. Other specifics:

-During the investigation, a singularity was discovered related to a woman named Moara (estimated to be 64 years old at the time of death).

– Suspected traces of one of the top secret classification lists were found in the remains of the house where Moara and the subject lived.

-Thus, I think that additional investigations on the woman named Moara should be conducted, and depending on the situation, it is considered necessary to investigate the relationship between the subject and Moara.

* * *

Only then did Harry fully grasp what Gordon had called him for.

‘It was because of the top secret classification list!’

Even the access rights are divided into high, medium, low, and lowest levels of confidentiality.

The only one who knew exactly what it really was was the leader with higher authority.

The reason he was able to write the top-secret information in this report was thanks to the lowest-level access authority granted to a manager-level person for information classification.

‘hmm… Has any top-secret information ever been raised to the top in the past few years?’

In the early days of holding the position of general manager, when I was living an ambitious life, I had read 10 years worth of information that I could see with my own authority.

Judging from my memory at the time, there was no information classified as top secret for 10 years.

‘So you’re saying it was me who brought you the Top Secret Classification List after 10 years? No, no! As long as the captain summons him personally… It’s been more than 10 years since top secret information hasn’t been uploaded!’

He uploaded it as a report, and this is in other words… … .

‘It’s an opportunity!’

A perfect opportunity to catch the leader’s eye!

Harry answered carefully, having calculated how to make this opportunity his own.

“no. The accuracy of that part is less than 60%!”

“Then how many do you think?”

“About 20%.”

“It’s less.”

“My top secret access is minimal. Because of this, there was too little evidence to make a definitive judgment!”

“Does that mean that increased authority can increase the accuracy of information?”

“Yes that’s right!”

Gordon’s eyes shone sharply at Harry’s bold cry.

Harry swallowed dryly at the eyes that seemed to see right through him.

There was silence in the headroom for a moment.

While the uncomfortable silence continued, Gordon smiled and opened his mouth.

“Gives orders. As of current time, Harry Watson of the Survey Corps is stepping down from all fronts. Instead, focus on investigating Yuri Holland and Moara’s relationship and the Top Classified Classification List! Additionally, for this matter only, Harry Watson’s privileges of access to top-class secrets are elevated to medium-level.”

Harry, finally getting the answer he wanted, clenched his fists tightly.

he exclaimed with joy.

“I will serve your order!”

“I look forward to the next 100% report coming up.”

“We will definitely live up to your expectations!”

“Let me go and see.”


At the celebration, Harry walked out of the captain’s room with a brisk step.


The door closed and Harry clenched his fists again.

‘Intermediate level of access!’

It was the vice-captain level access.

I expected to be given lower-level authority, but the leader handed over authority one level higher than that.

It means that the director has high expectations for this work.

‘It’s a hard-earned opportunity! I will definitely succeed!’

The success of this work will be a solid stepping stone to a higher place.

‘In two or three years, the outline of the information the leader wants will be established to some extent.’

Thinking so, Harry left the front of the headmaster’s office with brisk steps.

But he didn’t know.

What I thought would be over in 2-3 years would take a lot longer than expected.

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Meanwhile, Gordon, who was left alone, muttered lowly, looking at the spot where Harry was standing.

“He’s a good guy.”

He was a very smart, quick-witted guy.

Seeing how he understood the situation with a few words of conversation and used it as an opportunity, I could see how he was able to become a manager at a relatively young age.

There is also quite a bit of ambition there.

“A guy like that does a good job.”

It’s comfortable to use.

Gordon, who kept saying behind his back, rose from his chair.


Gordon slowly steps towards the window.

He stared out the window with his hands behind his back.

‘It’s fun.’

When Yohan tried to pry out the child he was interested in, something unexpected came out of nowhere.

‘The traces found after 36 years must have led to the child Yohan was interested in… … .’

It is still unclear whether the traces found are genuine.

Even if it was real, I couldn’t tell if it had something to do with a child named Yuri.


‘Even so, isn’t the situation going really interesting?’

Gordon’s smiling gaze reached the northern sky.

“It’s a dark cloud.”

A recent report said they were still in Ralph Schnell’s territory.

The moment I thought of them somewhere in the north.

Too much – too much -.

Too deuk-.

Dark clouds and rain began to hit the windows.

* * *

Too deuk-.

Gradually thicker raindrops flowed down the silver blade.

Yuri’s knife was still at Muchi’s neck.

When Muchi didn’t show any movement, Yuri took the knife away with a subtle smile.

“Do you agree that I won? Well, even if you disagree, the results tell you.”

“… … .”

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Muchi still had no answer.

Yuri continued talking without hesitation.

“Didn’t you say you didn’t want to hurt anyone?”

His smile turned a little chilly.

“Now it’s over like you wanted, no one getting hurt? So how are you? No one got hurt… … .”

“… … .”

“… Are you really happy?”


Yuri, who put the knife in, passed by Muchi without listening to the answer.

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Muchi stared blankly at Yuri’s back, which was moving away.

“ah… … .”

He remembered the sparring from a while ago.

It started with Yuri’s surprise attack, but from the middle, he also did his best in a frenzy.

‘But in the first place, if I used what Yuri hyung showed me at the end… Dalian would have ended as soon as it began.’

That flash-like movement that pierced the frenzy.

If he had used it from the beginning, the sparring would have been over.

But Yuri didn’t.

In other words, it started as a surprise attack, but from the middle, it was said that Yuri took care of the situation.

‘Yuri hyung… … .’

in just half a year.

Yuri had become a completely different person.

Yuri is no longer someone she looks down on, but has been reborn as a being with an equal gaze.

‘No, maybe… He might be higher than me.’

It was the first time.

Feeling that someone your age is superior to you.

At that moment, Yuri’s words were repeated in Muchi’s mind.

[So how are you? No one got hurt… Are you really happy?]

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Muchi bit his lip.

‘why… … .’

Even though it was a real sword sparring, it was able to end safely without anyone getting hurt.

just as you wish

It was right that you should definitely be happy with that alone.

But Moochi couldn’t do that.

‘why… Isn’t it so frustrating?’

It was because there was an unknown stuffiness in my chest.

‘Why is this like this?’

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Muchi analyzed her feelings.

It may look a bit clumsy, but Muchi was by no means stupid.

If I had been stupid, I wouldn’t have been able to master horsemanship to this level.

On the contrary, they were much more intelligent than their peers, and their way of thinking was no less than that of any other adult.

It just looked ugly in Yuri’s eyes.

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Muchi studied her feelings for a long time.

‘Ah, now I… … .’

And finally, he was able to objectively define what this stuffy feeling was.

‘… Are you angry?’

What is this anger about?

The answer to that was quickly found.

‘I am… I was angry that I lost to Yuri hyung.’

When Muchi is looking for answers on her own.

Approaching John, Yuri stretched out his right hand.

In response, John also reached out his hand.


The hands of the two met and made a cheerful sound.

“Inspiration, I win!”

“Then, of course we have to win! If you lose to Ralph’s chessmanship after using luck and brain wings, then you’re not a human kid.”

Seeing the two giggling in front of him, Ralph’s face rotted away.

But there was nothing to say.

Because the contents of the sparring were the victory of Yuri who had nothing to blame.

‘This is 1 to 1.’

In the first place, it was a couple of 2 out of 3 wins.

I was a little annoyed when the results of the Dalian, which I thought would win easily, came out like this.

‘Tsk, I’m not going to give you some time… … .’

But what can I do? I was the one who underestimated Yuri and gave her time.

Yuri’s effort and talent, which produced the result of 1 win and 1 loss with Muchi in half a year, were not to be underestimated.

Ralph sighed slightly and asked.

“Then, when are you going to have your last sparring? How long do I have to wait this time?”

“What is that, as if we won because you waited for us?”

“Are you wrong?”

“It’s your fault for not fixing the sparring period in the first place!”

“But is it normal to eat for several months in one match?”

“Heng! What can’t you do? It took me 10 years to fight the Sword Master again! I’ve been doing this for 15 years now.”

“That, is that the same as this?!”

When two masters quarrel at a childish level that is not like a master.

“Is it really necessary?”

Glass broke through.

he said with a laugh.

“Let’s continue right away.”

“… as soon as?”

“You mean right now?”

Ralph and John widened their eyes at the sound of the last sparring immediately.

At this, Yuri laughed and stretched her thumb over her shoulder.

“It seems like you’re impatient over there now, right?”

At those words, Ralph and John’s eyes followed Yuri’s fingers.

At the end of it stood Moochi with blazing hot eyes.

I Have Come To End This Fight

I Have Come To End This Fight

이 싸움을 끝내러 왔다
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
[I will give all of me to whoever kills me]. The world has gone mad with the bombshell declaration of the continent’s ruler, the Sword Lord. “I like how simple it is. So you’re telling me that if I kill the strongest guy, the whole world is mine?” A pissed-off genius jumped in.


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not work with dark mode