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I Have Come To End This Fight Chapter 124

Episode 124. bug catcher (1)

hardened glass.

On the contrary, Yulia always smiled at what she liked so much.

Seeing her smile, Yuri became wary.

‘How did he know?’

He hadn’t told anyone about his relationship with John yet.

I have no intention of speaking in the future.

‘By the way, the person I saw for the first time today knows about my relationship with the inspiration?’

For a moment, Gunther’s face passed through Yuri’s mind.

If he was the guy who took the proof test with me, he would know everything.

‘Did he say that?’

But he shook his head inwardly.

‘I didn’t see him as such a light-mouthed guy.’

Then how do you know?

And Yulia, who read Yuri’s questioning eyes.

With a slight smile, she lifted her tiptoe and whispered softly into Yuri’s ear.

“God’s eyes are always watching the world.”

“… … ?”

It seems that he was trying to give a hint to himself.

But that actually pushed Yuri even further into confusion.

‘god? What bullsh*t is this?’

You mean you received some kind of trust. What do you mean?

When Yuri raises a question mark above his stretched head.

Jerry came closer to the two of them.

“What, did you two know each other?”

At that question, Yuri shook her head.

“No, did you see it for the first time today?”

“Looks pretty close after all that, doesn’t it?”

At Jerry’s words, Yulia smiled brightly.

Yuri said.

“Aren’t the two of you close?”

“Well, as you can see, it’s a motive.”

Jerry shrugged.

Like the yellow epaulettes on his shoulders, there were yellow epaulettes on Yulia’s shoulders as well.

It is said that she is also in the 49th class.

At this, Yuri, who was staring at Yulia with yellow epaulettes, asked insinuatingly.

“if… How old are you?”



“Are you eighteen this year?”



There was no particular age limit for entering the dragon’s cradle.

Therefore, even if you are a senior, you are younger than your junior.

Or, the age of seniors and juniors could be the same.

And Yuri assumed that Yulia was younger than him.

However, when I saw it, I realized that he was two years older than me.

Yuri looked at Yulia in surprise, and Jerry nodded in understanding.

“Even if he looks like this, he’s an adult.”

“… What the hell does that ‘seem like this’ mean?”

As Yulia glared at her narrowly, Jerry, who had become a turtleneck, hurriedly changed the topic.

“Ah, whatever! This is the new customer I brought this time! Guarantor… … .”

Jerry hesitated for a moment with a puzzled face at the point of the guarantor.

“… it’s me.”

Yulia nodded at his words mixed with a light sigh.

“I checked. So, what is the request? Who is the man with the business?”

Yuri was a bit surprised by that.

“Is this the end of the registration process? Don’t you use some kind of registration paperwork?”

“Yeah, don’t. Even if you have a list of members for no reason, wouldn’t it be annoying if it gets lost?”

“Then how do you know who is a member?”

At that question, Yulia tapped her temple.

“It’s okay because I remember.”

Yuri sensed tremendous confidence in her voice.

‘Is this the wise man of the silver ring?’

I’m sure I’ll remember the entire list of members and never forget it.

This was a certainty that only the lineage of the sages could do.

“So who has the business? it’s you?”

“Yes, I am.”

Yuri raised her hand at the question posed once again.

At this, Julia stared blankly at Jerry.

Jerry’s face brightened at the look in his eyes that seemed to tell him to stop leaving only the client.

“Come on, then the person who is no longer needed will be left alone. Take a good look… … .”

Jerry, who took a step back, looked at the glass and asked.

“… Please don’t crash.”

“Ah, I’m not going to buy anything. Anyway, you worked hard, senior Jeri. Goodbye, see you next time!”

Jerry, who frowned at the word to see me again, left the room as if he were running away without answering.

Yulia, who was left alone with Yuri, asked with a smile.

“So what’s the matter? trading information? Or is there something you need? Shall I find it for you?”

“Selling information.”

“What information do you want?”

“I want to know the personal information of a person. however… … .”


“Is it okay if I’m not a jockey?”

“Listen first, who is it?”

“From mid-February to the end of February, he was the person who managed the engine equipment at the Northern Engine Breakthrough Quest. One peculiarity is that they are presumed to be Gauls.”

“The Gauls?”

Yulia opened her eyes wide as if she was slightly surprised.

Yuri looked at her intently.

‘Is it possible?’

Blue Bird is an intelligence organization operated by a single rider within the cradle.

It was unknown how far such an organization’s intelligence would reach, so Yuri quietly waited for Yulia’s answer.

“The Gauls… It’s a Gaul… … .”

After muttering a few times, Yulia nodded.

“Looks like it will.”

Yuri’s eyes widened slightly.


“Yes, the clues you gave me are clear, so I think it will be easy to identify. But it will take some time.”

“It’s not urgent, so you can wait that long.”

To be honest, I came here because it was an intelligence organization, but I was dubious.

An intelligence organization run by a horseman finds out the personal information of the person employed by Cradle?

It was obviously not something that could be done with any skill.

While Yuri is amazed at the information power of the blue bird.

“Then the reward… … .”

Yulia’s hinted rhyme made Yuri’s face stained with tension.

‘Reservative, after all… It must be expensive, right?’

If the price is set according to the difficulty of obtaining information.

It’s not the information you originally had, and it’s information you need to find out anew according to the contents of the request, so it’s probably quite expensive.

‘I don’t know how much my words will work, but I’ll do my best… I’m going to hit it!’

He is not just a mediocre person, he is of the lineage of a sage.

It was unclear how much his negotiating skills would work and how much he could reduce the price.

When Yuri is making her desperate determination.

“that… Ho, ho, maybe… His handwritten signature… Uh, can’t I get it?”

“… yes?”

Yuri, who was extremely nervous, asked in a weak voice at the unexpected story.

To this, Yulia wriggled her fingers and replied hesitantly.

“Oh, is it difficult?”

“… What? A personal signature?”

“huh! He, I really wanted his autograph!”

A reddish blush appeared on Yulia’s pale face, as if her heart fluttered just at the thought of it.

At this, Yuri’s head tilted.



“Who is that?”

“Yeah, of course… … !”

Julia, who was about to shout out boldly, took a sneak peek at the surroundings, then lifted her tiptoe and whispered into Yuri’s ear in case anyone heard.

“… You are the Intemperate Swordsman.”

“who? incision sword? That sub-sword I know of?”

“huh! That sub-sword Johann Redner!”

In the world, you are the ‘Incorrigible Swordsman’.

Oh my God, it’s ‘John Redner’!

Yuri, whose thoughts stopped for a moment, asked in a bewildered tone.

“… why? Why the hell would you do that?”

In response, Yulia wiggled her fingers again and laid her eyes on one side.

“I have known him since I was a child… Heh, I adored and longed for it.”

“… … .”

“That’s why I want to get his handwritten signature as a reward for this request… Will it be difficult?”

“… … .”

Yuri was silent for a while.

Yulia, who misunderstood his heavy silence, took a peek at him and spoke again.

“that… Even a handwritten letter if a handwritten signature is difficult.”

“… … .”

“Do, I’ll ask for a sentence with my name in it! It doesn’t matter how many years it takes, so by all means… Please save me!”

Looking at Julia, who had lowered the reward for this request to ‘John’s handwritten letter with his name’ on his own, Yuri thought.

‘Speak… end.’

It must have been that the commonsense world he knew had come to an end.

Still, you can’t miss this great opportunity.

After Yuri promised to find what Yulia wanted, she completed the request for the blue bird.

A few days have passed since the day Yuri first met the blue bird.

One news came to him.

This was not the news from the blue bird that Yuri had been waiting for.

“Yuri, everyone wants to gather!”

“What kind of nonsense are you talking about all of a sudden? What do you gather?”

“The 2nd integration quest is given!”

It was none other than the summoning order of Yoram.

* * *

Nearly two months had passed since the first integrated quest of the 50th generation in the cradle.

The notice of the 2nd integrated quest has been dropped to all 50 units.

It was simple,

To gather at the place where the first integrated quest was completed by 09:00 on March 10th.

Accordingly, 170 people from the 50th group gathered at the entrance of the animal forest where they had collected hides.

Those who are scattered all over the place and exchange saddam in a small voice.

There was no clutter in them now, but instead a sense of savvy.

Some time passed like that, and it was 9 o’clock on the clock.

The Black Swordsman appeared without fail, led by the man with glasses.


At the command of Angyeongnam, the scattered riders stood in line with Oh.

The man with glasses looked at them and opened his mouth with a satisfied face.

“From now on, I will hand over the contents of the 2nd integration quest.”

The content of the quest recited in a low voice was clearly conveyed to the riders.

“From the current time, the name Animal Crossing will be changed to Forest Combat Field.”

In response, someone with dark hair muttered, ‘The land mass is large, so are you recycling the same area?’, but the man with glasses ignored it.

“The name of this quest is Stealing the Armband. From now on, each of you organizes your squad and conducts battles.”

The explanation of the man with glasses that followed was as follows.

Each squad should consist of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 people, and the jockeys should organize themselves.

A squad is considered annihilated when all members are unable to fight or when the squad leader is stripped of the armband.

The duration of the quest is until there is only one squad left.

The reward was 3 million points per squad and the right to make custom weapons for each squad member.

Since this was the first battle quest between riders, the eyes of the 50th aircraft turned hot.

The man with glasses said to them, who were filled with heat.

“From now on, I will give you 10 minutes to organize your squad. After the formation is over, the squad leaders of each squad come to me and receive armbands according to the number of people.”

And as soon as the words were finished, Yuri stepped forward.

Seeing him come out to get the armband in less than a second, the man with glasses raised his eyebrows.

“You said you already made a squad?”

“of course.”

“How many?”


In response to Yuri’s answer without hesitation, the man with the glasses gave him three white armbands.

An armband with the numbers 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 sewn with black thread.

Yuri, who received this, asked.

“-1 would be the squad leader’s armband, right?”

“Of course.”

After hearing the answer, Yuri so casually put the 1-1 armband on her arm.

Then, isn’t he carrying the other two and throwing them at Arin and Poppy?

“Come on, yours.”

Arin asked as if he was dumbfounded by Yuri’s shamelessness.

“Aren’t you asking for our opinion?”


“Whoops, it can’t be.”

Arin laughed bashfully, as if he hadn’t talked about it, and took 1-2.

Afterwards, as Poppy took the rest of the armbands without a word, Yuri showed them his armband.

“I am the squad leader. Anyone dissatisfied?”

“doesn’t exist.”


Yuri and the others became the first squad in an instant.

A big commotion broke out among the 50 who watched the process.

The 50s exchange glances with each other.

Among them, there were some especially bright eyes.

They started moving quietly but quickly.

10 minutes after that.

The time to organize the squad is over.

A total of 25 squads were finally created.

Before embarking on such a full-scale quest.


Yuri read the strange air current flowing around him.


At first, it was a strange feeling that I thought it was my own illusion.

But that was not an illusion.

The moment he realized this, the corner of Yuri’s mouth twisted.

‘under? Look at these?’

Eyes glancing at herself, Arin, and Poppy.

What does the watchful eyes and the atmosphere around them as if they hit a wall mean… There was no way that quick-witted Yuri could not have known.

‘Would you openly bully us like this?’

Except for Yuri’s squad, all the squad members were exchanging strange glances.

Although it was clear that they were interacting with each other slightly, no squad approached Yuri’s side.

What’s even funnier is… … .

‘Are you saying you don’t even have the heart to hide your thoughts?’

It was that you could clearly read what they were thinking from their hostile gaze.

A quest where only one squad can win.

That’s why they know.

Who is the biggest stumbling block in this edition?

Who are the closest to winning?

It’s a squad with only 3 members, but those 3 are in the top 3 in the end of the month evaluation.

They were even the ones who took more than six steps in the 100 Steps ceremony.

That’s why we would have united.

First of all, I decided to deal with the Yuri squad first and win the championship later.

It was evident in their gaze.

“under? Would you like to start with us?”

The corner of Yuri’s mouth twisted even more.

Probably, when the quest starts, 167 people excluding themselves will start hunting for moles.

‘Us… Are you looking at me as prey?’

And Yuri didn’t like that fact.

Their complacent thought, thinking that they could catch themselves if they joined forces, was so funny.

I was thinking of showing it.

Who is the hunter and who is the prey.


Yuri walking towards the entrance of the forest arena.

Arin and Poppy looked suspicious at his sudden action.


Like that, Yuri stood with her back to the forest battlefield entrance.

“Ahh. Attention everyone.”

Yuri’s voice, small but full of mana, was enough to grab the attention of others.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Yuri.

Despite the hundreds of pairs of eyes pouring down on her, Yuri did not shrink in the slightest.

Rather, he contained a fishy sneer.

“Aren’t you guys?”

A question mark floated above the heads of the 50th generation who heard the question out of the blue.

“Even if 167 bugs come together, they are still just bugs… … .”

Soon after, the moment Yuri realized that the 167 bugs he mentioned meant them, the question mark above their heads turned into an exclamation mark.

“Isn’t it enough to just trample on a bug like that? Say it like this.”

Kung- Zu Geuk Zu Zi-i-!

Even the exclamation mark disappeared as Yuri’s feet gently stepped on the ground as if stepping on an insect.

Koyo came with him.

“so… … .”

Yuri had a deep smile as if enjoying the silence.

But that smile soon disappeared.

Instead, he looked around with cold eyes and said.

“Come on as much as you like. I will trample on every foot that comes.”

Yuri’s declaration of war silenced even the sound of breathing in the surroundings.

Indeed, the hall is enveloped in terrible silence.

And soon, life began to bloom here and there one by one.


In an instant, it took control of the area around the reconciliation with a huge life.

oh oh oh-.

167 people smoked an enormous life force poured into the glass.

Seeing the strong will of his classmates to kill you without fail, Yuri smiled with satisfaction as if he were appreciating the work he had created.

On the other hand, Arin and Poppy closely watched the wide-area provocation performed by their comrades.

“… That crazy guy?!”

“Are you hungry?!”

When I came to my senses, the faces of the two people who had become colleagues who had to be killed like a man to be killed were pale.

I Have Come To End This Fight

I Have Come To End This Fight

이 싸움을 끝내러 왔다
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
[I will give all of me to whoever kills me]. The world has gone mad with the bombshell declaration of the continent’s ruler, the Sword Lord. “I like how simple it is. So you’re telling me that if I kill the strongest guy, the whole world is mine?” A pissed-off genius jumped in.


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not work with dark mode