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I Became the Younger Brother of the Female Protagonist in the Novel Chapter 85

At my conclusion, the female students widened their eyes as if wondering.

“yes? You’re not lowering the price, you’re raising it?”

Certainly, if you consider commoners as customers, lowering the amount will be more efficient. It will also have a better effect on price competitiveness.

But what if the customer is an aristocrat? Most of the nobles who like extravagance want high-quality foods that are expensive.

Even among aristocratic students, there are quite a few who consider consumption to be their value.

The female students listened to my story and nodded as if they understood.

“surely… … There is a point in Kayneth’s story.”

“But isn’t it too much of a burden for students?”

On that part, I had to agree.

“Yes, both of you are correct. In fact, customers who would pay a high price for our cafe, which lacks recognition… … I guess that’s not too many.”

“then… … .”

“Yes, it is realistically difficult to target students from high-ranking families as customers. So I think it’s better to think of the students of the lieutenant’s family as the target. And no matter who the customer is, active promotion is also important.”

“… … Ultimately, that means you have to decide your customer base before you decide the price.”

“ha ha ha… … . Sorry for not being of much help.”

The two female students shook their heads at my awkward smile.

“no. Rather, I feel like I learned a lot.”

“that’s right. Is Kaynes the only person my age who runs a store? More than that, as for the customer base, as Keynes said, we have no choice but to target aristocratic students from lieutenant families. If so, the amount… … .”

“Personally, I think lowering is better.”

We talked about this and that, but from the beginning we were thinking of lowering the amount.

I don’t know if there was a high level of awareness. In the current situation, it would be impossible to target students from high-ranking families and increase the amount.

Then, at my answer, the two female students nodded and left their seats.

Episode 80

80. Festival (2)

“Kaynes, the locker room is empty.”

“all right.”

At the call of a female student, I immediately took my butler’s uniform and went into the changing room to change.

Soon after, I left the locker room and approached the full-length mirror.

“… … It looks like a child imitating a butler.”

There were no other impressions.

As I smiled awkwardly and adjusted my clothes, Ardeal came up behind me before I knew it.

“Are you getting along pretty well?”

He, like me, was wearing a butler’s uniform.

And the moment he came next to me, I had to feel the gaze that made the back of my neck feel hot.

Well, now that I’m used to it… … .

Rather, if Elizabeth enters the school, surely this intense gaze will disappear, right?

I let out a small sigh and smiled.

“You look good too. but… … In the eyes of the seniors, they probably only look like cute kids pretending to be butlers, right?”

A cafe prepared by students between 150 and 160 cm in height. Surely, many seniors will visit.

And how will we look in the eyes of those seniors?

‘Wouldn’t it be bad to just hire students from high-ranking families as customers?’

It was unknown how well the cafe opened by first-year students would do, but it cannot be said that A-1 class is not well-known.

No, rather, it might be quite high in terms of popularity. Because the person who expelled Serene H, the eldest daughter of the world’s Speywon family, was in class A-1.

Even the assassination case and the disappearance of Sophia’s sister made my name famous enough to be known by most of the students.

‘Well, acting at the party the other day also played a role.’

While Delt’s image fell to the bottom, my image began to soar.

So, even if I advertise a little in my name, countless students will gather in this A-1 class, just like people who come to see rare animals.

But what… … You don’t even need to talk about that?

Did you read my thoughts?

Ardeal snuggled right next to me and gave me a small smile.

“Maybe many students will gather to see Kayneth at this festival. Even at the party the other day, it was full of stories about Kayneth. and… … I saw her conversing with many young ladies at the party.”

“I just talked about the things I studied while running the store. And you are my precious network and customers… … .”

“I heard that you are a romanticist?”

He raised an eyebrow and smiled.

I shrugged my shoulders and averted my gaze.

“… … It doesn’t mean that I’m going to marry Lady Elizabeth. But it’s a little uncomfortable to unilaterally end a relationship that we’ve exchanged letters for over two years.”

“Hmm, Keynes-kun is kind as expected. Engagements and breakups between families and families are not so rare. Moreover, the announcement of the breakup between the Spey One family and the Rose family was not a big enough event to draw much attention. Of course, because of Spey One’s name, newspapers at the time reported on it in various ways. Still, it’s fairly rare to see someone you’ve broken off with again.”

Ardeal said while stroking his chin.

I nodded once to his story.

“Well, that would be it.”

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t examples. There are very few stories that actually created such a romance.

From noble mtl dot com

“to be honest… … I never thought that Kayneth would reject the wishes of the Spey One family. No matter how much the Ardennes family is called the 3rd Prince’s aide, if it’s the ability of the Speywon family… … .”

“… … Yes, Arden’s money line could be destroyed.”

“And yet, you made that decision.”

“Well, I was preparing for the worst. and… … Even if the Ardennes Corporation collapses, it doesn’t mean that the Ardennes family will go bankrupt.”

In response to my answer, Ardeal closed his eyes and shook his head.

“You really are a greedy person. Ah, more than that, how the heck did you convince Count Spay-One? I knew that he would never bite a decision once made… … .”

It’s definitely famous for being stubborn.

I let out a small sigh and sat down on the chair next to the mirror.

“Honestly, I didn’t think it would end with one punch. Because you actually mentioned Ardennes.”

“so… … .”

As Ardeal persistently dug in, I had to laugh bitterly.

“Ah, it doesn’t matter if you don’t answer if it’s difficult to answer. However, while making the engagement with the Sephiroth family a thing of the past… … I was just wondering how you persuaded the Count.”

If you say that, is it reasonable to answer?

This time, he had caused trouble to the Sephiroth family as well.

I looked out the window scratching my head.

and… … .

“Circle 5.”


“I set the condition that I would reach the 5th circle by the 3rd year. If not, I promised to hand over the Ardennes Company to the Speyone Company, and unconditionally obey the will of the Speyone family regarding the engagement.”

I think it’s too early to reveal the status of the 5th circle, but… … Well, because it happened anyway.

I plan to officially announce that I have reached the Fifth Circle when I participate in the Harperos War, which will break out next year.

No, it wouldn’t be bad to show off the 5th circle magic on the battlefield.

And if the fact that I am a 5th Circle wizard becomes known to the Spay One family, they will not interfere with my dating and marriage.

It was such a promise.

‘It would be great if you let me join the Death Parade… … It won’t be easy.’

It was difficult in many ways to get to know the enemy from the outside.

Away from the Spey One family, and a family of its own. And I was planning to act as an assistant to my sister by moving the intelligence organization, but I realized that it was faster to contact the second apostle, Grans H Spayone, than to open a base with the research center in order to obtain information about the leader.

That’s why, putting aside Ellen, the successor, if we can gain the trust of Grans with talents that are more overwhelming than Serin and Delt… … .

“… … Do you think it is possible?”

I flinched at the sudden voice of Ardeal.

Come to think of it, you were talking to Ardeal, right? It seems that as he deepened his thoughts on the church, he overheard Ardeal’s words.

The only thing I got right was the last sentence.

To his question, ‘Do you think it would be possible to reach the 5th circle by the 3rd year?’ I replied with a shrug.

“Yeah I don’t know. but… … Well, I don’t think it’s 100% impossible. very little but… … I think I’ll see a clue about the 5th circle.”

“… … .”

Ardeal’s eyes widened for an instant.

Yes, it must be a surprising story from Ardeal’s point of view.

He licked his lips, quickly dispelling his surprise.

“really… … .”

“ah… … Of course, I’m not sure yet. It’s just a story that the possibility exists because the size of the mana core has exceeded the range of the 4th circle.”

“ah… … .”

“And if possible, after participating in the war with the Northern Allied Forces next year and experiencing actual combat, I would like to focus on training for a while to gain enlightenment. If you can make achievements on the battlefield and reach the 5th circle… … . Wouldn’t it be possible to talk about romance as well as winning? It really kills one stone.”

Freedom of marriage and dating. Together with him, he was crowned a count.

Of course, that kind of achievement would be necessary for the victory. In particular, for the title of Count, it would require a feat that would make your eyes widen.

Is it because of that?

Ardeal seems to have taken the story of victory as a joke.

“Well, aside from the story of victory… … You really tell an incredible story. Mr. Keynes.”

He sat down on the chair next to me and let out a small laugh.

“Do you think I would have staked the Sangho, which is almost like my property, on an unlikely condition?”

“… … Well, with Keynes-kun’s personality, he would never make a bet where he was sure to lose. and… … Even as a member of the Spey One family, the existence of a 5th Circle wizard will surely be coveted. In that sense, I feel a bit regretful.”

he laughed bitterly.

I tilted my head.

“What are you talking about?”

“This means that the Sephiroth family also wished for a blood relationship with the 5th Circle mage. Even when promoting Erica’s engagement, my father looked at the future of Kayneth the most, not the influence of the Speyone family.”

It means that the level of the 5th circle is great.

If I had revealed all my abilities at the beginning of admission… … The entire continent must have been shaken.

“Anyway, if Keynes-kun really reaches the 5th Circle and is promoted to the Earl… … . It would be like riding on the back of a huge dragon for the Rose family.”

I leaned against the backrest with a small smile at Ardeal’s praise.

“Thank you for the compliment, but I consider it an honor just to have such a comfortable conversation with the heir of the Sephiroth family. Even now, I am uneasy about whether or not I should use honorifics with the next Marquis of Sepilod.”

“Ahahahahaha, I also thought about how to treat you at first when I heard the name of the Spey One family. Of course, honorifics have become a habit, but I am really happy to have become friends with you.”

“I agree.”

Even if blood relations are unreasonable, as long as they are friends, it’s possible.

Me and Ardeal looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Soon, the eyes of several students gathered around the two of us.

and… … .

“What interesting things were you talking about?”

Girls who sneak up on you and talk to you.

The male students who watched the scene shed bloody tears and bit their lips.

“Big… … . Why are those guys playing?”

“… … Were you playing too?”

“Damn it, this bastard’s lookism… … ! Be ashamed of yourself for a ridiculous fall!”

Their resentful remarks flowed into my ears.

Of course, it was difficult to hear the stories from a distance, but I could roughly predict the contents through the shape of the mouth.

If I hadn’t had the ability called the Gold Shop, I would have been glaring at Ardeal fiercely while muttering cursed words like them.

At that thought, I smiled awkwardly.

“The amount part that I asked you earlier was sorted out a little while ago. and… … I really appreciate the support from Ardennes.”

From the various facilities and signboards currently decorated inside the class, to the clothing students are wearing and the refreshments and drinks written on the menu. Arden Chambers promised to supply all the necessary items for free.

But this is a kind of investment, not volunteering. Ardennes Corporation participated in the festival as a sponsor.

By the way, Arden is not the only company that participated in the academy’s festival as a sponsor.

Numerous merchants, including Spay One, also participated as sponsors, supplying facilities and clothing to each class at low cost or free of charge.

The festival of the academy could also be seen as a place to introduce various goods and products to the nobles who would lead the empire in the future.

“Now everyone, please gather! Let me explain your working hours.”

Students who had left the hallway began to enter the classroom.

And out of 32 students, 16 were divided into morning and afternoon shifts.

The morning shift is from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, and the afternoon shift is from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

I decided on the first day in the morning and the second and third days in the afternoon.

Students who have lovers and fiancés on campus. In addition, men and women in love in Class A-1 adjusted their time together.

‘Do I have to commit to next year? If only I had an older sister… … .’

Unfortunately, I had no choice but to match the time with Ardeal and Neris.

A gathering of soloists.

Of course, solos aren’t just us. Some of the students, including Jade, were also timing it for the pleasure of friends, not lovers.

“Then, make sure to remember the working hours, and then… … .”

topic of the ongoing meeting.

The subjects were dealt with one by one through the consent of the majority, not a decision of one person.

And after the meeting was over, the A-1 class students decided to tour other classes in groups of four. To refer to the ideas and completeness of other classes.

“Hmm, but the perfection of Class B and C is certainly not bad. Also, regarding the facility a little while ago, even in our class… … .”

Three female students who somehow became a pair. I went through various classes with them and made notes of what I could learn.

“If the D class is like that… … It sounds like you prepared pretty hard.”

“But the E-Class and F-Class are all handmade. It looks like you worked hard though… … The F-3 class was really the worst. After making rough preparations like that, we are just talking loudly… … .”

“I definitely agree with you on that part. If possible, I don’t even want to come close to me.”

I Became the Younger Brother of the Female Protagonist in the Novel

I Became the Younger Brother of the Female Protagonist in the Novel

소설 속 여주인공의 남동생이 되었다
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
A web novel whose serialization has been discontinued, [Returning Villain, Sophia] I was born as the younger brother of the heroine in the novel. “By the way… why did you reincarnate as an incompetent child with no talent?!” As the incompetent child of my family, I was given a special ability that would make even the word genius obscure.


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not work with dark mode