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I Became the Laughing Bell Character of the Academy Chapter 222

“Okay then, Prina Lumen. A monster with the purpose of epilepsy throws away its own life and smashes its head into Schientia again and again, turning it into a terrifying corpse. What about people who saw such a sight?”

“… … You must be anxious.”

“Yes, don’t worry.”

I’m afraid of what I don’t know.

But what if those unknown things were repeating even more ignorant things with a terrible appearance?

“I will find out why. The reason why the monster keeps heading towards Schientia”

If you are afraid of not knowing, try to know it.

words are so good The problem is that a question that begins with fear is easily swayed by the words of others.

“What if someone’s instigation was added to that questionable situation? The reason for the monster’s invasion is to spread rumors with plausible reasons.”

“whoever… … .”

“Did I tell you? Those monsters are wearing human skins.”

Prina stiffened at my words.

Even after hearing it from me once, she didn’t think the monster was intelligent.

It has to be.

It would have been hard to believe that a being that aroused such primal fear had intelligence.

“Then what about next?”

“next… … What?”

Prina stuttered as if she hadn’t recovered from the shock yet.

“Okay, now I know why.”

You wouldn’t think that the reason was fabricated by someone.

Even if they do question it, people who are trembling with fear and anxiety do not doubt it.

It’s because it’s safe to believe that. And at that point things move on.

“But the opponent is a monster. An unknown monster. If so, ask the person guarding your fence. Please check if the reason is true, ask me to take action.”

It is a common repertoire.

He brushes off soldiers who are receiving green salaries with the taxes he paid.

To put it simply, it means giving notice to the administrators of the empire.

“… … Is that a crack between the Empire and Schientia?”

“Yes, simply.”

Simple but really effective.

Since the people of the empire are anxious, the upper echelons of the empire are also in trouble.

I need to do something, but I can’t touch the [solvent], so I’ll just notice in my nervousness.

‘I notice.’ That alone is enough to change the mood.

And, like it or not, that atmosphere also spreads to the students and staff at <Skientia>.

It doesn’t matter what the Emperor or Tia’s intentions are.

The important thing is what the people of the empire and the students living in <Skientia> think.

Their insecurities and dissatisfaction may come together to create friction.

“Of course, I have one more purpose… … . I don’t have time to explain that right now.”

Yes, there is one more purpose.

What form does the rumor take?

Someone inside <Skientia> that the monsters are targeting.

[KP Soul Understanding]

Eleanor von Chrysos

Information about her will be spread, and soon a witch hunt will begin against her.

This point is not explained to Prina. Even if he explained it, he wouldn’t be able to understand it, and he didn’t want to recount Eleanor’s circumstances.

“So I’m going to have a look at the face of the guy who’s making up the bullshit.”

Like the last time, there will be a terminal for that guy. The monster that will lead this skirmish, who will be the vanguard in the war.

You are now inside the Empire.

* * *

The monster’s goal is the princess of Chrysos. And the ones hiding it are none other than [Solvent] and [Skientia].

A monster wearing a human skin would spread such rumors.

So what do people think when they hear those rumors?

Speculation about <Chrysos> has been around for a long time, if not now.

Wasn’t they using some kind of evil witchcraft?

Isn’t that why the sky is broken and the space is tangled up?

Among such suspicious rumors, new rumors are heard.

‘An unidentified monster is chasing the princess of <Chrysos>.’

Mix truth with demagoguery. And exclude some from the truth.

The usual rumors and the new rumors added to them will unify people’s perceptions.

All these problems are attributed to the princess of <Chrysos> who has been running away.

You won’t even think of her as a victim like them.

Then, what about Eleanor, the target of the witch hunt?

The Eleanor I know is a scarred person.

A person like a glass marble broken and cracked with countless wounds.

However, a person who can shine brilliantly even though such tape is a glass bead attached to it.

But it’s not that you don’t get hurt, it’s someone who can only rise again even if you get hurt.

That’s why this method will leave a huge scar on her.

I’m sure if it’s her, she’ll be able to overcome that wound and get up, but… … .

“I’m not the kind of person who is patient enough to just watch things like that.”

I know you can’t.

It would be foolish to respond to such a one-way measure that we do not know when and from which direction it will start.

But by delaying it.

By working hard to the limit.

If only that could minimize the damage Eleanor would receive.

I will.

It just doesn’t suit my temper to know and only suffer.

I remember Eleanor’s appearance in the game. She blamed herself for the reckless malice poured out by countless people.

The scene that I saw only through a few illustrations across the screen.

I know how terrifying it will be when it unfolds into reality.

“… … Three of these.”

Silence the screaming soul again. Each one is a pure or pure soul.

Monsters with such a commonality rush towards me with their disintegrated bodies to die.

“It is terrible.”

But this is it.

Sometimes there are things in the world that are better off not knowing, but not now.

know and respond

Prina was made to protect the road, and Professor Aira was made to protect <Skientia> itself, the destination of the monster.

And while I was looking for the culprit who caused this situation, I started hunting the monster in a place where people can’t reach.

This condition was the optimal cutting edge.

A character with an SSR level should be able to block the monster’s surprise attack.

In fact, Alexios defeated numerous raids with his bare hands.

While walking around the alley like that, he was dealing with a monster hiding.

“Oh, who are you looking for while running so out of breath?”

“ha… … ha… … long time no see. Is it the first time since Chrysos?”

“It’s an unpleasant encounter.”

Another monster appeared.

Like the other monsters, the body was disintegrating, but the difference was that the monster spoke.

I’ve come across something like that.

Yes, that is the border of <Chrysos>.

It was the same as when the monster that swallowed Delade’s body appeared using another monster as a terminal.

“It’s natural, but doesn’t it appear as a body after all?”

“My body is still in that lonely old castle, so is there anything special?”

“It’s you guys who made it into an old castle.”

“It is unfortunate.”

Still, it was rewarding to hunt down their soldiers diligently.

Didn’t the person who planned this incident appear in front of me like this?

No, judging from that laid-back attitude, it may have been deliberately sacrificing the soldiers to induce me.

“Can we talk for a minute?”

“Can I? I don’t know how he found out, but he seems to have caught on to my plan. Are you wasting your time like this?”

“I’ve done all of that.”

I didn’t lead the two of them for nothing. The two of them are elder-level wizards, even if they look a bit idiotic.

And if it was two elder-level magicians, it would already be enough to call it an army.

“Then do you really have time for this here? Spelling will recover soon, so can I waste time like this?”

“You sound funny. The country is only recovering. Isn’t it the monster that made a nest there recovering?”

It’s a monster… … .

Would a heterogeneous being, more than anyone else, dare to say such a thing?

It’s not even funny.

But now is not the time to be angry at each and every one of those words and actions.

“If it is a place where a monster has built a nest, then you should know that the people around it are also monsters.”

“Even a monster is a monster.”

He knows our strength more clearly than we do.

Compared to the strength he has, he is a guy who faithfully performs the role of an investigator.

“So, what do you want to talk about while wasting your time with me here?”

“You recently tried to devour an agent of the Empire and failed, right?”

Another tile I can pull out.

A means to arouse his sense of crisis.

“Are you quite surprised? There’s someone else who can recognize you guys.”

“… … .”

The advantage possessed by monsters that can devour a person’s form and memory.

when that advantage is reversed.

“As you may have noticed, some of us can see through your mimicry.”

Alexios with his unique sense.

I’m with these two eyes

Eleanor by the power of the key.

There are various methods, but I can be sure that their mimicry is not perfect.

Perhaps even elder mages with great insight could notice it. In fact, Prudence Loa had discovered the monster’s habits.

That’s why I brought those two.

Well, before I could confirm that, the other side showed up.

“It’s not a minority anyway.”

“The minority, but the elite. when the elite moved. Do you think the operatives you put in can hold on?”

“There’s nothing I can’t do. So, wouldn’t it be nice to give it a try? to hunt.”

“Oh yeah? It’s a hunting horse… … ?”

There’s something I’ve always been concerned about.

The guy is relatively faithfully fulfilling his role as an investigator.

Gather information, stealth, and gain an advantage.

If that’s the case, you have to worry about the threat of blowing up your power like this. Even if you know it’s impossible.

The fact that the plan is exposed is a risk.

It’s not enough to figure out the plan like this, so I’m showing a dignified figure, so I might be worried about whether there’s a means hidden… … .

“Why on earth are you acting this way?”

“… … What do you mean?”

“You’re deliberately acting to cause unnecessary damage.”

The guy is changing soldiers like putting firewood into a fire.

Now is not the time to show your courage as a vanguard.

The war has not yet happened and he is at a stage where he is secretly trying to get an advantage.

Of course, it wouldn’t be strange if some of the soldiers were sacrificed in the process.

But if it’s intentional sacrificing, that’s a different story.

“It was like that before. I haven’t even found you yet, but I sent soldiers as if to kill you.”

A monster appeared in the middle of the boulevard.

And the monsters that blocked my way one after another as I walked through the alleys.

“And just like that. Didn’t you act as if you liked my provocation?”

“… … .”

Rather, the method I showed came out as if I should try it.

I don’t understand that judgment.

If it was to escape, I could understand. It’s understandable if it’s to buy time to prepare something.

If there is a way to respond to my means, it would be rather an opportunity.

However, the opponent appeared in front of me as it was, defenseless.

There is no sign of hiding, no sign of fighting, not even a thought to respond.

If that’s the case, it’s just pushing you into a situation where you have no choice but to die.

did you have to do that?

I didn’t get caught, I was just looking for them?

“What is your purpose?”

Yeah, what I had to ask, what I felt reluctant about, was this.

This guy has been like that since the beginning.

While faithfully fulfilling their role, they incurred losses beyond what was necessary.

At the same time, although it is a terminal, it appeared directly in front of me.

While overly cautious, he enjoys gambling to an unusual degree.

The two tendencies cannot coexist.

“I’m asking for something obvious. You guys know that too. We fight for survival.”

“I am asking about ‘your’ purpose, not yours.”

“… … .”

The purpose of ‘existence outside’ is survival.

But that was a common goal, not a personal one.

I care about the purpose of the guy in front of me right now.

Simply put, such an inconsistent way of doing things is very unpleasant.

“flaw… … .”

He wanted to be silent at my words, but then burst into laughter.


Laughter soon turned into laughter.

“It is just an illusion.”

“… … Illusion?”

“Yes, an illusion. But what… … . I’ll have to admit it It is also true that I have a personal purpose, not a military commander.”

The boy twisted his neck grotesquely and let out a short growl.

And with that as a signal, the other monsters that were hiding began to appear in front of me one by one.

I don’t intend to fight.

In the first place, they were prepared with the intention of stimulating the psychological fear and displeasure of their bodies.

I can’t even fight properly with me right now.

“I am right.”


The guy trampled on the monster that approached him with one foot and began to chew on it.

It is the scene of terrible kin predation.

“Only I am right.”


It’s like putting firewood into a fire. The guy slaughtered his own soldiers as if nothing had happened.

“I must be right.”

Enemy! Enemy! Enemy!

No matter how you look at it, it couldn’t have been more than that.

It is truly an emotional look.

“What does this look like to you?”

“… … monster.”

“Then what is this for me? soldier? Are you a soldier? no!”


The guy screamed as if he was screaming with the blood of his own people already smeared on his lips.

“These are the words of those who made the wrong choice!”

The hideous distorted appearance of the monster.

No, even worse than that.

The boy immediately lunged at me with an evil sound.

advanced magic

[Thunder Calling]

It’s not a problem to subdue a guy who rushes with the thought of dying.

It was more like a moth flying into a fire than an attack.

Seeing that figure, I inadvertently deployed my magic. I inadvertently committed it to that demonic appearance.

Even if I knocked down his terminal here, I wouldn’t be able to kill him.

This isn’t even knocked down.

The conversation table is just destroyed.

“Tsk, did you throw away the terminal… … .”

“flaw… … . This conversation ends here. No, the conversation itself is over. The next time you see it, it will be a battlefield.”

Whatever the reason, it became impossible to extract any information from him. As long as the terminal is disconnected, the conversation itself will not be established.

“I have no regrets. I can’t be the only one who regrets it.”

The guy muttered the same thing over and over again, like a broken radio.

It was only now that I could see where his chosen people’s idea came from.

I understood the way he behaved.

It’s because the guy’s slowly dying eyes are so used to it.

I’ve never seen eyes like that.

“… … If I ever regret it.”

That’s right, he’s the opponent I decided to defeat first.

He had eyes similar to Gerard Oren, a beginner martial arts professor.

Even though I’m not sure, I decide everything just because I want to think so.

I do not go back even though I know it is obviously the wrong way.

There is one reason Gerard Oren, the monster in front of him, refuses to admit failure and tries to overturn the fact.

“Because all the evil I have done for a purpose loses its meaning.”

It is because the road they have walked so far has become too far away to go back.

“Because I’m right, they’re just stupid losers.”

The monster muttered that even as it passed away.

“It has to be… … .”

I Became the Laughing Bell Character of the Academy

I Became the Laughing Bell Character of the Academy

아카데미의 웃음벨 캐릭터가 되었다
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It has become an SSR-grade character in a collectible RPG game. [I picked up a newbie SSR. Is this good?] – for ornamental use -Entertainment Limited Tier 1 – You can have fun while twisting the game A laughing bell character that makes everyone laugh except for the person who was chosen… … .


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not work with dark mode