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I Became the Laughing Bell Character of the Academy Chapter 218

Unfortunately, we couldn’t get any meaningful information from Latia.

She knows the approximate efficacy of the fruit, but it seems she doesn’t know the exact number and how to amplify it.

It is to be expected.

Even when she asked about the branch of the World Tree, she couldn’t give me an answer.

She is only a keeper of the tree, not a reaper of the fruit.

They should be seen as believers who believe in the World Tree and receive its blessings, not farmers.

There is no theologian who tries to scientifically solve the bondi god.

Faith has no form, and there are no concrete figures.

It’s not unreasonable not to know.

“… … It’s okay, there’s still a way.”

I muttered to try to shake off the rising anxiety.

It’s still okay. The road is not completely blocked.

She was one of the people who knew the world tree the best, but wasn’t she the one who could best draw out the efficacy of the fruit?

Yes, there is still a long way to go.

The study of pharmacy and chemistry.

The connection between magic and science.

“alchemy… … .”

End Lord, Professor of Advanced Alchemy.

He might be able to discover the power of the fruit.

* * *

There are usually two types of laboratories.

A place where you can feel the wonder just by looking at the high-tech technology, and a place where you feel somewhere gloomy.

However, Professor End Rod had both the characteristics of the former and the latter.

Even from the outside, it is a high-tech facility with various treatments, but at the same time, it was depressing because there were no people.

“Whoa… … .”

Take a deep breath and relax before entering Endlord’s lab.

His laboratory was in a fairly remote location.

It’s not like he was demoted and the lab was moved or something like that.

Originally, studies related to chemistry are accompanied by risks, so this kind of treatment occurs frequently.

Due to the toxicity of various dangerous reagents and metals, including acids and bases used in experiments, it is necessary to be in a well-ventilated and deserted place as much as possible.

“Professor Endrod. This is Oz Quo Vadis. Would it be all right for a moment?”

I knocked and politely asked, but there was no answer.

It is not that there are no people.

Lately, End Road has been taking classes and eating well, but for some reason, it seems that the rest of the time he is always confined to the lab.

Given the size of the building, isn’t it enough to knock?

It would be nice if there was something like a doorbell, but I don’t know.



I was fumbling around the door, wondering if there was a doorbell I didn’t know about, and the door opened naturally.

“Is it an automatic door? … .”

Modern systems that pop up every once in a while make us laugh.

Should I say that people live the same wherever they go?

Although the methods are different, the development is similar.

“I will go in.”

If the door opened automatically, you can think of it as opening it or not blocking it in the first place.

Either way, if I get into the lab, there won’t be a sound coming out regarding confidentiality.

If there were things that were really confidential, there would have been a separate safeguard.

“Hmm… … .”

The lab was great. Its size is incomparable to that of Professor Aira.

It is only natural that there is a difference in career and social authority.

End Lord is the foremost leader in the field of alchemy.

It’s the treatment that deserves it.

A large laboratory for an individual to have. Walk in a space large enough for a single research team.

There are not just one or two rooms, but the high-tech technology that can be seen through the window.

And in such a great place.

There was no popularity.

No, not at all.

only one. There is a clear hit mark. It’s just that there are no assistants, including graduate students.

Still, it wasn’t dull.

It was because it was filled with strange heat despite such a wide space and no crowds.

“… … .”

Across the corridor, when I reached End Lord’s office at the end, all I saw was him concentrating on writing something.

Could know.

Reorganization of education.

It is a plan that is only half a year old.

But he was grinding himself in as if he were someone who had devoted his whole life to it.

Even though I’ve already experienced major failures.

so even though it’s gone.

Nonetheless, he did not shut himself up in despair, but was working hard to rectify his mistakes and come up with a more reliable solution.

he is an absurd person

If it were others, I wouldn’t have sat down in despair or regretted the same challenge twice.

He did not give up even though his enormous authority was damaged.

It cannot be disturbed.

“Whoa… … .”

2 hours to wait like that.

As soon as Endlord stretched, his concentration was cut off.

“Well? Oz students… … No, should I call you His Highness Oz? What are you doing? I wish I could have talked to you if you had come… … .”

“As an Oz student, it’s okay. I waited for you as if you were concentrating. It wasn’t a long wait, so there’s no need to worry.”

“hahahaha… … . I’m sorry.”

End Lord scratched his head awkwardly.

“Oh, it’s not like this, but I need to get you a cup of coffee. Sit nearby for a while… … . Oh my… … . I’ll have to clean up before that.”

End Road sighed as he looked around filled with papers.

I must have been so focused that I couldn’t even see what my surroundings were like.

“We are here to help.”

“Oh, thank you.”

30 minutes after starting to organize the papers along the end road, starting with the papers that fell on the floor.

After arranging the many papers neatly and stacking them on one desk, it turned out to be a considerable amount.

Could it be a human printer?

It’s amazing.

For a while, I was staring blankly at that magnificent mountain of documents.

End Road returned with mugs in each hand.

“Then shall we talk? Oz student. What do you want from me?”

“… … .”

Well, that would be a natural reaction.

There is no other bond like that between Endlord and me.

It is natural and comfortable to think that he has come to trade.

If this is the case, I can get to the main point right away without any troublesome process.

“First of all, this.”

“This… … .”

Without delay, I took out the fruit of the World Tree and put it on the table.

End Rod carefully lifted the fruit with his hand and inspected it around, then put it back down and rose from his seat.

“for a moment.”

After leaving the room with those words, End Rod brought a monocle with blue light.

It must be a magic tool. Since alchemy is also related to chemistry, it may be an instrument for seeing light or structure.

“Hmm… … .”

As expected, End Lord, wearing monocle glasses, began examining the fruit with a different gaze than before.

“… … It has a tremendous amount of life force. It’s the first fruit I’ve ever seen… … . Is it the fruit of the World Tree?”

“you’re right. You know.”

“That’s because there is no material like this in the field of biotechnology alchemy. To think that I would see things I had only seen in literature in real life… … .”

End Lord nodded with emotion, then put down the fruit with a more polite hand.

I feel ashamed for nothing because it is different from me, who brought it with me properly in my bosom.

“Do you want to know the efficacy of the fruit?”

“I know the approximate effect. However, I do not know the exact potency and total amount of its power.”

“I have great power, but… … . Eating a whole fruit would not result in a lethal dose.”

“Was there a lethal dose?”

uh? really?

So, did I almost kill Baekyang one more time with my own hands?

“That is what it means. Please be assured that there will be no explosions or anything like that due to the enormous life force.”

“okay… … .”

I had never even thought of such a possibility. Come to think of it, yes.

There is nothing good about taking a lot of medicine, but I was too hasty.

“… … I once fed one to a white sheep.”

“Oz students… … . Could it be that you experimented on a human body just because you were a monster?”


Do I look like that person?

I am not one of those racists. The same is true for hate speech against prisoners on a similar issue.

It’s to the point where I’m careful about everything Lucia points out.

“It was an emergency. If it wasn’t for the fruit, I would have died. There was no time to think of anything else.”

“okay… … .”

End Lord let out a sigh of relief and nodded. Still, I’m glad he’s a communicative person.

If it was someone else, mainly Tia, they would have subdued me once.

She is an excuse and a story, and the important thing is to listen after subduing.

“The efficacy of the fruit is extremely simple. Recovery from the soul due to the immense life force. That’s it.”

“Recovery from the soul… … .”

“Ah, I have to explain from there. Because Oz did not complete an alchemy class above the intermediate level.”

“No, I know that much.”

Wouldn’t I, as a wizard, have studied the source of that power?

That much was known regardless of the alchemy class.

“I even gave you a textbook, but… … . I haven’t completed the alchemy class above the intermediate level.”

No, enough to emphasize twice? Seeing his sincerity, I also read the manual.

It’s about 30 pages, but I’ve seen it for sure.

It was far easier to understand than the old alchemy textbooks that had four years of college stuff crammed into one volume.

Of course, I didn’t look further.

I didn’t have time, so I couldn’t help it.

“… … If I can afford it later, I will definitely take it.”

“It would be an honor if you would.”

I’m a king now

To be able to put such pressure on the king, this man is also a great person.

“Then I will briefly explain.”

“… … After all, you are explaining.”

Was this person bored?

As if he had been waiting, End Road dragged a blackboard nearby.

For some reason, the blackboard had the same human anatomy drawn on it.

“The body can contain mana and holy power. Of course, they have morale and yogi, but they are different species, so let’s put that aside.”


“But the purity and amount of mana that each person has is different.”

“Because it depends on hard work and talent.”

It would be safe to say that Oz’s talent is top notch.

How much mana do you have?

The amount of mana he struggled with every time he used [Master of Mana] increased to the point where he didn’t care.

“To put it simply in terms of numbers, it can be said that the general public is 10, I am 300 Oz, and the students are 2000.”

“I guess so. Of course, that will make a difference.”

“I think students in Oz would do well to learn a little bit of humility.”

It’s okay because I’m a person who doesn’t need to be humble.

“Then how can you make such a difference? The body is small. The free space in them is even smaller. Then why the hell?”

“As you said, it must have something to do with the soul.”


He gave a moderately cheesy voice, so he affirmed with an enthusiastic tone.

I guess I was lonely

“So power is built up in the soul. It is about strengthening and nurturing each individual’s soul with their own strength.”

“Then, the size and intensity of the soul must be as different as the size of the power.”

“It cannot be explained by that alone, but it is true that those with strong spirits have strong powers. Although the opposite does not hold.”

If the spirit is strong, there is strong power.

On the other hand, having strong power does not necessarily mean that the soul is strong.

It is only natural that the soul would become weak if the power was obtained by overworking the soul.

“Do you understand? Oz student. The fruit of the World Tree was fine, but a different elixir might not have cured it, but vice versa.”

“… … I will keep that in mind.”

When I asked why he was so passionate, it seemed that he was trying to caution me not to repeat the same mistake.

If what I fed the sheep hadn’t been the fruit of the World Tree, the opposite case described by End Lord could have happened.

“Then come back and talk about the efficacy of the fruit of the World Tree. If there is a decent amount, you can save it just by feeding the fruit.”

“… … What is that number?”

“Do you need figures… … ? Umm, it must be difficult because there is no standard to measure the exact number.”

Well, it’s natural.

The fruit of the World Tree is a treasure.

And the smaller the number of treasures, the less accurate the market value is formed. That number will be the same.

Because this world is not a game.

“Then, is there any way to amplify the efficacy of the fruit?”

“Yes… … ?”

“Amplification. Because this might not be enough.”

End Lord trembled at my question and soon asked me with a look of astonishment.

“This fruit will pay for itself in its current state. It is the supreme elixir. It is the power to make even a dying person healthy.”

“I guess so.”

“But if there is a soul with power so strong that even such power cannot fully heal it… … .”

He lifted the fruit again with trembling hands and muttered in a more melancholic voice:

“I can only think of Tiamat-sama.”

“… … .”

What a person.

If there are beings that cannot be saved even if the fruit of the World Tree is used, there are only a few, including Tia.

If I had to choose someone who had a relationship with me, it would be T-T, so it’s something someone can guess.

However, it is still too fast to reach that conclusion.

I guessed the whole picture with a piece or two of the puzzle.

With only this much conversation, and without much time to agonize, I figured out the full extent of what I was concerned about.

After all, a genius is a genius even if he has fallen.

“Am I wrong?”

“you’re right. A monster that even the head of the academy cannot guarantee victory for will soon come over the broken sky.”

“Yes… … That’s right.”

I decided not to hide it.

It was a problem that anyone with this level of insight would have noticed before long anyway.

It is a crazy insight that can think of the danger of the head of the academy in the question of whether it can amplify the efficacy.

Maybe you can foresee more than me.

“Is this confidential?”

“Yes. I would like you to refrain from speaking out as much as possible.”

“There is no way that I, a mere scholar, could have uttered such a big problem. I am not the kind of person who can handle the storm that followed.”

“But for now, you are the only one responsible for being behind the storm.”

“… … .”

End Road, as if he understood my meaning, began to stare at the fruit again.

As it was, he asked towards the frozen End Lord.

“Can you?”

End Rod is the person who has been working for <Skientia> for a long time after Prudence Loa.

His relationship with Tia must have been that deep. That’s why… … .

“… … You can. I can do it. No, only I can do it!”

You can shout with passion.

“Then may I trust you and ask you to refine this fruit?”

“If you believe in me, surely.”


There was no more fear in End Lord’s eyes.

My arms didn’t even tremble.

He slammed the table vigorously and proudly declared.

“I’ll make an elixir!”

“Then I will believe you.”

The fruit of the World Tree is now out of my hands. When it comes back, it will no longer be in fruit form.

Thanks, it saved me an hour.

With this, I secured a possibility to save Tia.

The rest now is to prepare for the war itself.

“Oh, before that… … .”

I forgot the most important thing.

“How long do you think it will take to refine the fruit into an elixir?”

“Well… … . Research and refinement will take at least three months. Even that was caught as soon as possible, but is it an urgent matter?”

For a moment, a look of nervousness could be seen on Endlord’s face. I could easily guess from that expression.

It is impossible to shorten the time. That’s what chemistry is in the first place.

There is a lot of waiting for the time to react under certain conditions.

“… … No, that’s fine. Then, I would appreciate it if you could complete it within that period as much as possible.”

“Just leave it to me!”

He smiles bitterly at End Road. I couldn’t bear to say it.

That there are less than two months left before the war breaks out.

I Became the Laughing Bell Character of the Academy

I Became the Laughing Bell Character of the Academy

아카데미의 웃음벨 캐릭터가 되었다
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It has become an SSR-grade character in a collectible RPG game. [I picked up a newbie SSR. Is this good?] – for ornamental use -Entertainment Limited Tier 1 – You can have fun while twisting the game A laughing bell character that makes everyone laugh except for the person who was chosen… … .


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not work with dark mode